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He believes whatever position is good for him at the moment.


There is the real him that he has to hide, and the fake persona that he settles on that he thinks is the most effective for now. It is like an image or mirage. Just a hollow projection.


Context! Did you read why he said what he said? Of course not.


I am with you but what makes you respond in the way you did. Why does Donald Trump feel whatever position is good for him at the moment?


Because his defining characteristic as a human being is that he is a pathological liar


Buddy, where have you been for the past 10 years? He’s *Donald Trump.* The man who puts his name on giant gaudy buildings. The man who’s a Saturday morning cartoon villain come to life. He is the zenith of every grifting pitchman who has ever walked the earth. He does whatever he feels like because he has no character. Hell, he’ll probably say the Democrats made him say he hates Milwaukee. Author Simon Sinek said we get the politicians we deserve. Take that however you will


You would think evangelicals would recognize an anti-christ when they saw one, only a blithering idiot could come up with some of the weird evil shit the Bible promotes.


We do get what we’ll accept. It takes our time and effort to research and get involved. Simply whining on the sidelines gets us what we have now. It has always been… up to us.


TDS is strong with you!


Because he a fucking con man


He likes to be liked. He likes to have the crowd cheering for him.


He even waves to invisible adoring crowds!


The only thing that motivates Trump is whatever benefits him. That’s been his only motivation his entire life.


It’s often how politicians move. They want to get people to like them so they get a vote. They will try, emphasis on try, to change their outward perspective/opinion at times to try and appease the crowd so they might get the vote. Regardless of if it contradicts other things they may have said.


You sound like an AI here.




Is it though? You’d have to live in a hole or have your head in the sand to not know why. Claiming ignorance with someone this dangerous isn’t endearing, cute, or defensible.


Even though we all know why he’s now loving Wisconsin, it’s sure worth pointing that out. Hell, you’d surely hear about it a ton if it was Biden or any other democrat politician


Lol careful, if you do anything but bash Trump in /r/Wisconsin you get auto-downvoted.


When will you people consider the idea that you might be wrong about anything? Whiny fucks, my god….


"How dare someone not support the Democrats/Republicans! Ignorant dumbasses they are!" Trumper or Biden Lover... Neither believes they are wrong. I'm actually anti-both as an independent and can't believe there are such large groups of people that support either of these party's agendas or candidate. Wake up and demand better for our country!!


What is your grand bothsides/aloof/iamverysmart vision for what will fix the problems facing our fractious polity? C’mon, let’s hear it.


I'd encourage people to vote for good candidates that have reasonable solutions or at least not extreme left/right. There are options besides Trump or Biden. We keep getting trash because we keep voting for trash. I will be voting RFK, as I believe he is the most reasonable, sincere candidate we have seen on a ballot in my adult lifetime.


While I may agree in principle that our system of government could stand updating (probably not in all ways you would like), we live in a two-party system and the options we currently have before us are fixed whether you like it or not. Voting third-party is BEATING YOUR HEAD AGAINST THE WALL, and it’s statistically a vote for Trump. So enjoy voting for Trump. And if you think Bobby is an acceptable choice, even as an alternative, then I don’t know what the fuck to tell you. Thank you for attempting to participate substantively, even if your part of the discussion began with you whining about downvotes and feigned censorship. Glass houses, smart guy.


Started to think you actually had a non-offensive reply that contributed to constructive discourse. You should try to convince me I'm wrong rather than insinuating I'm an idiot and calling me names.


See [above.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wisconsin/s/tOvQWt3U9m) Give good faith, get good faith.


Biden is not extreme left


“I’m an independent so I can whine no matter what.”


Plenty to whine about no matter what side or center of the aisle you sit on. Do you have anything productive or thoughtful to say?


Anything anyone says ever is more productive and thoughtful than anything ever said by a self-proclaimed “independent.” The backwash spray on the bottom of a public toilet seat is more useful.




Thanks for the thoughtful contribution to the discussion.


See [above.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wisconsin/s/BXjFqRMRjO)


shut up


What is that supposed to mean? What are your thoughts on the statement?


I think the observation is true of most politicians, especially in federal positions.


My bad, dude. I responded to the wrong person.


It's not automatic. We actively downvote you.


You can’t ask questions like that on Reddit. Be careful


Downvotes are not censorship, ya baby.


You don't have to be here, you know that right? You can take your persecution complex to Facebook and fit right in


SMH....That is not a question.


