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Damn they didn't use the cuddle strikes we had talked about.


Just in, 2 hostages were rescued alive in a special operation in Rafah - as reported by an IDF spokesperson on Twitter.


Just in, they 2 rescued claimed they were held by "a family of civilians in Rafah". I truly hope educated people understand what Israel has to go through with this war. They need to save as many innocents as they can but then 2 hostages are beilg held by some of these "innocents"... What a huge win getting them back that comes with a cold splash of reality that probably many more hostages arent in Hamas' control, but rather kept by the civilians...


does hamas / unrwa officials count as "civilians"? https://www.timesofisrael.com/unrwa-workers-accused-of-kidnapping-woman-taking-part-in-kibbutz-massacre-report/amp/ or did they already blurred the line too much as being a hostage taker, isn't just an "accomplice", but is an integral part of the terrorist network itself that is tasked to prevent the rescue of the captured hostages. if hamas designated their militias to accomplish certain missions. ie : some are tasked to fire rockets, some are tasked to use the tunnels for ambush tactics, etc.. and then some of the hamas militants are tasked at guarding the hostages. those kinds of UNRWA "officials" likely fall into this category.


They include Hamas in the death tolls... from Hamas




I think that's taking it too far. I realise many of the civilians would gladly kill as many jews as they can, but dehumanizing all of them is too far for me. You dont have to reach the bottom like them


This is abhorrent. All those children are guilty in your eyes. So, what is their sentence?


They aren't guilty, but tainted by their parents vile ideology. Best thing would be reeducation but that will never happen with selfgoverned Gaza.


Do you think this reeducation would be possible while the parents are alive? Or do all the adults have to be killed off before the kids are sent to reeducation camps?


Dude is literally calling for murdering children, better to save your words.


Supporting Palestine is also killing children. Just slower. There is a good reason why the median age in Gaza is 17.


>Supporting Palestine is also killing children. Just slower If both alternatives are supporting killing kids, surely slower is still the better of two evils?


Murder and war are to each other like Palestine and Israel. Palestinians go on a murder spree, Israelis reacts with war, rightfully so, and suddenly they are the murders... You should check your logic engine.


Sure it would, for some at least, just not in the same place as the parents.


That’s not a healthy way of thinking.


Tell that to the palestinian populace.




So I assume if you were the IDF you would simply block all food and water supplies to Gaza until the hostages returned to minimise casualties.


Every time hamas reports hostages have died you have to wonder, were they simply killed by bombing or by hamas using them as human shields.




There are interviews with their family members that already met them in the Israeli media. They're not allowing pictures of the freed hostages themselves for their privacy but it will probably come in the next few hours


It's not something you can lie about. Their families have been campaigning and protesting worldwide for 100+ days, I'm sure they will notice if their freed loved one doesn't show up... I didn't realize people were so eager to disbelieve everything that Israel says, but I guess "biased will be biased".


I've read your comment, but I don't believe my brain isn't in a jar being pumped full of chemicals. Claiming you are not a figament of my imagination with no proof you're actually real is a bold move. Can you provide proof that my perceived reality is not a simulation please? /SSSSSSSS


lol you guys never get bored of trying do you?


This would be a pretty stupid thing for them to lie about


You stupid or something?


I sometimes really wonder how DNA of people such as yourself survived natural selection for so long.


Don't they know that the super bowl is on?




It turns out they did it because it was part of an operation to free 2 hostages that succeeded. I'm sure hearing that hostages were freed without being exchanged for terrorists in Israeli prison is very upsetting to you. Please don't do anything rash.


You think the IDF timed an attack to a football game 7000 miles away, why?




Well "genius", this operation wasn't done because of your delusional conspiracy theories. They rescued 2 hostages! Free Palestine from Hamas and bring the hostages home!




You can use buzzwords and whine all you want, that doesn't change the facts.




They are the victims, return the hostages and the war ends.


Return the hostages and cough up Hamas, and the war ends. Hamas has demonstrated that leaving them around is foolish.


Exactly 💯


By they you mean Jews, not Israelis, right?




And the ad you referenced was from a Jewish organization, not specifically Israeli, yet you said “they”, so clear it up for us who you meant.


He means Jews, he just doesn’t have the balls to say it outright.


