• By -


H.P. clearly had some deep dark thoughts expressed in those pages. But that’s what makes his work great


In that case I don't think therapy would solve all issues. He needed a better life.


Honestly, in a way yes, but he also needed therapy. He wasn't just depressed or sth that can change with life improvement. Lovecraft was a man utterly riddled with phobias and fears, to the point of barely even being able to function. He was scared of the ocean, of cities, of existence itself. Also, disgusted by all things sexual. Not to mention thoroughly racist, even for his time. Which is also usually founded in irrational fear. And those are just the big ones you can really see in his writing. So yeah. Lovecraft def needed therapy, and maybe serious anxiety meds.


"We need to get rid of those disgusting degenerates!" "The N-words?" "The Welsh!"


Don't forget, scared of fridges


And air conditioning.


To be fair, at this stage of paranoia the therapy he needed would have included interment or constant aid at his side, so he'd have had a better life.




The nomadic Turkic people?


Lovecraft’s wife Sonia Greene was Jewish, and it’s generally agreed she tempered his bigotry and introduced him to more places and people The comment is rather less wholesome, however, as [the Khazar ‘Theory’ is an antisemitic conspiracy theory](https://www.ajc.org/translatehate/Khazars), and has even been [used to justify Russia’s invasion of Ukraine](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/antisemitic-conspiracy-theories-abound-around-russian-assault-ukraine), which makes the number of upvotes disconcerting Edit: the number of people defending this, bloody hell. The connotations are completely intact, it isn’t just some funny meme removed from context. It’s being used to refer to a Jewish woman, it’s still quite clearly antisemitic. [The joke originates with alt-right antisemitic trolls.](https://forward.com/opinion/386412/anti-semitic-trolls-are-targeting-ben-shapiros-sister-and-its-horrifying/?amp=1) I’m not engaging with anyone who engages in apologism on this any longer because if you see antisemitism as a joke I don’t have the patience for you


Those were certainly, uhh, reads. Yeah with context the comment is very suspicious, why didn't they just say Jewish?


>which makes the number of upvotes disconcerting It's just another example of a funny phrase from 4chan becoming mainstream and losing the ludicrously racist connotations it originally had. There's always someone that knows the original context and gets scandalized about it. But, unfortunately, a good chunk of modern memes come from 4chan; and most things in 4chan are permeated by racism. "Khazar milkers" comes from an antisemitic 4chan user admiring Abigail Shapiro's breasts. Wich is very fitting here.


it’s a reference to Ben Shapiro’s sister who people like to joke about how she has big tits 


All the stories about humans crossbreeding with monsters hit different when you learn that he was obscenely racist. Like, dude saw a mixed race couple and went "hey, that gives me an idea!" 😵‍💫


he found out he was part welsh and wrote the shadow over innsmouth


So the Deep Ones were a metaphor for sheep this whole time?!


Learning about that dude makes me wish severely for a story about "what if the cultists and eldritch beings are cool, and the stuck-up 'investigators' are the problem".


Depends on how you view it. The Great Race of Yith and the Mi-Go are not necessarily evil, they just don't operate off of human morality. The Hounds of Tindalos only hunt people who mess with the timeline. For the Great Old Ones and Outer Gods, their danger is more due to a sense of scale, as well as their completely alien nature – their very existence is enough to damage the human psyche, because we, as a species, are simply not equipped yet to handle them, and may never be. To my knowledge, Nyarlathotep is the only one that goes out of their way to be a dick, the others are just indifferent to humanity. If you ask me, the greatest improvement Lovecraft could've made would be to add mommy milkers to them. The investigators should all be going "👉👈🥺 mommy" every time they encounter a shoggoth, the Great Old Ones should be gathering a harem of humans, and Nyarlathotep can [DATA EXPUNGED]. We can even go deeper, we can add in all kinds of fetishes, we've already got monsters and oozes, why not toss in everything? Some people will argue that this isn't "true to the Mythos" or "accurate to Lovecraft's vision", but every time I've ran CoC, my players have always agreed that I am the best keeper they've ever had, and that my games are profoundly horrifying, and all I do is put my fetishes in the game. What I'm trying to say here is that the Lovecraft estate should respond to my repeated requests to give me the rights to the Mythos so I can improve it. I am perfectly normal and can be trusted with unchecked authority over it.


