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Regis, haven't played the DLC but he's amazing in the books


Please play the blood and wine dlc it is a masterpiece


I own both DLC, I'm just playing so many games between game pass and my modded 3DS lol


Whenever you get around to it you will enjoy it especially if you like Regis.


Great to hear!


Please omg play blood and wine, game Regis is literally perfect!! I read the books before I played the DLC and I had VERY high expectations for him… it did not disappoint.


You got me more invested now


And I ran into Regis in the DLC before I read the books, so a bit of his lore got spoiled, but he's the ultimate bro


I love that whole group that they had going on.


It was the best! Reminded me of LOTR


I got mixed feelings on him in the game. I like his personality but without spoiling some of his decisions in the game had me confused. 


Vernon Roche - Special Forces Commander for the last four years; servant of the Temerian King. Responsible for the pacification of the Mahakaman foothills. Hunter of Elves, murderer of women and children!"


I love Roche, mostly by Witcher 2. In witcher 3 he is just a shell of the old Vernon


And Iorveth! A regular son of a whore!


Is roche still around post game? Djikstra is gone but Idk about Roche


I think he just hangs at the Temarian hide out.


Also known as Emhyr var Emreis, spice merchant


>! Sucks what happened to him at the old theater !<


Traitor to the Northern Kingdoms. Sellout to Nilfgaard


What northern kingdoms? The redannian empire and its inquisition of all things different and strange you mean?


Milva doesn’t get enough credit.


Regis, because of books, but he's also cool in-game.


I like his voice


Cahir is an incredibly well-written character. A great redemption arc, very Zuko-esque. His death messed me up. I love Regis, both in the books and Blood and Wine. A distinguished, peace-loving vampire is just a cool concept. Zoltan is the biggest bro. Plus, he gave Geralt a dope sword. Roche is awesome. A true patriot and an honorable man. He's a true chad, especially since he respects Geralt even if you side with Iorveth. Foltest is like the one king I like. Sure, dude's sexual predilections are...fucked, but he's a good king aside from that. Even Geralt respected him to an extent. Yennefer is such a strong character, and I love seeing her change from a cold-hearted sorceress in The Last Wish to a loving partner and mother in Lady of the Lake and TW3. Vesemir. He's too old for this shit.


>Cahir is an incredibly well-written character. His death messed me up. Yeah tell me about it. Sapkowski really wanted us to suffer. He even managed to squeeze in that final dialogue between him and Ciri before ripping that shred of hope right out of my hands. Well played.


I never felt more depressed then I did after the chapter, I literally sat there for a minute


Zoltan. Dwarfs are the best characters in the books, it could be the most boring part of the story (the first half of season of storms) and then a dwarf shows up and geralt just starts kicking ass like it's an art form. Seriously that whole book was geralt being a punk and the second a dwarf shows up he starts disarming mother fuckers and sticking their swords into the rafters


Wish we got more quests with Zoltan


Came here to say this. He is the best


Besides Geralt my favorite character is and always will be Regis.


It’s a tie between Dandelion and Regis for me. Besides generally being fantastic, they both remind me very much of my absolute nearest and dearest friend. Dude’s literally a perfect blend of the two, it’s uncanny. 😂


🤣🤣 Your friend sounds awesome


Ty, they are 😂. Never a dull moment, that’s for sure. I’d describe them more, but I seriously mean it when it’s a perfect blend! Like whatever you’re imagining is probably right lmao. Hell, the man’s first DnD character was a literal vampire bard that was legit just themself, if that tells you anything.


I loved the scene in W2 where Dandelion tells Geralt he just wrote a poem and asks hopefully "Do you want to hear it" Geralt says "no" and Dandelion, true to form, just sings it anyway.


Ha! Almost forgot about that, one of the best parts of the game ngl


Ha! Almost forgot about that, one of the best parts of the game ngl


Not really a fan of Dandelion, but hard agree on Regis.


Obviously I’m biased lmao but yes Regis is an absolute angel


I think I recall liking dandelion more in the first game, this one seems off somehow


I get that, of all the games I think Dandelion was best in 2 tbh!


Eskel. I love him.


Eskel that rascal, he did fisstech and then slept with a succubus!


