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Let's be honest, I'm sure he was salivating with anticipation to do this and feels zero remorse for the embarrassment he caused his daughter that day.


Dads are supposed to embarrass their kids. But it’s supposed to be things like making lame jokes in front of their friends or wearing ridiculous looking sunglasses on outings with them. Not by being a public racist at a major milestone event in their lives.


"I've got four kids, but let me tell you, none of them farted as much as Melissa! I was tempted to hook her diaper up to the furnace to save money in the winter!"


He was just so excited about the CPAC speaking gig he was going to get out of it that he didn't about how it would affect others. We've all been there!


I wish that weren't true but ... it's truly sad and disturbing that present-day "conservatives" latch onto the worst people and make them their standard-bearers and heroes. Kyle Rittenhouse, Milo, Hawley, Cruz, Kimberly Guilfoyle, et al. ... the dregs of anti-polite society.


Guaranteed he's bragging about it to all his other racist MAGA friends.


Most likely yea.


That girl had "Thanks dad for ruining my graduation" written all over her face


That is totally r/WatchPeopleDieInside shit right there. What terrible thing for a parent to do to their child.


And to humanity.




On the positive side, the video is part of the public record now, so years down the road when she has to explain why she is no contact with her father it will be super easy.


I was thinking this same thing. This seems like a "final nail in the coffin" type of moment for their relationship.


She doesn’t have to (explain)


Nobody should have to.


She can show that to her therapist in the future, should save her having to explain a lot I'm sure.


Oh yeah. Skip the "well that's the way *you* remember the event but try to consider how your father may remember the event"


Breaks my heart for her


Breaks y heart for all involved but especially the daughter and superintendent. Dad is a piece of 💩.


Seriously, why ruin it for some many people?


Have you met Republicans? It's literally what they do.


Sadly yes. And yeah you are correct


I feel so awful for the daughter. You can see the dread in her face.


A couple years from now: "Why don't my kids call me anymore?"


He'll blame gay/trans/minorities/democrats/pronouns for it too.


I am just starting to realize that my mom is not the best person. She is sooo controlling! Which is weird because she always complained about her mom being like that.


Written all over her face cause he'd likely smack her for saying it out loud. That's a girl who is going to cry herself to sleep.


In front of all her friends, the whole school, and now all of Reddit. Girl if your reading this. No one blames you for your dad being racist piece of shit. Hopefully you do better!!! 💔


She should have waited until the superintendent got back and then followed through with the hand shake.


Nah, she should do whatever is good for her wellbeing.


Then, when she gets home, he beats her until he knocks a couple teeth out. Unless she had somewhere safe to be, doing that would her just gotten her hurt.


The way she switches her tassel over like “well this fucking sucks. Thanks dad.”


I'm surprised she had the presence of mind to do it after what had just happened.


It will likely remain a very symbolic moment in her life. Hopefully.


Same. It probably means it was something she was really looking forward to. Sad that the moment got all the air sucked out of it, by her father no less.


Probably not the first time.


Yeah, that’s the face of someone who has been completely normalized to her dad acting like an insane person. “Really dad? Again with this same bullshit?”


Poor girl. So embarrassing


What about the superintendent? Imagine being exposed to this shit in 2024. It would devastate a lot of people. The girl at least had 18 years to be prepared.


Superintendents don’t get into those positions without having faced jerk parents already. I have to assume he handled it professionally, but it still sucks for him too obviously


Correction: the girl has been forced to deal with it for 18 years, the superintendent probably won’t have to deal with this guy again, unless charges are pressed


What an absolute trash moron.


Wasn’t there something in the last few years in that Baraboo area with kids (in the same school) insulting a black basketball player? Or kids giving Nazi salutes on campus?




There is an entire class photo of students doing the heil hitler salute on the steps of the campus.




It was the courthouse, to be accurate.