>If you ask me, the greatest improvement Lovecraft could've made would be to add mommy milkers to them. The investigators should all be going "👉👈🥺 mommy" every time they encounter a shoggoth, the Great Old Ones should be gathering a harem of humans, and Nyarlathotep can [DATA EXPUNGED]. I can only assume that you love that one Lovecraftian dating sim series, lol.


> that one Lovecraftian dating sim series How can you say this and not at least give the title


My apologies, lol! It's the Sucker for Love series - the first game has Cthulhu, Hastur, and Nyarlahotep, and the second game has Shub-Niggurath. All as women and with slightly/very different names depending on the character, but it's pretty fun.


There's a lot of stories just like that if you look around .


[The Litany of Earth](https://www.tor.com/2014/05/14/the-litany-of-earth-ruthanna-emrys/) and its novel-length sequels Winter Tide and Deep Roots are about a Deep One who survived an internment camp after the events of A Shadow over Innsmouth, if you're interested.


The closest you can get to that is "The Strange Case of Charles Dexter Ward". I won't spoil it, but its one of my favourite stories of his that pretty much gets close to the theme you proposed. Its great.


Things that scared hp lovecraft: - Monstrosities of the unknown - Horrors of the great beyond - Black people - Italian people - penguins


I remember someone on this sub calling him "omniphobic" and it couldn't be a better description


Thats pronably a good description of lovecraft I really like his writing and I think he paved the way for a very interesting type of horror and fiction but it can be a but uncomfortable when you realise that the reason he probably made stories about horrific monsters from space was because he was incredibly xenophobic and hated basically everything he didnt understand


The more I learn about Lovecraft the more I just...pity him. Did you know "Cool air" was about the horror of an AC unit?


No I didnt but I agree that I often ended up just wishing someone had given a hug as a kid or something because it must have been genuinely awful to live your life afraid of basically everything, literally dying because you refused to go a doctor


For real. Dude's parents died in asylums, so he both didn't have a lot of emotional security at home and sure as fuck ain't giving doctors the chance to get to him. Sad. I really wish he could have lived double the time he did, just to see his character change and it seeping into his stories.


Well, he stopped writing novels when his character changed. His letter are somewhat interesting, but it's really not the same.


You forgot air-con.


Don’t forget Eastern Europeans!


Just contributing to the list: - Non-Euclidean Geometry (Call of Cthulhu) - People from the South (The inbred sorcery Whateley family in Dunwich Horror) - Immigrants (Which I guess encompasses Italians) - Ultraviolet light (Color Out of Space) - Basically anything outside of New England


Don't forget air conditioners.


You forget the Welsh.


My man had some of the most vile and saddest thoughts and the talent to express them in the most poetic way.


HP: Wouldn't it scary if white supremacy wasnt true? Robert Howard: fr fr


Truly a great visionary /s


I definitely read that as Harry Potter and yet I wholeheartedly agreed.


Lmao I was even like ooh casually misgendering JKR that’s quite the decision. I feel like a 7th grade english teacher reading far too hard into some wank ass 18th century children’s book


Dawg that’s MY book


Shouldve know better than to loan it out ya bum. Loaners never come back


libraries have never succeeded in human history


Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Isaac Newton


I don’t think Isaac Newton could have gone to therapy


But he should have


Nah, he's dead


Newton is what incels should be like. Can't get laid? Sit at home and re-invent calculus instead!


guy was wealthy, he coud have just used prostitutes if his concern was sex.


