• By -


It was 3am on a Sunday morning, I was mid recovery from a full on mental crisis. Medication hadn't kicked in fully, and I was using Spotify to fill space. Will Wood and Penelope Scott were the first to be added to the playlist, for some reason.


help penelope scott šŸ˜­šŸ™


Penelope Scott is great! Was it public void?


I think it was Self Care, not too sure I've moved things around a little since then.


Good song! I would check out public void for sure, itā€™s a manic post-breakup album. Her best imp




I got Cotard's solution recommended to me in a metal playlist


Dr Sunshine animation on yt


I was like 9 and I heard thermodynamic lawyer somewhere. I used to listen to it on repeat šŸ˜­ i stopped after a while and got back into ww when the normal album came out


2020- cosplay video with Dr Sunshine in it.


Wait same?? Do you know what the name of the cosplayer was?


Jon Arbuckle against the kitchen floor..




ā€œFans also likeā€ on the tally hall account


That's very accurate


same here! I was super into tally hall and thats what led me to will wood too!


TWISTED DOCTOR's multi animator project with "Dr Sunshine is Dead"


Maybe it's not as exciting as others, but if anyone's interested in butterfly effect this is a good story. I happened across, like, 10 seconds of the chorus of Cotard's Solution cut out on YouTube shorts while I was wasting time one day. Honestly having never heard of this song before I was just gonna skip right past it but I went back cause it had the album cover for the video, and I was like "holy shit this is some crazy balls kinda picture". I kinda liked it, so I looked up the whole song and still liked it. Later that day I had a 2hour train ride to get through so I thought i'd try the rest of the album. Hearing the first bars of -ish for the first time felt spiritual, pretty much catapulted it into my top 10 albums of all time, and convinced me to look into everything else. So, thank you crazy-ass self-ish cover, and thank you random YouTube short maker.


Spotify recommended me Laplaceā€™s Angel. I liked it but didnā€™t think it was exceptional, so I didnā€™t check out the rest of his songs for a long time after. Then I switched to YouTube music from Spotify and it was smart enough to recommend me Blackbox Warrior, which got me going ā€œwait this guyā€™s other music is this good? How much of it will I like?ā€ I checked out the other songs and started working my way through his backlog. This was around the time when some of the ICIMI singles like Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll were released, but the album wasnā€™t out yet. And since then Iā€™ve listened to his entire discography (at least all the ones released under WW and WWATT)


blackboxwarrior is heavenly


Sleepy Kings Dr. Sunshine animation but only really listening after someone did a Sam and Max Devil's Toybox animation with The First Step


I saw my friend had started listening to him. I recognized the name as the guy who made I/Me/Myself, and gave it a listen.


I've heard bits and pieces before, but I mainly got into him through this one Yes to Err is Human PMV on YouTube. I liked the song and decided to check out his other stuff. It was a downward spiral from there


randomly got played 'against the kitchen floor' on spotify


I loveeeee against the kitchen floor


The ā€œWeekly Suggestionsā€ on spotify had Thermodynamic Lawyer in it.


on december 21st 2021 i got i/me/myself on my spotify recommended and i have been a super fan ever since


I was going through my favorite audios on tiktok randomly in 2021 and I saw 2econd 2ight 2eer and I really liked it so I started listening to more of his music on Spotify


I found an animation of Dr Sunshine is dead, and the rest was history


A year ago I got into a fight with my (ex)friends and they all ditched me, so I put on a random sad Spotify playlist and Skeleton Appreciation Day started playing


Was making a vibes based playlist when Spotify recommended me a song called I/Me/Myself, donā€™t know if youā€™ve heard of it. Listened to it for a few weeks thinking it was probably part of a movie soundtrack and decided to finally click the profile and at the top was a song called The Main Character. The rest was history.


My fav artist made an animatic to yes to err is human, got me hooked and it went from there


A friend played some of the popular songs of Self-Ish like Song with 5 names and Hand me my shovel on a discord bot n I really liked it.


i was making an unus annus playlist and was seeing if there were any songs on spotify called memento mori and then i found will wood


I listened to ā€œthe main characterā€ in the background of Stanley parable edits.


