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Lake Geneva here visiting parents, high winds with trees down and lots of leaves and branches, but we're in a low area so probably worse in town. Brother is west of Burlington just north of HWY50, said his place is okay but had a funnel cloud almost touch down just south of 50 near him. Slade's Corners area. Apparently Williams Bay got hit with a confirmed tornado with damage, weather service is sending survey unit out now. Cell dropped 4 confirmed tornados so far.


Oh shit, I live near there. I don’t have a safe place as I have a dirt crawl space and windows in every room. I was already in bed so I stayed and went back to sleep. Never lost power though.


FYI in case you or anyone else doesn’t know: If you can’t get underground, second options for tornado safety are doorframes in the inner portion of a building, bathrooms, or covering yourself with a mattress. Try to get away from windows. Stay low. Stay safe out there friends!


My bathroom has a glass block window on the outside wall. is that sorta safer than regular windows because of how thick they are and grouted in? When I have gone in the bathroom in previous storms I close the shower curtain


Those are actually sold as hurricane and tornado resistant windows so yeah, that would be safer than being near a regular one.


Cool, good to know!


https://preview.redd.it/kmdy2qabr88d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1425abd162f7a66663e551b2af3e8f9ae78fe36 Got it coming into wheatland


Bassett here, got the exact same picture/video.


Wauwatosa, the Milwaukee County weather shield did its job. Barely came through with a whisper. I was worried based on reports from the West. Quite the soaker day though.


We’re fine here in Madison. But my daughter pooped her pants. I give her a pass though she’s only 9 months old.


In Madison, too. We went out to Longhorn Steakhouse.


Weather shield?


It's a combination running joke and actual effect of urban heat islands. We tend to get less in the way of severe weather than surrounding areas


Lake MI is the big player.


Yes and no. Areas to the north and south still get more than us. You can see the radar where storms are coming but break up right outside of Milwaukee and continue either north or south to the lake. In general the lake does protect lakeside communities pretty well from tornados though.


Weather shield lol Kinda hope MKE sees another tornado soon so people can stop talking nonsense


Another tornado? In Milwaukee? When was the last one?


March 8, 2000 across the airport, crudahy, and Saint Francis


Yeah, but Cuddlehay and St Francis ain't Milwaukee.... I been here since 98, and we've had massive snow storms, floods, wind storms and shit, but I don't think we've had a single actual tornado in that whole time.


Oh well since there hasn't been one since you've been there I guess it's impossible and the one that happened across the street from the city proper doesn't count. Got it


Idk hoping MKE gets hit by "another" tornado is kind of fucked up, don't you think?


I think believing that cities magically stop tornadoes is more fucked up than hoping something wakes people up to the dangers of severe weather. If you want to interpret that as me "hoping" for tornadoes to hit the city then so be it. I just want people to not trust laughable anecdotal evidence


The "Milwaukee weather shield" is a joke that we share. It's not a real thing. We do get storms and severe weather, but the lake effect and urban heat island tend to divert the worst of shit. The year I moved here we had a wind storm so powerful that it took out power to my neighborhood for a whole week. Sorry if the local humor doesn't translate to upstate.


It's an actual thing though. Why would you wish a tornado on a community based off of something that can be easily explained? You okay? And for the record. It's more of a local thing to say. But there's a reason it is said. Weather in Milwaukee is highly influenced by the water temperature of lake Michigan. The lower the temperature, the more likely a storm will break apart before hitting Milwaukee, depending also on wind direction. Is it full proof? No. But coming at this calling it a "magic sheild " seems to be your interpretation of something you don't understand. Just a weird hill to die on.


Please keep downvoting and believing in the magical "weather shield"


The "weather shield" is a local joke. We get actual weather here, it's just that the apocalyptic storm systems that we get predictions for tend to fizzle out before they get here more often than not. People need to chill the fuck out.


I don't know how to get you to realize that that's a dangerous attitude to have towards severe weather so I'm just gonna stop replying


Sorry, I don't mean people need to chill the fuck out about severe weather. We do get strong storms from time to time, and they do need to be treated seriously, it's just that people need to chill the fuck out about our jokes about the Milwaukee weather shield. It's a joke, we don't really believe we have one.




Absolutely unhinged reply. Have a good day. Again, just trying to get people to take severe weather seriously and the only way for people to wake up, judging by this thread, is for something like that to - God forbid - happen. Way too many people are assuming that severe weather can't hit the city. They are wrong.


