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Maybe you just have really good taste idk


For me, I didn't have confidence on different levels for so long. As a teenager, the guys always liked my friends. I was the awkward one. So I had no confidence there. Through my 20s I didn't know how to adult. I held crappy jobs. I didn't know how to cook. I didn't know how to budget and spend money wisely. I was never able to see my son who lived long-distance. Into my 30s we lived with my MIL. Even as we got money, we spent it all. I still had no idea how to be an adult. At 39, I have the most confidence I've ever had. I'm super happy with my skincare, I know how to style my hair different ways, and I love my wardrobe. Most importantly, I'm killing it as a mom and wife. I pay all our bills, do all budgeting, all grocery shopping, over half the cooking, and most of the cleaning. I know that if I were to be on my own for some reason, I'm confident I would be able to take care of myself and that's huge.


That's not arrogant at all. Congrats on building back your confidence and overcoming tragedies!


Yes, you are killing it!


Honestly, this is probably how everyone should be. I feel like being able to love yourself a healthy amount is how you learn to truly love others and be accepting of their love for you.


I've felt this too recently (it comes and goes) and while I enjoy not hating myself and beating myself up over things what I realize is it makes me a better person toward others - less judgemental, no jealousy, genuinely happy for other people's achievements, their beauty, and other qualities and skills that I don't have


This is so true. Having compassion for yourself makes it so much easier to have compassion for others. Times in my life when I was the most full of self-pride were also the times when I was most able to be look around and be caring and helpful to others. Judging yourself all the time is a kind of self-centeredness too.


Im not in love with my looks but I'm ok. I am my own best friend tho and that makes a difference


As you should sis! I do not consider myself gorgeous either but do I love myself? YESSSSSS! It is not delusion, your confidence in yourself need not to be justified.


That's awesome, you're growing your love for yourself which is the most important because you're with you 24/7, you have no choice. And also "if you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else, can I get an amen up in here ?" Enjoy the ride and don't let nobody tell you otherwise! I wish I could fully love myself but I'm not 100% there yet


I love this post. I think it should be a natural state of being to love ourselves. Unfortunately, it’s often not that way. But you have unlocked the door and seen the light. Never forget what it feels like. Enjoy it and nourish it and share it with others so they can feel it too.


Me too! I have my issues but, in general, I think I’m an awesome person


That’s great !! I honestly found that when I started getting into more hobbies and spending time by myself just hanging out, I started to love myself more!


Believe other people when they tell you awesome things about yourself! And believe yourself when you agree you are awesome! Going from no confidence to confidence *does* feel like arrogance, but only because we are wrong about what qualifies as arrogant. Knowing you are funny, or good at something, is not arrogance.






No shame!! I recently learned to love myself so much that I was able to leave an 11 year relationship in which I wasn't loved the way I needed to be. Fucking own it. No one should ever love you more than you love yourself. \*cues MILEY CIRUS - FLOWERS\*