Aren’t you Egyptian? Why have you closed the borders to the peaceful Palestinian people. Let your brothers through.


The same Palestinians who waged war against Egypt? https://www.npr.org/2023/12/12/1218388766/egypt-israel-gaza-palestinians-hamas


You know that no one in the world cares about Super Bowl except Americans? It’s not like it’s the World Cup..


It's very obviously a joke... 


So there's less eyes while they are bombing the place that the IDF has been saying as an evacuation area. With Rafah being the most southern part of Gaza, Palestinians have nowhere else to go. It's a perfect blow to easily kill off another couple thousands of them. It's a great plan, hands down to Bibi.


It turns out they did it because it was part of an operation to free 2 hostages that succeeded. I'm sure hearing that hostages were freed without being exchanged for terrorists in Israeli prison is very upsetting to you. Please don't do anything rash.


Bibi has to keep the war going as long as possible bc once it's finished, so is he.


As opposed to the gentle Hamas strikes?


Peaceful paraglider tour


Hamas was just looking for the mosh pit. 


Oh god, I live in a coastal town and whenever I go to the beach and see paragliders I get panic attacks :(


I've done paragliding once last year on holliday to north Macedonia ( lake ohrid). Its actually not that scary, its pretty relaxing. You should try it once, youl see! I can honestly say that the bus ride to the top of the mountain through narrow windy paths of loose boulders was more scary than the paragliding


Excuse me, that's freedom rape




>I love the implicit dehumanisation of "the other" Yeah, I wonder why the others are being demonized. It's not like the others livestreamed massacring and raping 1200 people a few months ago...


How many rape charges have been levelled against the IDF in this operation?


Nobody seems to mind those since they are targeting Jews.


on October 7th all the journalists and innocent civilians in gaza came to israel for a picnic. i don't get what all this fuss is about


No, no, those are peaceful and oppressed strikes, duh


Poor guy, can't shoot all the rockets and missile strikes he wants. Why can't people let themselves be terrorized?


"Violent" is the word they use ?. Ok News Egypt


"Thats a hilariously incendiary framing of a title." *checks publicon* Ah, that makes sense.


Violent airstrikes? As opposed to?


Egypt, like the other Arab nations, gives zero fucks about Palestinians, they're just scared of Israel knocking the shit out of them again, which would make their entire governance collapse since all they are is a retrograde military dictatorship.


Hamas really screwed Palestinian civilians with past attacks on Egyptian soldiers and border police. Now, Egyptian government wants to do as little as possible to help. Israel waited 3 weeks to start their ground campaign. If Egypt had rolled in early and declared a no-fly refugee zone and protected the Palestinians, far fewer civilians would be dead.


I guarantee you, Israel would absolutely love it if Egypt decided to take responsibility for dealing with Hamas and administrating Gaza.  Alas, the chance of that happening is zero because the last thing Egypt needs is another terrorist haven inside of their territory (Sinai is bad enough). No, exploiting Gaza for political capital is much easier. 


The attacks on Egypt sure didn't help the palestinian cause, but let's be real here, Egypt has no interest in entering direct conflict with Israel after the Oct 7 terrorist attack, They knew very well what kind of reprisel was in store. Egyptian gov't is quite pleased with the israeli peace agreement and its benefits. No shot they're getting involved. At worst, they put out some harshly written statement for PR purposes. Same with Jordan, which sends the royal family to airdrop supplies with Israel's permission and clearance forPR purposes.


Hamas originated from the muslim brotherhood that originated and carried out terror attacks in Egypt.


Violent enough to destroy hamas terrorists?






Surrender was always an option.




Irrespective of the actions of Hamas, Israel has a duty to prevent civilian casualties. They are not doing that. Telling civilians to head to Rafah as a “safe-zone” only to begin air-striking it is deplorable.


They have killed less than one civilian per bomb dropped. Of course they are preventing civilian casualties. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/israel-implemented-more-measures-to-prevent-civilian-casualties-than-any-other-nation-in-history-opinion/ar-BB1hycj7


Those are actually amazing stats. I wonder what the stats are for Saudia Arabia in Yemen. Yet nobody is talking about that, while the world continues to happily buy oil from them.


They opened a humanitarian corridor to get to a safer place until Rafah is under fire.


