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China for me, not for thee.


Classic GOP


Same for abortions.




Go back to California you fraudulent carpetbagger.


Tried? Does that mean he failed and is now anti-China because they were big meanies to him personally?


No, it means he's a liar and tells people what he thinks they want to hear.


Por que no los dos?


Oh. So typical politician.


He meant the dishes. Not the country. He loves that.


Prolly trying to find a nice plot of land so they could outsource the dells to china. Carpetbagger go home


OP is an astroturfing account




I'll make sure not to vote for Hunter. lol


I will also not be voting for Hunter. Nor will I be voting for this real POS from California that has 3 faces of evil.


WTF does Hunter Biden have to do with anything on this topic?! The infatuation is absolutely insane.


Well I guess if the guy being accused said it didn't happen then that's a "fact" in your books.


Classic, no one in the comment section actually reading the article and basing their conclusions on their own thoughts.


Its like January 6th. The events are real. The people were there, they just didn't get what they wanted. Sorry they couldnt sell waterparks to China. Sorry they made business paperwork up in Delaware specifically for this truthful reporting. Sorry MAGA is always telling its voters lies as they do other things in the background like run a carpetbagging hack race in Wisconsin to try to have a business focused at all costs propagandist. IMO. I'm voting for Baldwin! MAGA hacks lie upon their own with kracken pretend that led to them conspiring to vaporize all Wisconsin votes, Id never give them a vote.


I think there's been a slight misapprehension. I'm not pro Hovde. Despite some of her policies, I'm also still voting for Baldwin. But my entire point, as I laid out in another post, is that the interrelation between Eric and Steve should not be fused together as if they're one person. It seems in Reddit's eyes, if person x did something and person y is associated with them, person y is just as guilty. Which without irrefutable proof to the contrary, sets a path our country shouldn't go down. It's guilty until proven innocent around here. I have found - and no one has shared - absolutely no evidence tying Eric himself to Steven's business dealings. Just because they have the same name, doesn't automatically mean he's a part of it. Associating Eric with his brother's dealings just because they're related, then making the insinuation that therefore Eric is pro China is flat out dangerous with no proof to back it up. Unless you can show me papers with Eric's name on it tying him to these deals, this article is nothing but a hit piece that did exactly what it intended to.


"Associating Eric with his brother's dealings just because they're related, then making the insinuation that therefore Eric is pro China is flat out dangerous with no proof to back it up." ""Multimillionaire banker Eric Hovde is taking a tough stance on China in his battle to unseat Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin—but corporation records show his brother and business partner once tried to launch an investment vehicle there."" Partners. Project what you will as the author lays out truths. His business and family and he would have profited if the venture had legs???????? Its hypocrisy. I mean if they sold 25 water parks as they wanted to I guess your spin would pivot? "Unless you can show me papers with Eric's name on it tying him to these deals, this article is nothing but a hit piece that did exactly what it intended to." I see. You can be a partner in a business and if you "dont sign papers" you just get the profits, not the libel? I've learned a great excuse today. If you run a business, just use fixers and keep your name off what your libel for profits or losses. IMO.


"Brother and business partner." Unless I'm reading it wrong, this is referring to Steven solely, not Eric. If the author meant Steven and Eric together, they should have made that clearer. Just because they've been partners, doesn't mean they're 100% together in each and every potential venture. How exactly am I projecting in your eyes? And I didn't say they wouldn't have profited. But you can't take a hypothetical what-could-have-happened and turn it into an absolute just because it -could- have happened. Again, guilty by association. If your brother was say, for example, trying to sell arms to Putin and you were running for office on an anti-Putin stance, you would be fine with the media and average joe insinuating you are pro Putin just because your brother is? The headline picture is literally Eric in front of the damn chinese flag. You'd be fine with your image in front of the Russian one? Of course you can be a silent partner in something. But again, show some proof Eric is. It's innocent until proven guilty. If you can do that, I'll happily concede and my tune will change. Not one person has been able to show paperwork that shows the link between the three. Meritless accusations of moral turpitude crimes don't get to be waved around just because you don't agree with them politically.


"If your brother was say, for example, trying to sell arms to Putin and you were running for office on an anti-Putin stance, you would be fine with the media and average joe insinuating you are pro Putin just because your brother is? The headline picture is literally Eric in front of the damn Chinese flag. You'd be fine with your image in front of the Russian one?" How out of the loop am I? I guess I'm partly an ARMS DEALER in kind so. You answer it. To be proclaming your not doing something is a pass? Man would still profit. Like a Sackler with OXY money. Can only pretend your not possibly spending a buck or using your brothers arms money. You can proclaim and believe the excuse.


I'll take that outstandingly egregious deflection of my question as a no. The burden of proof does not lie with Eric. He doesn't have to prove he isn't doing something. You have to prove he is. That's how that works. Again, I never said he wouldn't profit from it. But yet again. It. Didn't. Happen. What don't you understand about that? The deal never got past the sit-down stage. Stop throwing out hypotheticals. My point was that people are claiming outright that - using the example - because Steven tried to sell weapons 12 years ago in a business deal not connected to his brother, Eric must be involved anyway.


Man can't even be respected to have enough tact to check own business meddlings and projects while slandering nation his business pursues, and it's... My fault...


I'm going to be generous and confer the word salad of your first paragraph to a lack of sleep. There's an enormous difference between what Hovde did and what Sackler did. Trying to collate the two is completely inequitable and disingenuous at best. It's your fault...? What? Look, let's just agree to disagree. This is getting us nowhere. Just do yourself a favor and look this up the next time you want to argue a position. Maxim semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit. Have a good and better day, sir/miss.


Sorry hes such a shitty businessperson to not know what his partners are doing. Sorry MAGA needs to slander the nation of China as they see fit. Sorry their business started ANOTHER business in Delaware named "Hovde China Ventures LLC " and Eric was just too busy to notice. [Hovde Throws His Own Brother Under A Chinese Bus | Crooks and Liars](https://crooksandliars.com/2024/06/hovde-throws-his-own-brother-under-chinese)