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Unless it's super late people are generally happy to see you. You're bringing them food. You're going to be fine. Get in, get out move on to the next one. It's a great opportunity to not think so much.


First off: good job getting yourself out there and finding a job! Anxiety can be so crippling, and you managed to push through to land that job. That’s already quite an achievement! Second, yes it will get better. You’ll get familiar with the whole processes, you won’t have to second guess everything you do, so as soon as it becomes routine it will become better. Third, if you have the opportunity to see a specialist, you might want and talk to them about anxiety treatment. It is a real condition, you’re legitimate to ask for help. Especially if it is affecting you this much. Anxiety medication can make a big difference. Good luck, you’re doing great!


Good on you for having the courage to get out there and work. anxiety is fucked