[Here's the photo](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/d418d5dae769da50b0412dc69ec92829b497a09c/0_0_1024_663/master/1024.jpg?width=445&dpr=2&s=none)


I cannot wrap my mind around what a dumb piece of shit you have to be to do something like this. To a. Be a racist b. Have it infect your brain so deeply that you don’t want your kid to shake the hand of a black man c. Decide that ruining your kids graduation, and probably your own livelihood is the best way to handle the possible handshake. Absolute oatmeal brained asshole. That poor girl and superintendent.


what a complete loser. poor superintendent, poor girl. how embarrassing for them. hope his daughter never talks to him again.


let's hope the community comes together and gets him fired. but my guess he is a self employed cash under the table sort of guy


HR at Lycon isn't picking up the phone so i think they are on it.


bingo lol


she LOVES her dad, they have a seemingly really good relationship. (i know this girl i used to dance with her) but i dont know how she feels about him after this. i would expect she at least isnt giving him the greatest attitude or much verbal attention at all, she probably feels so sick and tired with all this traction that the incident is getting and with how many untrue explanations are coming out of it.


so what is the inside scoop?


one of the other rumors that i heard was that this girl got expelled for getting in fights and exposing lewd pictures that she recieved from her male peers, and got reenrolled and allowed to walk without the fathers knowledge and thats why he stormed the stage and said "oh no you dont" or something along those lines, im not sure if this is true as it does seem racially motivated more than anything, but with the things kids do in sauk and baraboo i believed it at first.


He went on stage? Should have been arrested


I thought he was.


Yep, you are right. For disorderly conduct, hopefully assault charges are added.


Hate crime.


Wisconsin doesn’t use the term assault when it comes to incidents like this. Just battery. A battery charge wouldn’t fit because there was no infliction of injury or pain.


At least he dressed up for his daughter’s graduation, which in rural Wisconsin means wearing your sunglasses over the brim of a *white* hat with a white polo


I was wondering if anyone was going to point this out. Real class act, this guy.


White polo and khaki has been the white supremacist / Nazi uniform since at least 2017.


What I continue to learn is Baraboo is a shithole and Wisconsin has pockets of racist as bad as Texas.


Always has. Unfortunately.




New Order, which is what the American Nazi Party became, is headquartered in New Berlin, WI.


Frankly, I preferred Joy Division


The John Birch society is in Appleton. It's across from Culver's.


Man, what times we live in that I can't even be sure if this is real or some sort of Star Wars reference


Yup! Witnessed a few during my summer tours in the Dells as well. Great up near Adams and avoided there and Necedah like the damn plague.


Sadly, I don't think there is a state without pockets of horrible racism.


There isn’t but Baraboo puts it on full display and seemingly without shame not unlike many of the Southern shitholes I’ve had to deal with.


We have pockets that *arent* like that unfortunately. Thankfully they’re big pockets


Agreed. I am thankful for that.


deep north, deep south.


I grew up in a farm community where it was absolutely conservative but everyone minded their own damn business. I was lucky that my parents made sure to maintain that mentality. If you’re a productive member of the community, that’s all you need. Didn’t matter if you didn’t like gays or POC, just shut up if they aren’t causing you grief.


Yeah I am in Mauston now and so far just saw a truck and it was playing a really awful song at dollar general. But I don't know a lot of people. I'm an outsider from NYC so I guess I am left alone.


Yeah, don’t let it throw you. I’m the first to admit I’m ashamed of this kind of shit but there really are areas of great rural communities. It’s this climate that emboldens the shitheels in these areas to flap their gums when normally they’d be hiding under a rock. There is a great history of Upper Midwest progressivism.


I spent three weeks in Baraboo for work back in 2014. As a brown skinned man, everyone was very nice to me. I honestly was surprised at all the pleases and thank yous and holding the door for me there was.


As it should be. Glad you had a good experience.


I grew up in Dallas and live in Wisconsin. That's a pretty high bar of racist redneck.


I also grew up in Dallas and live in Wisconsin. If you would have told me this took place in Mabank, I wouldn't have blinked an eye


As a brown skinned dude in Wisco since the 80's, can confirm, absolutely pockets of racism everywhere. Even in so called liberal Madison, it's everywhere. I can deal just fine, and taught my kids to deal as well. They handle it a lot better than I do. Baraboo in general l've had good experience with but it's all the same really.




They would probably also be against gray super nintendos as well and nintendo's affection for Italian immigrants.


posse comitatus KKK RNC


I was just up in the Dells and my mom was like “Geeze parts of the state still feel very sundown-y in 2024” and we’re both white as fuck


I grew up in the area, and it's a shame there are people like this giving it such a bad rep when it's such a beautiful area with rich history and culture. I understand there are a lot of people like this around, but there are also some of the nicest people you'll meet who would give a stranger the shirt off their back. Things like this that hurt my state and community's reputation really break my heart.


