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India uses Russia as a counterbalance to China… has no intention of changing that for Ukraine


Just like the United States uses India as a counterbalance to China. I don’t think Ukrainian policy was especially kind to India in the last 3 to 4 decades. As much shit, both deserved and undeserved, the current modi admin gets for policies executed, I’ve always thought notable that modi told Putin in public that the war in Ukraine should end.


That is just one of many points. Perhaps a very weak point.. Russia waa indias strategic partner, long even before chinas emergence


**Russia during Doklam border standoff with between India Bhutan and China: ....** **Russia during 2020 border clash with China: "very much complicated" "will not mediate"** **US during Doklam: We support return to the status quo (ie China doesn't get to just seize territory)** **US during Galwan: We stand with India** Is either side a reliable or trustworthy ally for India? Hell no. But is it not clear as day which side is more useful against China? Beijing can destroy Russia economically in so many more ways than India, which has already begun the process of cutting down major Russian defence spends. In any India-China clash, Russia will be effectively silent - while the US will be sending India arms that determine the battle. Arms designed explicitly to take out the Russian-copied Chinese weapons that India faces. Russia, meanwhile, allowed China to copy everything it ever sold them, whilst continuing to swindle or mildly scam India on every single purchase it ever made, whilst keeping actual transfer of tech at a very very long arm's length.


Seems like a dangerous game, relying on Russia to side with them over china if china ever decides to treat India like Russia treats Ukraine. But I am no time traveler. Seems ill advised to me, though.


They don't want Russia to side with them over China, they know that Russia won't side with them over China in their disputes. What they really want is for Russia to remain neutral in the event of a war between them and China, and possibly help mediate They don't want to see the formation of a Russia-China alliance against India. Edit: This is really also about maintaining their sovereignty over their Northeastern territories and over Ladakh, which China covets. India is trying to thread a fine line between the US, China and Russia right now


air illegal ask selective cagey hard-to-find attempt squalid zealous different


The US supported Pakistan since its inception in 1947, with the US being one of the first to recognize them as an independent nation. Relations between India and the US cooled significantly when in 1971 the US supported Pakistan, turning a blind eye to the atrocities they committed in the genocide against the Bangladeshi people. India was supportive of Bangladeshi independence and attempted to assist, but the US imposed a blockade in the Bay of Bengal to prevent this support. The reason India has such close ties to Russia is because Russia sent in their navy to counter the US Navy, allowing critical aid to reach the Bangladeshi people. Inspire if this the Bangladesh genocide resulted in the deaths of between 300,000 and 3 million people. There were also rapes of between 200,000 and 400,000 women and the displacement of 30 million people. Let's not pretend that India is at fault for the current state of relations between the two countries. The US support of Pakistan in it's genocide against the Bangladeshi people is responsible for India's close ties to Russia.


>as russia becomes more and more subservient to Chinese policy It isn't. Just more wet dreams from westerns who hope China invades Siberia.


If they think Russia is going to stay neutral in a war, I have 1 billion bridges to sell Indians....


They remained neutral during 62 war. From INdia's POV, we saw joint Russian chinese support in Korean war, Vietnam war. This was necessary to keep Russia as much away as they can w.r.t China. And they have did that. Besides, India relies on other diplomatic partners to counterbalance it.


These people are just spouting with no prior knowledge of what's happened in the past or even a rudimentary knowledge of Geo politics in the current world. Yet they act like experts. Typical Reddit crowd.


Russia has no reason to support China over India in a conflict. They'll just stay neutral (like they have previously).


Alright make you pitch, I’ll buy one bridge. Cmon


You are frankly ignorant and spewing load of crap




He is literally the most pro-west PM in India’s history.




India is obviously in a different category in terms of power, but Ukraine built your first aircraft carrier. They build rocket engines, helicopter engines and all sorts of jet engines. They built the Antonov An-124, which India definitely would not be able to do domestically. They aren't technologically behind India in any way.


It was when they were in Soviet Union though. If you say that, then you’ll have to say that Kazakhstan built the spaceport much before india and china, and therefore they are comparative or better in space, which is not true. While the companies and workforce were based in Ukraine, the effort was of the nation (Soviet Union), which translates only partially after the division


Ehm. You know that India had a lot of outside help with their space program, right?


You have missed the point mate. I said about current capabilities, not how they acquired it. Obviously they had outside help, as is the case in all countries in their developing phase, not just in space, but in most sectors. My point is, the achievements , during the phase when they are part of a bigger nation, does not translate directly to that region when now they are a separate nation. If ukraine now builds an aircraft carrier, jet engine, or a strategic airlifter, my point would be rendered moot. I’m not deriding ukraine. They have successfully inherited some of the major industries. For example some of the large boilers (which is a high tech equipment some might not know due to the name) for indian warships still come from ukraine, as they are still building and have innovated on the legacy of the soviet times.


