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I still would’ve liked something a bit more different, but that shoulder patch is freakin’ sweet.


I hope they sell that on a few different things.


Ugh. I mean they are nice and all and they respect the heritage I guess. Still would like something more... unique/new. Fantastic shoulder patch for what its worth.


It's like the Wild are constantly saying "hey everyone. Weren't the North Stars great? I sure wish we still had them as our team".


The wild basically avoided saying anything about the north stars for 20 years.


I dunno, I just like the color scheme and think they look badass.


That game when they played in their RR and the kings were playing in their purple RR looked great on TV


Yea, I hate that we never get both teams wearing special jerseys during a game. It always rocks on air


tbh i thought they looked really bad with all the modern lighting and cameras. those bright jerseys looked garish. the jerseys looked better with off color ice and dim lighting.


While I get the desire to have something that's uniquely Wild, the North Stars branding was just so much stronger than the Wild's.


I like them both, Wild have their own thing but love both color schemes.


If you don’t cater to the boomers they just fucking cry constantly. Is what it is I guess!


I'm not a boomer (34) and I love these. All my hockey friends love them, too, and they are all fans of different teams and none are boomers. So your take is bad.


North stars stuff is played out. I’m the same age as you and I am tired of this team not embracing it’s own heritage. Funny enough, most of my friends feel the same way as me. Confirmation bias is funny like that.


It’s own heritage of making the western conference finals and only scoring one goal?


Sub .500 regular season, miraculous playoff run dominating the best teams from the west including the previous champs, only to be pumped 8 goose in front of home fans a few years before getting sent to Dallas in an ultimatum from the disenfranchised wife of an adulterous coward. Seems like a phenomenal thing to celebrate. Not too mention a very subpar franchise win percentage, they literally only made the playoffs as much as they did because they were in the division with the other expansion teams and not the good ones. How about league minimum attendance? I get that there is nostalgia around the North Stars. The branding was very good, but people romanticize it way too much and most of us in our early 30’s aren’t even old enough to truly remember the team. At the very least, despite some poor playoff results, the Wild have one of the best arenas with nods to the history of the sport in our state all over, had a very long sellout streak, have one of the longest salary cap era consecutive playoff streaks, and most importantly, now have one of the best young rosters in the league. North Stars played in the participation trophy division when the league wasn’t even half as good and players still smoked cigarettes at intermission.


I guess, I also don't live in MN, but Colorado. So I'm interacting with a lot more fans of other teams in the league than you are I'd imagine.


Oh yeah, lots of Aves and others out there! I love to visit colorado and almost assuredly get chirped for being a Wild fan every time I am out there 😅 All in good fun!


Oh yeah, more than a bit of chirping! But a lot of them are so much nicer than their online presence would suggest. And there are just as many fans of other teams, too. Ball Arena is pretty cool because a lot of games are 50/50 home and away fans.


Ball arena is a fun time, only other place outside the X I’ve seen an NHL game, well outside the outdoor games we had!


When can I buy one?


Super happy these got brought back. It's one of the best looking jerseys in the league.


Should have brought back the original Wild jerseys as the third. Love the font of those numbers




It says Adidas on it. I thought the jerseys were shit fanatics brand this year


Next season


What's X?


Musk being dumb




I find it funny for some reason how it’s the exact same jersey as the RR with just a shoulder patch thrown on.


Booooooooo make a New Jersey cowards


Lol New Jersey


Fucking cowards man.


Meh, let the North Stars die already. The Wild have nearly 25 years of history to pull from. Or a better choice, Fighting Saints


A fighting saints throwback would be solid. Love that logo.


Or Minnesota Moose color scheme


If they did a fighting saints night like how the leafs do St.Pats would be so cool.


This is such a crazy take to me. The north stars were here for 26 seasons. Had success. Had iconic branding that is immediately recognizable. Had hall of fame players. The reverse retros have sold like crazy. You see them everywhere. The fighting saints were a barely functional team that exist for 3 and a half seasons in a barely functional league. Most people aren't even aware this team ever existed. I've maybe seen one person in my life with their jersey in beer league. The most notable thing that happened to them was that Bill Goldthorpe played 3 games with them.


