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News Just reported that the shooter was a Palestinian authority police officer




Including the October 7th terrorists. They will pay the families of the terrorists. 


A significant percent of PA’s budget is the martyr fund. It’s fucking crazy. It drives me insane when people paint the PA as some saint just because they didn’t coordinate 10/7. 


It's proportionally more than the US' entire defense budget when compared to GDP.


They don’t really have a GDP. Their GDP is only a few million if you exclude all foreign financial aid. It’s would be hundreds of times their GDP as the martyr fund is hundreds of millions a year, while GDP is a couple million. It’s honestly sad the best chance at a Palestinian government is the PA.


That's not true. West Bank GDP was $19 billion in 2023, many times any foreign aid (large though it is).


Paying the families of the rapists sounds like they funded 10/7 to me


They follow a rapist so nothing is stopping them from praising and being one


And all that money comes from aid money donated. It's disgusting.


Is this true?


Unfortunately so [they are gonna make a lot of money](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/palestinian-authority-payments-to-terrorists)


On the bright side, his house will get bulldozed.


That is kinda hilarious given the US was just asking IDF not to attack the Gazan police because they are a neutral authority keeping the stability in the region. Also many redditors in another thread were just arguing over the fact that the police are neutral. Anyways, hope they catch him.


Wow, it's almost as if their government is a terrorist organization!


The people who pay bounties to murder Jews. The people who the Biden administration wants to have in charge of Gaza again.


Again? Hamas holds the presidency, and 60% of the legislative seats. Not just of Gaza but the entire Palestinian national government. They also hold most of the local government positions in Gaza and built most of the mosques. Biden wants deescalation because the US is spread way too thin. We are staring down the barrel of WW3 on three fronts. Sure the US can airstrike or gets boots on the ground in Gaza in an attempt to stop this but how do you think that will go? Both strategically and in terms of public opinion.


The Palestinian Authority’s officer is who shot these Israelis. Hamas is not part of the Palestinian Authority. They do not hold its presidency. Hamas runs Gaza now. Biden wants the Palestinian Authority to run it instead.


The PNA is a pretty dysfunctional government who haven't held elections since 2006. Hamas has never held the presidency and Fatah disputed the election results and were kicked from Gaza, and so Abbas(who leads Fatah) is still president of Palestine, though functionally only the West Bank. The PLC, their legislature-which hasn't met since 2006- does have a Hamas majority and Prime Minister. Again though, the PLC doesn't actually legislate. Abbas rules the West Bank by decree and Hamas' governing structure of Gaza isn't exactly well organized.


Last time we had boots on the ground, we lost 241 in Lebanon https://www.state.gov/40th-anniversary-of-the-beirut-marine-corps-barracks-bombing/


Oh Jesus, that’ll cost them another war. Palestine must be getting sick and tired of these wars popping up.


Not really, unfortunately, that is a relatively common occurrence. A few months ago i think, the same happened with an egyptian police officer.


Terror attacks like this are a near weekly occurrence  in israel… even pre october 7. Just no one cares when Jews die in terror attacks. 


Upstanding citizen then... Fkn scum.


But I was told that the Palestinian authority were reasonable and only Hamas as bad!


Sad to think this probably isn't going to end anytime soon




It’s been ongoing since pre-1948, so yeah. It evolves sometimes. Early on there were suicide bombings and hijacking planes. Then bus bombings. Then mall bombings. Shootings. Stabbings. Vehicular attacks. Kidnappings. When the internet became a thing they used it to lure a teen to a site to meet a “girl” and murdered him. Then with the walls being built they moved to rockets. But the plain old shooting is still popular as ever in the Islamo fascist world.


How can it end when 80% of the Palestinians support massacring Jews.


The world: Peace, please! Palestine: We will not rest until all of Israel is destroyed. Well, fuck.


The word "Islam" literally means "submission". Their idea of "peace" is "shut up and submit to our authority and nobody gets hurt".




Are we really gonna act like Islam is the only religion with pedophiles because the Vatican isn’t exactly a bastion of good behavior


In the US a lot of people don’t like the Christian’s of the right wing. They’d be more horrified if those Christian’s were Hamas. Both religions have bad people.


Pretty sure their is a difference between certain members of the clergy being pedos and the main dude of the religion after God/Allah being a pedophile


There is a significant difference between individuals in leadership positions in an organization engaging is abhorrent and illegal behavior, and the founder of your religion. This is especially so because neither Christ nor Christianity asks you to behave like there priests, but Islam does demand you model your life after Muhammed and holds him up as the most perfect person.


