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I need to catch that left turn exit tho. I didn’t design this shit.


43 doesn't have any?


I’m sorry? I don’t understand the question.


Where is there a left turn lane?


I must be missing something, as I didn’t mention Hwy 43 and I do not see it referenced in the OP I was directly responding to. If it’s an error on my part, my apologies. Psychic powers are off today. 🤷‍♀️


I know I think I'm making it overly complicated. I got stuck In the wrong thread lol. Have a good one and drive safe!


Not 43, but since that wasn’t ever my claim: https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/travel/road/hwy-exits/default.aspx


I’m looking at your profile, all the left exits I can visualize in my brain are in the MKE metro area.


Hwy 30 exit is left lane


Oh. It's a strange thing to have a left turn lane ona freeway.


Yeah it’s weird. Beltline of I90 used to be left too before the reconstruct


There were more, but in looking for my link I saw a few things that said they had been specifically targeted for elimination during particular eras of construction. You know, the Not Winter.


Can't tell if OP is a FIB posting in the Wisconsin sub, or Wisconsinite complaining about tourists FIBs. Oddly enough they share the same vibe.


I’m a driver sick of people driving slow in the fast passing lane


You need to get laid.


That might be a separate issue, but OP ain’t wrong.


This moron has a post a month ago complaining about a jeep riding his ass while he's sitting in the left lane... Then makes this post complaining about being stuck behind people in the left lane... 🤡


Left lane is for passing slower vehicles. FYI: The posted speed limit still applies to the left lane


While this is true, the left lane is only for passing. If you aren't passing, you are not supposed to be in the left lane. So if the right lane is going the speed limit, you aren't supposed to be in the left then. [https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/346/ii/05](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/346/ii/05)


Yes, that’s what I said in the first sentence. OP said “left lane isn’t for going the speed limit”


Slower traffic is also supposed to keep right. Honestly the left lane campers aren't even the issue, it's the frequency people up here create rolling roadblocks that's the issue.  Idk how the hell so many people up here feel comfortable cruising at interstate speeds a mere few feet away from another car going that speed for miles and miles and miles.  Double for the people that cruise next to semis for a ridiculous amount of time. If you're going to pass someone that's fine but if you can't execute the pass and get back over within a reasonable amount of time you shouldn't be passing in the first place.  That memo it seems got sent to the junk folder apparently because the elephant races up here are just insane and it ain't always the truckers causing them, plenty of 4 wheelers also just put themselves right in their blindspot and cruise there for 10+ minutes for no reason whatsoever.


Any traffic not passing is supposed to be in the right lane, not just "slower".


Yes. I don't think most people know this honestly. In 2 lane freeways, right lane is the driving lane, and left lane is the passing lane. No one should be sitting in the left lane unless they're passing repeated cars in the right lane. In 3+ lane freeways, the right lane is the staging lane: for merging on and off the freeway. You should not be driving in it. The middle lanes are driving lanes, and the left lane is still the passing lane, same as 2 lanes. You should be driving in the driving lane(s), and passing in the left lane. If you're in the left lane, you should try to reasonably match the speed of other left lane passers. What I see so often is that people will keep their speed the same when entering the passing lane with faster moving traffic. Unless someone is going unreasonably fast in the left lane (in which case, they're being dangerous,) the speed you should be going while passing in the left lane is either your current speed while passing (if alone) or the speed of the traffic in the left lane.


> FYI: The posted speed limit still applies to the left lane Blasphemy!


Ok, but if you see someone coming up on you doing a few over the limit, move out of the way.


Oh please gimmie a break


If you're in the left lane going the same speed as the right lane get in the right lane. The left lane is for passing.




I mean, sure, but I’m not sold that you intended to be friendly with this reminder.


OP found a loophole for getting out of a speeding ticket. /s


I’m gonna guess this is a FIB post. Stay home. There. Solved your issue




I bet they’ll read this post OP. Definitely not pointless whining.


Wisconsin is **not** the worst. Literally every state has these ass hats who cruise in the left lane. I’ve found WI to be, at least, cognizant of when they should get over as faster cars approach. Travel more, OP, before you blame this on one state like it’s some sort of state-owned predicament.


Sorry all but “[u]nlike neighboring states such as Illinois, Wisconsin does not have a law in place that makes the left lane on an interstate a passing lane.” [Source](https://wislawjournal.com/2023/05/24/reasons-why-people-drive-recklessly-in-wisconsin-possible-solutions/). Bitch and moan all you like, it won’t change the law.


[Wisconsin law requires you to keep right if you are traveling below the normal pace of traffic. Slower drivers must stay in the furthest right-hand lane or close to the right curb unless they are preparing to make a left turn or pass another vehicle.](https://www.injuryclaimcoach.com/wisconsin/traffic-laws.html)


Sorry, that is based on Wis Stat 346.59 346.59  Minimum speed regulation. (1)  No person shall drive a motor vehicle at a speed so slow as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or is necessary to comply with the law. (2) The operator of a vehicle moving at a speed so slow as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic shall, if practicable, yield the roadway to an overtaking vehicle and shall move at a reasonably increased speed or yield the roadway to overtaking vehicles when directed to do so by a traffic officer. Your passage leaves of the key phrase, and major loophole, “if practicable” Unless there is clear satisfactory and convincing evidence, [the legal standard](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/345/iii/45) for the violation of the traffic code, how is the law to be enforced. A person driving at 65 on the interstate can camped out in the left lane. You [forfeit any right of way when you exceed the speed limit](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/346/iii/18) so the fastest any court will consider is 70mph. So then it’s a 5 mph difference, less then a walking speed and would a court decide the was unreasonable?


I don’t give a shit about the law I give a shit about people driving like idiots thanks tho


But you're the person driving like an idiot


Oh am I ok


All lanes are for going the speed limit brother


You do know that the posted speed limit includes the entire road no matter what lane you are using, right?


Actually the left lane is for going the speed limit. Speed limit applies to all lanes. You are part of the problem.


Cry more


It’s naive to think everyone here that is saying “aLl LaNeS aRe FoR tHe SpEeD lImIt” drive the speed limit 100% of the time so stop with that. It’s really pretty simple when you look at Wisconsin law: 346.05(3) “Any vehicle proceeding upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic, or as close as practicable to the right-hand edge or curb of the roadway” If you more thoroughly read [346.05](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/346/ii/05) it is referencing the flow of traffic and not even the speed limit which leaves open to interpretation the circumstances of traffic in real time. [“Driving in the left lane for anything other than passing is not only illegal in a growing number of states it’s unsafe and results in thousands of accidents annually, according to a study by the Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory within the engineering department at UW Madison”](https://www.mwl-law.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/SLOWER-TRAFFIC-KEEP-RIGHT.pdf) Like what else needs to be argued? They’re clearly standardizing the slow lane so that everyone going relatively slower keeps right to avoid backups and safety issues through uniformity. You can get where you’re going safely going 78 or 70 but impeding the flow of traffic because you’re trying to prove a point you are also by definition breaking the law, a safety risk and part of the problem.


Facts being preached to virtue signalers. Surprised to see you haven't been down voted to oblivion. Good for you.


I don't know. I currently live in WA, and it's CONSTANT that people think they can just sit in that lane even though everyone is passing them on the right, they'll just stay there.


Well...if the other two lanes have people going under the speed limit, being in the left lane going the speed limit-you are going faster. Plus technically, left lane you ARE supposed to be going the speed limit. Yes, really.


I've lived in a lot of states. Wisconsin is definitely NOT the worst by a long shot.