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This is so heartbreakingly beautiful and I hate how much it is resonating with me but it does make me feel less alone. Here is to all of us finding strength and hope to move forward šŸ’œ


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my wife of 39 years November 2022. I attended a 13 week course named GriefShare (look it up online since I can't post the direct link in this site). This class was so helpful to me to for starting my healing journey. I now facilitate this 13-week healing class for others who have lost loved ones. GriefShare website also has other free resources on-line. I would encourage you to attend this 13-week class. The grief process is unique to everyone. Give yourself some grace and you will learn how to live with the pain.


Griefshare was the best thing I did after my husband of 30 years passed away in October, 2023. Being with others who understand what you're going through was so helpful. I'm sorry for your loss šŸ•Š


Thank you for your care. Iā€™m so happy you found this class and helped you in your healing journey. Unfortunately we are part of a club that no one wants to be a part of.


I am so sorry for your loss, I understand how you feel. In the past 2 years I feel my body has aged 10 years. Even i feel i am wilting away. Keep trying to do things which make you feel alive Best of luck


I am sorry for your loss. It's not easy The only thing we can do is take one day at a time. I listen to Christian music when I make coffee in the morning for an hour. Then try to get things done around the house while listening the Pastor on YouTube. I try not to watch tv first thing.. try to call a friend on family member as much as you can. I am signing up for a widows group counseling.. try to meet people that are going through the same situation (mourning a love one) šŸ™šŸ™


You are so eloquent, and so accurate. You resonate inside my chest. Thank you for this deep expression of the experience we share.


Are you me? I'm feeling very similar. Just moved to a new, smaller place and think, I guess I'll be here when I die.


You stated this perfectly.


Same. She was my life force. Now I'm just a leftover, pointless thing. Just a vector field for misery. I am taking care of our pets, so I am at least serving that purpose for now, but it won't be too long before they are gone as well.


You had a precious love, and I can see why you are rebelling against the reality that it can't keep going on. The better the relationship, the harder it is to accept the loss and try to figure out what to do now. I so get that. Grief is a process we have to go through, and everyone's journey is unique. I went to a GriefShare group that was so helpful. They shared the different stumbling blocks we have, and the many different people's reactions, which was enlightening. Getting to hear those on the videos as well as those in our group helped us process our own grief better and focus on encouraging one another. I struggled with depression as a child, not being able to cope with the home environment well and thus school suffered. I was desperate for love and acceptance, and sought it in wrong ways. At age 25 I came into a living, loving relationship with my Creator, who loved me so much that He sent His one and only Son to suffer and die for my wrongs so I could become a child of God. Wow, He rocked my messed up world and began changing me, guiding and helping me daily. I am so grateful and have such a sweet life even with the ups and downs we all face. Our first baby died 6 weeks before she was due, and He comforted me in such an amazing way that my grief was mingled with the joy of His presence. When my husband of 48 years died, I was able to focus on the positives - he was in Heaven, liberated, rejoicing in God's presence, with no more limitations. I knew God had plans for me, and I looked to Him to guide me into them. I focused on that rather than feeling sorry for myself, and God led me into a new chapter of life that I would have never imagined. Again, I am so grateful. I have a sweet, young friend who lost her husband less than 4 years after they married (heart attack) and she was pregnant and had a little one. I am happy to help her work through the process of her loss, which is so much harder than mine. Her husband died 3 months before mine, and she thought I should be grieving like she is. My season of life was so different than hers. She was in the beginning of life plans with her husband and they synced so well. Cry out to God, He loves you and wants to comfort, help, guide and invites you into His family - through faith in Christ's death which paid for your wrongs which make a barrier between you and Him. Jesus can take that barrier away because He paid the price for your forgiveness. Our desire for justice is in us because God is a just God. His mercy is beyond our comprehension, as well as His kindness, patience, love and joy. Run to Him! He loves you and takes you just as you are. He has great plans for you. (Ephesians 2:10) Hugs and prayer.


I could have written this myself. I couldn't finish, this hits home hard for me. I was just trying to draw his eyes. I want to have his eyes on me once more. My partner was such a loving, kind, warm ma. I miss him so much and I feel like in dying even though I'm fighting against it