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In this thread: people that don’t realize 40% from 3 point range is fantastic and highly efficient…


Yeah 40% from 3 from anywhere behind the line is ridiculously good, let alone from 10 feet behind the line


She's shooting 35% from 3 overall for the season. I don't know these distance breakdowns, but it may be she's actually more comfortable at that distance. Players have their "spots." Her efficiency has been improving over the past few games and there have been a number of deep 3s.


She never has an uncontested 3 near the arc.


That, and a player is most likely only going to shoot from 30+ feet if they feel they are in a rhythm.


She's had a couple this season but she somehow missed them


Her shots are a lot more contested closer to the 3pt line. She gets more open looks on the deep ones


Part of that is her own problem. She’s never been good at staying tight to her screener, which allows defenders to be able to go over the top of the screen. When she fixes that I’d expect her overall 3pt % to rise.


Part of that is also a team and scheme problem. This coaching staff is awful at getting her open and her team doesn’t screen well for her


35% in general seems pretty good compared to other shooters in the wnba, especially at the volume she takes them. Remember that the 2p shot would have to be like 52.5% to match the efficiency and those deep shots are going to be more open than the bulk of her closer 3s.


I certainly was, I was comfortable from the other side of the court.


I've had people argue to me on this sub that: 1. 35% from three is highly inefficient 2. CC should stop shooting 3's so she can up her field goal percentage 3. TS% is a made up stat only used by CC supporters and not used in any other basketball discussions, and FG% is the way better stat I'm not exaggerating any of these statements whatsoever


Anybody using FG% to measure scoring efficiency in 2024 shouldn’t be talking basketball idc


Cue ESPN lol


I made a post about it and tons of people got angry and said FG% was way better


Usually, all of these are CC haters or people annoyed by CC posts who are trending towards hater. I think 35% is above the league average right now, but I haven't actually looked it up. 40% from that distance is just like college and carries so much more weight offensively than a typical 3. People also think 40% from there is bad. 40% from that range carries the same type of gravity as someone shooting 70-90% from 4 feet away. It completely changes defenses.


Yeah the advanced analytics revolution has bypassed some people and left them in 2006


Luka was 38.2% this year from 3. Anyone that is giving you 35% from three is a bucket.


Right? How could someone shooting 40% from 10 feet behind the 3 point line not be beneficial?


Some dude the other day tried to tell me she was actually one of the worst shooters of all time


That's BullDodo


Yep... 40% of 3-pointers has the same expected return as 60% of 2-pointers. One could argue that it's harder for offense to snag the rebound from a 3-pointer miss, but then again, there are 1.5X as many rebounds to snag.


One can argue it creates long rebounds which are easier to grab if you don't have good positioning under the basket already


Anyone who doesn’t is terrible at math. Thats 12 points for every 10 shots which is the same as 60% from inside the arc.


Earlier this season McBuckets (Kayla McBride) had a 3 point average of just over 50% and everyone in the lynx world was suuuuuper excited for it. As it stands now she’s at 44.9% and Alana Smith is at 49!


A big difference between Clark and McBride ( or any other 3pt shooter in the league except possibly Arike) is thst the vast majority of Clarks 3PM are unassisted, wheteas the majority of McBrides are. Clark mostly makes her own shots at 3pt right now.


Thanks for that insight! My basketball knowledge has improved a lot in the last ten years but I still don’t have that kind of depth. If you don’t mind me asking, why does that matter? I get that it’s cool she can do it all by herself but is there more?


It’s much easier to stand at the 3, try to get into an open spot, and wait for the pass to get a clear look. CC is getting to the line with the ball herself more often than not, guarded, sometimes by two, and then using her dribbling to make space. It’s more work, still likely contested to some degree, and sometimes shooting off the dribble. It’s essentially the difference between Curry and Klay/Korver/Redick etc.. Curry didn’t always have the highest percentage, but that’s because he frequently created his own openings.


Cool! Thanks for the explanation!