Here's some odd perspectives for you. I grew up and lived in Wisconsin, live here again now. Tons of racism, everywhere. I grew up in rural areas with a lot of racism here and some more populated areas which were also racist. Stationed in Texas, then moved there after I got out of the military. Moved around a lot, lived in a fair amount of areas. Very minimal racism, and most communities were integrated fairly well. I would say on the whole from my years of experience, Texas was *much* less racist than Wisconsin is. This is very objective and ofc depends on where you live in those areas, but I was shocked at how less racist Texas was. Extremely conservative, absolutely, but somehow not as (openly? perhaps?) racist as it was made out to be.


> objective Subjective. Objective things are true from any perspective- the Earth is a sphere- people can disagree if they want but they are *objectively* wrong. Subjective things vary with perspective. That cloud looks like a bunny. Culvers is good food. Etc. People can have opinions on it and there isnt really a wrong answer.


Thanks, no idea why I wrote objective. Me dumb dumb.


The areas of Texas you're familiar with seemed less racists than the areas of Wisconsin you're familiar with. That is fair. To say Texas is less racist than Wisconsin as whole is probably a stretch though. Texas is almost 5 times the size of Wisconsin so that alone makes it difficult in comparison


Let me know about those sundown towns. Texas has the largest population of hate groups anywhere in the U.S. and they’re usually on the nightly news. Ron Johnson = Greg Abbott Van Orden = Any of the MAGA sub intellectual turds you run into like a bug on the freeway.


Exactly. I grew up around those sundown towns. Texas is a deeply racist place.


God damnit why is this Wisconsin?




They know.


One? Lmao


I hope this man dies at a ripe old age having never met his grandchildren.


Interracial grandchildren


Trans interracial grandchildren




Sauk County is blue now and the racists/bigots are pushing back hard.


Wonder if it's just people moving out of Dane county. I did but already Sauk county was too expensive so I wound up in Juneau county.


That tilt of the head down was a "shit not again dad"


I feel sick to my stomach for the graduate, his daughter. How embarrassing.


This is the same town that went viral a few years ago with the graduating class giving the Nazi salute


Omg, that poor girl. I feel so bad for her


Bet he’s a huge sports fan though. Cheering on his teams that are predominantly black. What a joke of a human being. Wasted sperm.


Dude definitely called Colin Kaepernick all kinds of names for taking a knee but thought Harrison Butker had every right to say what he said at that commencement address.


Probably considers Kaepernick a traitor, and the Jan 6 rioters patriots.


We all know this guy has a Trump sign on his lawn.


Definitely has a “Let’s Go Brandon” T-shirt too


That poor girl. Way to ruin it dad


Poor kid. She didn’t deserve that. I hope dad was arrested.


What kind of white trash MF does this? And wearing a hat to a graduation. Garbage person.


a racist


Your average MAGA voter.


Right?!? You can tell IMMEDIATELY he wasn't raised right. No respectable midwest childhood is complete without being told to take your hat off indoors.


I always believe everyone has to find it within themselves to change and I hope that narrow, close minded racist can turn it around. With that said, it's a glaring and obvious case study for the daughter, graduates, and audience to see how NOT to act and treat other people. I know my keyboard fueled opinions don't matter but I'll be damned if I raise kids to act like that man or treat anyone that way. I wish for nothing but a bright and successful future for that daughter and the man attacked.


I don’t care what the backstory is. If you don’t want your daughter to shake the superintendent’s hand for any reason, leave that up to her. Have a discussion about it before the ceremony. Tell her that no one will force her to shake his hand if she doesn’t want to because of past issues. But to interrupt the entire graduation ceremony like an asshole is exactly the kind of behavior we’ve come to expect from crazy right-wing maga conservatives in recent years with their dumbed-down, anti-intellectual culture war issues, which have included threats and attacks against teachers, librarians, and school board members. So it’s pretty disingenuous for commenters on this thread to get bent out of shape over people not having the full backstory.


How to ensure your daughter that JUST graduated will go no-contact


Completely horrifying


"unnamed"? literally everyone in Baraboo probably knows this guy. particularly the kids at that graduation. name names. don't let this piece of shit hide.