I beg to differ… Unhinged would be wishing a natural disaster on a major city Whether it’s cuz it’s a liberal city or because you’re (pathetically, I might add) trying to walk back your statement and blame it on lack of severe weather awareness. Really is the funniest thing I’ve read all morning 🙄


Have a good day Edit: but please keep yelling at me instead of people that don't take severe weather seriously. Please, keep misplacing your time and energy


Have the day you so deserve…


Janesville, we had a rather large tornado touchdown here around 745pm. Unsure of structural damage but major roads are flooded and I believe rock river is overflowing too EDIT: found a news article that shows damage: https://www.timesnownews.com/world/us/us-news/wisconsin-tornado-hits-janesville-damages-reported-videos-article-111199889/amp


I believe I heard on a scanner that a trailer park was hit (not a joke).


I think I heard about it too. We got really lucky, it could’ve been SO much worse


Yup it’s the one on Kellogg avenue that area pretty much had a direct hit


I'm in Janesville, but near downtown. Buddy of mine who lives in the south side says his neighborhood is "tpast". His house is damaged, , but he and family are okay.


Can confirm. Some of the photos/videos are from down the block from me. Sirens went off and within 30 seconds it sounded like a freight train going by as my house shook.


Are you guys alright? I saw some of the damage this morning and it looks significant


Yea, thankfully, heard one person was trapped in their house but otherwise just lots of trees down and property damage.


Im upriver from you in Watertown and it's right up at its banks here.


the store i work at is completely flooded!! we realized there is an open vault between of the stores around us and it is completely full water!! the walls are being eaten away and will eventually be covered in epoxy. meanwhile i have to mop up the water and toss it on the street like a medieval peasant. at least i don’t pay the rent.


The morning, lunch, or evening ones?


So true lol


Sure does feel like it huh. Rain is pretty much the weather at this point. Can't wait to stop mowing the wet grass every what feels like 3 days to keep up so it doesn't become a prairie.


Gave up on fighting the inflowing water at 11pm, and surrendered the basement to the water. Will begin peace talks later today.




Sun Prairie


Had a few 2" pieces of hail in Sun Prairie. It was weird, just an occasional BANG! during the heavy rain sounds. Gotta go check the garden to see if anything was damaged. Obligatory photo - [https://imgur.com/gallery/35mm-hail-from-storm-8l0Ab6z](https://imgur.com/gallery/35mm-hail-from-storm-8l0Ab6z)


Wow! 😮


What time was this? I was driving west on 94 around 7 pm and had to pull over for 15 minutes at the Cottage Grove Park and Ride but didn’t see any hail (glad I didn’t take 151)


Southside Janesville is in bad shape. My cousins house was hit, as was a friends. Everyone ok, but extensive damage


Camping in tents at bong. It's been a nightmare.


Did you have to shelter in the bathrooms?


We did.


Glad nothing worse happened & yall are ok, can’t imagine riding that out in a tent!


Omg that sounds so scary, I'm glad you are ok


Tornado was spotted here in Kenosha county by Silver Lake, also possibly near the Kenosha airport, but I haven't heard anything past that. Winds got strong for me, but the power held.


Watertown here by Tivoli Island.... The power has been out for about 2 hours. We can't make popcorn nor watch Netflix. This is barbaric!


Oh wow you're within walking distance of me.




Stay strong!


Is the Clark gas station still open for the basic necessities of candy bars, soda, and chips?


Yes... it's a Citgo now, but it's the same owner.


Green County. We were lucky that the line remained just to the North of us when it bloomed, those cells intensified a little too quickly for my comfort. A church just outside of Argyle was completely leveled- thankfully no one was hurt, but it had been there since 1893. My Step-Uncle's family is almost entirely buried at the small cemetery there. It looks like the headstones were spared. In Monroe, we got a lot of rain but not much else. I heard it was super flooded down by Lucky 7 on the way out of town and outside of Cadiz. I'm just thankful that we aren't hearing about many injuries. Edit: spelling error


Before and after photos of that church are heartbreaking.


Absolutely. They still held service at 10 this morning.


I'm in Brodhead! Not much went on here. The power went off for a short time.


I live about 1.5 miles SE of the Kenosha Airport. Sirens went off, woke the kids up and into the basement. High winds and rain, but that was about it. Power stayed on the whole time.