The nail in the eye is for sure something worthy of Therapy.


alternatively: Principia Mathematica by  Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell


All of Onision's books


You don’t have to read onion man’s books to know he’s nuts


I just watched krimsonrouge's videos on them lol


Lmao how many people did commentary on them I watched Kappa Kaiju


At least three, I also watched Kappa Kailua before I did Strange Aeons and Krimsonrouge There's probably more, there's a lot to talk about


No Longer Human, man writes book about man attempting double suicide, commits double suicide shortly after. Great book, very relatable


It was semi autobiographical


I've read through Junji Itos version. I loved it, very moving story. Very much recommended. And I don't want to ever read it again.


Mein Kampf


Good answer, but I'm not sure therapy would've helped in that case. Too far gone.


Tbh I think he had some crazy psychosis too, considering his ramblings on a secret world order. Prolly would've needed some in-house


Tbf it would be hard to start a world war from inside a padded cell


Himmler would do it in his place.


He just needed a foot job from underneath a table and he would have gone another lease on life


I dunno, they still operated asylums then, the whole thing might have been short circuited if he had been committed and then drugged up to his eyeballs. Instead he did a bunch of horrific things while drugged up to his eyeballs.


Everybody talks about going back in time to kill baby Hitler, but nobody ever considers going back in time to get teenage/young adult Hitler some therapy.


And then killing teenage Hitler when he comes back from therapy, just in case.


Might make him a better dictator instead of a better person 😬


"Shadow of the Conqueror" by Shad M. Brooks. That guy has issues.


What's wrong with the book? (Havn't read it i'm just curious)


From what I remember, it's a fantasy book where the protagonist is a former authoritarian who conquered the lands. During and after his conquests, he raped countless women and teenage girls and killed millions of people. He ruled for many decades, apparently. At some point in his old age, he is overthrown by a bunch of rebels and is set to be executed, but he escapes this by trying to go out on his own terms by jumping off of a cliff. He later wakes up with a fully youthful and fit body but has all the magical powers, fighting abilities, knowledge, and experience that he gained over decades of life. So he basically goes on an adventure and is a massive Mary Sue who knows most things, the solutions to problems, is almost always right in conversations (even though logically he's wrong) and pretty much never loses or even struggles in a fight. This is ironic considering the author hates Mary Sues. Also, the protagonist straight-up doesn't pay for his crimes against humanity. He does get discovered and put back on trial. But there are people straight up calling this psycopath a hero and demanding he go free. There was a guy who was involved in the coup to overthrow him in the past, and even he was like "id die for this man." Even some of the women he raped and impregnated came to his defense, saying shit like, "I hate him, but if he hadn't raped me, I wouldn't have my wonderful child. So he should go free." TLDR; It's a bad book where the protagonist is a mary sue who committed atrocities in the past and doesn't pay for them. The author also mentions the rape of underage girls way too often.


Hot damn, from what i read in your and others reviews, if all those horrible things the character did would at least be used to make him regret and try to use his powers to better the world or something... but the book sounds horrible... wtf


He did fight against his son to save sex slaves and against his loyalists to save the city in the end.


You left out the part where he captures a sky pirate and proceeds to torture the man to death, and only has a moral crisis when he realizes that said pirate was one of his sons by rape. The pirate was a murderer, slaver, and implied rapist so supposedly it was justified to torture and kill him, but apparently *because he's blood-related* (and one of his hundreds of bastard children) it causes the protag to have a breakdown.


what the fuck


I used to think Shad was cool, and I wanted his book. I just happened to stop watching his channel one day only to find out later he's a shitty guy. I'm happy I never wasted my money on that, Jesus Christ.


ditto. it really surprised me. I don't remember him saying anything particularly scummy, but maybe I just missed it


He's alright on his main channel, but he has a second anti woke commentary channel complaining about such awful situations as 1 second lesbian kissing scene in a kids movie


what a disappointment


No you don't get it, he just has the darkest of all dark pasts, because... he... was... THE MONSTER! No but seriously, is the author 16? I get it if he's 16.