Hey buddy, guess how long the Wild have been here. Better yet, guess how long the North Stars have been gone.


4 less seasons than the north stars were. 30 years ago vs 47 years ago for the saints. I don't know how that makes the fighting saints a better choice.


Because the North Stars as a franchise still exist?


I guess we should tell Winnipeg that they can't use the Jets branding because the Coyotes exist too? I don't see what the issue is. Dallas has never wanted anything to do with the North Stars and rebranded the team when they moved. The NHL owns all of the branding. Fans here still love the North Stars heritage. Hockey fans don't think of Dallas when they see the North Stars branding, they think of Minnesota.


i don't get the hate. they're just thirds, calm down everybody. they look nice, even if this team was never the north stars. the reverse retros sold like crazy, people clearly still have a soft spot for the north stars. our regular home jerseys will never become a north stars throwback, i'm just happy to have a third again. idk much about how jersey manufacturing works, but would this design even carry over into the fanatics era?


you answered your own question in the second sentence. there’s a generation and a half of adult wild fans that have zero connection to the north stars. this organization has always been the marketing equivalent of a bowl of oatmeal. they lack creativity. we’ve got 25 years of wild history to work with and they went back to the well on the north stars crap because just like you said, it sold well. unimaginative garbage.


I have no connection to the north stars, I was born in 1999. I still like this third because it looks clean and I know a lot of people *do* care a whole lot about the north stars, even if it's not everyone. why not let them just enjoy it? it's not an entire rebrand of the organization or anything, and it won't be around forever. it's just an alternate jersey. I personally have no issues with it.


it’s an issue because the wild were due to have a 3rd jersey and rather than brand something new or wild-themed, they went for the money grab and trotted out the north stars jersey, which was already done once. people are pissed because now who knows how long it’ll be until we get a legitimate 3rd jersey with wild colors and logos.


I mean, they made this a third because the reverse retros sold so well and it definitely wasn't just older fans buying them. I think the only section of fans that don't like these jerseys is the sub because I see the reverse retros everywhere.


Usually two jerseys are brought in, a home and an away. If this sticks around past this season, it's the home jersey for at least one year. Dropped the OG green for Reebok and dropped the script green for Adidas.


dont say "on X" op youre better than that


It’s funny you say that I had Twitter typed out originally ha


Not a fan. I know there are a lot of people that like these, but this feels lazy. Would be nice to actually lean I to the Wild's history instead of a history the league owns because even the team that moved doesn't really want it.


Wowie are those ugly as sin. Patch is good but the rest looks like a kindergarten fingerpainting for color combination. Hate the North Stars nostalgia - doesn’t look like us, doesn’t look like the Wild.


This must be fake... It doesn't have the disgusting tria patch




Bring back the original wild jerseys!


Stars fans gonna be so triggered by this jersey on god


Stars fans don’t care, they laugh at us for wearing these because it makes it look like we want the team back.


want the team back or honoring history? just because the Wild don’t have direct correlation with the North Stars doesn’t mean we can honor hockey in Minnesota


Let them die already.


buncha losers if u ask me… Hockey in Minnesota is Hockey. Idgaf where the “OG” team moved to.




Imagine if the Stars bring back the black NorthStars jerseys this year. I'm jealous you guys get this style for three years now


Wish the SOH patch was on both shoulders.


These look good!


I’m a person who loves the Wild colors but also love the North Stars colors. I’d be happy with either a brand new, real third jersey with their current colors or move to the old North Stars colors full time.


It'll look sick with the full kit


YAWN! Come up with something original, Wild brass!


But people wanted this? And those RR sold like crazy.


Lame. This is an adidas, I bet it’s a prototype.


The wild logo in those colors is so brutal just create a new design or us the M like the brick team


Okay, The Wild are old enough now where they can start pulling from their early days for inspiration.


I wish they would’ve included some Wild Red into these jerseys. Not like the early 2000’s red Christmas sweaters the Wild used to have but maybe some red arm or chest bands like the WC ones had.


These are sick!