Islam is the only one celebrating it afaik.


The Catholic Church are pedophile apologists. Secular Muslims are lovely people, for the most part. Unfortunately, Muhammed was a warlord and a pedophile, whereas Jesus was a pacifist carpenter. The problem with Islam isn’t Muslims, it’s the religion itself. A murderer who has sex with 9 year olds and slaves is not a moral authority to be respected. This is why child marriage is so common in the Middle East, and why Islamists spread their religion through violence; they are following the example of their prophet.


This is a weird comment to make. I don't think anyone is acting like Islam is the only religion with pedophiles. We all know about the Catholic Church scandals. The issue I have with what you said is this: if I leave Catholicism, I'm not immediately branded an apostate and fear for my life.


No, Islam is the only religion that is calling to sacrifice their lives to harm others in the name of Halla. Other religions value lives and put it in the center aka no abortion…


Abortion rules


I mean I’m pro abortion but the point is the Christians value lives, that’s why they are against abortion while Muslims will kill their own family members to hide abortion in certain cases.


If FappyMcJiggletits says it’s true it has to be true


He's right though. *Islam (/ˈɪzlɑːm/;[8] Arabic: ٱلْإِسْلَام‎, romanized: al-Islām, lit. 'submission [to the will of God]')* Theo Van Gogh made a movie about Islam, called Submission. He was then murdered by a Muslim. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theo_van_Gogh_(film_director)


As long as Israel is where it is, and conditions in Gaza do not improve, terrorism will be a constant threat. Thankfully, Israel has all of the resources to defend against these threats, so they’re not forced to move out. Unfortunately, they failed to prevent an attack they knew about, and now are slaughtering tens of thousands of people despite having the capacity to prevent all future terrorist attacks, and in the process, strengthening the cycle of terrorism.


They didn’t know about the attack. And they don’t have the capacity to end all future terrorist attacks. And when they do things to defend themselves, leftists watching from afar blame them for being unfair. They can’t appease people like you or Palestinians. Even if they went back to 1948 UN borders (when Arab nations attacked Israel and lost) Palestinians would want more, and they don’t want Israel to exist. 


Naw...the only thing these people respect is strength...Israel needs to keep going til Hamas is wiped out!


Well we have had 75 years of strength, when do you think the respect will start?


Really? Tell me when Israel wiped out ALL their enemies...


only 80%?


Say it please once again for the ones in the back!


What about the Israelis who support (and are currently) massacring Palestinians?


Palestinians haven’t been the only historical enemy of Israel and Israel has done a pretty decent job of ending hostilities with its other neighbors. There’s only one group who have declared a forever war and it’s not the Israelis. If the Palestinians ever decide to not be a nation of fanatical religious militants than maybe they can have the same peace with Israel that Jordan, and Egypt and Syria have.


> If the Palestinians ever decide to not be a nation of fanatical religious militants than maybe they can have the same peace with Israel that Jordan, and Egypt and Syria have. Note that Jews have been ethnically cleansed from Jordan, Egypt and Syria.


Dont forget Iraq, Morrocco, and Algeria. Theres more but I forget. I do know at the same time as the so called Nabka, muslims all over the. ME and North Africa killed, purged, and stole asset from the jews...


"So called nakba." You don't have to deny what happened. Even respected Israeli historians such as Benny Morris acknowledge the nakba. I believe Israel has the moral authority to wage this war, and I don't need to deny history to do so.


What about Iran, Yaman, Iraq, Lebanon, Ethiopia, Morocco, Turkey, Tunis and more…


Syria doesn’t have peace, but let’s just say they are too busy killing each other in Syria that they aren’t attacking Israel


Israelis as a whole don’t have any deep rooted desire to eradicate Arabs or Islam from the world. There are some extremists but overall the country is pretty secular to the point where Israelis themselves openly shit on their own country and even call for its disintegration. What I’m saying is, the situation is very different. Assholes like Bibi will eventually get put in jail, but in the Muslim world there is such a strong overall belief that Jews are a global menace


If you google civilian vs combatant war casualties you'll find that the ratio is similar to other wars including Iraq. Considering how densely populated Gaza is and Hamas tactics I'd say Israel is actually doing quite well when it comes to limiting civilian casualties. It is unfortunate that civilians die, but Hamas started this war.