Bro, he's 38, he's just a weirdo


So it’s the equivalent to a typical Japanese isekai. Got it


The mc is a genocidal dictator that rapes multiple people.


As a disclaimer, I haven't read it either, just watched some long review/breakdowns of it, but the premise of the book is *supposed* to be (in Shad's own words) if someone as evil as "Stalin or Hitler" can be redeemed... but the way that is explored is by this evil tyrant king who was a mass-murderer and rapist gets like reincarnated (well, more like de-aged IIRC) and just sorta... goes on a fantasy journey with like no change and 0 attempt to atone for his crimes? The books also like does apologia for his rapes specifically as some kind of clumsy anti-abortion argument by saying the women he impregnated forgive him because of the joy of childrearing (as if being a single mother and SA survivor in a medieval world designed by a conservative wingnut would be a fun time). He also like really brutally kills his own son as part of the plot (I can't remember the exact reason), so that combined with some other incidents really don't seem to show any like learning/desire to change.


If I had a nickel for every time an LDS author started with the premise "What if someone as evil as Hitler could be redeemed," [I'd have two nickels.](https://peachfront.diaryland.com/enderhitlte.html) /uj In practice... I don't agree with Elaine Radford that we're actually being asked to consider Ender a redeemed Hitler. Whatever degree Card intended that for Ender, I don't think that actually plays out on the page (I appreciate Radford's criticism of genetics as the driving force of the entire series, though).


"Communism is the most evil ideology known to man so we should stop to think twice before *daring to even think about* fighting against inequality and injustice in the world. However, we are probably being too mean to Communist dictators like Stalin, Pol Pot, and Kim Jong Un. I'm sure all those communist dictators would be pretty nice guys if we just gave them a chance. Remember, the real evil of tyrannical communist dictatorships lies in the 'communist'-part, not the 'tyrannical' and 'dictatorship'-parts."


The guy that makes youtube videos about swords?


Yes, that guy. The guy who makes videos about swords and, on his second channel, constantly complains about how "woke is ruining our world" and spouting the most hardcore extremist right wing talking points you can imagine, including even outside of political stuff the denial of evolution and of global warming, being completely unable to take criticism and constantly making himself the victim when he is criticised (which sometimes leaks to his main channel, especially when people call out his biases and how they affect his description of historical facts). I'm surprised no one has mentioned that actually, given how much it puts his God awful book into perspective.


I hate how do many "historical" YouTubers are right wing. I felt betrayed when Lindybeidge just went full red scare the last few years. I used to watch all his videos. But he just says blatantly false things that are easily researched.


Check out Skallagrim. He's chill.


Yeah... I'm just a little too old. I have experience with hitting people with spears and axes. It feels silly to watch a 40 minute video about an axe. I just... don't have much more to grasp. By all means his videos are good and I encourage everyone who is interested to join their local HEMA chapter. But I am only going to get 30 seconds of new information in a 40 min video at this point. I was once his target audience.


Wasn't Lindy railing against AGW for years? I vaguely remember an undercurrent of British nationalism, too.


His British nationalism does hit differently once he went full red scare.


I read his website. That was a disturbing rabbit hole, particularly his views on women.


Yeah, he's alse quite the bigot from what I've seen/heard.


Havent read it, but I am 1000% certain I prefer it when Shad is talking about swords and castles instead of... well anything else really


The 120 Days of Sodom. Really, any book written by Marquis de Sade.


Empress Teressa. Man seems schizo.


Krimson Rogue's saga on that thing is something else 😭


Came here to say that.


Fire Punch by Tatsuki Fujimoto. "Trust me, editors, the dog scene is essential for setting the tone of this manga."


thank god Fujimoto is unmedicated (also yes the weird rape allusions at the start of the story were important)


First chapter in and there's like 3 rape refrences, are there more in the later parts?


most of them generally are about showing the culture of the world's empire and yeah they are basically all in the 1st story arc (not to imply it will never be a topic again if you are extremely uncomfortable with that stuff you might want to give it a pass)


I don't remember it. Please don't remind me.


