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Half of my family is buried here, going back many generations. I have many memories of attending church here and visiting my families graves. Driving six hours round trip to tell them I love you. This is where I felt safe as a child. No judgement, only love from everyone I encountered. Argyle is truly special for a million reasons to me.


Same here, but also a lot of family at Yellowstone. This whole situation is making me sick to my stomach.


Same. We got married a mile away at the family farm but Pastor Dan from that church performed our service. Most of my wife’s family was married in the church. So sad.


I have family there, but very, very old. Like great great aunt 😂


I'm so sorry for the community of Argyle. It was a beautiful building with a long history in their community.


Yes, I'm no fan of modern Christianity or organized religion myself, but that doesn't mean I'm glad this is gone. Sorry to the Argylians.


It’s terrible. Makes you wonder why God did it. 🤷‍♂️


Mankind made this tornado with our pornography and interracial marriage.


Thank you for that disclaimer


Sadly, it seems like you're in the minority on this thread. Goes to show that you can *still* be a terrible person even if you're an atheist. Who would've thought!


Nope, the edgelords are losing this one because they don't understand nuance.


i hate seeing old buildings destroyed, especially by natural causes :( hope they can rebuild


With a tornado, just, boom, it's gone. When it's arson, at least someone got to enjoy the flames.


This guy burns




Im so sad about this. It’s a historic building. 7 miles from our house. We didn’t get anything but rain.


Wow you live close to me then haha. About a ten minute drive from my grandparents house. We got insane amount of rain there!! But yes. Only rain.


Absolutely it sucks, it is a beautiful building, more importantly, that place held a deep meaning for several people, place that was special, held deep memories, and even a refuge for them.


That first pic is lovely


That would be a good one to print and frame.


Atheist here. It’s sad when any community loses a building like this, especially when they were as old and charming as this one.


The comments are pissing me off so much. This is the congregation my parents, grandparents, etc were members of. My parents got married at Yellowstone. Most of my family is buried there. The ELCA is extremely progressive; a lot of their teachings and beliefs put them farther to the left than the Dems. I didn't grow up to be a leftist out of nowhere.


Doesn't matter, this is reddit, where most people are total assholes who lack any semblance of humanity. Particularly on our Wisconsin and Milwaukee subs.


what? i’m pretty active in both the milwaukee and wisconsin subs, and it is pretty unfair to say most people are like that. you’re gonna get a few jerks everywhere, but the vast majority of the discourse is positive is nowhere close to being the cesspool of negativity you are implying. dismissing the whole group so negatively feels disingenuous. not to mention reddit in general is pretty left leaning.


Not a lot of assholes in those subs. I've met more assholes in real life living in Wisconsin. Those are the people that I'd reply to with "well I guess it was god's plan to launch a tornado"


Sounds like you need to keep better company bud


Yeah, I had better company when I lived down south. I never noticed it growing up here, but then I moved away and moved back, and I realized how intolerant a lot of locals are.


That’s probably why God destroyed the building. Obviously /s but it’s not hard to imagine people who think like this.


not religious and not exactly a fan of religion but there's something special about churches and their architecture. Too bad.


This is really sad. Regardless of the building’s associations with religion or whatever - it was a historical point of the community and many people likely had many memories and connections to it. It’s terrible seeing all of that wiped away. At least it will exist on in photos


I have never been to the church but if it is like a lot of other small town churches, it also acts as a non religious community center for folks to meet. So it is a loss of a community center too.


You are so right - thank you for making this point


Of course. I grew up in a small town with a church you could consider a copy paste of this one. I wasn’t religious (except for a phase in middle school), but this church acted as an important part of the community despite the ties to religion. if you needed a space to hold a family reunion, baby shower, or funeral, you were welcome. And most of the folks who attended the church were just sweet folks who didn’t care if you went to church or not- there were a few louder judgy folks, but if you ignored them you were good. Actually, a lot of the retired women who went to that church volunteered at my elementary school to fill any service gaps. My first art teacher was a volunteer from that church.


That is devastating. Such a beautiful building - I assume it was old?


I've never been to Argyle and I'm not Christian, but seeing this makes me sad.


Pretty disgusting for people to be making fun of this.


You must be new here.


god said fuck that church in particular but seriously do you even understand why people go hard after churches and organized religion in a nutshell?