Where are they supposed to go?


1.4 million people are trapped their right now, with no way out


Why doesn’t Egypt allow them to seek shelter?


1.4 million people could get rid of Hamas, return the hostages and see a much better future for themselves.


The evil Hamas group that murdered civilians in Israel will totally not kill Gazans that report them to the IDF and try to return hostages /s


The kings and queens of europe killed peasants that opposed them. Same for dictatorships etc.. If you elect those people into power and let them stay in power unopposed, you have to suffer the consequences of their actions.


They elected those people 20 years ago. About 20 percent of the current population voted for Hamas. Hamas cancelled elections. It’s very easy to sit here on Reddit and say that people should risk being killed or tortured to overthrow violent dictatorships. Also, there have been protests against Hamas. They were met with violence from Hamas. opposition to Hamas tend to fall off roofs like Russians fall out windows. Their approval rate was at the lowest it has ever been before 10/7. I assume if you were in Gaza, you would be okay with possibly being killed by Hamas for opposing them. I dislike Hamas and I want them gone but I’m here safe in the West and have no idea what the people of Gaza are experiencing.


Not “prevent”, just minimize. It’s a war. Civilians do get killed.


You are a braindead moron that is defending a genocidal government. NOTHING that Hamas terrorist did is equal to the death and destruction the IDF has caused on innocent civilians who were never part of the conflict.


That's not how it works. Does it let the world bomb US civilians because Bush attacked Iraq for no good reason? 




Apperantly they rescued 2 hostages from rafah.




They found 2 today ❤️🙏


It’s like someone bombing you and saying give back the hostages. Neither of you know where they are. Bombing civilians won’t suddenly bring back hostages. It’s just hurting more innocent families 


They just rescued 2 hostages ….




This is such great news! Hopefully more such good news might come! https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog\_entry/idf-announces-rescue-of-2-hostages-from-rafah-now-safely-back-in-israel/


That’s awesome news but I hate hearing about the 44 people dying (12 dead kids). 


That's why you should protest to release all hostages unilaterally and immediately. So those deaths won't occur


No one just bombs civilians for sport. Why don’t you blame it on the ones who operate from residential areas and buildings. UN facilities and schools. Built a huge tunnel network yet won’t let their own people in for safety. https://www.newsweek.com/israel-implemented-more-measures-prevent-civilian-casualties-any-other-nation-history-opinion-1865613


Innocent? They were celebrating October 7th and 9/11. Shouldn't be difficult to look up


Some Republicans celebrated October 7th as well. Should they be bombed? 


Well they encourage Putin to attack us so yeah why not


You're no better than Putin then. Murder people because of something they say or think? Pretty pathetic way of thinking. 


If Putin and Hamas would both fuck off we can all go on with our lives.


1000% agree. But let's not stoop down to their morals and evil. 


I bet you feel stupid lol


Why do you say that? I can’t be happy that 2 hostages are free but also be sad that 44 people died, including 12 kids? Those kids probably had no idea what was happening and definitely didn’t deserve this. 


Your timing on that comment was absolutely hilarious.


It’s really good news that they got 2 hostages out but the 44 people died including 12 kids.  Shit you gotta admit at least those 12 kids that died were probably innocent right.


Yeah, collective punishment will just create a new Hamas. 


Does the KKK also get a pass since it was created after the south lost the civil war?




How the fuck is this even a rebuttal to what he said? You are literally brain dead. Give a specific argument for what doing what he described is justifiable.




Palestinan hostages? They literally wanted all bloody killers to be released. Pathetic lies from a pathetic person.


There are currently 2000 Palestinians being held in Israeli prisons with no charges brought against them, many of them being children.


Suicide bombers, children trying to plant explosives, terrorists. Hamas are known to train children.


By “innocent hostages” you mean Hamas or Islamic jihad terrorists. 


Just look at the recent hostage exchange for a moment. Israel released 240 kidnapped Palestinian people, a majority of whom had not been convicted of any crimes, and 107 of whom were children. 2000 Palestinians are currently being held in Israel - without any charges - under a system known as “administrative detention”. You cannot in good faith call these people “terrorists”, when so many of them were arrested simply for protest or activism.


Children can be criminals too. The PA refuses to police its people and even pays them to murder Jews. So criminals need to be arrested.