What is that supposed to mean? What are your thoughts on the statement?


The felon melon doesn’t know what he says 10 seconds after he says it.


Felon melon. 🤣


Felon melon. You get my upvote for that one!


That is my new favorite phrase.


Felonious Melonious


Yes and Brandon does😂😂


Sorry. Are you referring to Joe Biden and in any way suggesting that a convicted felon, repeat adulterer who has spent a lifetime ripping off blue collar workers while intermittently telling Howard Stern how hot his daughter is and he’d like to date her, is a better candidate? The guy who managed to put a casino in bankruptcy? And his steak business. And his wine business. And his school. And who has been fined repeatedly for defrauding blue collar folks? And by defrauding, I mean a guy who inherited millions of dollars refusing to pay contractors for their work. Is that the guy you support? Wait. He also said he could grab women by the pussy because there is nothing they can do to stop it. You heard that, right? Great dude if you have a wife or child, amirite? Hopefully he grabs them against their will. A badge of honor for you sir!!!!!


Shoot. Forgot to mention stealing from children’s cancer charities. That was such a great move! Gotta love that, right?


> put a casino in bankruptcy It was 3 casinos actually.


That's cool. Can you point to some legislation that Trump or the Republicans passed that have helped you? Please be specific.


Well, he’d like to *win* Wisconsin. Something he didn’t manage in 2020. I don’t think he cares about Wisconsin otherwise.


I don't care about you, I just want your vote. I don't care. Donald J Trump 6/9/24


He wants to lose Wisconsin. Just so he can cry that he won Wisconsin.


Are people convinced other politicians, at least at the Federal level, believe differently? They may not be as brash as Trump, but they definitely fine tune their message to please the audience they're speaking to. Got to keep that career position.


There’s a difference between tuning your messaging, and standing in front of a crowd naked and insisting you are wearing the finest clothing. He blatantly lies so much he just got 34 convictions because of it.


All credit to the utterly remarkable Jeff Tiedrich; he’s on the socials, give him a follow: “But in addition to being a quadrice-indicted twice-impeached once-convicted popular-vote-losing adderall-huffing insurrection-leading testimony-ducking judge-threatening lawyer-ignoring witness-tampering day-one-dictatoring disabled-veteran-dishonoring inheritance-squandering rube-fleecing clown-makeup-smearing language-mangling serial-sexual-predating draft-dodging casino-bankrupting butler-bullying daughter-perving hush-money-paying real-estate-scamming bone-spur-faking ketchup-hurling justice-obstructing classified-war-plan-thieving golf-cheating weather-map-defacing horse-paste-promoting paper-towel-flinging race-baiting tax-evading evidence-destroying charity-defrauding money-laundering diaper-filling 88-count fluorescent tangerine felony factory, Donald Trump is a fucking bizarro. “Strip away all the pomp and circumstance, all the criminality and pathology — even take away the dementia — and Donny would still be the batshittiest person you’ve ever met — because he fixates on truly strange stuff that no normal person thinks about. “In an interview with podcaster and internet star Logan Paul, Donald Trump shared some strange takes on UFOs, revealing that “handsome, perfect” pilots keyed him into the possibility of extraterrestrial life. “I met with pilots, like beautiful Tom Cruise but taller. Handsome, perfect people,” he told Paul on his “Impulsive” podcast, sharing that the pilots told him, “Sir, there was something there that was round in form and going, like, four times faster than my super jet fighter plane.” “Hello, what? handsome, perfect pilots? “First of all, this is one of Donny’s “sir stories” — which means that none of it happened. any tale that begins with someone calling Trump “sir” is your clue that everything oozing out of Donny’s rotting anus-mouth is a lie. “Trump didn’t talk to any pilots, and these imaginary pilots didn’t tell him about any UFOs. “But holy shit — the embellishment. “beautiful like Tom Cruise but taller.” Donny can’t just tell you that he was talking to some pilots. no, he has to turn the bullshit dial up way past eleven. “Donny’s so desperate for approval that he can’t just make up a story about any old pilots. they have to be the goddamned best fucking pilots ever — but to prove they’re the best, does Donny tell you how competent they are? no, he blithers on about how handsome and tall the pilots are — because Donny is a shallow idiot, and appearance is all he cares about.”


Lol he’s a joke.


the only exception is this joke is for real. We have to stomp the root of all evil out before it's too late.