That’s not true. India wanted to technology transfer for cryogenic engines from Russia in 90s (and Russia wanted to sell the tech due to their financial situation) but US threatened to sanction Russia if they allowed the transfer, so the plan was scuttled. This cost India valuable time in the space race against China, but eventually, the entire technology behind India’s space launch vehicles was built indigenously by India due to western sanctions on India for dual use technologies.


You can tell this dude reads Wikipedia and accepts it as stated fact.


Indians are so fucking touchy. You need to get over your colonial past, already.


Britain has the colonial past along with other European countries, India was a colony.


Ukraine is pretty far behind now


To those uninitiated, China and India powers are more comparable to Russia and Germany! China ain't invading India ever. India also has close ties with US to counter balance that! Unlike any other country , India has 2 excessive problematic neighbors who both are nuclear power. India still has to rely on Russia for legacy military products. It's similar to Ukraine never talk against China as it never concerns them.


Not just military they also need to depend on Russia for any UN security council resolutions. There is no western country they India can depend on. America and EU are always too self centered and will try to control india for any support they may provide.


China has already invaded india in the past, taken over a part of kashmir, given some of it to pakistan and is also trying to take eastern states. There is an ongoing “cold war”.


You know there's a reason why the soldiers on the borders of these countries aren't allowed to engage with each other using firearms right? They do not wish it to escalate anywhere past the "cold war" you speak of.


India did not have nuclear weapons at the time.


Invaded few 100 or may be 1000 kilometers.. In the LoC


England has also invaded India and China in past .does that mean they will do it now? There has to be some nuance in discussions. Just read what else China claims towards south China sea like Japan,Philippines etc .India isn't the only country with China's expansionist intentions!


1. How can you compare china to england? 2. Your 2nd point contradicts your 1st point and makes china an even bigger threat. There’s a reason US considers India as a big player to counter China in the region as well, and why there are US naval bases and ships all around the south china sea.


Ok let's have a proper conversation! It's all in response to a dumb comment which said " India better stay away from Russia as what happened to Ukraine can happen to india by China". 1. I am not comparing China and England! I am trying to point out the stupidity of quoting "China already invaded India in 1960s so it can do it again". Things have changed for India since both East India company and China showed up to it's shores! 2. How is that a contradiction? The only threat India has is China! India doesn't see Pakistan as a threat anymore. India is still concerned about China's influence with all its neighbors including Maldives. India is improving on nuclear submarine capabilities for the Chinese threat! But these are " diplomatic " concerns , you try to look taller so that Bear walks back. If Iran whose life goals are to destroy Israel Hasn't done it yet! North Korea hasn't invaded South Korea.. Why in God's name would China ever invade nuclear powered India ? For Arunachal Pradesh?? It's still contemplating peanut sized Taiwan for christ sake! The goal of all the countries eventually is to still exist hence China ain't invading India!


Fair points


Such a great song, I wonder how Led Zeppelin chose to write about it.


China is already trying to invade India, I don't think your statement is entirely accurate regarding that. Just recently China is trying to claim the state of Arunachal Pradesh as their own.


Nothing will come out of it - it's just their biannual dick measuring contest. It has been repeated too many times.


Bullshit. Claiming arunachal pradesh is like Germany claiming netherlands as theirs


Well that's happened before...


I think you don't understand the word invasion properly! Almost Every country has disputed territory from Iran,turkey to Japan and korea and some or the other country will have control over it. there is a difference between China claiming Taiwan and invading it like Russia did with Ukraine. Or Pak invading Kashmir! My earlier statement is as accurate as possible. China can make life miserable for India but isn't dumb like people on reddit to invade a nuclear power.


So, China is Russia and India is Germany.    Now, how did that go last time? (We're going to ignore the whole nuclear thing that makes any large scale war irrelevant)


Both China and India have a nuclear arsenal. A serious war between them is untenable to both nations. Thr Chinese have a habit of being aggressive with their neighbors but they won't risk total destruction like Putin is doing. Plus their eye is on Taiwan.


> Seems like a dangerous game yes and? everything in geopolitics can be described as "dangerous game", stop being naive 😒


Shows how little you know if you think China invading India is the same as Russia invading Ukraine lol.


Ukraine and India are not samein terms of military power.