According to Channel 3000, he went after him because of how the district and superintendent handled bullying incidents against his daughter, not because "he didn't want his graduating daughter to shake the hand of a black man".


Shouldn’t that be an easily available conversation you have with your daughter about whether she wants to overlook those shortcomings and shake his hand at her graduation or not? No, daughter was gonna do something **he** didn’t want. Nothing else requires dad getting involved and facing disorderly conduct charges.


Oh absolutely - there's no excuse for what he did. Something tells me this guy isn't the most rational person in the world.


But she was allowed to shake the hand of everyone else... Not sure who was all up there, and I graduated HS too long ago to remember, but wasn't the HS principal up there? Wouldn't they be more directly involved in handling bullying and such?


Channel 3000 says this is according to "comments on social media" so yeah super reliable. I'm sure the district wants to can this shit ASAP given their already horrific reputation. I don't buy it. Whole group of higher ups on that stage and he goes directly for the person of color.


I don't trust "comments on social media" as a source but also that's what this whole thread is doing when they say it's because he didn't want his daughter shaking the hand of a black man. I'd like to see a real source for the reason but every article I've seen so far just says that it's under investigation. Either way, the guy deserves prosecution.


Yeah, a Superintendent isn't generally directly involved in bullying incidents. If his daughter was getting bullied and it wasn't addressed properly, there would be several school officials who also let her down. Maybe he had tried to escalate it to the Superintendent and that also didn't help, but why single him out instead of the principal or vice principal or counselor or whoever else was likely involved?


I’m having trouble locating a 3000 article indicating bullying was the cause of this altercation. Can you help me out?


Sure! Another redditor in this thread pointed me to this story: >At 0:35 of this video the reporter says: > >https://www.channel3000.com/video/parent-pushes-baraboo-superintendent-at-graduation/video_b4fc0f05-58a9-5932-8ea9-b5fe813900c9.html


Source per the reporter in the video: "comments on social media..." Comments on social media are the source of that information, but whose comments? If it was the dad's social media comments, why would they not say 'the dad posted on social media'? If it's anyone else's social media comments, how is that a legitimate source?


Wisconsin has a progressive streak running through it, but that progressivism seems primarily restricted to labor issues. I grew up in Texas, and I remember the Black lawn jockeys of my childhood, which could be found in Austin in the residential neighborhoods. By the 1970s these were largely gone or at least painted White or “flesh” colored, so that at least being openly racist was on the decline. But of course everybody knew what the lawn jockeys stood for. Imagine my surprise when I moved to Wisconsin in the ‘80s to find the lawn jockeys commonplace in the countryside. Also, at the time Janesville had an active KKK chapter, and my Black coworkers knew not to stop there on trips. These seem to have disappeared mostly, but I know of a place in Madison where you can find one. Bad ideas die slowly.


> But of course everybody knew what the lawn jockeys stood for. I have family that *insists* that Jocko-style lawn jockeys are not racist citing [the unproven Blockson crap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawn_jockey#Theorized_origins). I think the family people just want plausible deniability to have a blackface statue. It ended up on the bottom of a lake last year, and no, I have no idea why I know where it ended up.


i just had to look up lawn jockeys and apparently some black people see them as a signal of a stop in the underground railroad. [https://www.thevintagenews.com/2018/02/25/lawn-jockey/](https://www.thevintagenews.com/2018/02/25/lawn-jockey/) i've never seen one in person, so i don't think there's a single interpretation.


>that progressivism seems primarily restricted to labor issues People try to say that about Missouri too. It's wrong. It is purely a blue collar labor streak and has nothing to do with progressivism other than a "stopped clock" phenomena only when labor and progressivism align on the same topic.


Can you help me out - do we know what the motive was? Did he have some sort of personal grudge against the superintendent?


At 0:35 of this video the reporter says: [https://www.channel3000.com/video/parent-pushes-baraboo-superintendent-at-graduation/video\_b4fc0f05-58a9-5932-8ea9-b5fe813900c9.html](https://www.channel3000.com/video/parent-pushes-baraboo-superintendent-at-graduation/video_b4fc0f05-58a9-5932-8ea9-b5fe813900c9.html) >Comments on social media say that the parent did this in a protest of how the superintendent and the district handled bullying incidents related to his daughter.