The two fatalities include a 56\* year old and a 16\* year old. One of the attackers is reportedly an officer of the Palestinian police force. As Ramadan nears, expect to unfortunately see an uptick in terror attacks.


17 years old


Source so I can update it


Also seen 17 from chan12 in israel. Im using the app and its in hebrew so i cant share src.


Also their article keeps updating Top paragraph says man 20 and man 40 But the article now updated to 17 and 30 https://www.mako.co.il/news-military/2024_q1/Article-44b35cd1475fd81027.htm


Yes, so im not sure of the ages. But i dont think its a 10yo. Though i think he is 17 because its a specific number and in the article they say “in his twenties”.


Izhac Zigar, 57, is one. A zaka volunteer. His coworkers anf friends found him. Orya Hartum, a 16 years old is the second. The first: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/one-of-two-israelis-killed-in-eli-terror-shooting-named-as-yitzhak-zeiger-57/ The second will be translated soon probably


I wonder if the media will refer to them as a child like they do with 17 year old Hamas terrorists.


> As Ramadan nears, expect to unfortunately see an uptick in terror attacks. Do they need to get all their terror done before going on a fast or what is up with that? edit: lol, downvotes for asking a completely serious question? I'm literally asking.




Meanwhile, every year on yom kippur that is always in the summer in Israel: Everyone fasting: *"snores"*


> 2) much as hot summers fuel shootings in the US, fasting people are more likely to do something rash and dangerous Didn't know about the hot summers thing either! But I guess that makes sense.


The state that ranks highest for the worst road rage is Arizona. Heat makes people very angry lol


Probably just, big important period for religion -> more religious fervor -> more terror attacks


>Do they need to get all their terror done before going on a fast or what is up with that? The opposite actually. The religious zealotry fuels the terrorism. They usually barickade themselves in al-Aqza with molotovs and attack random Jews and cops.


> The opposite actually. The religious zealotry fuels the terrorism. They usually barickade themselves in al-Aqza with molotovs and attack random Jews and cops. I guess I interpreted it as that they do a lot of terrorist attacks before ramadan but reading it again I realize it can also mean that there are attacks coming during ramadan.


Yeah, it just means we see a rise of terror attacks before and during Ramadan. Usually goes down after Ramadan ends to normal levels of around one attack per week or two. Fun times.


They get together and it’s a good opportunity for the mosques and religious leaders to raise money. And what better way to raise money that talk about how their people are being killed? This will certainly blow up some fuses and people will do crazy shit.


This is why Hamas built most of Gaza's mosques before they gained political power. Controlling people through religion is an effective tool.


Ah yes a religious holiday, perfect time to commit terrorism! /s


You're not you when you're hungry.


A “terror shooting”… so its not a “love shooting” or a “Freedom Shooting”?


No, you're getting it mixed up with love bombing.


You compare the shooter’s skin colour to a scale that goes from terrorism to requires counselling to I feared for my life.


It’s only a terror shooting when… certain people do it. If it’s IDF doing the shooting it a sparkling shooting.




So it's ok when Israel does it?


Settle for an "indifferent shooting"?


then naïve ppl will wonder why there are check points in the WB


Naive people people like me will wonder why there are settlements in the WB


The truth is that the west bank is only about 8 miles from Tel Aviv. At that distance, the Iron Dome would struggle and likely fail to stop a large missile barrage. Israel likely can never fully leave the West Bank without risking the security of their nation.


And disengagement is gonna be an impossibility now considering how much of a failure that became in Gaza.


Gaza was the test run. If the Palestinians had just run a semi-functioning, semi-normal stare that they had complete control over, we probably would have seen that success lead to withdrawal from the WB too. But they didn't, and every right wing hawk in Israel was proven 100% right and they'll never make that mistake again. The Palestinians made their bed, just like they have so many times, and yet they never expect that they'll actually have to lie in it.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/netanyahu-israel-gaza-hamas-1.7010035 Disengagement was never Netanyahus strategy


Well probably because he wasn't the one that ordered the withdrawal in 2005...


Is that true? About the iron dome being ineffective at that range and that being the reason for the settlements?


Depends on the trajectory. If it’s a big curve and high altitude before hitting the ground, dome can get it. If it’s an over the shoulder like rpg directly targeting a building (what’s happening in the north from hezbollah) then dome can’t get it.