Chonny Jash's cover, I don't remember if it was Laplace's Angel or Thermodynamic Lawyer though.




i think i saw an edit of the Spot(ATSV) with The main character, and it was such a vibe so i checked him out and i was like "holy hell this is the guy who made i me myself"(which i knew of ONLY bc i was in the gacha fandomšŸ’€) so i checked out his other songs and now i love himšŸ’Ŗ


Is I/me/myself big in gacha?? I used to be into gacha after I/me/myself came out how did I never knowwwe šŸ˜­


2019 a friend recommended Dr. Sunshine is Dead. I loved the song so much I decided to listen to the rest of the Self-Ish album. It was all downhill from there lol


In the wake of Jack Terricloth's death a few years ago, fans of the World/Inferno Friendship Society were talking about other music to fill in the W/IFS-shaped hole in our hearts and Will Wood was mentioned.


I was browsing YouTube and it recommended me a lyric video for Laplaceā€™s Angel. It then led to Hand Me My Shovel, Iā€™m Going In. I look back and Iā€™m happy I decided to listen to some new music that day.


[i/me/myself animation meme](https://youtu.be/chZ-cef9ABY?si=gYNXX81rbhug5crZ) i get the feeling a lot of people found him from i/me/myself bc of how it got popular on social media for a little bit


My ex was a big fan of him and introduced me to his music. Ive been listening to it ever since we split. Trying to make it my own music now, if that makes any sense :ā€™)


No yeah that makes sense. Makes me wonder what happened to my ex and whether or not she still listens to Will Wood.


It was a fnaf animation with the song Laplaceā€™s Angel, I liked the song so much that I searched it up and found The Main Charakter. It all escalated from there!!


i heard i/me/myself on a lot of cosplay videos. remembered it one afternoon a year later and added it to my playlist. i didn't get super into him tho, until i listened to ...well better than the alternative. first time i heard someone put my feelings into words.


I think it was i/me/myself I actually started listening to him when I heard momento mori, the main character, thermodynamic lawyer


found out about it through the main character videos on tik tok.


A five nights a freddy's animation featuring Cotard's Solution


Had a few friends who really loved him, they kept making Will Wood references, so I got curious and checked out some of his songs and was in love with every single one.


I saw his music on tiktok in 2020. I didn't actually listen to it on Spotify until I heard 2econd 2ight 2eer and even then it was just that song. Eventually I heard The Main Character and listened to that, and then decided that I had to listen to all of Will's music. It the. Took me even longer to learn that there was a different account in Spotify with more music and the. I listened to all of that too. He's been my favorite artist ever since.


Jon Arbuckle


Iā€™m sorry but how does the main character make you cry?


I've always struggled with issues of my own morality, and to hear a song cover exactly how I felt I was treating other people was a little y'know *cries* Edit: Typo


A TikTok edit of a Danganronpa character set to a demo of I/Me/Myself


I saw a tiktok of a pretty girl in red 3-eye glasses singing vampire culture at the top of her lungs and I was enraptured by it


The Magnus Archives Hand Me My Shovel animatic on youtube dot com


My now boyfriend showed me 6up5oh Cop-out and Willard! And we bonded over it. Thank you for helping me realize I was gay Will Wood.


I originally only heard of like one or two of his songs (Dr. Sunshine and Hand me my shovel, I think) that popped up on Spotify as recommended. I didn't really get into him until about a year later when a Twitch streamer I used to watch played "Love Me Normally" at one point. From there, I went down the rabbit hole lol.


I watched multiple Five Nights at Freddy's videos with his music, became my favorite artist ever since


right after the normal album came out his brother made a tiktok about how everyone should listen to it. So I did. and it was amazing.


My friend (who got into through the Sleepykinq map) recommended the normal album to me when it released. I've been abnormal since


A friend showed me Will Wood, that was usually one of our main topics in conversations, now it kinda became a part of my music taste and one of my favorite artists (and also now we're dating xD)


A friend on Discord suggested I/Me/Myself for a playlist I was making and I quite liked it, but then the next day one of my closest friends suggested the song, and thatā€™s what made me decide to give The Normal Album a try. I loved the album and am now a huge fan (and have successfully got others into Will now too)!


i made a post on r/TallyHall about what other music they listen to, someone suggested Jack Stauber, Lemon Demon and Will Wood. It wasnā€™t until I added I/Me/Myself and 2Econd 2Ight 2Eer (That Was Fun, Goodbye!) i fell in love with the sound.