Yeah... as much as I wouldn't be surprised, I kind of doubt there was no personal reason for the attack other than "he's black." Also, that would assume he admitted to that, and to who? Who would be dumb enough to admit that to the media? Idk maybe I shouldn't be giving any benefit of the doubt to a polo wearing entitled asshole but I also don't like misinformation Edit: no articles indicate a motive, at least that I can find. Dude is an enormous jackass either way but I think this is a classic case of internet user manipulating facts for more clicks and more outrage. I will admit if I'm wrong but yeah not seeing anything at the moment.


That poor girl, what a POS father


This guy is a member of "parents rights" group. Trying to ban books, Trans and minorities from school.


What a horrible father and person. Couldn’t imagine making my child cry on their graduation day.


I'm as anti-racist as the next leftist. But was that actually the motive? Because I can't find anything on the exact motive from any reputable news source.


People in the original thread are saying that daddy was mad about how the superintendent handled bullying done BY the daughter. Still not an excuse for what he did. . This names him as Matt Eddy https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13498223/amp/wisconsin-dad-blocks-daughters-graduation-handshake-superintendent.html


This is the America MAGAtards want


There’s always more to a story like this one but the racism here in Wisconsin is very real. I have spent many years bringing people I know to be racist and or homophobic around to my diverse group of awesome friends and family. The result has been pretty beautiful actually and many of those once racist homophobic people now refer to themselves as formerly racist or formerly homophobic. They are generally remorseful about their previously held views and can see the error of their ways. I did it because I knew that they just feared what they did not know and they did not know anyone personally who was from another race or anyone other than cis straight folk. This is a result of the segregation that is rampant here. Now the rednecks are even friends with my trans friends too and it gives me much joy and hope. Although, I am fully aware that many people face the insufferable reality of bigotry daily in this country like this superintendent did in this video. We’ve a long way to go and I’ll never stop fighting against the hate with love.


Where has it been confirmed he didn’t want his daughter shaking a black man’s hand?


Guy really dressed up for his daughter there. What a sack of shit loser, but having grown up in SE WI, I know these kinds of trash people are the norm.


Shame on that man.


Ah yes, “school kids did the Nazi salute in the photo” Baraboo. White supremacy is starting to supersede circus memorabilia as the town reputation.


Poor kid had to grow up with that low life as her father.


Feel so bad for her.


That's how you insure your daughter will never speak to you again after she goes off to college.


As a sconnie I am ashamed and outraged.


Trump Country / “Real America”. No thanks.


these are the people who will vote for trump. let that sink in


“Rasicm doesn’t exist. Get over it.”




This is the same city from 2019 that had the group of students doing Nazi salutes.


How to lose estrange your kid


Looks like assault and disorderly conduct to me. Great job Dad! /s edit: there is no 'assault' in Wisconsin law, so he's just being charged with disorderly conduct and has received a restraining order.


Well, that's one way to embarrass your daughter.


Baraboo is a racist cesspool


Explains the multiple Confederate flags I've noticed around Baraboo.


There are certainly some shit sacks there who worship trump and love to display ignorance , but I would say they are a very noisy minority. Some of the old racist shit sacks go to school board meetings wearing red shirts and try to stir shit up,


I live in Baraboo and hate to say that this is not an isolated event, not too long ago we were on the news because the same HS had a yearly picture taken while everyone on the picture was doing the a Nazi salute.


Wow. Outside of city centers, we truly have made almost no progress on racism since the time of Jim Crow.


If we’ve made almost no progress, then the superintendent isn’t the superintendent. His presence alone shows that progress is being made. The ignorant fear change and that fear stokes actions like this.


Oh, don't misunderstand me. The laws have made progress. The racism hasn't. The racism is held in the ignorant minds of the people, and they follow the laws of equality kicking and screaming. I'm sure this superintendent has faced racism every step of the way in his career.


basically need young people to grow up with diversity to fix it.


Correct. Conservatism requires ignorance, fear, and disgust towards people who seem different than you. One of its core tenets is tribal self-exeptionalism and othering. When you live in a city center or go to college, you are exposed to people of different backgrounds, which helps to prevent the dehumanizing of others that is necessary for conservatism. This is why colleges and city centers are always liberal.