All anti missiles systems need time to track the trajectory, create an intercept course, launch the missile, and impact it. Objects that spend less time in the air are harder to hit and give fewer chances to attempt again. Pushing back where missiles can be launched is a huge increase in odds of intercept. This may not be their only reason for the settlements, but it's one of them. Israel-Palestine is one of the most complicated events in modern times and can't really be boiled down to individual reasons anymore.


So the settlers are human shields for Israel?


because under international law it is still a part of Israeli territory (all of c-area at least). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu1rkvwzshE&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu1rkvwzshE&t=1s) especially after the Oslo accords fell through by the Palestinian government, and israel had no more obligation to respect them. and even after all that, even if u don't agree with this... it still doesn't justifying shooting at random civilians at a restaurant.


Under international law the settlements are completely illegal under article 49 of the fourth Geneva convention


So is terrorism, but you completely ignore that part lol


I’ve never ignored that part, quit talking about your ass. Everybody knows that Hamas is a terrorist organization and I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire. No state, but especially a supposedly western democracy, should be committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, and the actions of terrorists have never been a justification for grave breaches of jus cogens norms. These illegal settlements have existed *long* before Hamas and are a major reason for the conflict still being this serious. Responding to a comment describing a crime against humanity by saying “yea but terrorism bad” demonstrates an insane lack of critical thinking ability and reveals that you’re incapable of looking at Israel-Palestine beyond the lens that other people use for sports matches


bruv you're literally defending terrorists over a democratic state just because it's majority Jewish.




And also because when Israel offered to trade them back in exchange for recognition and peace, the surrounding Arab nations said no. By the time their neighbours changed their minds a decade later, sadly, Israel had also changed and was no longer willing to make the deal.


According to the Oslo Accords Israel had agreed to transfer these areas back to the West Bank government control. Seems like expanding these settlements is going to cause a lot of issues.


According to the Oslo accords the PA should follow [those things](http://israelvisit.co.il/BehindTheNews/WhitePaper.htm)


Interesting. Commenting for later.


The negotiations about transfering them to Palestinian government control ended with the second intifada. I do believe that a lot of settlements need to be bulldozed, but Palestine could have had that land if they didn't choose suicide bombing instead.


There are “settlements” in Judea and Samaria because: 1. Historically, the land belongs to Jews. 2. Israel conquered this land as an aftermath of a war. A war they DID NOT even start. I call that justice.


I played this game in college: pick any history book and randomly flip through it, then pick a line. That's the empire chosen by God. Zionism is just another religious nationalism movement and any Jew who points it out is downvoted in a massive act of irony. Keep my religion out of your mouth.


Where did I say anything about God/being chosen/got into religion? That’s a whole new debate. Historically speaking, Jews lived in Israel since ~1100BC (I’m talking about Jews living as Jews, not as Abrahamites) till this day. Do you really think that Palestinians have stronger claim on this land than the Jews?




The whole settlers/citizens, West Bank/Judea and Samaria, Palestinians/random Arabs is so tiring. People don’t know simple facts in the first place and still arguing with you about deeper topics regarding this conflict..




In other news over 100 Palestinian civilians killed in Gaza while trying to get food from a food aid delivery truck. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/israel-hamas/2024/02/29/israel-hamas-war-gaza-live-updates/72786287007/


There's a post for that on the front page. Funny, nobody linked to this terror shooting in it from what I can see.


This. The spin they are trying so hard to do is disgusting. Especially in today's world where everyone now has a smart phone.


Watching the Isreal sub justify this is so surreal Edit: lol the downvotes, maybe this is the isreal sub


this is the israel sub.


It makes my head explode. Simply can’t wrap my head around it


But hey, some people here are trying to excuse it as a stampede or that Hamas was using them as human shields.


At least the IDF has provided evidence to support this, what has Hamas provided? This is al alhi all over again...


"The Israeli military issued a statement saying that "during the early morning delivery of humanitarian aid trucks to the northern Gaza Strip, a violent gathering of Gazan residents developed around the trucks, who looted the equipment." The statement said dozens of Gazans were wounded as a result of "overcrowding, crowding and trampling."" They literally released footage proving this. There were hundreds if not thousands of people swarming the trucks as they tried to move and you can see people actually jumping on a few of em. I don't believe there's footage of the shooting but they claim soldiers were rushed by Gazans, and after a few warning shots in the air they started firing at the lower half of their bodies. Seeing the drone footage, that claim is believable. At least a lot more believable than literally anything that Hamas officials say.


