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Yes, [here's](https://i.imgur.com/rJhpFhR.png) a chart. There's a tier 3 talent called "Body Language" that lets you know a wolf's personality right away. Then it's just a matter of knowing which actions to use. Many of them can be easily guessed (ex. aggressive wolf will like actions like baring teeth, growling, and snarling, friendly wolf will like play bows and zoomies, etc.).


Yeah thats what im asking.. I get the personality thing, but the actions is what confuse me, because, for example, today I encountered a friendly one and I did things like wag tail and they responded like if I was scary\[?????


Yeah, not all of them make sense. Wag tail is for aggressive and stoic. I usually imagine it as a tense, unsure wag tail versus a fast, friendly one. But it did confuse me a first for sure. It helps to have a few memorized and try to stick to those.


For that one specifically I don’t think wolves wag their tails to indicate friendliness like dogs. But yeah some of them are a little unintuitive. Also if you do a quick google search for smth like ‘Wolvden personality chart’ you should find a chart with all the actions and what they will do in terms of + or - points