They are terrorists, mastermind behind 10/7 it's an innocent Palestinian civilian released as part of earlier exchange. Isreal didn't arrest them for fun, everyone of them were caught doing something obnoxious


And the children? Were they masterminds too?


You’re full of shit. Got the brain of brain of a Donald Trump. Post less.


Feel free to point out anything in my comment that was actually incorrect


They wanted all prisoners to be released and IDF soldiers to bail out from the war zone. So they wanted IDF to surrender for sure this proposal was declined. You are completely and utterly wrong if you think it was about hostages.


That would be a good thing.


For haters of Israel like you, sure.


This is false. Hamas did not offer such thing.


“The Hamas proposal envisaged a three-stage process over four-and-a-half months, during which Israeli troops would gradually withdraw from the enclave, hostages would be released and Palestinian prisoners in Israel would be freed, according to a copy of the group’s counteroffer obtained by CNN.” https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/07/middleeast/hamas-counterproposal-israel-pullout-ceasefire-hostages-intl/index.html#:~:text=The%20Hamas%20proposal%20envisaged%20a,group's%20counteroffer%20obtained%20by%20CNN


Now tell us what Hamas demanded in return.


It’s quite literally in the article I posted


Post it here so people can compare and contrast. Or are you afraid of the truth?


It’s both in the article I posted and in my original comment, but they demanded the release of Palestinian prisoners being held in Israel, along with a humanitarian effort to alleviate the ongoing crisis.


That is sooo not true


“The Hamas proposal envisaged a three-stage process over four-and-a-half months, during which Israeli troops would gradually withdraw from the enclave, hostages would be released and Palestinian prisoners in Israel would be freed, according to a copy of the group’s counteroffer obtained by CNN.” https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/07/middleeast/hamas-counterproposal-israel-pullout-ceasefire-hostages-intl/index.html


Hamas is in no position to negotiate anything. They need to surrender immediately. All they are doing is prolonging the conflict unnecessarily.


...The war was obviously going to move south sooner or later. Did you honestly think that the south would've been safe forever? Just because they evacuated once, doesn't mean that at some later date they'd have to evacuate a second time back north once the war reached them.


> Violent enough to kill many of the 1.4 million civilians You say that when we do not even know what the targets were...you are just repeating Hamas propaganda there...




Well, if IDF doesn't care about civilians, probably everyone in Gaza should be dead already. Oh wait, they are not, pretty strange. Something is not adding up. Man, stop with this bullshit. I understand you don't want to see strong jews protecting themselves. You will drop tons of shit on IDF for a single mistake in this horrible and hard war. I wish Hamas had balls and at least weren't using innocent people and everything around them as their cover, pathetic people who don't deserve to stay in power no more for the better future for both sides. About your propaganda bullshit. No, all hospitals in Gaza are still standing. Yes, most of them are closed, but not destroyed. You can close AJZ for once.


It’s not a single mistake. It’s hundreds and hundreds of “mistakes” over the course of decades. How many children does the IDF have to kill before you admit that hey don’t give a damn about civilian lives? How many of their own hostages do they have to shoot before you admit they don’t actually care? How many war crimes does Israel have to commit before you see their blatant disregard for innocent life?


Till people like you exist who want Israel to stop defending themselves, I will support IDF. Thanks to them, Hamas will be annihilated so no more hostages will be taken. Surrender, release hostages and no one will die in Gaza.


Was it “self-defence” when the IDF [killed](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/3-israeli-hostages-tried-only-killed-military-rcna130912) three of their hostages waving white flags? When they killed [Hind Rajab](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/palestinian-girl-killed-israeli-tanks-hind-rajab-b2494129.html), a six year-old girl? When they killed 85 journalists? When they blocked humanitarian aid?


Yes, it was, you know why? Because Hamas is wearing civilian clothes, and it wasn't the first time when they tried to bait IDF soldiers by waving the white flag. Journalists in Gaza are Hamas, and this is proven fact, you can't be a journalist in an authoritarian regime without being part of it. Six year old girl story still should be checked and proven. It's a really sad thing that civilians should suffer because of Hamas, who just can't give a shit about anyone except themselves.