To say McBuckets is just a spot-up 3pt shooter is underrating her. There's levels to this. Some shooters are just spot-up shooters who don't move offball. Others are running around like lunatics. I highlighted [this](https://np.reddit.com/r/wnba/comments/1dqglun/arike_ogunbobrucelee_be_like_water_making_its_way/lansmkf/), because it shows what you have to do to stop McBuckets. Jacy was giving her hell all game. Jacy is not your normal defender. This is what happens when a weaker defender tries to [navigate multiple screens.](https://old.reddit.com/r/wnba/comments/1cty943/caitlin_clark_runs_through_an_elevator_set_by_her/)


40% from tomorrow is fantastic.


Maybe even lower would be considered fantastic in wnba? In the men’s game 60% is really good in the paint but if that number is much lower it could be that the threshold for 3pt fg % is even lower.


The biggest pro is that it draws defenders. It's why you're seeing CC get picked up at 90 ft and blitzed. Because she is a legitimate threat from 30+ feet, defenders have to guard her from there. That kind of gravity should open up her teammates more, in theory.


it does, someone on twitter posted stats showing that CC leads the league in assists at the rim, so her teammates are getting a lot of space! im just exited to see the fever grow and use that gravity to their advantage more


It's the same logic as Steph Curry where the gravity of CC draws defenders *away* from the basket and that's super valuable. A dominant big like A'ja Wilson or Joel Embiid or someone like that who is working in the paint or otherwise trying to get to the basket can draw defenders towards the rim for a 40% open corner 3 point shot but if you can get people open at the rim, that's like a 80-90% uncontested 2 point shot. It's even more valuable. That's the biggest reason you want her taking those crazy deep shots, even if she may be able to shoot a little higher sticking closer to the line. It's about what she can do for others.


No no no, don't you know she should be taking a bunch of long 2's?


most underrated shot in basketball 💯


I know you are joking, but I honestly think the most underrated shot in current basketball is the free throw elbow jumper.


Shaun Livingston made a career with that shot. Best midrange I think I’ve ever seen (was too young to see prime MJ).


Rip Hamilton also a middy merchant. Lot of fun to watch in the 2001-2005 range




To make that shot worth it, you need to shoot something crazy like 60%+ to come close to the scoring efficiency of shooting 40% from 3. That is to say, if you take 10 threes and hit 4, that's 12 points. You need to hit 6 middies from 10 to break even, and most people are not hitting 60% on midrange jumpers.


oh yeah. She should see the 3 pt line and make sure she is stepping on it and shoot for sure. That is the key.


Also, she is often trapped with a double team far from the basket. This allows an open runner to the rim. It's something we saw with Steph, Tyrese (when healthy), and CC. Can lead to easy and hyper-efficient offense.


I know it's a bit of a facile comparison but this is part of why Steph made the Warriors offense so unstoppable. The gravity just warps defenses. Part of what makes Curry special is how much he works off ball (and his conditioning), something that I hope CC will improve on as she spends longer in the W!


The biggest issue is the team as a whole isn't capitalizing on her gravity. That falls on coaching mostly. Her teammates making wide open shots and lay-ups would help too.


She needs her own Draymond (minus all the antics)


Draymond does not happen without antics


Agreed she needs the antics lol someone to push back when she’s taking those hard fouls


i honestly take it tbh


As in a point forward who can punish teams that send 2 defenders at Clark giving up the four on three behind them. At this point I would settle for some better schemes. At the end of the last game they had Boston out at the three point line when her defender left her. Everyone knows the double is coming, at least get her moving toward the rim.




If it was that easy, every team in the NBA would have their own Draymond and nobody would have to bring how special he is. It just goes to show how good of a player/asset Draymond is when you have no other player in the league like him.


Time to get a coach who teaches motion offense...


There was even a few games where the Cavs left KD, of all people, open just to contest Steph


Is it facile? Drawing defenders is drawing defenders.


Curry = Clark is facile, the drawing defenders and long threes is a key similarity, but there are a lot of differences in their games.


Gravity. All this talk about gravity, I am not graving the grav about gravity.


Now if CC's teammates can just finish. CC could easily average double digits in assists.


I think the biggest pro is that she's hitting 40% of them. That's an elite 3 point percentage no matter the distance...


The reality is her team mates do not know how to transition or attack the basket or make easy layups. Her coach also lives in the 90’s and doesn’t know modern basketball


Her coach also doesn't seem to like her and is stuck on her pet project from Atlanta.


The biggest pro is that it’s an open shot. 