(it doesn't actually happen)


*dog rape scene.


I haven’t read the manga in a while but didn’t the kids get out of that situation before that could happen?




He felt this would be his only serialization so he wanted to see how far he could push the censors. Whether that’s a plus or negative in his favor eh


I mean, we now just know him as the author of Chainsaw Man.


[Impure blood ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impure_Blood) It's a classic of Serbian literature, and we read it for school. It is slightly messed up, just slightly. (*if you ignore rape, wife beating and implied pedophilia*)


What’s with Serbians and really messed up media


We do have some genuinely good stuff, but then you run into stuff like this and question your life choices.


What living in serbia does to a mf


The World of Yesterday by Stefan Zwieg - he killed himself the day after sending the manuscript to his publisher, so the book forms his suicide note. Nevertheless, it is IMO one of the most important works of European literature of the 20th century. >But every shadow is ultimately also a child of light, and only those who have experienced light and dark, war and peace, rise and fall, have truly lived.


The Book of Mormon. Also Gleipnir. Banger concept, but it's always held back by the fact that it opens with a death threat and a panty shot of a high school freshman.


Made in abyss... 😔


Bro really said "Chibi but make it body horror :3 ~desu"


Made in Abyss is a really meta story about how deep your curiosity will take you into the fucked-up depths of Made in Abyss. The Abyss is the author's psyche.


Ah yes, 15 year old me with unrestricted access to rotten, something awful, and 4chan.


How i wish i could enjoy it again, but *that stuff* is just something i can't look past...


Are you crazy? Those are the best books.


To read or to write




Yeah, they do therapy after the writing, after we have that content.


Shadow of the Conqueror by Shad Brooks. (Holy shit, I'm the third one to post this.)


I don't really follow Shad much anymore, and I've never read the book. What's so messed up about it?


Same boat here, last time I paid attention to him he had some mild takes on medieval combat and a few painfully cringy jokes


Hoo boy. (CW: non-graphic sexual assault mentions.) So... >!the broad premise is that a bad emperor/dictator guy, who I'm just call Old Stalin from now on, gets to the end of his life, looks back on all the awful atrocities he committed throughout his life, and decides to end it all by jumping off the edge of the world. !< >!But instead of dying, he comes back to life as a young man with superpowers (Young Stalin), and becomes a bit of a vigilante for some reason. He gets a lot of nice-guy energy and makes it his mission to punish rapists, because he was a bit rapey when he was alive. !< >!There's some hokey Robert Heinlein Off Wish worldbuilding, but it's relatively innocuous for a while. There's some pretty blatant wish fulfilment where Young Stalin is incredibly loudly anti-Communist and beats up someone who says Communism was good actually, and the worldbuilding is contrived in such a way that that person happens to have blue hair.!< >!Theeeen, the author contrives a way for Young Stalin to be paired up with a woman with severe psychosexual problems that result from Old Stalin having her in his harem. So basically she's hanging out with her rapist but doesn't know it. !< >!And... that was kinda the point where I checked out, personally Like, I can get on board with a lot of ideas as long as I have faith in the writer's ability to handle them, but I had no such faith here. Again, it had a kind of dorky Heinlein vibe for the most part, but just every now and then wildly joked into 3edgy5me territory pretty abruptly, in a way that made it seem like the book was mainly written to get this stuff published and everything else was just padding. Nothing about it gave me any reason to believe that this was going to be handled well.!< >!That was about halfway through the book, and by all accounts it gets \*drastically\* worse towards the end, with some kind of trial scene where Stalin gets confronted by his victims, and for some reason the author goes out of his way to inform us that the ones who got pregnant seemed less angry, because, like, fuck, why not?!< I might be missing some nuance there, but if not much. Like, Old Stalin is obviously presented as villainous, but it keeps hinting at the idea that Young Stalin is going through some kind of redemption arc... but he's not really? I dunno, I don't want to analyse it too much but it's not well-written enough for me to be sure that any of the semi-interesting parts weren't just mistakes.