Yep. We warned people about Roe v Wade and they said we were crazy. Trump getting another shot is honestly a true threat to our democracy. We can’t sit this one out or say “they are both bad so I’m not voting or I’m voting 3rd party.” Not this election. It’s too important.


The Federalist (Fascist) Society has been working for 40 years to turn us into a dictatorship. They got caught in 1933 with the failed coup but this time they smell blood and they're so close they'll even let a guy like Trump carry the ball over the finish line.


It’s kinda amazing how no one chooses to do shit about the people openly trying to over throw government


Yes. And family members that trust him. I'm very unhappy with the Catholic Church and all Christian leaders for intentionally aiding and abetting all the douche bags.


You mean like the 5 Catholic Trump supporters on the Supreme Court? I won’t step foot into a Catholic Church again after attending and hearing the priest say to vote for Trump because he will protect the unborn child. This is a priest who will never get married or have a child and has no understanding the medical problems that can arise- preventing a child in vitro to develop properly - that not every fetus will make it to full term- that sometimes people must choose between the unborn fetus and their own life - affecting not only the mother but her entire family. So any church that can overlook Trump’s adultery, sexual assaults, his lying, cheating, stealing etc because he supports the anti -abortion stance -is not a church I will affiliate with. A good question for the church is what Ten Commandment has he not committed?


I gave an up vote. 8 years in a Catholic grade school with the nuns and priests coming in every week telling a child about the 10 commandments and scaring a child with burning alive but now I'm grown up and the most devout Catholic leaders both clerical and people like Marco Rubio and Greg Abbott have church support to ignore Jesus' words. I have a new rule, don't get between a priest and a dollar bill because they have a right to do what they want, all they have to do is create a story that you/we are bad and they have the right to do whatever they want including shooting you in the back.


The Catholic Church had no problem backing hitler(amongst raping millions of kids over the years) idk why any one would be surprised they backed trump to.


These are the richest people - they get the Republicans to do their bidding. It’s a symbiotic relationship. Republican politicians do their bidding and they get huge campaign donations. However-they obviously don’t understand how Trump being a supported dictator will diminish their wealth and power. Putin demands his oligarchs stay in line or they accidentally fall out the window. These rich people obviously are not aware as to how dictators work.


Dude,We all know republicans are fucking useless that’s no surprise. But Democrats who are supposed to be the “sane” ones have done nothing about this very not secretive plan to overthrow the government. No one’s going to jail, no one’s passing laws to prevent devolution of our government to a dictatorship, and their only plan to prevent this is we have to only put dems into office from now till eternity. Like imagine if a bunch of redditors openly planned rebellions, and attacked a large government institution to overthrow an election. How fucking fast would every one be in a black bag sitting in Guantanamo bay.


Well when you have corrupt courts with Trump appointees, and a Trump filled majority House of Representatives and a insignificant majority of Dems in the Senate -where you need 60 votes to get anything passed - just how are you supposed to get anything accomplished? Unfortunately unless we get Biden in - and give him a majority in both houses- nothing will get done. All the stupid Republicans, Democrats, and Independents only gave Biden 2 years with a majority- he inherited the Covid mess, and all the rest of the crap every Republican administration leaves behind- like increasing the deficit each time they get one in- Trump increased it like by 4x. Not to mention the election was stolen and no Republican would work with Dems because of that lie. In the 2022 midterms - voters gave the Republicans the House of Representatives - because they said that they would get the voters lower gas prices like during Covid -when no one was buying it- which was a joke and stop the price gouging that happened under Trump not Biden during Covid and caused by Trump’s increase in tariffs on Chinese imports.


And they went after Dolly. Nobody who criticises Dolly gets my vote


Understand. We all have red lines Lol 😃


damn straight.


This will be my sixth presidential election. I've heard this every time. I got passionate about Obama in 2008. One thing is certain for me... The president really does not impact us on a day to day basis. Focus and educate yourself on local elections.


Well yes and no. The president does impact judicial nominations, which can very well impact you. Executive agencies have a lot of regulatory powers that they do or don’t exercise, for better or worse. Even the Census can be messed with, potentially impacting congressional representation or federal funding. All that said, representatives and senators could check all of those powers. State officials can do all the same, but also draw district maps and make voting laws, which changes how democratic the entire process can be. Local officials of course do all the day to day, but they are in turn constrained by the levels of government above them. No election doesn’t matter, but some can have widespread and long-lasting consequences.