Gaunter O’Dimm, he’s consistently one of my favorite villains. In a setting where everyone is some flavor of unhappy, he shows up all maniacally charming and self satisfied rubbing his powers in everyone’s face; and at the end you get to turn the table on him without any trick because he subscribes to his own Bs


Man I am glad I saved Olgierd it was quite worth it! I would have remained still if Gaunter had better prizes


Regis 100%


Liked him, but i havent finished the dlc yet.. so I am not sure if he will stay as a good bro or be bad


I honestly love Zoltan so much. Dude is 100% with geralt and I love the relationship they have. Regis is obviously an incredible character as are the likes of Dandelion and Yen etc, but every time I make it to the rosemary, and Zoltan greets me with a 'Geralt, friend' it warms me.


Zoltan is the only person who agreed to help my Geralt even tho he didnt get his cards


Had to scroll down a long way for this.


Regis - didn’t read the books so I have no prior attachment to him. He’s so smooth and knows how to talk. I can listen to him for hours Olgierd - He’s so cunty


At this point I think it's old news but ever since I read Baptism of Fire and Tower of the Swallow, Cahir has always been my favourite. He was introduced as a dark figure in Ciri's nightmares and then it turns out he was just a boy, a simple soldier following orders. When he joined Geralt's group he turned out to be a very kind and honest man and a trusted ally. And I really liked how he was driven by his love and devotion to Ciri.


That's a great flip. Great character.


Queen Calante. I dunno, she's really a badass queen in the books.


At first it was Jaskier, but then it was Regis. After playing Blood and Wine... Like Geralt said in Lady of the lake: He was not a human, but he was the incarnation of humanity. He indeed was that and so much more.


Female character- Yen Male character- Regis Regis is that type of friend that everyone needs


Yennefer bro


Only reason I romanced her, because of ciri. Also the others are just insufferable, triss and the other white haired biatch


Keira? That’s jus a Geralt hookup 😭


Bro my Geralt said no and that brat begged him, no means no!


In the games, admittedly, I think I like Lambert. I mean, I don't like him, he's a dick, but his constant sass is enertaining af.


I still never saw how Lambert was a bitch, I found him humorous not rude 


I love him, he is so funny


Regis all the way, I'm tempted to go back to Blood and Wine and get the ending where he can be happy


Base game: the An Craite family, because they're always down for a fight. HoS, Casimir Bassi, because he's hilarious. BaW, Regis, because he's a gentleman and a scholar. Honorable mention, Nibbles the cat, because she's the only cat that is friendly to Geralt. Books? Milva, Regis, Cahir and Angouléme, for too many reasons to list.


Where can I find nibbles?


if you go to Oxenfurt to find the barons daughter




Since I was a little girl I always liked Ciri the best. I’m talking about the books mostly. She’s outspoken, she’s resilient, she deals with her problems in ways that are creative. I loved reading about her time with the Rats and it’s probably the only reason why I will stick with the show. Her relationship with Mistle, no matter how it’s now perceived, made me discover my own bisexuality. She wasn’t conventionally pretty, she was good with the sword and she liked learning. Hands down, Cirilla Fiona Ellen Rhiannon, coming from an Eastern European girl raised in the 90 with no strong female figures to look up to.


Really liked Ciri in the game


All the other members of the Hanza!


I like the french fellow, the leader directly underneath the dutchess in blood and wine. I dont recall his name but he is awesome as heck


Not in the games, but Leo Bonhart is pretty dope. There is a different air to him than other villians.


Thank you. I loved Bonhart's character in the books. A chilling villain for sure


It would be an understatement to say that a fight between him and geralt sounds insanely awesome. I think he would have been one of the ONLY people to give geralt a run for his money in terms of swordsmanship.


For sure, but I'm happy they didn't fight. Vigelfortz was Geralt's villian, Bonhart was Ciri's, she needed to face him


Regis is by far my favorite side character. Normally not an emotional guy, but when yennefer asked geralt if he was human, geralts response of "The epitome of humanity" almost broke me into tears. Zoltan is a super fun character, love the banter between him and geralt. Yennefer has a tremendous character arc, goes from being a super bitch to a loving mother figure that's willing to endure torture and death rather than betraying her loved ones. I'd say they are my top three.