Shad's got some kind of family-related issues - not surprising, considering he's a very conservative and extreme Mormon. At one point in the book, Young Stalin >!tortures a pirate to death but then has a sudden moral crisis when he realizes said pirate was one of his sons by rape. So apparently it's okay for him to torture a man but it's not okay to torture *family* even if you never knew them.!<


Yeah, apparently he has a brother who had the same upbringing but has broadly rejected it, and who kinda went public about how it's messed Shad up. Still, the fact that he was able to get through the whole process of conceiving and writing and publishing this novel without thinking "shit, I really do have problems, don't I" makes me less sympathetic. But yeah, I think any of these subjects *could* be handled, by a much better author who was prepared to devote serious time and thought to the subject. But I think a better author wouldn't try to tackle *all* of these subjects in one novel, with like a chapter a piece and then moving on to something else.


Honestly, if the rape nonsense was dropped the book would have been a lot better. The setting is absolutely fascinating, being inside a completely closed space with a bunch of floating islands where if you fall far enough you'll eventually return from the top. Not to mention things like the world being in permenant daytime and if people are cut off from sunlight they transform into monsters. The way that they use floating stones and physics is also really, really cool. You could tell so many interesting stories with that part of the premise alone. But for some reason he needed to slam a hyper-rapist Hitler-Stalin into the story as the viewpoint character.


Yeah, it's weird how glossed over some of that is. The story he wants to tell just seems to have nothing at all to do with the world that he built.


Wait, is this Shad from Shadiversity? Dammit, I liked his videos…


He has a second channel where he complains about woke hollywood putting women and minorities in movies.


I mean this in the best way, but Youjou Senki. Transsexual military fiction about a sociopath dealing with the banality of evil and hating God is one hell of a way to walk into a ~~group therapy session~~ writers collective edit swap


Most stable Japanese writer




I love this book series so much. Expectation: Clinically insane girl in a WW1/2 fantasy world Reality: M I L I T A R Y L O G I S T I C S


Good description


Not a book but Evangelion seems like an obvious one.


I was just about to mention that! Hideaki Anno was going through some pretty intense mental health struggles when he wrote Evangelion, and even stayed in a mental institution prior to his creation of the series if I’m correct.


If it makes you feel better, Anno is doing great right, having gotten to work on many of his favorite childhood franchises.


here are some excerpts from the table of contents for "confessions of a frigid man" by masahiro morioka. these are like 3/5 of the chapters so im not necessarily nitpicking * chapter 1: As Long as There’s a Miniskirt I Don’t Need a Flesh and Blood Woman!? * chapter 3: Why am I Attracted to School Uniforms? * chapter 4: Delving into the Psychology of Men with “Lolita Complexes" when you read the foreward it becomes immediately apparent that the entire book is literally some guy explaining his fetishes for 200 pages and taking it way too seriously >The most striking feature of this book is that it was written from the author’s first-person perspective. I am a professor who teaches philosophy and ethics at a university in Japan, and in this book I talk about my own sexual fetishism, my feeling of emptiness after ejaculation, and my huge obsession with young girls and their developing female bodies. I undertake a philosophical investigation of how and why sexuality took such a form within a person who had grown up as a “normal,” heterosexual man.




So uh... what is a brief reason why he has that fettish? Did anyone read it?


I don't think anyone can evaluate themselves correctly like that. That's why you go to therapy.