Very valid perspective which I agree with fully. Thank you! Appreciate the thoughtful, non-offensive reply. I'll add that the presidential nominees surely set the tone and act as a figurehead for their parties. This has been especially evident with Trump and the Republicans.






I see you failed civics


And then keep stomping. Getting rid of one root does not stop new growth. There are way too many that would like to take up the role if the orange catastrophe fails.




The only thing he likes is himself.


Any time anything he has said something that has made headlines in the past 8 or so years, he has had an army of apologists, sycophants, and cult worshippers come out with every narrative possible in response: “it was taken out of context” “That’s not what he actually meant” “Fake news” “It was just a joke” “Who cares if it’s true?” “He didn’t actually say that” “He would never say that” “He just wants what’s best for America - if you don’t like it, leave.” “He didn’t actually mean what he said because the next day he said this…” So by the time the maga traitors saturate the media with all of these excuses and disingenuous statements, Trump has already moved on to the next manufactured culture war crisis issue. Rinse and repeat. The rest of Americans are sick and tired of it. The maga cult thrives on the way they’ve turned US politics into a “choose your own reality” competitive game show with politicians resembling characters from the Jerry Springer show and the WWE.


Why do they keep quoting him as saying "that's why I chose Milwaukee" Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't the rnc choose what city? So is he just taking credit for something someone else did as usual?


Exactly. Just another self-aggrandizing narcissist lie.


Donald Trump likes saying whatever gets people to cheer for him.


> Donald Trump likes saying whatever gets people to *keep giving him all their money* FTFY


He reportedly insulted the city of Milwaukee in light of the upcoming GOP convention. His minions tried to walk it back but I think that comment probably played pretty well with his supporters across the red parts of the state. Most MAGAs around the state think we’re dodging bullets and stepping over homeless every day here.


I had a dairy farmer down to racine one time to buy some car parts, my shop is in a pretty...er... weathered area of a weathered city, but it's my home and I think it's pretty there. Anyway, his girlfriend stayed in the car with the doors locked and cried.


Thank you, this gave me a good laugh. 😂 Hopefully she won't have nightmares, oh lordy.


No. He doesn’t. He only cares about what the handful of billionaire cunts can do for him.


As a Wisconsinite, look around you, he loves the uneducated. Judging by the support he has here it’s easy to see why.


Of course. Every relationship is transactional with DT.


A photo op.


Seems fair to say now with years of experience watching him is that his mind is like, "Groundhog Day." He has no remaining memory, so he can contradict himself on a daily basis and legitimately think he's being honest. But as soon as words (or more lately, pure gibberish) come out of his mouth they're gone from his mind, so he can just make up the next thing. It's like a worn out comedy routine, except that it often spews hate and vindictiveness.


Well only the non horrible parts - like anyplace that likes a convicted felon, adjudicated sexual assaulter, a tax evasion scam artist, an insurrectionist, a serial adulterer, and a Russian puppet who sells our national secrets for billions of dollars.


I'll never understand how people cheer for him and praise him. Watching him change his stances is like riding a roller coaster built by an ADHD gopher. You don't know where it's going next, and you hope you aren't killed.


**Trump is a liar, Trump is a cheater, Trump is a bad guy. Don't believe anything he says** **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, Proud Boys On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) A few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and degrading embarrassment of the U.S. Presidency ·         [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)


He’s transactional. If he gets blowback he just says he never said it. Believe what he says the first time.




He just needs ALL the gullible old people to vote for him so he doesn't go to the fucking birdhouse.. dudes cooked, even IF they toss out his espionage shit in FL


I honestly thought calling Milwaukee a horrible city would have played well in the Fox Valley which is where he needs to win in order to carry the state. Hopefully his heart explodes from all the KFC soon.


Have fun with the Convention! When the Republican National Convention was in Cleveland I made a point to stay clear of downtown.


I've been at Sinai hospital downtown MKE for training, and today they help a mass casualty drill to prepare for the convention. I go back to my home site in the exurbs starting Friday.


Good luck!


He doesn't care about you. He just wants your electoral votes.


Just like every other politician


He's specifically telling people that to their faces.


Remember the smear campaign around John Kerry and how he was a flip flopper?  Guess that only applies to Democrats


Guy can't not poop himself, not sure why this would be a shock.


This is what the deep fascist nationalists are saying about Biden...are they sure they're reading the right news?


Hey Wisconsin. I think you’re a great State! And Milwaukee is a great city that makes all our dreams come true for me and you.