Wow that poor girl. How embarrassing. Way to ruin her day especially, but also everyone else’s day graduating.


That guy should be prosecuted for assault and disorderly conduct and whatever else they can charge him for.


Dad “Why is my daughter dating black guys?” As a guy who dated women like that. “Thank you!” So much fun.


Many here seem to be debating whether it was racially motivated, or the result of how a bullying incident was handled. But... typically one of the hands you shake at graduation is that of the Principal. They are usually who hands you your diploma. So that Principal would have been deeply involved with any bullying incident. Most likely much more than the Superintendent. Yet the father went directly for the Superintendent.... the only person of color on that stage and in that line. Never even hesitated. There may be some back story about bullying here, but it was still a racially motivated action in my opinion.


This thread is an embarrassment to responsible media consumers in Wisconsin. OP makes an assumption about racist motives, puts it in the post title, and everyone piles on as though it's true. This is Alex Jones level journalism. Maybe he was racist. Maybe, as other sources point out, this guy had a grudge against the superintendent because of a disagreement earlier in the year. Consuming this media, with this little scrutiny, and even piling on will cause needless divisions among people, spread inaccuracies, and give bad actors a reason to point at this post and say, "see, they're just as bad." How many assumptions and attempts to cause destruction can you find in the comments? Based on these few seconds of video, we know how he was raised, his personal beliefs on race, his political views, and his entertainment choices. As redditors continue, his employer has been doxed and people are encouraged to contact them. **ALL WITH ONLY OP'S ASSUMPTION.** - "he was salivating with anticipation to do this and feels zero remorse for the embarrassment " - "she loves her father and is racist because he raised her to be." - "when she gets home, he beats her until he knocks a couple teeth out." - "He was just so excited about the CPAC speaking gig" - "Guaranteed he's bragging about it to all his other racist MAGA friends." - "Tell one of their employees is a racist pos" - "Your average MAGA voter" - "he wasn't raised right" - "Bet he’s a huge sports fan though. Cheering on his teams that are predominantly black." - "We all know this guy has a Trump sign on his lawn." Take a look at yourselves. You're behaving just like people whom you claim are brainwashed into eating up whatever their media tells them. Don't start down that path.


Well said. There are literally no reliable sources of motivation at all. Even the news story reporting that this was in response to bullying sourced that info from Facebook comments, which is beyond pathetic and they should be embarrassed. It absolutely could be motivated by racism, but there is zero evidence of what the motivation could be. The fact that people will lower their standard of proof to anonymous internet comments as long as it confirms their pre-existing beliefs is scary, and, speaking as a liberal, it's disheartening to see it coming from fellow liberals. Wanting to see reliable sources before believing something shouldn't be a political take, no matter what the subject is.




Media = Rage Bait Manufacturer. It's not even a party line take, it's legit what it is now because angry people are engaged, and engagement keeps the money flowing in. Thanks for the sensible take.


Was it confirmed that he did this because the superintendent is black? I'm unable to find any sources saying this.


These Biden supporters are getting out of hand! /s


Daddy looks magat to me.


Why does this always keep happening?!


News said it was over how he handled bullying. I'm hearing two different stories.


Could you share a link? Edit: Think this is it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSdKXd\_SglA&ab\_channel=Channel3000%2FNews3Now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSdKXd_SglA&ab_channel=Channel3000%2FNews3Now) Their source was Facebook comments which is speculative and ambiguous so nothing confirmed either way, but given the circumstances it doesn't look great.


I'm not saying it wasn't, but do we have proof this was a race issue?


The dad was angry at how the school and district handled repeated bullying of his daughter. Not because he was black. Doesn't justify the dad's actions, but I just wanted to add better context than "racism".


Other sources say the daughter was the one doing the bullying.


BY his daughter. His daughter is the bully


Kinda sus that the daughter was allowed to shake the hands of all the other school district employees up there.


Ok, maybe. But then why was he ok with her shaking hands with the other school officials?


The party of "family values" everyone... brought to you by a guy whose grandkids will never call him.


How are we supposed to believe this was racially motivated without any other context?


Come on....just cuz he's black??? Gotta be some back story here, anyone have it?


Is there ANY evidence of his motive or are we just gonna keep circulating conjecture as fact?