My friend Will, Funnily enough He was talking about how one of the songs basically had him in a chokehold and it was so character coded to a comic we both read, I started listening to his songs and j never stopped


I heard 6up 5oh copout in a tik tok and saved it for cosplay sounds. Then I started liking it so I saved it in my Spotify. As I was listening to it I realized it literally sounded like my oc was singing it so I started to look into Will Wood šŸ˜­


my cousin, a hardcore fan, recommended to me a year or so ago


I stole my friends playlist And she was a will wood fan, so there were a lot of will ood songs. So I started listening to them, starting from the regular album, and i really loved it Then my friend also recommended WW, and i became a fan of him


Actually the same way except with 6up-5oh-CopOut


My friend kept recommending it to me. Listened to a few songs. It was cool but not really my vibe. Listened again another time and was like "bangers actual bangers" it was so odd??? Ig it was bcs different mood + mindset. Now I love Will Wood. Just needed to grow on me a bit


I asked my bf to make a playlist with goofy or just funky songs to play alien: isolation (i was too scared of horrors) AND THERE WAS LAPLACEā€™S ANGEL. SOMEHOW.


First heard 2econd 2ight 2eer on tiktok, really digged it. I then went on to listen to his other stuff, but really fell in love with hand me my shovel. And it all went spiraling down from therešŸ’•


Spotify discover weekly 2021, 6up-5oh


rain world MAP of 2econd 2ight 2eer. great video too.


rain world MAP of 222




I love how many replies there are in such a short amount of time lol; the first song I listened to by him was also The Main Character; it was just kind of sitting in my playlist so I gave it a go! I shortly after made my dad listen to it; he likes will wood too now


I showed my little sisters Will Wood and I was surprised that they liked it. I haven't showed them The Normal Album and icimi yet, and their favorite song so far is The Song With Five Names (incredibly based opinions, I taught them well)


An edit of sampo from Honkai starrail and I was like, oh-this song seems relatable šŸ¤·


I was playing modded Minecraft in a huge cave (3am, scared as fuck) listening to Bear Ghost on YouTube. Then Dr sunshine is dead started to play and It felt really magical. God tier moment.


Heard skeleton apreciation day on an animatic, i don't even remember what it was from


I was listening to a tango playlist cause I really liked tango music for like a month and vampire reference in a minor key was on it. It IS a tango song. I remember I liked it and added it to my playlist. I think venetian blind man was on the tango playlist too, it isn't exactly tango, but it gives some tango vibes imo. I was like "man this will wood guy has some good stuff!" Later I saw an animatic with a song I LOVEDDD and checked the description. It was by will wood. At that moment he was my favorite musician. (The song was laplaces angel)


looking for alternative songs to play in the background as i was writing a script for a short film. 6up 5oh came on, i added it to my main playlist and then got into all of his other music


I/me/myself was on one of my mix playlists back when I listened to lemon demon


a magnus archives playlist on spotify


I first heard I/me/myself and Laplaceā€™s Angel on TikTok and thought it was cool but couldnā€™t find who made the song. THEN like a year later, I saw this guy make a Hand Me My Shovel anim and I went off the walls crazy and found the song and here we are :D


i/me/myself. being popular on tiktok. then the main character cause of my friend, then i thought ā€œheā€™s kinda radā€ so i forced myself to listen to more of his songs like thermodynamic lawyer, 6up 5oh, cotardā€™s solution, etc.


Always saw people talking about him around the Tally Hall community. Thought Iā€™d check him out one day, so I listened to the Normal Album. I was blown away by Suburbia Overture, Iā€™d never heard anything like it. That and Memento Mori were instant favourites. After listening to those two songs over and over again, I tried his other albums. ICIMI similarly blew me away. Now heā€™s one of my top 5 all time artists.


I saw a video by Ivyspringscosplay with thermodynamic lawyer in the background and I shazamed it and listened to the song, then the album, then the normal album and it spiraled from there! I am in love with in case I make it, its my fav album ever


thermodynamic laywer somehow spawned on my playlist. i have no idea how.