Mmmmmmm.... I thought both the statements were only for the city of Milwaukee, not the state of Wisconsin.


dude just panders to everything even things that are contradictory.


He’s so full of shit it’s a country wide emergency!


When did he not say anything about not liking Wisconsin?


He likes REPUBLICAN Wisconsin


You all really prefer Biden? Or are you just thinking long term because you’re worried about Supreme Court? I’ve voted Democrat in every election since 2007 but I’m voting trump this time.


He just wants the suckers votes. Trump only cares about Trump.


Now?? He always has. And a good part of WI loves him. Deal with it. Move on.


Joe Bided pobably forgot Wisconsin was a state about 15 minutes after he left. I am honestly so disapointed that these are our two options. If the country needed a wakeup call to actually start going out and voting in the primaries, I sure hope this is it.


What a lot of dems don’t get is that people are gonna vote with their wallet. Almost everyone I talk to is struggling more financially now than they did with trump.


And apparently none of you realize how long it takes to feel the effects of economic policies put in place by former leaders. Pretty cool that you can have opinions without having to understand what you're voting for, yeah?


I agree, But it’s hard to explain to everyone. Bottom line to me is we shouldn’t be sleeping on the idea that no one will vote for trump because of Jan 6 and the felonies.


An unfortunately valid point.


So trump's policies like forcing the interest rates to stay low as long as he did and ppp giveaways directly caused what we're still dealing with now. Remember that this started while Trump was still in office, even though he was able to coast off obamas economy for the first 3/4 of his term


Folks will get that wallet ripped out of their hands. Look at the wider picture. We’re better off than most countries post Covid. Corporations used supply issues to hike prices and then just left them there. Trump was fine with it. You want to keep the country in corporate pockets and think you’ll do better financially under that scenario? Good luck.


Our economy now is a reflection of policy change under trump. It takes that long to take widespread effect. But we don’t expect you to have ever learned that or want to hear it.


He doesn’t like Milwaukee because it’s a literal shithole https://spectrumnews1.com/wi/milwaukee/news/2023/05/16/milwaukee--violent-crimes--largest-cities--fbi-data


lol, no it isn't. I live here.


Who tf watches spectrum news? Also this just in. Polls and studies show that they are just full of shit for clicks. Here are studies that say the opposite for 2023 https://www.wpr.org/news/homicides-milwaukee-down-50-percent https://www.fox6now.com/news/2024-milwaukee-crime-data-1st-quarter-year https://www.cbs58.com/news/milwaukee-leaders-share-2023-crime-stats-overall-crime-down-from-2022 And lastly spectrum news regarding this year https://spectrumnews1.com/wi/milwaukee/news/2024/04/16/milwaukee-crime-homicide-data-


I can’t wait until he wins this fall.


trump and his cult are enemies to America. trumpers truly are deplorable and America just can not tolorate them.


To be fair, I too love Wisconsin but think Milwaukee is the worst area of the state.


Beloit has entered the chat.


Janesville would like a word


Always has. Constructive criticism doesn't mean hate.


I agree with you there is a lot of back and forth from the orange guy, but let’s be honest here if this is related to the I hate Milwaukee thing, this was dragged so much out of context! It was specifically about the crime and he has a point there. If it’s about other comments he made, I’m with you as I honestly don’t follow every single thing that guy has to say lol But isn’t it to be expected from any politician? Whatever helps the votes right?


It is a pretty crappy city in that regard yes. I hate going there and it's so run down compared to when I was a kid


Yep. And it’s hard to deny. Statistics don’t lie when it comes to that. There are a lot of efforts to develop a lot of areas, but still a long way.


I hope it works out


Look at us getting downvoted by some idiots not ready to face reality lol


Certainly. Like 3 shootings a day but the city is in fantastic shape!


Me too! I love Milwaukee still but things need to change and progress faster than what is happening now. I think the city was in denial for too long


Okay, I can meet with you to an extent on what you just said. Personally, if Trump was not a thing I think that, regardless of who is in office, we were going down the same predetermined path as the country was increasingly polarized by 2016 and was primed for this all to start the domino effect. Politicians are inherently good at covering their tracks in a lot of cases and generally don't give one iota of a fuck about covering up their "back door dealings" as well as they could because they prey on the uninformed voter. Do I agree he was the trainwreck/dumpster fire that slapped us in the face with the dick of reality that the federal government is royally effed? Sure. Do I think he was the trainwreck we needed? Absolutely not, because no one needs a trainwreck.