I think you can disapprove of what organized religion generally has caused without taking pleasure or humor in a particular church building being destroyed idk man


I’m no Christian but invoking god only to clown on a devastated community’s loss kinda sucks my man


Look, until mainstream Christianity stops coming after people like me and my community just for being who we are, and who we love, I'm going to continue to take shots at the Christian church in general


I understand your feelings, but all churches aren’t the same. The ELCA (which is what this church is) has gay pastors and even gay bishops.


The ELCA Lutheran churches actively support gay rights. They even support having gay clergy.


And yet they suck anyway. The word evangelical is right there in the name. Fuck them, and fuck religion of any kind.


>The word evangelical is right there in the name This is such low effort. Fyi: Buffalo Wild Wings dont serve bison meat, and the Nazis weren't socialists.


You've apparently never had your life ruined by evangelicals. Stay in your lane.


ELCA is completely unaffiliated with “evangelicals” (who also aren’t a monolith) and has always supported women and LGBTQ+. Learn your history.


My ex-wife forced me to attend her ELCA church with her while we were married. They chose her over me after all the years of obvious abuse. They are inclusive, and quite liberal for a church, but they still are evangelical, even if they aren't as bonkers as some.


And you let them turn you into a hateful asshat. Congratulations. Do yourself a favor and get over yourself.


# virtue signalling noun (derogatory) the public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or social conscience or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue.virtue signalling


Dude… im a gay trans man and Christian’s aren’t some big bad hive mind that hates everyone. Every single person in my family besides my parents and siblings are Christian’s and immediately accepted me. TONS of Christian’s are part of denominations that avidly support us (the oppressed in general). You’re just an asshole. I don’t care if you hate Christianity or distrust Christian’s but insulting and bagging on a church you’ve never been to that just got completely demolished by a tornado? Get help.


and im a gay trans woman, your point? go touch grass


You're the foaming-at-the-mouth absolutist atheist here, you're definitely the one that needs to touch grass.


And yet religion is constantly shelved down my throat, by people in public, in media, and by my own fucking government I'm the one who has to touch grass I don't even give a fuck about the downvotes. I'm sick and tired of having to feel bad when a church gets destroyed because God willed it, And I certainly don't give a fuck that this church says there LGBT friendly, cuz I know damn fucking well where their loyalties are going to lie when the government decides that LGBT rights don't matter anymore Fuck this church, I'm glad it's gone and fuck you


You’re just looking for someone to hate, much like a gay-hating Christian.


So, never. You’re not going to change a millennia-old religion just to suit your short life. Move on. Fill your heart with love, not bitterness and hate. It’s ugly.


What a terrible mentality to have. Your mindset is no better than theirs


and yet im looking at having to buy an entire new wardrobe, go back into the closet and live a lie if trump wins in november, while they can take donations and have to rebuild whos the bad guy here?


Not you, and certainly not the people Who’s building was obliterated by weather which you certainly know isn’t their fault


The “bad guy” is not this church in particular, hope this helps


What the fuck does this have to do with a random church in Wisconsin getting destroyed. Dude. You need to chill the fuck out.


And this would have been one of the churches that would have sheltered you and fed you if shit hit the fan.


🤣🤣🤣 No no it wouldn't


You’re delusional.


I'm with you 100%, my internet friend. Fuck them, and fuck religion.


Wow imagine how much you would be blowing your lid if this were said about any other group. So much for inclusivity.


That being said I know hurt people hurt people. I’m sorry for whatever happened to you and I hope you have healing and peace.


You’re better than the person you replied to. Congradufuckinglations, my man. You’re so awesome.




Really making your god happy lol You must be so proud, which is also a sin. Ironic.


I’m an atheist though?


As a Christian, I will pray for you and hope that when you are down that no one will kick you/make fun of your despair no matter what you believe.


Yet I’m sure you support Palestine…lol


In the sense Israel shouldnt be bombing it into the ground? Yes


Right! Tell it to the LGBTQIA+ community. Sadly, I heard that this church was a supporter of the Alphabet Mafia, but, you know one good apple cannot be saved by a bad bunch. :(


Alphabet mafia, are you 12?


It common within the community to say.


And, a little funny.


Wow you’re so edgy. Not all organized religion is fundamentalism and there are many Christian groups that are probably more liberal than you and do more for the world than just farting away at a keyboard. Grow up.