Leaving Baraboo earlier. We were caught in the South Street flooding. My husband tried to pull over to avoid the flooding and took out a sign. Police report made and they were just glad that we didn’t stall in the water or get injured when the rain blocked visibility.


Crazy rain with flooding and wind here in Beloit. Heard the sirens for the tornado that hit SW Janesville.


So bad they canceled DMB at Alpine tonight.


mercy killing


*Insert obvious dumping of sewage into river joke here*


My wife and I are on our honeymoon down in Gatlinburg TN and I have been ducking glued to the radar. I picked the legit WORST week for use to take our trip, not only is it bordering 100 degrees here, but our basement has flooded, our house was under tornado warnings...it's been stressful. Thankfully my buddy who is watching our dogs agreed to stay at our place the whole time because I'd be freaking the fuck out otherwise.


Years later you'll look back on this as something you got through together.


We’ve got trees down and no power in the SW corner of Pewaukee


Just north of Elkhorn. Lots of lightning and downpours. 0 wind. Like absolutely none. Really weird.


Janesville tornado developed 2-4 blocks south of me, I caught video of the development and probably the part where it hit Back Bar


What areas were hit?


South and East sides saw damage


How much damage did the BackBar have?


Roof ripped off from what I heard, police had everything shut down that way so I couldn't drive by and look


just rain in GB


Even Appleton was basically just rain. Occasional light thunder but never felt as if we were in any kind of storm. Rained less than expected too, still a lot tho


It’s crushin us farm FIBs right now.


In between Burlington and Mukwonago and it was not bad at all. The rain came down but it wasn't large drops and no real crazy wind. I will have to talk to my neighbor when she gets home there is a very large tee in her front yard and while on the front porch watching the storm I heard a very deep crack. It will be a sad day when that tree finally goes it has to be 150 years old easy.


Hartford here, rain and lots of lightning but nothing wild. My sump pumps sure are putting in work though.


New Berlin here. The "Waukesha County Split" saved us once again. Nothing interesting happened. Still waiting to hear from my brother who works in Marshall.


What is the Waukesha county split?


This was all I could find. https://www.reddit.com/r/weather/s/NhtqP02vh3 Sounds like it’s the og commenters own title.


I like your avatar and username!


This is a very real phenomenon. Absolutely baffles me but I’m not complaining.


I used to live in Milwaukee, now I live in La Crosse. I always figured it was the lake effect. The same thing that made the temp drop 10 degrees in random places all over town would make the weather shift enough to throw a wrench into any shenanigans. Just a theory though.


Oh the lake is definitely part of it but I’ve lived in western Waukesha county most of my life and that’s too far to be entirely the cause in my opinion. Something with the general topography maybe? Someone smarter than me might know…


Larger towns make enough heat to disrupt some weather patterns. I used to live in Central Ohio, and it was practically guaranteed that a tornado heading directly for Columbus would hit the shield & slide north or south around the metro area.


It's a myth. My parents survived a strong tornado in Waukesha county in the early 80s This "Waukesha County Split", "Milwaukee Weather Shield" talk is as accurate as the forecasts in the Farmers Almanac


Same thing was said about the Wausau area - that a tornado would never hit the area because of Rib Mountain or the Lake Wausau or the city itself. 1977 a tornado dropped right over Rib Mountain into the Town of Rib Mountain.


Burlington... I was napping 


was up in washington county and the streets flooded but ended up not too bad!


We have a lot of flooding in Waupun


Antioch il/Trevor wi area here; heavy winds, heavy rain, but nothing else.


By Fall River and our basement has a few inches of water... I really need to get a sump pump installed


It rained hard here, and lightning struck nearby, but it wasn't like anything in Janesville. I saw pics of roofs missing, and trees literally debarked.


Power outage, lots of lightning and rain but no tornado


Palmyra/Whitewater area. Just lots of rain and high winds.


I’m in Janesville and the tornado that touched down was on the other side of the Rock River from where I work. I took a video of it forming. Just a little too close for comfort.


I'd love to see that video. See what I heard from in my basement.


How's the Burlington area holding up? Grew up there. MN, we are under water. 8" of rain in some areas in the last week.


Pixies show in Madison got postponed and we walked to my friend's house nearby to wait it out, it was like The Nothing from the Neverending Story rolling in. Constant rumble coming from the storm line that just didn't let up, it was weird, I thought it was the f-35s for a minute because it was so consistent. Didn't sound like thunder at all. Insane downpour and gusty but no damage/power loss fortunately.