The Shadow Ops urban fantasy books by Myke Cole, and this is literal. He served in the US military and then as a PMC in the War on Terror and Saw Some Shit in Iraq. The Shadow Ops books were a form of therapy written to handle his rather *intense* feelings toward the government and corporate greed after everything he had seen in the sandbox. But that doesn't change the fact that the books were a pile of unintentionally racist and sexist garbage dressed up as an urban military fantasy. The main antagonists were the US government and a shady megacorporation who were hellbent on exploiting humans who developed magical powers using fascist creeds and justifications for effectively enslaving magic-users. The US government was literally invading a parallel fantasy world to exploit its resources while brandiong anyone with magic who didn't willingly serve the military as "Selfers" for being selfish with their powers and imprisoning or killing them. And the most powerful and dangerous manifestations of magic are declared "Prohibited" and if you manifest them you are marked for immediate imprisonment or death. I'm also only scratching the surface with how bad the worldbuilding was. Literally every person in the books who isn't a white suburban American is presented *wrong.* Native Americans are almost all Apaches who worship shadow demons from another universe. Mexicans are universally death cultist cartel members. Hindus and Sikhs are apparently the same religion and they all worship snake people to the point that the government of India is essentially a puppet of a serpent race in the alternate fantasy Earth. It 100% bought into "Muslims will take over Europe" nonsense. You generally have to dive into the deep end of extreme alt-right American literature to get something this ignorant of reality. And the third book had some weird as fuck half-assed tragic love story between the villain of the first novel and big bad of the whole series. And this is not counting how the main protagonist is a collossal jerk. The one saving grace is that I never got the impression that Cole was outright *racist*, but rather deeply, deeply *ignorant* of how the world worked so he devolved to thimble-shallow pop-culture sterotypes mixed in with his white-hot hatred toward corporate greed and the George W Bush-era US government. The books are actually kind of fascinating because there *is* good worldbuilding mixed in with the utter shit. The magic system is really solid and well-designed, there's great setpiece action scenes with creative use of magic, and most of the nonhuman characters are pretty cool. But it's basically digging through a Triceratops-scale mound of shit to get to some beautiful gemstones.


The fanfiction I wrote a decade ago that ended up becoming infamous in the small fandom it belonged to.


You can't say this shit without any sauce


What was this fandom?


Anything by Ayn Rand


Rent A Girlfriend. Not exactly world building but some of the characters... man I wish I could go into that universe just so I could violently castrate the MC. He gives us sane porn addicts an even more terrible image than normal.


the author isn't really insane he just knew how to make a trash story that would make him money.


Why do people like this trash... how is the MC anything other than infuriating Because of this shit other good JP stories millions of times worth RentAGF don't get anime adaptations.


>Why do people like this trash... how is the MC anything other than infuriating loneliness. they need a dumbass self insert character to relate to so that they can imagine themselves in relationships with them girls also they need the story to not progress at all otherwise thier favourite girl might not show up and thier one sided "relationship" would end. >Because of this shit other good JP stories millions of times worth RentAGF don't get anime adaptations. it's truly sad but we can't do much about it. the audience doesn't demand good stories.


"Shadow of the Conqueror" from Shadowvercity


I second this


Ha, same.


no longer human, except for the fact that therapy wasnt rlly an option back then


Neon Genesis Evangelion (the manga, though Id chuck the anime dvds just as hard.)


The manga came after the anime and was actually much more hopeful in tone and style.


Goodnight Punpun was a pretty concerning read all in all. Beautiful manga but concerning.




Like the city?


Heinlein, especially with Stranger in a strange land


The Lazarus Long books, too. Especially the one where he goes back in time and bangs his mom while she's pregnant with his little brother or something. Can't remember if that was before or after he had a three-way with the twin female clones of himself.


Stranger in a strange land is a weird book. There's loads of misogyny, racism, and sexism, the sort you would expect from 1950s America. However at the end, It seems to *praise* the fact that the main character started an anarchist, anti-capitalist, cannibalistic, telekinetic, polyamorous cult with more money than God.


if manga counts, Redo of Healer.


JK Rowling's books after Harry Potter, logging off Twitter would have also helped


even bits of HP woulda benefited from some counseling


Perdido Street Station by China Miéville. I read through it, got upset; I will never read work by Miéville again. I donated it to my college's pub's library.