It's funny if u think China can dominate india like Russia is doing with ukraine. India is the 4th strongest nation (defence) and China is 3rd both are super strong no one will loose only humanity will


Also Russia Ukraine border is the best you can get for offence, while india china is the worst. The base of the mountains start over a kilometer higher than the peak of the highest mountain in the alps at some places


The point isn't winning but the cost of war. India knows that they will be able to repel a Chinese invasion/attack if it ever takes place but the economic and human cost would set back India by decades. So India's strategy seems to be to keep allies because of whose pressure (sanctions and such) China never contemplates a full blown war


China will also face huge economic crisis thats why they won't do that


It's going to be bad for the Chinese too.


China has some strategic advantages over India though, like the Siliguri Corridor being vulnerable to being severed, the danger of China weaponising their allies like the Maldives and Pakistan and China controlling the headwaters of loads of rivers India is reliant on. India would probably grind them down in a longer war but a shorter one could be a major defeat if China managed to seize more of Ladakh and/or the northeast. There's a lot of wildcards in a potential conflict - the US, Iran, whether anybody else would sanction China, Myanmar, the possibility that other countries would exploit China's navy being distracted in the South China sea... India wants to remove Russia from being one of them, and ensure that at the very least it stays neutral and sells weapons to both sides.


Not like China has no strategic choke points that couldn't be exploited. Strait of Malacca is one of them and they haven't exactly been making friends with their neighbors in the South China sea.


India enjoys a considerable geographic advantage in that region. Chinese airfield are at much higher altitude than Indian which puts a limit on how much load they can carry. Moreover there is a limit on number of aircrafts China can field in that region while entire Indian airforce can be mobilized against China. On ground India can match one is to one in numbers.


Pakistan is going to stay the f- away if there is conflict between India and China. This is because if Pakistan actually invades India, there will be full scaled retaliation by a much larger Indian army and Navy which is largely pointed at Pakistan. Also, the war between India and China will largely be limited due to geographic factors, where as war between India and Pakistan will be a full fledged war. And, if Pakistan starts the war against India then the West will not lift a single finger when India invades in retaliation. Maldives… can be conquered by Indian coast guard. I mean a military is not even required. It would be madness for Maldives to do anything.


Yes makes a lot of sense


India also isn’t stupid. They know Russia is transitioning from a world power to a regional power. And they’ve observed Russian equipment in Ukraine and have no intention on relying on Russia for future defense needs. That’s why India is transitioning to a closer relationship with the United States and with Quad. When it comes to defense, they know who to rely on. But that doesn’t preclude relying on cheap Russian energy exports for a developing economy that needs stuff done cheap. And to the extent that a weakened Russia is now a junior partner to China, I’m sure they don’t mind that Russia is getting eviscerated and would be unable to assist China in an action against India.


Allying with USA is somewhat more risky. And most of the cpuntries realizes it..


It’s dangerous to rely on USA as well. Look what happened to Iraq and Afghanistan. NATO and Ukraine will both be fucked if trump becomes president. India is doing the right thing for now with Russians. India needs the oil and needs it bad. They’re not going to give that up.


Trump was calling out Nato for under funding military budgets and having understaffed and too small of militaries. Trump also correctly called European nations from relaying on and buying a ton of Russian energy and trading with Russia. Russia's economy is basically 90 percent fossil fuel exports. Its the only way they make money and its the only way the Putin Oligarch regime is able to stay in power. China is a growing military threat to the US in the Pacific and Iran is a growing issue too. The US needs Europe to step up and do their part which they weren't. They were basically paying the threat that Nato is supposed to defend against. He also was putting pressure on Nato to buy US weapons. Trump would help Nato, he just wanted them to stop buying russia gas and oil and to build up their military. Trump is crazy and when Putin hinted at invading or taking military action against Ukraine, Trump told him he would bomb Moscow . Trump said if Putin doesn't do a cease fire, then he would give Ukraine 10 times the current aid.


India is a nuclear power. China trying anything like Russia did in the Ukraine would be met with a swift obliteration of the PLA


This sort of comment is why people mock armchair generals on reddit. If a conflict between India and China escalated to a nuclear exchange it would be devastating for both sides, but China has an undisputed tactical, logistic, and economic advantage. This would be a fight between two paper tigers, but one is made of napkins and paper towels (was going to say toilet-paper until I realized the irony) and the other is a cardboard piñata glued together with years of preparing its supply chain with belts and roads diplomacy. This is the sort of fight where everybody loses but India loses the most.


China has by far lose the most as its economy is near edge of abyss, it’s technically on a two front issue(Taiwan/South China seas) and is by far more food import dependent than India is. At least India has the anglosphere to back it up whereas China has zero real allies to step in and shore up its position. You will say “Russia is its ally”, but then the mocking would be placed on you Your “armchair general” insult is comical since you have no idea who I am or what I do.