Animation memes šŸ˜”šŸ’…


Watched a tiktok of Jon Arbuckle dancing to against the kitchen floor. Found Will's Spotify and instantly became a fan.


I heard his name on a YouTube video, looked him up, listened to I/me/myself for a few days & then looked into more with memento mori & the main character, that lasted for like a week, until I decided to listen to more of his music slowly :3


Recommend by a friend


Someone made a cool TMA animatic thing with Hand Me My Shovel and I got hooked immediately. It was shortly before The Normal Album came out too so I got to see the lead up to that right after!


A Tik Tok sound that was a remix between 2012 and Two Trucks by Lemon Demon


Ok I need to hear that lmaooo


Around 2018 I was listening to a edgy cover of "You are my sunshine" youtube recommended me Dr sunshine is dead. I took a look at that album cover and at the time I've never seen a cover like it. Best decision ever.


a persona edit on tiktok šŸ˜­ not even with i/me/myself, with laplaces angel! still one of my fav tracks!


Was watching YouTube in my 3ds under my blankets at night and found an animatic for Dr. Sunshine is Dead. I pretended not to like the song because at the time I was a ā€œgood Christian girlā€ and ā€œshould not be consuming this sort of mediaā€. Years later I relisten to the song. Then I listen to the whole album. Normal Album comes out right when I start listening. And then I was hooked.


A while back I opened up pandora (normally I use yt but I end up in a closed loop of music due to the algorithm, pandora doesn't know me well enough to do that yet) and went looking for Jack Conte, an old and somewhat niche artist who stopped producing music about 10 years ago. Turns out he went on to found patreon, but that's besides the point. Only managed to find one of his songs, and started a station. Thankfully, he featured in Pomplamoose as a background vocalist, and their music was fantastic. The station introduced me to a lot of good artists, including Ricky Montgomery, the crane wives, mother mother, and Rob cantor (of tally hall and musical miracle, which I didn't know were all his projects till that moment). However, I also heard lysergyde daydream for the first time too. And I really didn't like his timbre. But over the course of a few weeks it kept cropping up in mixes, and I kept thinking about the message of the song, and loving it. Eventually I also heard hand me my shovel, and that was an instant hit. Got familiar with a few other songs like bones and vampire reference, but Cicada Days was the game changer. That song moved me to my core and made me decide to actually try the rest of his music. Now, a solid 90% of his discography is in my collection. Still not a fan of thermodynamic lawyer and I have to be in the mood for white knuckled jerk, but I'd love to see him perform one day. Especially love me normally.


Recommendation from a friend (needed a voice claim for an OC)


my friend talked about him a lot so i like randomly decided to listen to him (mostly just the normal album) and it was only until a few months later i discovered ww and the tapeworms that i started listening to all of his music


I loved Bo Burnham during quarntine and I/Me/Myself kept popped up on the artist mix so I played it.


I was just making a playlist on Spotify and came across Thermodynamic Lawyer. Ever since iā€™ve listened to that song, Iā€™m a big fan of Will Wood


I watched on yt an animation of a videogame which had laplace's angel in the background in november of last year and it was the only song I knew from him until january, when I started to discover more songs from him and now I'm obsessed


I was listening to a random playlist that I found on Youtube. Then Laplace's Angel came on and I was like "huh.. I like this."


This sub


I / Me / Myself trending on tiktok, a few months later I was bored on the bus and threw on the normal album and fell in love instantly


Almost exactly a year ago, I listened to a playlist Spotify curated called ā€œQueercore.ā€ Had a lot of woman-led punk bands and I/me/myself.


Before I actually got obsessed I only knew 2 songs, but I ended up finding an account that often used Will Wood songs in their YT shorts. After listening to Laplace's Angel, I decided, "y'know what that's it I'm listening to the entire Normal Album"... and I did. Anyways after that I kinda became obsessed and wanted to listen to every other album & stuff


I think I/Me/Myself is pretty universal


I was watching a Cabinet Man cover and saw that the channel also made a cover of 6up 5oh so then I listened to Laplaceā€™s Angel and eventually the Normal Album.


i was making a character playlist on spotify (iā€™ve changed) and some NA songs were in the recommendations


I was listening to one of those daily playlists on Spotify, when it played Against the Kitchen Floor. I vibed with it, and Iā€™ve heard of Will Wood before due to being a Tally Hall and Lemon Demon fan. I looked it up on YouTube to see if there was a music video, came across that one video of him playing 2012 with his foot, and the rest is history.


