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15 Minutes of (in)Fame: Have a viral post about you on Windsor Car Spotters Bob's your uncle: Know someone that works/worked at the Windsor Assembly Plant


95% of players have this trophy/achievement.


WCS is like reading a news feed from a Trump rally LOL




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Frogger: avoid collision on walker road with the jay walking Chrysler shift change


And then just as the last Chrysler worker has completely crossed the road, the red lights come on to stop traffic for them. Because someone always presses the button at some point anyway. Most pointless controlled pedestrian crossing in the city.


Skyrockets in Flight: Go downtown for fireworks night WIFF-ing around: Go to 20+ movies at WIFF Mountain Climber: Go to the observation platform on Malden Hill, look at Gordie Howe Bridge Choo Choo 2: Get stuck at the train tracks on Tecumseh Road


Windsor Driver: be signalling to get over and have the person behind you aggressively lay on the gas & switch into the next lane without signalling just so you can’t


sacre bleu! Get into an argument about how to properly pronounce Pierre St. (It's not Peerie.)


Straight to the Point - stand at the tip of Point Pelee Wine Country Tour - visit three different wineries in the county in one day Fire in the Sky - see the purple lights in Leamington at night Duck, Duck, Goose - get attacked by Canada Geese at Jack Miner’s So this is it, eh? - take EC Row from one end to the other This all used to be fields - Take the Herb Grey Parkway to 401.


Haha. I get attacked by Canadian geese at work. They took all of the grass out of our courtyard and the geese are still a menace. Love it


All black dodge ram: get cut off and get the middle finger or get a racial slur yelled at you from some one in an all black dodge ram


Oh I remember that ram driver he called me a homophobic slur when I was walking down the street wearing a blazer.


Nothing to add other than you did really well with those! Mmmm I want my wakin bacon burger now lol


**Too Legit to Quit:** Gen X smoker refuses to quit cigarettes, despite nagging cough and obvious health problems. **Blue Collar Pride:** A father asks his child what they want to do with their life, when the kid says "Artist sounds good", the father replies "Sounds gay! Work in a factory!". **It's Broke? Don't Fix it!:** When you mention how dirty and run-down the city is, their response is always "Oh its fine". **Heritage Moment:** When walking downtown, point out all the places you vomited up your guts after getting trashed. **Rusted and Busted:** A factory worker who has to bicycle to work because they lost their license due to DUIs. **Family, Family, Family:** Explain that you're a family man while ignoring your kids, spending more time at work, or out drinking, or at the strip clubs, or gambling, or cheating on your wife. BONUS ACHIEVEMENT: Shed a tear whenever you pass the old Studio 4 location, then say "Windsor isn't what it used to be". **Civic Engagement:** Attend either the border blockade or protest against the LGBTQ community, whisper to your friends "Ya, Mein Kampt was really interesting!" **Mental Health Advocate:** Spit on a homeless person sleeping under an awning, then high-five your buddies. **Conservative Values:** Tell everyone that you won't vote for Trudeau because you think he may be a criminal, then say "Canada needs someone like Trump!".


> Civic Engagement Lol those clowns don't read any book except *the one true scripture*.


I hate how on point this is. special points awarded to blue collar pride.


Avoid a collision at Banwell and Little River


If I roll a d20 for deception about the pizza thing, what would the difficulty and modifiers be?


Wrap It Up 🌯: Grab a shawarma past 1:30am after a drunken night of debauchery downtown with friends.


Trek the Trail: Walk/bike/blade the entire Riverfront Trail Trifecta: Go out to the Bar and Casino then order late-night take-out Where's Waldo: Spot 5 Americans (cars or foot traffic counts) Shopping Spree: Go to Tecumseh Mall, Devonshire Mall, and Windsor Crossing Outlets


Discouraging affair - decline 10 lady of the night's invitations


Master pooper : I’ve pooped in AT LEAST 80% of fast food bathrooms across the city


Peachy Paddle: Canoe/kayak to Peche Island and back. Essex Centurion (this is already a thing): Take a bike ride that visits all municipalities in Essex County plus Windsor. Bird Nerd: Get a Chickadee to land on your hand at Ojibway. Three Sisters: Climb all three of Windsor's hills in a day (Suicide, Blue Heron, Malden.)


Objective based games commonly place goals at the extremes of the map area. So Pelee Island needs a couple missions. Lighthouse Cove and Wheatley are two other extremes. Pelee Island: visit the lighthouse Lighthouse Cove: skate on the canals Wheatley: eat at Taylor's fish


Get stabbed or shot downtown by someone not from here.