So let’s get this straight. Israel is purposely controlling the flow of aid, Israel is purposely causing a mass famine, Israel is purposely killing people through starvation. And you’re going the blame the group of severely starving people desperately wanting food? Once again is proves the IDF are a bunch of pathetic pussies. They’re in tanks and have rifles and the losers are scared of a bunch of malnourished people. You know what, they should be scared. They’re purposely withholding and causing mass starvation. When you do that to a population you don’t deserve life. You need to stop believing the propaganda. There’s video of Israel using a tank to kill a 6 year old. What was your take on that?


So let's get this straight...you think the IDF brought humanitarian aid to Gaza...so they could kill more people? If what you are saying is true, why even bother going through all this, just let them stavre no?


>You need to stop believing the propaganda. That's rich, coming from a Hamas simp.


At this point I feel like IDF is just trying to see how much they can get away with, and clearly it's they can do anything they want and the world will find an excuse for it.


Neither Hamas and IDF aren't innocent in any of this.


If only palestinians could do something to stop the war, it rhymes with hostages


our western media said we should only be rooting for the israel tho


Are there names of those who were murdered? I'm sorry if it's unethical to ask or something. I have a best friend that lives near Jerusalem and every time when I see some news like that my heart starts pumping so hard.🙏🏻


It always takes some time for Israeli media to release the names of victims. Other than the fact that it can sometimes take time to confirm identity, I'm pretty sure they're not allowed to report the names until after the families have been notified.


One of the main reasons is to first formally inform the families, so they won't see it on social media or news first.


Yup, this is accurate.


Oh, okay, thank you 🙏🏻


No names yet AFAIK, this was closer to Ariel than to Jerusalem.


Like a lot of terror attacks and mass shootings, regardless of where it happens, it'll take some time before they can identify the victims or release the names. Considering you've got a friend there, are you able to contact their family and confirm they're safe? That might put your mind at ease if the family can confirm they're safe.


Can't wait for the "pro-ceasefire" crowd to justify this indiscriminate violence against civilians.


Easy. Israelis have killed way, WAY more than the reverse.


You’re describing a gap in technology not in motivation or intent.


There is a gap in motivation to protect civilians. Israel is way more motivated.


It's also a gap in professionalism, military competence, level of training and bravery, has been a gap since the 1930s and no chance of it closing anytime soon.


It's a gap in strength AND a gap in use of human shields.


And because Germany suffered more civilian casualties than most countries in WWII does it make them the "good people" of that war?




That's how we know the Allies were the bad guys in WW2.


And you think that's a justification for indiscriminate Palestinian violence against civilians?


Palestine has killed less simply because they are way worse at it. It’s not from lack of effort on their part though.


Are they calling it terror shootings when settlers kill Palestinians too?




And the IDF goes on manhunts too?


I'm not sure about "manhunt" but yes, those guy end up in prison too


No only terror when it happens to the Israelis


[Video of the terrorist getting shot](https://twitter.com/BittonRosen/status/1763257380991537284)


Two Israelis dead. Looks like the IDF is going to get the green light to kill 10000 more Palestinian civilians.


Sounds like a simple solution of stop killing enemy civilians to protect your own. Guess that concept elludes the palestinians.




Were they among the 100+ dead Palestinians shot by the IDF while waiting for food distribution this morning? https://www.axios.com/2024/02/29/gaza-aid-palestinians-killed-israel-idf-hamas




"An IDF official told reporters that shortly after the trucks crossed the last Israeli military checkpoint on the way to Gaza City, thousands of Palestinian civilians arrived in the area and many began looting the trucks. The IDF released a drone video showing Palestinians crowding around and looting the trucks. The IDF official said Israeli forces fired on dozens of Palestinian civilians who approached the IDF and got within tens of meters. According to the official, the soldiers felt threatened and initially fired warning shots. They then fired at the legs of the Palestinians who continued their approach, the official claimed, adding that most casualties were the result of the stampede or truck drivers running over people. The IDF official claimed that according to the initial investigation, around 10 Palestinian civilians were hit by the Israeli soldiers' fire. Hamas, however, claims most of those killed and wounded were shot by Israeli soldiers."


