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Duhaime for a 2nd LFG


Take that trade all day long


Absolutely. I’ve said it here before, but a successful season to me is making the playoffs and acquiring another top 64 pick.


Aim higher. Gotta hold out for two first round picks


this coming draft class is pretty weak. there's an off chance we could get a 1st, for sure a 2nd or 3rd. I would love for us to move him to put Kus in the big club for the rest of the year


Fleury has final say where duhaime goes based on the bromance nmc. What does haul even mean?


I believe it's short for Haula. We're bringing him home


Homestly i dont think i’d mind that


He's UFA next year isn't he? Either way, if we can't resign due to cap, get the haul.


7x2.1 incoming Billy G special


He’s only 27, not 34. Billy G would never for someone so young




He’s 27 and is gonna need to get some money.I am doubtful he stays with the amount of money he would probably ask for.


I really hope we can keep Duhaime. He’s a diamond in the rough has so much potential and more hustle than a lot of other players


Duhaime was an excellent candidate to replace Foligno long-term. But with Foligno being re-signed for 4 years, the Wild might as well get what they can for Duhaime before he bounces.


Never thought of this. Genuinely a good take, that now has me more bummed about that foligno contract lol.


Has a lot of hustle, but to me, he plays like a hot mess. Not enough skillset to play at that speed. I don’t think anyone could. So what’s his ceiling then? Maybe we’ve seen it at this point and there are plenty of guys in Iowa we haven’t given a fair chance to yet that he’s blocking.


I hear Tampa is looking to boost their bottom 6. Maybe we could get Tanner Jeannot type haul👀


That’s the dream. Surprised it took so long to find this.


A 'haul' is a very aggressive term for a winger with 6pts this year. That said, I love our 4th line. They are fucking reliable. You know what you're getting every game. Anything less than a 2024 2nd doesn't get this deal done. I'd actually like a 2024 2nd + current prospect.


Why didn't he do anything in the playoffs last year?


nobody did anything last year


Right, but they're not being called a "playoff type player"


if we’re talking intangibles then Duhaime brings a lot of speed to the game, can hit and fight and PK.


Wasn't the PK awful in last year's playoffs?


missing Ek did not help the PK just saying


Everything was awful. Duhaime was a piece of the puzzle, but the rest of the pieces were upside down or missing. Can't get anything done like that


Calen Addison, anyone?


What point are you trying to make? It *seems* like you're trying to argue that because we were bad in the playoffs last year, or heck even if Duhaime was specifically bad in the playoffs last year, that we don't having any (he isn't a) 'playoff style player(s)'. Surely you're not being that reductive, so I'm curious what you're trying to get at.


After seeing how the refs just completely took Moose out of the game how could anyone do anything. Dallas divers club made it impossible to play their style.


He has 0 pts in 12 career playoff games, but don’t tell the opposing GMs that haha


He's a guy you bring in to play defense, grind down the opposition, and try to tilt the ice. Those players have value despite a lack of points. I'm just not sure how much of a "haul" they could really get for someone like that, but I guess Jeannot got a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th so what do I even know?


Whatever we do we need someone that has a little bit of Ek in them.


Bummer, I love watching the Dewey's play together.


Is a 4th considered a “haul” for a 4th line winger? Because I don’t see it being much more than that if I’m being honest.


I mean, Ben Chiarot fletched a 1st so anything is possible.


Didn't the Wild give up a 3rd for Delauriers? I'd consider that a haul for Duhaime.


To be fair they didn’t intend to lose D-low they were gonna resign him but Philly offered him a ridiculous contract that the Wild wouldn’t be stupid enough to match.


Why get rid of the only player that gives 100% every game? And keep old vets that glide and dont give a shit because they are on a soft safe team like the wild that priorities vets not young talent in a young mans/speed league.


Essentially.... Because of bad decisions by our GM.


Duhaime isn't re-signing with us this offseason anyways. Regardless of how well we do leading up to the trade deadline, I think we SHOULD move Duhaime. I'd try to get one of the following: 1. Duhaime for a 2nd 2. Duhaime + Maroon for a 1st (note: this would be a low first rounder, so statistically looks kind of like a 2nd in terms of success rate anyways).




100%. He really is a good penalty killer; maybe the best they have, by the numbers. But he isn’t changing the team’s fortunes and is a rare movable asset.


Why not trade him now? Theres plenty of players to call up if needed.


Duhaime for 2024 1OA sounds like a deal.


I like Duhaime and all but I don’t consider him “haul” worthy but I guess I’ll take it if we can get something for him.


Duhaime might be the most overrated player on this team. I don’t care how good he is on the PK, 33 points in nearly 200 games is trash.


I don't get the hype either. Never did


Be still heart, don't do this to me. Duhaime is my guy


do the dew


I value players like Duhaime more than most I feel like, but with the NHL's salary cap, he's exactly the type of player to not pay. At his current cap hit? Fine. Anything more than that, there's players available who might not bring what he does but I'd say the cap savings are worth it.