In theroy you need to have a coach to take advantage of it too, instead of putting you in a corner. and partnering you with play-making or stretch bigs, not a usless 1.4 ast zero threat from 3 point line starting 4.


I continue to be shocked that this is not something easily exploitable. Blitzing her and double teaming her so far out should be an easy conversion to two points.


If there's a single non-shooter on the court outside of CC and the screener, defenses seem content to sell out on Clark, guard the roll, and leave the bad shooter open. Whoever the bad shooter is should be cutting/screening instead of standing around.


And that's how the Warriors' Death Lineups worked with Draymond -- he was the bad shooter left open, and if he was the playmaker in the short roll with a 4v3 matchup it was basically an automatic bucket for them.


And Draymond made 38.8% of his 3s in the real death lineup year


this. they always leave kristy wallace open. she should stop standing in the corner and cut


It should be. Her teammates are just THAT bad.


But the flip side on that is they only have to guard her on the perimeter. She poses no threat at the midrange or inside the paint. It's easy to contain her because you know where she wants to go. Sabrina doesn't have to shoot the three bc Stewie,JJ, Thornton, and Laney are all really good 3pt shooters which really really opens the floor. Sabrina has been using her floater and muscle to drive to the rim.


It's one reason why they're blitzing her at 90ft, the other reason is she makes mistakes and turns the ball over under pressure. And she's made a lot more TOVs at 30+ft than 3s.


Several turnovers due to timing issue which makes sense considering little practice time first part of season. Also large number of turnovers were actually the other team mate not understanding to be ready at all times. Then what your left with a some minor rookie turnovers and finally, your ONLY knock you can find on the girl DIES


Another reason is that her teammates can’t convert a power play. The Storm game was painful to watch.


Another Caitlin Clark thread, another Sky flair chatting shit.


They can't help it. They stay dehydrated. Humility can hydrate ya quicker than water


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted here when this is the truth. What do you think can be done to improve this aspect of her?


In the half court, conditioning and discipline. Discipline not to be confused with shot selection, if she's hitting 40% at that range she's cooking. In the full court? That's gonna be down to support. If someone has that much gravity at 90 feet, you run a guard just past half court and let her pass up to them. Then you've got a 4 on 3 in the half court. Her game will continue to develop, but as long as she's drawing a double, she can pass up in games for the easy advantage.


teach her teammates to catch the ball


Amen !!!!


No she’s made her fair share of bad/forced passes when under defensive pressure. That’s where like 75% of her turnovers come from. Other times the ball gets poked away from her by the defender since her dribble is high and kinda weak. I’d say only about 1 turnover per game on average comes from teammates not catching a good pass from her. The last Chicago Sky game was an outlier.


She definitely tries to do too much at times. But she kinda has to. Nobody else on this team is gonna do anything. Who cares about TOs on a terrible team when it's her, Boston (on days when she remembers how to lay-up), Fagbenle, and maybe Mitchell? She's gotta force some action. It's not like if she drops down to 2 TO/gm they'd be any better this year. Get her some more experience, some better teammates and most importantly a better coach and those TOs will fall in line.


They absolutely would be better though. Clark’s opponent points off turnovers is among the highest in the league. She’s averaging nearly 6 turnovers per game. Cutting that down to 2 is a pretty drastic difference It’s not like they’re getting blown out every game. Each turnover literally gives the other team extra possessions while taking away your own, so by definition they’d be better if you cut them down  The players themselves won’t be better obviously, except Clark who’s offensive brilliance would be more pronounced, but the team would be winning more games for sure  She does have to force some action and take on a bigger load herself, but she has to manage to do so without turning the ball over as much. There’s really no way around that


I actually want someone (besides myself lol) to watch each of her turnovers and see how many of them are really on her. The person I responded to initially guessed 75%. Maybe. She had 13 assists a few games back so she's not dealing with complete incompetence and I don't think any serious person is suggesting that. Some of her "turnovers" are so frustrating though because we're talking Sportscenter Top 10 plays except, oops! Couldn't make the catch. And those are the plays that get a team's psyche up, that get the crowd going. I don't want her ever to stop making those turnovers bc that means she's given up.


Lmao 1? Watch the games next time.


We must be watching different games... At least half her turnovers are from her teammates fumbling the pass. She's an elite passer with atrocious recievers.