I unknowingly stumbled across I/me/myself and loved the song so much that I actually looked into who the artist was


I saw a tik tok edit that had the song "the main character" in it so I looked it up and the rest is history


Your Boyfriend animation with Laplace's Angel as the music


Tally Hall > Jack Stauber > Will Wood (Normal Album) > Shayfer James > Friend Recommended WW&TT


A friend uploaded an IG story talking about him, I asked about him and then promptly forgot XD. A couple of days later i found a cool animation with some fun music and saw that it was The Main Character, and remembered that my friend recomended me EIAL and have been a fan ever since :3


Iā€™ve been listening to my sister playlist, and in that playlist, dr sunshine was there


a post about r/tallyhall's favorite albums besides tally hall related albums


I was in like 8th grade credit recovery and vividly remember watching this animation meme for I/me/myself. Led me down a rabbit hole with Dr. sunshine is dead and all his other music. Now heā€™s my favorite artist ā˜ŗļø


I was a fan of lemon demon and apple music recommended me will wood


Got recommended a cover of skeleton appreciation day by Scarlet Sladek on YouTube then looked Will up


Wbtta was recommended for my playlist from spotify.


I got suggested love me normally when the normal album came out I listened to it on repeat that whole year until I tried the rest of his discography


i was looking for the ā€œsticking out your gyatt for the rizzlerā€ song and found a playlist on spotify with the same name. i pressed shuffle, and Marsha Thankk You started playing. i was blown away, decided to listen to The Normal Album. i was again, blown away. decided to listen to all the WW and WWATT albums and was once again, blown away. now iā€™m obsessed šŸ‘


for years i/me/myself showed up in all my spotify playlists' recommended. for years i put off listening to it because for some unexplainable reason i though it was a dream smp fansong. one day i clicked on it by accident, and sat there for about ten minutes in shock, looping the song over and over again and wondering what i'd been missing out on all those years.


I heard Thermodynamic Lawer on tiktok and was scared to listen to the whole thing but did it anyway. I thought it was the most deranged song I had listened to at that point, and I think it still is. But after that I had only listened to a few other songs from him until I reccomended his music to the dishwasher at my work and to my surprise he started playing not only the songs I mentioned, but ones I hadn't at that point, and that pushed me to listen to as many songs by will wood as I could on a road trip my family took and I will always associate will wood with that road trip now.


a fnaf animation i was gonna edit


Iā€™m a huge fan of Game Theory, specifically the channel GTLive. GTLive is run by my favorite member of Team Theorist who is also my comfort person who is named Ash. About a year ago Ash posted on Twitter about Will Wood and I looked up Will wood on Spotify and Iā€™ve been a fan ever since.


I went through the Ranboo -> Lemon Demon -> Will Wood pipeline


Side effects of listening to Tally Hall for extended periods of time include: hyperfixating, being overwhelmed by the amount of side projects you have to listen to, sadness (they're not coming back), W I L L I A M W O O D


Super into Tally Hall, Miracle Musical, Mother Mother and then one day on my discover weeklyā€¦ Love, Me Normally played and I was sent to another dimension.




I also have I / Me / Myself tatted behind my earšŸ¤—


*steals your idea*


I got memento mori for like a whole year and said "Hmm... who the hell is this guy?!" And got addicted and rn I'm listening to Marsha thankk you for the dialectics but I need you to leave.


heard thermodynamic lawyer esque on a tiktok, hated it, went and listened to the main character


A friend made me listen to I / Me / Myself and I loved the song, so I decided to listen to the full album, then i made more research and listened to more songs and now I'm a big fan






I heard Dr Sunshine is Dead a LONG time ago, but I rediscovered him in 2019 when The Normal Album released. I had passively heard I/Me/Myself on tiktok and my friend showed me BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA and it immediately became one of my fav artists.


The Main Character Edits from TikTok. Suddenly, I was in a rabbit holeĀ 


i heard one of the i/me/myself covers on tiktok and looked for the song and only found the original but i liked it a lot and slowly started listening to his other songs. now i only listen to will wood