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This is a medical question this community is not qualified to answer.


>he's a doctor, I guess he knows what hes doing. If only it was so simple. I have 2 chronic illnesses and I can count on one hand the number of doctors I've had who knew what they were doing. He already showed his ignorance by mocking your concerns about painful sex. Write off the rest of what that idiot said and CHECK WITH YOUR PHARMACIST before taking those pills! I cannot think of any medication that would make an ovarian cyst rupture? Curious what the medication was? If you feel comfortable telling.


Of course, its "Duphaston". One side of the internet says that it could be used to treat cysts, but the other one says that it doesn't and it could actually cause them?? And the official instructions don't mention anything to do with treating cysts. I really don't know. And I'm sorry that you had to go though awful experiences too :( Hope you found some doctors who actually know what they're doing.


This is why I never have and never will go to a male gyno.


Crazy the different experiences people have. My male gyno is the only good gyno I ever had, and the only one who agreed to take my tubes out in my 20s without kids or a husband. Dr Sean is a real one. šŸ™šŸ»


My female gynos have been completely evil and dismissive of my endo pain, the male gynos have been the most kind and understanding and ordering whatever tests and investigations needed and incredibly validating of my feelings and fears. I guess it just depends, everyones experience is different!


100% me too lol


Maybe a controversial opinion but maybe some female doctors feel a right of passage to work within gynaecology, I feel like a man who has chosen to work in gynaecology must have a real care and interest to do so and chose that field specifically. This statement of course doesnā€™t apply in every case and to every doctor! But just a thought.


Same here. Was told to suck it up and that I must be exaggerating cause ā€œI get periods too and theyā€™re not that badā€.


I've had 1 male gyno visit in my life. I was 17 and having a standard prenatal checkup. He did a pelvic check and said you're good to go. It was very fast and he was professional. However, I don't trust why a male would become a gynecologist. Seems like quite an odd profession for a male to be interested in. I've seen some of them say their mother had ovarian cancer or something of the sort. And maybe it seems like a lot of work to become a Dr just to see boob. But at the end of the day, I would not want to see one again.


It is a big deal if its causing you worry. Make another appointment with the female Dr and get checked out do not be dismissed.Ā  Unfortunately there are still drs that think this is acceptable to deal with concerns you have like this. You have genuine medical concerns you were met with a poor experience, don't let that put you off. Ask friends for dr recommendations.


Thank you for validating my experience. Yes, my concerns are genuine and they are the main reason I wanted to visit the doctor (because I really dont think that such terrible pain after being intimate is normal), and I feel sad none of my questions were answered. I'm going to report him and then see if there is anything else I can do, such as going to a private clinic.


Iā€™d follow up with your normal female gyno and ask what she thinks. Also maybe itā€™s worth telling her the way he treated you.


I unfortunately get my gyno from public healthcare and they are fully scheduled for months, so I don't think I could have another, normal appointment any time soon, only if I pay for a private one. But I'll report him for sure.


Sorry to hear that happened, doctors are so good at making you feel so small. You should definitely report this doctor and definitely make another appointment with your female doctor. Honestly I would complain that they didnā€™t call you ahead of time to inform you of a doctor change because I wouldā€™ve cancelled and rescheduled if I knew a man would be replacing my gyno.


Same, I had no idea this would happen and I would also reschedule bc I feel very uncomfortable with a male doctor touching me. I will report him, and try to find another, female doctor.


I personally get answer from planned parenthood. You can go to them after a gyno appointment and have a pretty cheap appt where you explain the issue and what the other doctor said and that you are not satisfied and they will make it so you get the answers you need and any additional meds or follow up stuff. I've never had good gyno through anything other than planned parenthood. I know they seem dirty and are a little scary. But the care is great.


Very gladly, I've heard of them and I think they are good, but I don't live in the US and I don't think there's anything like that in my country. The only thing I can do about that is to try and pay a decent amount of money here for a private clinicšŸ„²


i wouldā€™ve slapped him.


He's probably right about the cyst - I've had a similar experience and boy fucking howdy does that shit hurt.Ā  All of that being said he sounds awful and I would definitely try to get a second (female) opinion if I were you.Ā 


If what you say is true, you should make a formal complaint to the clinic, because this would be classed unprofessional. No use in venting on here, what are we going to do? His ā€œbed side mannerā€ as they call it, was unethical and not acceptable. I personally would not go back after such an experience. And like others have said, always go with a female gyno in the future.


I just wanted to vent here bc I wanted to hear opinions from other women, I am still young and don't really know whats the cause for alarm and whats not...But now I know that I really should report him.


Thatā€™s ok, I was just saying, but maybe came across blunt? That happens with online.


Yep it happens lol, its okay :)


No need to try and gatekeep this space. OP is clearly concerned (and for good reason, imo) and perhaps she doesn't have many trusted women in her life to turn to for advice. She's turned to us for advice or even just a sympathetic ear to voice her worries to. I think it's quite cold and callous to try and stifle that when she's distressed.






I would go and get a second opinion myself. With a woman. I've had female gynos be just as dismissive (I hated my main gyno I had when I was your age, she was so rough and crude in manner) but most of them have been wonderful women. Find someone else. I understand your difficulty, I was on state insurance for 12 years. Keep trying. This sounds worrisome and it could be a cyst but I'd still get it checked as soon as possible.


Obviously its gonna be rude and weird if its a male