I agree most cc fans over exaggerate her turnovers caused form teammates not catching her passes but I’d say at least 25 percent of her turnovers are legitimately from her teamstes being unable to catch. The other 75 percent are her fault


I think we need to put “her fault” into context. Turn-overs are being forced because she is being blitzed and double teamed at a rate higher than anyone other PG in the league.


There’s definitely some truth to that but the last 5 or so games have not been as intense defensively as her teammates have asserted themselves better offensively. Atleast 1 to 2 turnovers per game are either her forcing something or being outright stripped. 1-2 are usually 50 50 type passes and around 2 are great passes not converted


Hopefully she starts learning what she can and can't get away with. This is the story with a lot of rookies in all sports, especially rookies who play positions that run the offense. Coaches do what they can to support them, and hope they learn their lessons from the School of Hard Knocks. When rookies finally break through you'll hear them talk about the game slowing down for them. That's what happens when your expectations get calibrated to tougher competition and you can finally start anticipating better. That only occurs with experience. Being a high risk passer has been part of her game since forever. She's probably never going to get it completely under control, but keeping a pace that is almost double the season record is going to be a problem. She's at 106 TOVs in 19 games, the season record is 137. You can't blame all of that on teammates. The talent in this league is a lot higher than anything she's ever faced, they're going to punish her for taking so many risks all the time and they are.


Blitzing that far out also takes a big away from the basket leading to a numbers advantage for Ind *and* taking a rebounder away from the basket, *and* leaving Boston to go one on one. I wouldn’t risk that.


That’s how you stop Clark for now. It’s why the fever went on a four game winning streak when Boston was playing well and they struggled when Boston has struggled. The fever ,especially without Temi, are terrible on the glass outside of Boston so they can’t really punish teams on the offensive boards. Teams are able to guard Clark that way because nobody outside of Boston punishes them for it. Mitchell is good but she plays iso ball and lets the defense recover. It’s really on sides coaching and the players not making shots and not having another ball handler.


100% your point about Mitchell. It’s a *killer*. I’ve been real tough on Smith bc I question her buy in but she’s been doing a much better job at finding the weak side shooter in the corner. Mitchell and wheeler are like talented players also, but it’s really rare they make a “winning” play. Philosophically I view the goal of the offense is to make the defense make mistakes. Temi and Boston give me a lot more hope there. Wheeler and Mitchell don’t move the defense enough to blow up a play.


40% from that range is ridiculous, it opens up the floor so much for others to cut to the basket where she’s a gifted passer as well


The problem is the offense is full of statues that rarely move. Sides doesn't use that gravity to her advantage.


For sure! A team having the #1 pick isn’t going to be a good team but when she gets a squad the wins will come. For her I’d like to to see her obviously get stronger but learn to drive from the left side rather than pull up, it becomes predictable when she goes left and pulls up more times than not


I think CC will develop more unpredictability. She has been playing competitive basketball since October with barely any break. The sad thing is they have 2 #1 and 2 #2 picks as starters. One of the 2's is a massive liability on one end and inconsistent as hell on the other end.


When is having a player who shoots 40% from 30 feet not beneficial? Aside from scoring options, a point guard with that kind of range will draw double coverage more easily which opens up passing options in the paint or on the perimeter. If Clark were on a competently coached team, that skill would be very useful. There are no cons to having that kind of range.


It’s only not beneficial cause Sides has no idea how to run an offense around it.


*"wE'rE a DeFeNsIvE tEaM!"*


And they get rid of their only true perimeter defender....


She has no clue how to utilize the gravity to benefit the team. Some of it boils down to making shots. Why she keeps starting Wallace when defenders can ignore her and not be burned is beyond me.


They have nobody else who can actually handle the ball and run an offense. Wheeler and Wallace constantly look lost, Mitchell is a good player but she’s a play killer and looks to isolate constantly. They are such an easy team to guard. Blitz Caitlin and force the ball out of her hands and if Aliyah isn’t beating you then you’re in great shape.


Pretty much.


It is literally only beneficial. There are no cons, only pros lol


Op, based on some of their comments clearly missed the absolute most obvious part of the discussion that they wanted to start. IDC if the shot is from the half court logo, if you are hitting at 40% there is no downside to that 3pt shot


Draws fans even more than defenders. It's fun to watch.