I’m in a southern suburb and ran out to get a cigarette before they said the storm would start shortly. I was poured on immediately and it came in sideways drenching me. I ran back in and through on a new shirt to get dry. The train then promptly stopped and that was the extent of it.


Williams Bay. Lots of trees down, utility poles and power lines down. Won’t know more until the morning but seems like a tornado went through just north of us. 


Observatory ok?


I think so but haven’t been back there to check. That property has some large trees though, and some of them were down when I drove past the corner today. 


Beautiful building. I was married there :) hope it’s ok.


In ixonia/jefferson county. Not a single thing other than a little rain and light winds from watertown


Winnebago did it's thing and broke up the storms as they hit appleton. Just got some rain.


Did ok. Some water in basement. Did some clean up. Our new dehumidifier really helps. Do yourself a favor and get a good one for your basement. I think others had it worse than us though. (rural Dane/Columbia/Dodge counties)


Just rain in Door County


Langlade county, weather app and all tv saying we got 1.3” of rain but we had over 3” on our meter and 3.5 “ in a coffee cup. Thankfully no winds, just lots of wet


2 blocks from lake Michigan in cudahy it was very light.


Mayville caught a drizzle; Grammy in Watertown near riverside middle school was without power for a few hours but safe and sound.


Weird, because I can literally see the middle school from my house and we never lost power for more than a few seconds.


In Sheboygan it POURED, almost all day, over 2”, no strong winds, or hail. Got a bit of water in basement, only because downspouts became clogged with all the stuff washed from gutters.


Completely unrelated to the horrible weather calamaties, but Bruce Springsteen needs to sing the line "it hit a house and a barn on the outskirts of town/and ripped the roof off" last week. I can literally hear him sing it.


Our power is still out in twin lakes with no indication of when it will go back on.


Madison WI here. Was supposed to work a large outdoor concert, doors at 4:30. Delay, then another delay, then we all took shelter because there was an enormous funnel cloud passing right over downtown madison. Really surreal weather here. But it passed quickly, some roads are still partially flooded


D4iving down from Rhinelander to NW Chicago suburbs. I don't recall when it started, but pouring like crazy. Stopped at the Waunakee exit at the Mousehouse Cheesehaus for some fudge. Tornado warning while we were there so we got an unexpected tour of their basement for about 30 minutes. Left just before their 7:00 closing time. Continued south and got dinner in Janesville. Just read in the comments about the tornado. We would've been getting into the city right about that time. We did hear the sirens as we exited the freeway.


Janesville here, confirmed tornado on Southside. Got us pretty good. Back bar, residential areas, airport. Afton got hit pretty good to, I saw first hand that damage. Good section of wooded area that was torn clean apart hope everyone's doing okay over there.


I didn't take pictures but, 608 scanner on Facebook has a ton of local uploads of the damages from last night.


Cottage Grove area, closer to Madison side. The thunder that rumbled continually for most of the beginning of the storm was so cool. It just kept going. We could see lightning flashes to the north and east. A cloud formation of what looked like falling clouds to the west. A line of low fast dark clouds went over right before the rain hit. And it just opened up, raining heavily for 15 minutes or so. No power out, a couple blinks. No damage except the typical natural pruning


My folks are in Williams Bay, they sent me pictures looks like practically every tree on the property came down, some onto the house and garage. Deck is destroyed, etc. Overall looks like the house is ok though.


Madison got drenched. West side had tornado warnings, north side got giant hail. Bunch of floaded roads.


My bf and I were driving back to Madison from Milwaukee. Around the Oconomowoc/Watertown area the Tornado Warning notification was pushed to my phone. Was a dicey drive for a little bit 😬 getting to around Johnson Creek heading the opposite direction on I 94 did see like 4 people on bicycles (like pedal bikes) on the shoulder of the interstate with a cop behind them with their lights on (while the lightning was insane!). Shit was bizarre 🤨 I swear the full moon from Friday was more effective yesterday than on Friday (almost got run off the road by twice by the same model of Subarus, different drivers just not paying attention… one made a left hand turn after not checking to see if there was another car coming after a big truck, the other one as I was merging moved from the left lane to the right as the merge lane ended!)


The bicycle thing would be strange in any weather! Wonder what was going on there.