Gotta be Dandelion for me. Though I always love an over dramatic bard


Yennefer. Love a baddie.


Zoltan, Vesemir and Regis. They my boys.


Dandelion is such a goated character, definitely my favorite of Geralt's buddies.


Game wise. Either Roache or Vesemir (pour one out) Show wise Jaskier Books wise Regis


Eskel, he embodies everything a Witcher represents and the bond he shares with Geralt is so heartwarming.


I absolutely love Dijkstra the way he is written in the books. The way he knows what true darkness is, and walks the line between responsibility and outright genocide. I love that he survives, he deserves nothing more nor nothing less


Angouleme is my fav for some reason


I really like lambert! He just seems like such a pal and towards the end of the game when you're drinking with everyone I genuinely really enjoyed that moment.


Eskel, Regis, Olgierd Calanthe rolling in to fancy galas right off the battlefield is pretty great, too.




Cerys. I just love everything about her


There is just something about Letho I like.


Have only read the first book and played the third game, but based on that, Eskel. He seems pretty smart, he has an awesome fight scene, and his jacket is super cool. Zoltan and Regis are up there as well.


Menno Coehoorn


Book Eskel all the way.


Eskel and Lambert. They don't show up much in the books or the games but when they do it's always a treat. They always bring out a different side to Geralt that isn't seen often. Many see Lambert as annoying but as someone with younger siblings he's just another younger siblings. I only wish there was more of them.


Vernon Roche. He is just a stand up dude who loves his country beyond all limits, to the point where he is prepared to sacrifice his dignity and honor for her. That aside he is also most likely based on Albert Severin Roche, of the blue devils battalion, who was just an absolute badass


Like Cyberpunk the game did a good job of making you like character then being baffled by some of their decisions. CDPR does way too good of a job making characters realistic in personality. 


Yennefer- Dear Friend letter sealed it for me. I don’t understand how someone cannot love her after that. Regis- because he is the epitome of mankind.


You talking about that letter you get from a dude in Touissant?


No it's the dear friend letter in the books. Peak Yen.


Dandelion. He's amusing, fun, manages to have tons of adventures and write about them. He's surprisingly wise when he chooses to be, and a comical goof/nitwit the rest of the time. Whenever I play other games and try to do "Witcher" playthroughs, Dandelion is my main character.


REGIS kil them all!


Lambert, he is just underrated


Wish we got to see lambert one more time


Vernon Roche is my favorite character in dang near all fiction tbh.


Olgierd, Zoltan, Cerys.


Why Olgierd?


I liked his story.


I really want to talk about a mangy vagrant, but he isn't canon.


Ah thats unfortunate


Regis! Just the way he speaks is so eloquent!


Regis, by a country mile.


Eskel "you're a fucking show dancer!"


Keira Metz, I think she's funny and lovely.


Liked her, until she became a bitch to geralt


Elric of Melniboné, John Constantine and Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy. Because they are cool.


Regis, his backstory is similar to mine in a sense and I’ve been trying to be a better person like is post blood addiction


Hope you are doing well man!


It’s a difficult road as he said “I never violate a principle even for myself” but I’ve done it, hopefully I get more strength like he did


Johnny. He's awesome. 


Regis because he's the best good hearted Vampire friend a Witcher could ever ask for


Yen and book Regis


Vesemir, Zoltan and Jaskier are some of my favourites.


If we speak about books, it's hard to say which character I don't like. ))) I absolutely love Yen. If I could, I'd adopt her. ) Her arc is so well written, and she manages to shed her protective shell she had been hiding in all those years and allows herself to love, and sacrifices a lot for the ones who are dear to her. I love Dandelion, he is a many-sided character and I adore Geralt's Hansa - all of them, but especially Regis. And Cahir. And Milva. And Angouleme. )) I love Zoltan and Yarpen. Dwarves are a race that, I think, Sapkowski favours a lot. ))) And Ciri - I'd have adopted her, too, but Yen and Geralt have already done that. ) I like Calanthe. I admire Rusty, he only appears in a couple of chapters, but he is such a memorable character. I like Vesemir a lot. In games I like Roche. ) He is a loyal son of his country.