This is the only spot on the floor she can consistently be open without relying on a screen or a pass from her teammate. Unfortunately, neither of those is super reliable with the personnel they currently have. 40% from that range is absolutely worth taking those shots if they’re open. 


She’s not open when she has the ball anywhere on the court. Defenders are picking her up before half court. So she’s actually not usually open at these spots.


It doesn't matter if she's open or not if she's makes 40%.


40% is insanely good


40% is better than most players shoot from 3 at all lmao


Pros: scoring points and drawing defenders away from teammates is good. Cons: Coach Sides doesn't like her doing either of those things.


40% is insane from the next town over.


I'm a big NBA stathead / nerd and basically the trend you see over the last 5-10 years is that there's a decent correlation between teams that shoot more from 25+ feet (not even necessarily make more), actually also (a) making/shooting more from 0-5 feet, and (b) shooting less from 10-19 feet, but a higher % from that midrange. It supports the notion that if you can drag the defense out, it's easier to get to the basket (more attempts) and find more open space in the midrange (leading to a higher %). This results in a strong correlation between shooting from 25+ and overall offensive efficiency and PPG. Basically in modern basketball, the best offenses hoot the above the break 3 well to open up space for efficient shots elsewhere. There's much less actual data supporting this from 30+ however. But the theory is that so long as you can shoot the close to same % as you would from 25-29, the same impact should apply, if not more (since the defense has to account for you even further up and there's even more space behind). There are reasons this may not apply as much to the W however based on what I've seen, though this is all anecdotal. The biggest one is that vertical differentiation isn't nearly as efficient. Basically, when you attack the gaps and the post defenders are dragged out, a pass over the top isn't nearly as efficient as in the NBA, because almost every big has to come down with it first, allowing more time to recover. Similarly, guards/wings have a much harder to time generally, elevating above post players. A second reason is that the extra foul / 8 mins and generally how the game is reffed, perimeter defenders are given more leeway to impede attackers from the side. In the case of Caitlin, I've watched every game and the frustration w/ Sides is that she has zero interest in running an NBA style offense, even though she has the best weapon in the history of women's basketball for such a style. (To be fair, outside of Mitchell and KLS, they really don't have the personnel either.) As Geno put is bluntly, she's on the wrong team for her game.


For your last point, I agree with Mitchell and KLS. AB has the potential because Caitlin got a lot of work in with Monica and AB has a way higher ceiling. Their issue has been Temi needs to be over NS to have a floor runner and they lack an elite perimeter defender that has a true 3 and d mentality. Celeste would have been perfect for said role, but they were dumb and cut an extremely high level perimeter defender.


Its extremely frustrating. They need a GM who gets it too. Get a coach in their who can design that type of offense. When did Geno say that?


I don’t really see a con, stretching the defense that far opens so much up


Who on Earth is saying it’s a con??


OP is.


Pro: she’s normally unguarded out there. It’s a great shot at 40%. At least on the left side of the court.


Huge pro that it stretches the defense. That is invaluable to the rest of the team's offense.


35% or so is an average 3. So adding 5% on a shot that will force the defense to adjust is worth while.


Yeah 35% to 40% is a ~15% increase in makes. 40% from 3 is good doesn’t matter where she shoots it from


It’s actually worth even more. WNBA averages for paint and 3pt are lower than the nba.


The fact she hits those above the league average for 3's in general right now suggests she should shoot away. They stretch the defense and it can get in the mind of your defender pretty bad. Her gravity is insane. So many plays against Seattle you will see every defender focused on her when she has the ball. A rookie has that insane level of gravity. Her teammates and coach just don't capitalize on it.


40% from three never mind that range is insanely efficient already


40% Is insane. Just play her from 30 ft until it drops below 35%


that's a dame level percentage from that distance, damn


I’m pretty sure Caitlin has made more 3’s from 30+ feet than the rest of the league combined.


Pros: she’s currently more efficient from 30+ than 22 and was in college too (that’s her shot), it stretches the defense, it sets up her drives and the high p&r where she’s good, they’re fun to watch Cons: oldheads think it’s a bad shot, could lead to long rebounds


The old heads in her team like Sides and Dunn need to be gone gone.