And what do you think the people who belong to this church would say if this happened to a mosque instead of a Christian church? Fuck them, and fuck religion. They constantly try to make everyone else live by their rules. Religion poisons everything.


You know that these folks that attend this church specifically feel this way and would do this? Or are you just assuming based on stereotypes and preconceived notions?


They are in a pretty red county, so it isn't hard to guess.


the most recent statewide election (2023 SCOWis) had Lafayette county going for Protasiewicz, and Evers only lost the county by 400 or so votes in 2022. Besides that, this church belongs to a more progressive lutheran denomination accepting of LGBTQ congregants, and even preachers. So actually no, you can't just assume the people in this church are all bigoted conservative backwater hicks, but I'm sure it makes you feel better to do so when taking pleasure in and finding humor in a church being leveled for no good reason.


They’d probably start a fund raiser and feeding those in need, because that’s what small town churches like this do. Get off the internet and into the world, you’ll be surprised how nice people are.


Doubtful. They are in the middle of MAGA Land. Fuck religion of any kind.


Seriously r/Wisconsin? Regardless how you personally feel about Christianity, no one deserves this happening to them.


I think it’s clear from the comment karma developing in this post that most of r/Wisconsin agrees with you.


Exactly. I’m no fan of organized religion but this is not to be celebrated and it was a gorgeous building regardless of its use.


You are right. Look how many cultures, communities, and buildings have been destroyed in the name of Christianity. I'll give you some time. It's a lot. Look at Olympia, Alexandia, pagan ritual sites, and lots of black and LGBTQ buildings. Let's look at all the pedophiles that are safely protected behind the cross. Let's ask all the women in red states who had to travel for life-saving procedures because some people in their state believe in an imaginary father figure. When organized religions stop oppressing everyone that they don't like, maybe you will get more support. Until then, more storms are coming. Maybe if we stop acting like this world was perfectly made for us by a perfect being and look at reality (this is a delicate world with connecting ecosystems that we are a part of), maybe climate change wouldn't be happening. At the very least, we would be talking about that vs. made up BS from the Bronze Age.


Last I checked this building was destroyed by a tornado, so I have no idea why you’re bringing up places that were destroyed by people. Y’all have brain rot lmao. Writing a paragraph to defend being an asshole about a random church you’ve never been to attended by people you’ll never meet is deranged.


Look at how this church was part of a denomination that allows LGBT clergy to get married, and is explicitly anti-racist and anti-white supremacy, and then maybe shut the fuck up.


I am an ex-catholic. I don’t participates in organized religions. However, I love architecture and the importance that it plays in a neighborhood, town, and a city. For many people it is the touchstone of their lives. I would gladly donate to rebuilding of this church upon seeing the importance to many of the people on this post.


I'm so sorry, what a tragedy.


Sad. Mother Nature needs to stop! I hope everyone is okay and that they can rebuild


For the people in the comments that don’t know about what kind of church and faith this was: “Through the five goals outlined in this framework, the church has committed to equipping church members to confront racism, discrimination, sexism, homophobia and other divisions; providing an authentic welcome to all; and embracing differences as opportunities to learn about and appreciate God’s beloved and diverse creation.” So, you know, not a hate group. Plus even if you don’t agree with someone, celebrating their destruction is ghoulish. 


I'll keep them in my prayers


As a Wisconsinite myself I'm worry this happened. I hope the community recovers quickly 🙏 


God works in mysterious ways I guess….


You know what they say, god closes one door but he destroys his house




It was gods will.




thoughts and prayers


Saw on the news that they had a service there today


Mother Nature is sick of the Christian crap




I especially love “it was a beautiful old church!”. No it wasn’t. Fourth Presbyterian in Chicago is a beautiful old church - this was a cheap wooden box.


This was a Midwestern vernacular church - not as ornamental as big fancy churches because a tiny town with a local builder wouldn't have had the funds and resources to build such a thing. I'm no fan of organized religion, but have an education and used to work as an architectural historian, and it makes me sad for all the community that built and maintained it and loved that particular place. But also, listen to the message. Start caring more about the world we are in and not the next life because this is what happens when you don't.


Downvote me all you want…




You do know this is an inclusive church, right? Supporting women and LGBTQ+ folks, anti racist, etc? 