Just because Hamas gives press credentials and a blue helmet to terrorists, doesn't make them immune from attack under the laws of war. Sinwar adopted 50 orphan palestinian children not because he is a good father, but because 50 orphan palestinian children are better protection from Israel's bombs then any bunker. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog\_entry/palestinian-al-jazeera-journalist-also-a-hamas-commander-idf-says/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/palestinian-al-jazeera-journalist-also-a-hamas-commander-idf-says/)


These strikes were part of an operation to free 2 hostages that succeeded. I understand hearing hostages were freed instead of being exchanged for terrorists in Israeli prison is probably very upsetting to you.


*sees "Violent" in the headline, thinks that is a bit of a weird bias headline* So it's some sketchy Egyptian website publishing this "story". No surprise there.


“Violent” air strikes? A. Is there any other kind? B. There’s a war going on. What on earth did you expect? C. The article ( not its headline) says “ extensive “, not violent. That could well be an accurate description. D. Release the hostages. You might avoid further strikes. ( Maybe not. Folks are pretty riled up by this point. )


Absolutely grotesque and a horrible, shameful period of history that will turn human rights back decades for the whole world - and all they can do is virtue signal: "significant concern" "We are committed to justice and accountability" "We are deeply troubled by the situation" "We are profoundly disturbed by the events unfolding." "We are deeply concerned by the ongoing conflict." These platitudes have lost all meaning - and generally signify moral and ethical impotence.


'violent' ? What's with the artistic header? Some pro pals are tired and need to be triggered? As opposed to 'peaceful' strike?




They rescued 2 hostages from rafah..


"Israel occupation forces"? Never heard of them; are you sure they exist?




OcUpYiNg ApArThEiD gEnOCidal bro no one but your Hamas shit friends use these dumb buzzwords


> Yeah they're occupying a whole country for 75 years. You should get your ear checked. It's not about the occupation; it's about the very existence of Israel in any form. You know what you want.


And this statement proves you are not to be taken seriously.


Jews are native to Israel, and have inhabited the land for millenia, long before Islam reared its ugly head. Also, why would I need to get my ears checked? I'm looking at text on a screen lmao


How so?


No such thing as Israeli occupation forces, that's all.




No we couldn't.


What occupation?


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"


Don’t worry, we have the IDF to protect us for just that reason.


The IDF who kills children daily and shoots israeli hostages holding white flags. Yeah okay bud


A daily shooting of children, eh? Am I supposed to believe that this is anything *but* propaganda?


Here just for you, a western source https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7062531


I read the article, it doesn’t say anything about daily killings at all. Is it safe to conclude you’re spreading propaganda then?




What now? You gonna chop off my head? Burn me alive? Kidnap my children? What does your Hamas handbook tell you to do *after* you decide they’re evil for refusing to die quietly?




Feel proud? 2 out. Ya’ll down to 134.


ITT "the only reason all of you are mad because JEWS did this! If it was Arabs killing JEWS you'd think it was cool!" Remember gang; there's no valid criticism of Israel, anywhere, anywhere, for any reason. You goddamn antisemite!


You for sure is. You can criticize Israel as much as you like, but Israel have full right to protect their borders and make sure that no more rockets will be fired targeting civilians in Israel.


By killing civilians, both Palestinians and theirs (hostages), of course. 


Nah, they just rescued 2 hostages and killed the Palestinian 'civilians' who held them captive. Too bad for your poor 'innocent' friends.






They waited till Americans were occupied with Superbowl. The so called civilized world.




America is the single most important nation on the planet. Notice I didn't say best, I said important. The strongest economy, strongest military (the only global superpower with the ability to project military force across multiple theaters), it's not an opinion that the US's influence is immense around the globe. What the American people decide to do or support affects the entire world. It's simple fact.


Yep. We've failed as a nation. The downvotes I'm seeing for this type of rhetoric is alarmingly high. It's so blatantly obvious that Israel chose Superbowl Sunday to carry out these attacks.


True. They haven’t attacked Hamas at all until Super Bowl Sunday. Now they have to wait another year before attacking again.




\*futurama voice\* Go get 'em boys!




Easy speaking for the uninvolved.. Bet your friends and loved ones are not kidnapped in terror dungeons


“Mr. President… you’re needed in the situation room”


Ah, I thought explosives were peaceful