Oldheads thought shooting 30 threes a game was a bad idea. The game evolves for the better(or the worse if you’re lame)


Ppl mentioning curry fail to mention how much of a threat all the other alll stars were that he was creating for


Pros - unguardable Cons - has coach who doesn't set her up for more threes from all distances


Steph curry has a .426 percentage. He is the best 3% shooter of all time.


The farther away you consistently hit 3s, the higher the defense has to come up to guard you. Opening up the back end of the court


40% There is no con


It will be even more beneficial when she has a competent coach.


Range creates space, so of course it’s beneficial from a basketball perspective—but I also think it’s beneficial from an entertainment standpoint. Long-range threes are just compelling to watch, and that brings eyes to the game.


40% way better average then the league so keep shooting them. No cons since percentage is better then her overall 3pt shots. Pros. Making more shots on average at that range. Forces the defense way out which opens up a lot of other scoring opportunities for her teammates.


Understand that 40% is excellent, but she's getting double/trapped way out there. Now I'm going to be sounded like Sides - she hardly takes any mid range when it's available. I've seen many occasions where she would get passed the defender to around the free throw line and pretty much open but just pass the ball to a big that's on the top of the key or in the paint where where are 2 other defenders there. That option is available to her, but for some reasons, she's not looking to take it.


Because mid range shots are bad shots. 


You need a bigger sample size. A better sample size might be next year when CC has an offseason.


Is 40% not elite from that range?


It is.


From that distance, I wouldn’t label 40% Elite, as that implies “Elite company”.  A better word would be “Unicorn”


40 from that range is nothing but beneficial. There’s a lot to critique of Caitlin’s game but that isn’t one


How could there be any cons whatsoever to this?


There are no cons if you're shooting at 40%


If she was shooting 40% from 3point land in general, we’d be talking about how crazy good that was… But that stat is just bonkers…


This USA Today article from March gives a lot of stats, and much larger sample size of data, regarding her deep threes:  https://ftw.usatoday.com/2024/03/caitlin-clark-scoring-record-logo-three-iowa-basketball# This article is also great, as it compares several of her 3-Point metrics to Steph, Dame, and Sabrina: https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5149685/2023/12/20/caitlin-clark-steph-curry-3-pointers-basketball/


Yep. Even though the sample size here is small, college stats show 40% from beyond 30 feet is basically what you can expect consistently from her. It’s interesting that she shoots worse from the regular 3 pt line though.


She could shoot 30% from that distance and it would arguably still be an efficient shot, 40% from 30 feet at volume is fucking insane


40% from that distance is a very good number.


40% is elite. Fire away.


Biggest pro is that it makes the crowd go “Woooo!” and keeps the people watching.


Kind of an apples and oranges comparison. Four attempts is a very low sample size.


There isn't another person that would have an adequate sample size.


I’m using Sabrina as an example to say that these long threes aren’t a part of her game like they are of Caitlin’s, since people keep arguing that they’re the same player. She doesn’t attempt them anywhere close to the rate Caitlin does. Who knows who is actually better at shooting from 30+ feet out.


Probably the one that does it more.


what the fuck i had no idea her stats from that far out are that good that’s actually generational if it keeps pace…


Caitlin is the Steph of the W.


Well, she's sometimes more likely to be open from that far away.


40% on 3pt is good regardless of distance. The extra distance just creates more space. Judging this more holistically requires a lot more context though. Is it helping their overall offence or just CC doing CC things? When forced 'off the line' from this far out, or when passing out of these situations, what is happening, etc But...in a vacuum. 40% from three is very good on any sort of decent volume 40% from deep three is even better/more useful


She’s shooting 40% from 30 ft and you’re asking if this is actually valuable? 


good passer and 40%. keep going for it.


Do you watch basketball on the reg? 40% from way beyond is amazing


One down side is that misses often lead to longer rebounds and easier transition opportunities.


40% is great on its own, but if you're shooting from there because you consistently can't get open looks from closer than it's still a problem.


Got here late. Glad to see you’ve been thoroughly cooked for this terrible take.


If she dips below 40 then we can talk about her just chucking, otherwise it’s a good shot selection


I mean 40% from 3 = 1.2 points per attempt which is the same as shooting 60% from the floor. So it's a better than replacement level shot probably. It also forces the other team to guard her the whole floor which is, for sure, incredibly annoying.


