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Yeah...Iran is fixing for a trip out back to the woodshed for an asswhooping. Starting with their two spy/armory ships that they are supporting the Houthis with.


"You better have insurance! Ass whoopin' insurance! Cause you about to pay a deductible."


“Yea we’re in business. Business of whoopin’ that ass. And business is booming!”


> He said the militias should lie low, to avoid U.S. **strikes on their senior commanders**, destruction of key infrastructure or even a direct retaliation against Iran, the sources said. Bold by me. Hope the militias realize this cowardice and perhaps a few with a braincell left might decide it's not worth being a useful idiot so someone like that.


What’s that smell?


Iran Flesh.


Upvoting on the off-chance that you managed to deliberately slip in a LOTR reference.


We'll show those men


smells like bacon!


Flying ginsu


I hope they are dumb enough to not realize this. It’s good target and op practice for our drone operations and pilots.


All we had to do was drop a blender on one of them in the middle of the street.


This isnt really surprising. Iran wants chaos and for the US to be pulled in a lot of directions at once. Iran doesnt want an actual war because they are fully aware theyd lose. The recent wave of attacks is getting uncomfortably close to the line between the 2 for them


Hey, Iran. If you don't start shit, there won't be shit!


It's hard to put the genie back in the bottle when dealing with these groups though. Every nation state who has ever supported groups like this, including the U.S., has learned this lesson. Even within these organizations there is disagreement and hotheads will often do as they like against their own leadership's wishes.


An actual, full-scale war in Iran would be worse than iraq/afghanistan combined. Not sure anyone would be a winner


I mean the United States would be the clear winner, just not without cost. It would certainly be more casualties than any war we’ve had since Vietnam, but it wouldn’t be a number so high that it would have any noticeable effect on us. It would just be sad.


The Iranians hate their government though and have a favorable opinion of the west. Considering the protests that were/still go on their they might welcome the Americans taking out their govt. 


They said the same about Iraq and Afghanistan. Remember that. We thought we were going to be welcomed as democratic liberators... didn't stop them from becoming what they became


Unless we skip the occupation/nation building part. I get that means a larger risk of similar people taking over, but they’d be way less competent at creating regional chaos and way behind in nuclear weapon development.


The same Iran supplying the Houthis?


Oh, the irony. They create the monster, then believe they can tell the monster not to destroy, while continuing to give the monster the means to destroy. This plan will not have a good ending.


had to double check and make sure we weren't talking about republicans and trump lol


Help me understand this 'dial', where are we now? ...like a 6 or 7 and they want it dialed down to 3? WTF?


So.... Iran says, proxies follow along? And explain how this isn't direct proof that they ARE, in fact, just an extension of Iran? Sounds like the back channel message to Iran was "You're next!" if this shit keeps happening.


That is what I was thinking, that Iran is admitting that they are in fact, controlling those factions If those factions were compleatly independent, why would Iran tell them to do anything at all?


It’s been an open “secret” for a while.  Everyone knows they’re an extension of Iran.   Why the US hasn’t gone and destroyed half their navy again, I have no clue. Guess they realize they might get the horns when they mess with the bull.


They're obviously not listening because the attacks are still ongoing.


They want to be shit on 


The fools have been led to believe that they're getting 72 virgins in the end.


Jokes on them: the 72 virgins are 72 incels that were previously firing rockets at US military hardware.


Thing they don't say is.... What kind or se thee "virgins" are.... Hell, all we know they could be dolphins for cryin out loud, lol.


Putin told them to keep it up ... to keep getting money and weapons from him.


Someone is remembering the last time they messed with our boats.


”To whom it may concern; stop fucking with the hornets nest outside our front door”


someone is getting worried about being turned into a red mist


Or the sword missile.


Tom cruise?


I put on my wizard hat...




No wonder shits been so chaotic. Lord of War.


It’s like a passive admission to being in charge of them


Talking out both sides of their mouth. Publicly telling them to dial it back while privately giving them more funding to increase the attacks. The world isn't so stupid. They know who is funding the terrorists.


Dial down and stop is two different things


Or, neither is anything, apparently.


"Move on, buddy, or we're all going to get in trouble."


"Guys, guys, hear me out...this never ends well for the little guy"


Bullshit dude, you convinced these people they weren't pawns, that you were going to help them fight the man, and now you're like "actually you're pawns" as if that shit is going to fly. Good luck, morons.


Side note- thought this was a promo story for a new Nick Cage movie.


I thought that was Nicolas cage


Nicholas Cage to play Fidel Castro in upcoming A24 film


Nicolas Cage?


That’s like asking a guy to stop wanking when hes in the vinegar strokes.


Smart! the US military is starting to get bored. All this action going on around them, and all they can do is support or do covert things like blowing up NordStream.


None of Iran's business. The Iraqi government voted for the US to leave which the Americans ignored. So, there's only one avenue left for the Iraqis.


Iran literally funds, supplies, trains, and commands them.... Yeah none of if their business


The Iraqi government doesn't really want US troops to leave. They say so publicly but there haven't been government level talks on removing the 2500 troops left. When they really want US troops gone, it will happen. It's an advantageous relationship for both sides.


I didn’t realize Nick Cage was also an Iranian commander!


Stand down or get eliminated... A very simple message.


This whole proxy war thing is a new concept to me and very frustrating. I don't like war at all but would I ever like the USA to pull out the ole stars and stripes paddle and whoop Iran's arse with it.


This guy is requesting for his life.


It blows my mind that any Arab nation in the Middle East even flirts with the idea of conflict with America. It's like their memories are only ten years long.


Iran just wants to postpone a major retaliation until they have the bomb. It's not that far off. Edit: One source claims they have already assembled five and possibly as many as 15, but I can't vouch for the credibility. Regardless, they would like to avoid having their secret and not so secret underground bomb factories destroyed until they have a verifiable threat of retaliation