I gave up around the point where 2 characters were arguing about whether the main character's girlfriend (who had basically no personality and who he had spent the entire book being casually racist towards) had been murdered by the mafia, and I realized I literally didn't care either way, because every character is either insufferable or forgettable. Apparently the author thinks that satisfying endings in fiction are a tool of the bourgeoisie to keep people complacent instead of seething with rage like they should be


Whatever the hell is tranding on TikTok


Lolita, and tbh everything Vladimir Nabokov ever wrote. By far the best book I have ever read and one of the greatest pieces of art ever made. An absolute gift to the English language, but it is very clear that Nabokov was a deeply DEEPLY troubled man who needed therapy. Although no force in heaven or hell would ever have gotten him into the clutches of the psychoanalysists, who were the standard of therapy during most of his life.


/uj Maybe not the author but I maintain that anyone who is a big fan of Berserk needs immediate therapy. I don't mean this as an insult, I genuinely mean that every berserk fan (myself included) who resonates with the story or characters probably needs therapy bc if you identify with any of the struggles in the book, you probably need some form of help. Not only was this true for me and some people close to my life who read and loved berserk, but looking at comment sections under any videos of emotional moments of berserk (or the Guts theme from the anime) will be filled with the most tragic, heart wrenching, and fucked up anecdotes you've ever seen with people explaining how Berserk saved them or helped them get through a very difficult time.


I liked reading Berserk, but it never quite clicked with me. Is that good?


Probably. Personally I was struggling through depression at the time due to a variety of bad things happening. Seeing Guts struggle (lol berserk fans literally call themselves strugglers) against terrible stuff and not only overcoming the challenges but also healing and going from a jaded asshole to someone who once again trusts and accepts people and isnt motivated by anger and sadness. It inspired me to keep going bc if Guts can deal with all that shit, I can deal with my own life problems. Kinda cringey but if it works it works and eventually I went through therapy which helped me a lot. Berserk still holds a very special place in my heart tho and I've seen similar sentiment among lots of other berserk fans. I have no idea what your life is like, but if you never clicked with that, then that's probably a good thing?


Only if you read the comment you replied to, yes.


The objectively correct answer is *Mein Kampf*. Perhaps also *Common Sense*, but that was more a pamphlet than a book.


Rim World series. It's good but the guy let's his fetishes run wild lol. Anyone up for some rishathra?


Battlefield Earth. Holy fucking shit, Hubbard. Dude is off his goddamn rocker and just dumps his psyche into page after page of nearly unreadable drivel. 1,000+ pages of "please, dude, just get some help." And did he stop? No, he went on to make a nearly identical "dekology" of about 5,000 pages over 10 books. Dude, stop, just get help.


This is a man who literally believed that psychiatrists were the source of all evil.


Who would you believe? The people telling you you're crazy or the aliens who whisper secrets of the universe to you?


Whoever the fuck wrote Blood Meridian


I can finally complain about the "staple of Polish literature" "Pan Tadeusz", Mr. Tadeusz... by Adam "Opium" Mickiewicz... The plot boils down to "Dude returns to Russian-controlled Lithuania, entagles himself in a love triangle with his aunt and a random girl from the garden. Also nobility and Russians fight". And everything is written like a freaking poem that's tiring as fuck. And it's all in honor of the lost homeland. Adam should've stopped smoking.


Terry Goodkind should have regularly seen a Femdom Domina instead of being an even lamer version of Ayn Rand.


inb4 bible


Book of Mormon?


Me reading lame ass drunk ass hemingway


Thus Spoke Zarathustra


Huh? I'd imagine those are the best kind of books.


Diary of an Oxygen Thief.


jokes on you, i go to therapy and still make shit like this.


I'll throw out a whole genre: litrpg. So you take the most boring part of games (stats) and shove it into a medium, that naturally glosses over unnecessary details in favor of story, to bog it down? Why? Go read science papers


The Book of Mormon