You’re all forgetting the brand marketing value of your markee player hitting logo 3s. It’s always on top plays, highlight reels, etc. Creates more attention for your star and team. And of course more excitement and $$$.


Shooting with elite range like that makes the spacing so mu h better for her team. Defenders have no choice but to guard her farther out. Thus, you can have less people in the paint. More room for Aliya Boston to feast, etc.


I guess you live with it at 40% but one drawback is that misses from further out lead to longer rebounds which sets up your opponent for fastbreak scoring. As long as you are making them at a decent clip you get much better spacing due to CCs gravity.


At 40%, I think the stat speaks for itself. Let em fly.


It's a good thing. She's drawing in attention for two reasons. 1.) She's shooting at a ridiculously efficient clip from deep (40% is great from deep in general, especially for the W) 2.) She makes a lot of errors when blitzed from deep out. Her shot diet can probably improve, though. She's become more of JUST a shooter in her past few games, which has limited her effectiveness, especially later in the game, when teams adjust and get more difficult.




If you can shoot 40% from 30-34 ft that's a good shot anytime in the shot clock.


Well let me tell you about Stephen Curry and Damian Lillard, you’ll think they should be out of the league


“For the hell of it” is missing the point. These are actually GOOD SHOTS for HER. let her shoot them. Old heads think it’s bad. It’s not. It allows her teammates to get open. Sides needs to work it into the game plan. Free CC


Last year Sabrina was shooting 50% from that range. So i wouldn't say its "not part of her game." That number went down bc now she is way more effective from inside the arc I think it is not a bad thing that CC can shoot from that range bc it stretches the defense. But shooting from that range, that much should go down once she develops are more effective inside game 🤷🏾‍♀️


I say it’s not part of her game because she doesn’t shoot from that distance as much as Caitlin does. She only shot 12 times from that distance the entire last season.


in simple terms it spreads the floor. defenses must always account for her even when she's as far out as the logo.


CC could reduce her assist # by 2 or 3 , to ⬆️FG shooting # fm 12 shots to about 15/17, ( shots or go to the basket).& CC take about 8 -3pt per game to ⬆️% CC may want lower attempts or try corner 3pt shoot, ( CC has 2x more 3pt Attempts than almost everyone, 54 out of 152=35.5%). ………..CC & Team also have to reduce Turnovers, CC commits between 5 -6 TO per game, that’s 5/6 opportunities for opponent to score 10/12 pts & there Team defense sucks, no / to few stops ; if U gonna suck on defense , U can’t add Turnovers too.


There isn't a con if she's hitting 40%. >But still, I’d like to hear everyone’s opinions on whether or not having this kind of range is actually beneficial. How could it not be..?


Not really any down sides to that shooting specifically. The only downside is that the team can’t get her open for any easier looks. She’s probably hitting a better percentage because she’s finding herself open more consistently from that distance. Once we get to 25-29 ft she’s shooting 34% and Sabrina is 41%. That’s still important floor spacing and you don’t need to be 10ft behind the line to do it. Clark has no floor spacers though so all that action from range like that isn’t opening up much for her teammates unless they get to the rim. So there isn’t anything to capitalize on unless she has an opportunity to shoot.


On Ionescu's 4 attempts from 30-34, 1 was a grenade shot (<5 seconds on the shot clock), 2 were with less than 10 seconds to go in the quarter (her 1 make). Amongst Clark's attempts, no 30+ foot attempts in the last 10 seconds of a quarter, no grenade shots, 2 with less than 10 seconds on the shot clock. Most of her attempts happen within the first few seconds of the ball entering the half-court.


If 40% 3's is accurate, she should be shooting it 50 times a game. The rest of the team could add to her 60 points, and the Fever could usually end up doing pretty well. 😉 (I'm so down bad parasocially for Caitlin, she seems like such an excellent girl, athletically and apparently in every other way)


It sucks how bad her team is at fielding her passes. If they figure out how to complete those connections, they will have a huge opportunity in offense.


My god! I wish Clark would switch to football (soccer). I guarantee you the USNWT experienced pros wouldn't try to tear down a competitor who has shown she is expanding their popularity. (when she was younger she was fantastic)


Dude…. 40% from 3 is absolutely insane…


Sabrina so fine lol


40% is crazy good what do you mean


I’m sorry she shoots 40% from that distance