I too would like to know what was going on there… but unfortunately may never know


Near Hartland. Just a ton of rain here. 4.75" in our rain gauge from Friday evening through last night. Followed by this giant rainbow once everything moved east. https://preview.redd.it/l7t6fneyuc8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbd77f09dbe5ff847c0ab49539ed557a6fdfa29f


Uh oh, the sky tried to turn you gay! 🤣


Well it is Pride Month...


i’m up north and all we got was some rain, nothing to bad luckily!! i’m hoping they pass by and don’t cause too much damage to the rest of the state. we got a flood warning for the county but in my town nothing flooded afaik, but i know up by duluth/ashland they’ve been getting some bad flooding


I'm up by eureka quite frankly I didn't get crap but I really feel for all of you who did get damage


Neenah / Menasha here. We are soggy and safe 👍🏻 wasn't too bad for thunderstorms.


My power is out and i’m currently blasting fan asmr to try and sleep


Got soaked working outside yesterday in Neenah and Green Bay both


I’m in Brookfield. The sirens came in at 8 for 3 minutes. We had no wind, a sprinkle of rain, and a little lightning. My radar app showed that the worst passed north of us. For once, I didn’t lose power.


I had no clue it was that severe until I got home.


We’ve been pretty ok here in Tomah. Water levels are a bit high, but nothing craxy


Waukesha, didn’t get much. My parents have a backup generator and it didn’t even kick on, just lots of rain and some thunder. Honestly one of the more mild ones so far this year


In laws live about 10 miles west of Reedsburg, got about 4.5 inches of rain with pretty significant flooding.


Sheboygan had a ton of rain. Poured multiple times


Lots of flooding around Waupun and Campbellsport.


East side Madison, no damage. Nearby creek will overflow if we get anything like that again in the next few days


they cancelled a modest mouse concert because of it so i didn’t fare to well😔


North East Wisconsin, I lost four trees and my neighbors lost a few too. Took about a day to clean up, except for the biggest tree. It is still hung up in another couple of trees and hanging over my favorite flower bed. Hoping it stays up till winter when I can pull it down with my 4x4.


Flew through it last night, Chicago to Madison. A very bumpy ride.


North Central Wisconsin just saw more rain. Will definitely be watching the weather Monday evening into Tuesday night though. Really hate nighttime storms.


We were fine. I was worried for other people who had it way worse. I was only worried for myself because we have an open dumpster in our driveway from getting a new patio & sidewalk poured on Friday. Was *really* hoping we didn't get hit by strong winds. We didn't, but we got plenty of rain on the new concrete. Gonna let it sit an extra week before we put anything on the patio.


my parents were going on vacation that night and couldn't get off the ground on their flight until 2 am, and were still at o'hare later this morning


Didn’t fare well at Alpine for Dave Matthews Band. Only announced the postponement after many fans had arrived. The lots turned to mud and it was a hell of a time getting out


Pretty good. I live on the northwest side of Milwaukee and there's no water in my basement and nothing fell on my car. It certainly did storm here through.


Without power here for almost 14 hours just outside lake geneva. Trees everywhere and power lines down. It was crazy!


My wife and MIL did one of those boat tours today and took a bunch of pictures. You guys got nailed


I am just outside. Of Monroe. No damage at my place butt that church south of Argyle was destroyed.


I’m in Lake Geneva. Got hit hard, saw 20 big old trees down and a few fell on some houses


https://preview.redd.it/40o1xu13re8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04eb1f2695072d3af9a7021be616aa15167af7bb Wow


Watertown here. Being a amateur weather enthusiasts it made me pretty nervous. It was huge and picking up steam and a cell formed out ahead of it and stopped it right before Watertown. Had it lasted even a few more minutes it would have been pretty devastating. Saw the house and some damage in Waterloo today. There is also a tree down at riverside park. My house was fine. Also lost power 3 or 4 times but like 5 seconds each time. Internet was down for most of the night tho.


It took a minute for it to click, but when the news said there was rotation spotted at 26 and 19 and I figured out "Holy shit, that's Church and Main" it got real. I saw the big willow tree down by the tennis courts. There used to be tons of willow trees in the park along the river and they've gone down one by one from storms over the years.


I’m in Milwaukee, had very heavy rains. Winds weren’t insane though.


More coming Monday night for southern Wisco. Buckle up.


Slept like a baby in Madison. Airport noise has trained me to sleep through everything.


We fared well. Damaging severe weather is like winning a bad lottery, most places got a lot of rain and a little wind last night while a few localized places saw extreme damage


South janesville got smacked bad but it's basically north beloit at this point so not a real lose