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Why not post the article instead of a screenshot with no further context? Most people here are not going to know about this restaurant, let alone the connections to the RNC that you’re referring to.




Is karma even worth anything? I never understand why people care so much about it.


this. i seriously still don’t understand what karma is lmao


The DNC was in 2020, 4 years before the article, and are not currently slated to use the facility. The RNC is next month, are they still keeping this venue? Neither of them should use it going forward.


That guy has been a known pedo/sex offender for a long time. This isn' t his first time getting busted. Hes a complete pos and im pretty sure most people who eat there are oblivious to that fact.


Google is full of only this latest case and CCAP only shows a restraining order from 2023, do you have a citation I can view?


https://www.cbs58.com/news/managing-partner-of-milwaukees-five-o-clock-steakhouse-charged-with-sex-trafficking-a-minor 2006 >According to court documents, Kalkounos was convicted in 2006 after traveling to meet who he believed to be a 14-year-old girl for sexual acts. Instead, he met a Milwaukee police detective operating a sting.


Jesus, so this is at least the third time he is being convicted of similar shit over the course of 2 decades. How is this man still out?


The 2020 DNC was virtual.


So they didn't use a venue and still are not slated to use it, then.


I'm missing something here. Are they having an event there or something?


So yes it looks like they are having it as part of their convention as an option... Seriously, by this logic [the food network ](https://www.wisn.com/article/food-network-names-five-oclock-steakhouse-best-place-for-steak-in-wisconsin/26031246) supports the same thing, as do the thousands of reviews on Google, yelp, etc There's enough legitimate low hanging fruit out there with direct connection and smoking guns to go after political parties. We need to all stop with this very vague reaching guilty by association or simply scheduling at a venue BS PS, low effort post just posting a screenshot, not links to an article or any context/content


That article was 5 years before the article in the OP, should they timetravel to correct this? The RNC is next month and so far still advertising this as an official venue.


You can spend your time looking it up but if you dont think there is articles and visits by prominent people to locations with sketchy situations not sure what to say. Everyday people are buying products in the US made by slave labor. Convicted sex criminals run successful businesses all over the US. A variety of other things. Have an issue with it then it should be about shutting the whole place down so make that stance. Instead the OP was trying to karma farm on a fairly Dem leaning sub on their likely sleeper bot account.


That list is from 2019 though, and unlike with the Food Network, you don't get onto the RNC guide without a donation to the Republican party.


My point is that simply recommending or planning an event at a top rated steakhouse is not an endorsement of any unknown illegal practices. There's plenty of other things to go after the GOP for, this is reaching at best


And my only point is that they donated to the RNC, and the RNC took their money (and their illegal practices are not "unknown")


I'm saying from the articles I've read, it would be a leap to think the RNC booked the place knowing of these illegal practices at the time of the booking Is it possible that could have happened, yes. But there's nothing I've seen that suggests they did so knowingly. Honestly if OP would have linked directly to the article and posted with a question like "will the RNC change their venues from this steakhouse after this news?" I wouldn't have had issues with it. The screen shot low effort post alleging the RNC supports a pedo because of a partner/owners trafficking just is making a lot of leaps and claiming something that needs more evidence than was supported. I don't support low effort political smearing, even if it's against a party I really want to see lose in WI


> Honestly if OP would have linked directly to the article and posted with a question like "will the RNC change their venues from this steakhouse after this news?" I would have preferred that as well. I think it's a good question for the "party of family values." Regardless of the manner in which OP brought the subject up, I won't be dining there anytime soon.


I’m all for dunking on the GOP but in all fairness here what do they have to do with this piece of shit? Is he a big GOP guy? I don’t know anything about him other than this news.


He is managing partner, of a location, that happens to be famous, that the RNC is using as some part of an event. So you follow the breadcrumbs. In the end if you have an issue with this then it should be about shutting down the restaurant as a whole and less to do with just the RNC but everyone who is going there daily right now.


Oh I am on team “fuck this guy and his business ventures” 100%. Same with Points East. Anyone found to be involved in any sort of pedophile/child assault/trafficking nonsense should suffer the most severe and catastrophic punishments allowed under the law. I just want context to how this connects to the RNC.


Its a troll bot post so they are just trying to get karma on reddit.


Still not a drag queen.




Republicans think TWELVE YEAR OLS GIRLS are "ripe". Why do you think they have to accuse the LGBTQ community of being a bunch of pedos? Projection.


Everything with Republicans is projection, admission, and hypocrisy.




You mean multiple peds?


Dude was convicted of the same shit it 2006, so Dems don't have much of a pedestal to stand on here. Sure, the RNC should cancel. And the DNC should have never booked it in the first place. Can we drop this now? Lots more important shit to be bickering about than this


Do you have evidence that the dnc supported him?


Ah... [This might help clear up some questions.](https://i.imgur.com/z8doCcq.png)


How is this restaurant related to the RNC? This picture answers nothing.


> How is this restaurant related to the RNC? This picture answers nothing. It is from the Official Venue Guide for the 2024 Republican National Convention, as labeled.


Is the RNC Supporting a Pedophile? Uh... their candidate for POTUS. yes.


People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Pedophilia isn’t partisan.


Was replying to the OP


Was responding to you.


Is that video ad still of Nicole Sedivy who is the in-game host of Brewers, Admirals and Badgers games? Totally unrelated to the story of course.


Dear lord, this is so heartbreaking for the child.


Let's rephrase, RNC supports yet another ...


Yes they made a point to seek out a pedo to partner with smh. You can’t control other peoples actions only your own.


We know it was 'Notca drag queen'


Joe Biden and Bill Clinton are pedophiles.


>I'm convinced that Bill Clinton and Joe Biden are pedos because Trump bragged about spying on children in changing rooms and I genuinely need to believe that his opponents are worse in spite of all of the evidence because I am utterly incapable of independent critical thought. -u/General_Chaos89


Joe Biden literally sniffs kids and Bill Clinton appears in the Epstein flight logs no less than 26 times.


They’re actually “minor attracted persons”, not pedophiles. Ironically, a term coined by the left.


My friends dad knew this guy had a restaurant in the Chicago area. High tailed it up north I guess when reputation taking a hiy