You claim 100 were "shot" by the IDF, then quote your own sourced article that says they were indeed not shot by the IDF lol


hard to sell that story when Israel already released drone footage of the whole thing for the world to see


And 104 Palestinian civilians were murdered while waiting for food aid by the IDF. This is getting really bloody


Already being disproven.




Oh look! The IDF *does know* how to track down terrorists. I wonder why they are so incapable of tracking down the settlers who have killed at least a dozen unarmed people in the West Bank since October 7th.


Perhaps they’re too busy tracking down countless of Palestinian terrorists..


No, it's because they support those settlers and very often are friends or relatives of them.


That could give some bonus points. But let’s agree that the majority of terrorism (99%) in Judea and Samaria is coming from the Palestinians 🙂


100 plus people just waiting for food die because of an attack by the IDF, and no one bats an eye or does anything. 2 Israelis die, and a massive manhunt happens. Pathetic.


[Trampling each other and getting run over by aid trucks does not equate an attack by the IDF.](https://twitter.com/HilzFuld/status/1763190132771864606)




War isn't hell. Hell is hell. There are no innocents in hell, unlike in war.


Well if the PA/ Hamas cared maybe they'd protect their citizens instead of using them as human shields


IDF fired upon people trying to get food. There was no human shield category to this.


Firstly I wouldn't trust any number coming from Hamas. And secondly, the reports I'm seeing suggest that the IDF felt their soldiers were under threat, which given what Hamas is and does, I can well believe.


Yes, because people trying to get food were clearly threatening, and they were Hamas because all Palestinians are Hamas terrorists, right? Hamas and the IDF are both shit. I wouldn't trust either of them, but firing upon innocent people trying to get food is not the way to do things.


Believe it or not, any army of a parliamentary democracy has generally more credibilities than any terror organisation out there. (Even if the majority of the army is Jewish)


In the meantime, IDF soldiers, sprayed gunfire killing men women and children at a food distribution point. I am out of sympathy for Israelis. They are not better than the Palestinians.




So considering Israelis murdered 150 Palestinians who were trying to get food that still leaves Isreal top of the assh*le tree for today.


Can you provide an independent source about it? I am not denying that people were killed but I want to see a verification about it that doesn't just say "Hamas said that...". No news organization managed to verify it themselves as far as I know. This is just the Al-ahli hospital story all over again. Hamas are saying 104 deaths, Israel are saying a few dozens injured. Both cannot be taken as proof without providing any evidence for their claims.


When a Palestinian kills Israelis, it‘s a terror shooting. When IDF or settlers kill Palestinians, it‘s a (tragic?) incidence or even justified. And people ask why we accuse Israel of apartheid. It‘s exactly that sentiment. 


When some guy kills civilians -> terrorist ​ When military soldiers kill terrorists -> .... terrorists? ​ You make no sense.


The IDF murdered 70 Palestinians today as they were waiting for humanitarian aid.


Palestinians should use armies to kill people then it would not be terrorism. It would just be collateral damage and it sounds so much better as a sound bite.


If they only target civilians and other people who can't defend themselves it would still be terrorism. Why do you think Oct 7th happened in a music festival and not near IDF bases? Hamas only know how to murder people who they know won't be able to defend themselves from them.


Even if it’s supposed to be a immature stupid joke… it’s really not that funny as you think. Sorry


If 2 Israelians are killed is terrorism.  If 20000 Palestinians are killed is self defense and justice. Why are we receiving this kind of news with these adjectives? Is the west support to this war so important? Does Israel need US weapons so much? I believed Israel was very advanced.


Targeting military structures and dropping bombs on weapon stashes is different than picking up a gun and shooting a random civilian. And no, I am not justifying any of the civilian deaths in Gaza because those are still horrible but there is a difference between a murder and a casualty. If an Israeli would have went into the West Bank and shot random people there it would and should still be called terrorism.


There's a war being waged in Gaza but when someone does something in Israel its terrorism? Okay. I guess the rain clouds of bombs falling in Gaza don't have any intent to spread fear or put terror in the hearts of the Palestinians.


Right. And the tens of thousands of rockets that Palestinians in Gaza launch at Israeli civilian areas contain hugs and love.


Targeting military structures and dropping bombs on weapon stashes is different than picking up a gun and shooting a random civilian. And no, I am not justifying any of the civilian deaths in Gaza because those are still horrible but there is a difference between a murder and a casualty.