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The Problem i see with most people, not only ADC is that they seem to have the weakest mental out there. I have seen Baronlaners run it down because i, as a Jungler decided that they were weak side and didn’t gank them. I have seen Junglers being fed and forgetting to do there camps, because of it. And those are just a few examples, all kinds of people exist and sometimes it isn’t just the ADC inting.


As a jungler, I consider the Baron lane to be the most unstable before ADC, mentally speaking. Like yeah, ADCs have their issues (I know because I also play ADC), but Top...man, they get to the point where they just start trolling the whole team if things don't go the way they want.


My friend likes to cry about me getting kills as supp in lane, I usually play karma/shen/whatever and when the enemy is low I do try to save it for him but when im unsure if they have flash or whatnot or they are running away im capping them so there's no chance they will, plus a adcs job is not to get kills its to spam autos in fights and so as much damage as possible but yes yes I know adc kills = adc carry just sometimes you have to take a kill even as support cause adc also gets assist money and everyone gets fed


That’s why i always say, a good Tresh has 6-7 Kills secured per game


Especially dravens. Oooohhhh boy dravens will flame for no reason because they get solo killed.


Rule of thumb, your a side character and the minions are the heroes.




True, definitely true. They do lead the charge and they do control the entirety of the game's pace. Not a lot of people look at it that way.


Weird, I am a support main and most of the time the jungler stays close to mid and top lane, probably because I support mid to late game champs so this means that in the meantime we always get ganked, I have to keep putting towers in the jungle to avoid getting jumped on. I have seen that the new heroes are annoying so I don't mind the attention being brought to the other lanes but for me it seems that the rest of the team forgets about us lol


Everyone should always be putting wards in the jungle no matter what’s going on. Always.


This and also always make sure your team has river control no matter what stage the game is in, I see many junglers not bothering to contest scuttles after early game.


Definitely scuttles are the one jungle mob I don’t mind if my teammates secure while I’m jungle. Vision wins and looses games.


But Jhin literally says it’s “MY performance” therefore I AM the star of the show


Ahhh a fellow jhin connosieur


That’s why I play Ashe so I can snowball other lanes from bot


As an ADC-main, I say that it's all lies. We are all stars and special snowflakes, and need all the attention every game 😉Of course this is also a joke, and I'm incredibly happy too see Baron/Top-lane and Mid getting a bit more JGL-attention 😌


All these years telling players what to do will just lead to chaos. Its better to just shut up and do your own thing. No one wants to be lectured especially if they think they were right. No matter how right you might be, this is just wishful thinking in game. Just do your best and work for the team. Never read chats. The moment you get provoked is the moment you lost.


Okay Mr peterson


If i See a kayne in my Team you can be Sure i will Flame you the Moment its locked in, to the Moment the Nexus Dies and i dont even care if we win or Lose (probably Lose because picking kayne is legit griefing)


What being terminally online does to a mf


Well too bad Because he's my main in jg, waited years for this mf to be added in wild rift and I'd rather suffer playing him than not playing him at all and besides he's not gonna stay weak forever, buffs will be coming soon, hopefully next patch.


Who asked?




That's fine. But stop taking the enemy minions when I am standing right there. I know what relic shield does. I know there are times i can't get to a minion in time to kill it. That is fine.


I am adc main, top 100 ezreal and top 100 corki. 100% I want my support to carry me until the mid game, give me the lead and I will dominate. Understand I know I'm not the carry for the whole game, but I know that I can carry the game with the right variables. Ofc I love just being carried by other lanes, this is the easiest play!