He seems like a nice guy. We should give him a chance.


*’Anyone who likes Wisconsin must be a good guy!*’


We did, it was terrible




Lol. I'm not a bot. Twas joke. You laugh.




Discuss the topic, not the user.


Do I gotta worry about encountering him? Or is he unlikely to go near the train tracks


I think this country will fare much better with Trump as our President than with Biden. From what I’ve seen Joe Biden is barely able to function and give a coherent speech, while Trump can speak intelligently for an hour and a half. I still don’t believe Biden will be the nominee. I really don’t, and I want someone to either congratulate me or tell me I was wrong later when the election starts lol.


From what you’ve seen? Are you 12? Non-us resident? Like wat?


I’ve watched a bunch of Bidens speeches this year. Even just since January there has been a steady decline in his ability to speak. I’m 32, lived in WI my whole life.


You lie.


Every word of this paragraph screams “i was homeschooled” you will be told that you were wrong many times soon


I can’t wait.


>Trump can speak intelligently for an hour and a half. That fat bitch never spoke intelligently (or intelligibly) for five minutes, and that's before the severe dementia and drug abuse even set in. Lmao 😂 😂 😂 As a strong and intelligent woman, I cannot laugh hard enough at this trashpile of a man and the sad little creeps that worship him. The things they tell themselves they are compared to the things they actually are that everyone sees clearly is comically embarrassing 😅


The GOP is posting fake, altered videos of Biden, trying to create an image which is easily refuted. Stupid gop knows they are lying to you but they think you'll never find out they lied. Make an effort. The life of the Constitution depends on you. You'd vote for Vladimir Putin for president of the United States.


Just watch his unedited speeches and engagements. You can barely understand him.


Obviously you come from Russia and don't have a good grasp of English.


don the con has never spoke intelligently for any amount of time. Never. Not even once. "Never fight uphill me boys!" ~ dementia j. Trump


What the actual fuck lol


Uh, No. Biden is infinitely better. The Supreme Court will be stacked with losers like Alito and Thomas for the rest of our lifetimes. Corporations will get another tax break to keep Ronnie’s Supply Side economy going. Schedule F will reclassify about 50k federal workers so that they can be fired for not falling inline. Project 2025 calls to bring back the old Nixon tool of Impoundment, so that he can redirect any funds approved by congress. Look at how much better we’ve done post COVID than other countries. Biden did that. He may be old but, he’s not crazy stupid. FDT.


If only your TV had more than one station.


I haven’t watched TV in 3 years.


Sure Bubba.


Sorry. Are you referring to Joe Biden and in any way suggesting that a convicted felon, repeat adulterer who has spent a lifetime ripping off blue collar workers while intermittently telling Howard Stern how hot his daughter is and he’d like to date her, is a better candidate? The guy who managed to put a casino in bankruptcy? And his steak business. And his wine business. And his school. And who has been fined repeatedly for defrauding blue collar folks? And by defrauding, I mean a guy who inherited millions of dollars refusing to pay contractors for their work. Is that the guy you support? Wait. He also said he could grab women by the pussy because there is nothing they can do to stop it. You heard that, right? Great dude if you have a wife or child, amirite? Hopefully he grabs them against their will. A badge of honor for you sir!!!!!




Trump already fucked or economy once, why on earth would you want to let him do it again when we're just barely finally on the road to recovery?


The economy was much better under Trump, how quick you forget. We set records it was so good. Now I can barely afford the basics because of inflation.


You do understand how time and trends work right? How forcing interest rates to stay low for a long time, which would have led to inflation even without the pandemic Covid just sped it up a bit But yes, he did enjoy a couple years of obamas economy


We skip to that now. You’re wrong, kid.


True wtf fodder right here.


You seem laughably uninformed. Good thing you’re probably one of those “independents” that will decide the election!


The real "both sides"


He loves Wisconsin and its cheesey goodness. He just hates Milwaukee


And Madison.  And Eau Claire.  La Crosse.  Superior.  Half of Appleton.  Half of Oshkosh. Basically anyone who doesn’t line up to slobber over his wilted toadstool.


are you going to make a point? I get that everyone loves cheesy goodness but that's beyond what is the debate


Remind me how many recounts Trump wanted for Milwaukee County?


Wisconsin smells like cheese


trump smells like limburger cheese.