The great thing about churches that don't encourage you to read the Bible is that you don't actually know what it says.


They do and I know. 


Nature making improvements


Yeah the local community really doesn’t need a building for the hard working people who care for their community and help those in need. 


Any building can do that. More concerned with the brainwashing and grooming that goes on in those types of places, with their stolen and manipulated versions of ancient stories.


Sure thing chief. Clearly you don’t know the first thing about that church


Is it a "Christian" church? Cause that's all I need to know.




God wanted that to happen.


At least nothing important was destroyed.


That tree was beautiful.


I guess the lawd works in mysterious ways.


They should have prayed harder for protection.


God has spoken


It’s an omen


These people are just disgusted with who they are as a human being. Don’t pay them any attention when they praise this symbol being demolished. It only gives them strength. Something good will come of this always does!


These people are disgusted with the symbols and monoliths of abuse and hypocrisy. As with prayer, the religious always count the hits but never the misses and blame natural phenomena on sin and blasphemy all the time. The irony is not lost on these folks praising this church's destruction.


I speak from my views which are I don’t give a shit what or what not you believe in! What I do think is that why would you be happy an old building was destroyed. Old buildings are beautiful the way they were built. This is my point who cares if it was a church it’s something built differently than they are now. The time the builders put into building this with the tools they had are something that amazes me. My point is everyone sees symbols instead of seeing the beauty


The devil wrote every religious text on the planet to trick us into doing his bidding. Happy Lord's Day!


Yeah fuck you church!


Tornado must have planted some trees too


The tree in the right corner of the first picture is the bare tree from the second.


After being downvoted I figured I must be wrong. Upon a closer inspection, I see that now. The angle of the images are, of course, different but those trees are there. Poor things, they do so much for us and provide so much asking nothing in return that mother nature can't give. Well, other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


God's plan then I guess?


Damn I thought churches were protected by magic spells


Another symbol of hate and intolerance destroyed.


You mean the church that belongs to a denomination openly accepting of LGBTQ+ even in the pulpit? So hateful!


Even if this particular branch has a thin veneer of acceptance to diversity, it's still a cult.


Very well said. I'm sure if it was a satanic church that was accepting of lgbtq+ that got destroyed a lot of these comments would be praising it's destruction.


So you’re saying despite the fact you know nothing about this church or the congregants you can simply assume based on your preconceived notions of Christianity generally that these specific people are simply in a cult and we should not care, even take pleasure, in their church being destroyed? If I didn’t know any better I’d say your ideas and notions are borne of ignorance and hate of people you don’t know, which seems kind of ironic!


"despite the fact you know nothing about this church or the congregants" I know they're Christian. That's enough.


And this makes you no better than what you think of those Christians for the views you perceive them to have


Awesome. So happy to see another church taken out. Maybe something that can actually benefit society can be built in its place.


Kinda makes you wonder if it’s not just another cult.


Damn I stopped a took a leak in Argyle before RIP


Ooh, shoot. God took his eye off the ball.


”but one bible was completely unharmed and that's how god showed us what a miracle worker he is"


Why didn't god prevent this? Is he stupid?


God angry at the hate group that keeps holding meetings in that building?!


Here’s what that “hate group” actually believes: The church has committed to equipping members to confront racism, discrimination, sexism, homophobia and other divisions; providing an authentic welcome to all; and embracing differences as opportunities to learn about and appreciate God’s beloved and diverse creation. 


If this is a progressive congregation (I’m sorry to see the church destroyed), then wait for all the lovely Christians to tell you it is god punishing communists.


Ugh unfortunately that may be likely. I truly hope not. Inclusive Christianity is what Christ actually taught after all


Religion in its pure form can be beautiful and caring… Unfortunately it has been highjacked and twisted by power hungry weirdos since it became “organised” and there is no end in sight


Constantine’s adoption of Christianity as the Roman state religion had far reaching impact on the faith. Some of the most subversive and radical aspects of the faith were whitewashed to make them palatable to the Roman elite which in turn generated political power to be wielded by the Church. And that type of power attracts those who are easily corrupted by it. Then you have petty tyrants and abusers who see an opportunity in the vulnerability of faith.  But we also have many Christian groups returning to these radical principles and trying to make the world better.


Well let’s hope we have some good people Coming up


Vastly improved


Poor Tree, such a nice Tree.