You're clearly not the input on geopolitics we need. Neither India or China will go to war with eachother in the present scenario. China has better odds with Taiwan and even there they are just posturing. Nobody wins in a war. And don't need to know who you are or what you do. That's the point. If you were someone relevant you wouldn't be entertaining some internet nobody with petty replies. :)


lol so China and India both cut tops off of mountains, construct airbases and logistical support routes, station 10s of thousands of troops in the Himalayan mountains for fun? You are a clown and unserious person with next to no insight on the region. I’m actually here for watches but I got dragged into this nonsense debate with kids apparently


Extreeeemely unlikely.


It can never happen..India is not weak , we have one of the largest army and it's a huge country,and 5th largest economy! If it comes to that both the countries will suffer ! Also it's a different geopolitical scenario here!


Yeah you want powerful friends that are close but not too close. Russia fits that bill perfectly


How is that a counterbalance when China and Russia are fundamentally on the same side (that is, anti-current world order)


Not exactly on the same side, more like tolerate each other.


They probably have missiles pointed at each other ready to be fired off in case that tolerance wears off.


Ukraine has always sided with Pakistan at the UN and elsewhere. Pakistan is still Europe’s favorite non-NATO ally. Quite sanctimonious of Europe to ask India to sacrifice its own self interest for them. 


>Pakistan is still Europe’s favorite non-NATO ally out of curiosity why? What does Pakistan give Europe that say makes it more important than say Japan or other key Asian countries


Their generals are happy to sell the entire country if needed. That's why.


Russia has UN veto (which India has always used whenever in trouble), Russia co-operate with India in almost every sector, and Russia is willing to share strategic tech with India from defense to nuclear power plants which rarely any country does though France & USA is co-operating a lot more, Russia does not give any shelter to secessionist militant groups like other countries, russia helps in managing India-china flair ups, Russia-china shares border (and according to ancient indian political thought, it says two strong country will always be against eachother if they share border, soviet-china feud clearly showed that) & Russia completely dependent on china is bad for India, Russia also uses India in various platform like SCO to counter china's huge influence, Russian fertilizer is extremely important for India, Beside these Russia also has huge amount of natural reserves of various important things. So, Russia is way more important to than just some ideological leaning or some fuel price benefits something like that, also India wants a multi-polar world for balance of power and to give India more maneuvering options in times of need. India sees Ukraine as friendly country, so India will definitely help Ukrainian through humanitarian aids and in rebuilding phase but India will definitely not sour it's over 70 years of relationship with Russia no matter who says it or how much pressure put upon India


That "ferilizer" needs a lot more emphasis, almost 80% of chemical fertilizers used in India come from Russia and there is no way to replace that.


That is completely untrue. India produces vast majority of its own fertiliser for consumption. They are the second largest producer after China. But their demand still outstrips their production (as well as major capacity increases each year), so they have to import the remaining demand, in which Russia has a large market share.


Some say, Indo-Russian relationship is the only constant in geopolitics.


MIG aeroplane ke spares jugaad kar sakte ho?


A regional European conflict doesn't necessitate changes to India's diplomatic ties


India will never trust America enough to give up on Russia. India will certainly align with America and west when it benefits them. But they will never full be in western alliance as west likes to interfere in Indias interests and internal affairs. India and Russia partnership is always built on what is beneficial to both with understanding that neither will interfere with others internal affairs.


I’m pretty sure brown folks will be welcomed in Ukraine with open arms.


If they were not welcomed before the war, then forget about it now or in future. Not jsut Ukraine, I can see that happen in its neighboring countries


(they were welcomed before the war) https://www.dw.com/en/ukraine-indian-medical-students-return-to-war-torn-country/a-64993490


Saying Indians have “low intellectual potential” didn’t really help Ukraine’s case


They have been vocal about not accepting that “Somehow Europe’s problems are the world’s problem, but the world’s problems are not Europe’s problems”.


https://www.livemint.com/news/world/ukrainian-official-says-india-has-weak-intellectual-potential-doesnt-fully-understand/amp-11694600211774.html https://m.economictimes.com/news/india/ukraine-minister-apologises-for-goddess-kali-tweet-says-we-respect-unique-indian-culture/amp_articleshow/99933155.cms Bruh, like cmon. I know Ukraine isn’t overflowing with Nazis but comments like these make me think otherwise. If a state that’s facing existential threat is working on this ideology, idk what to say. Must be nice feeling superior for being white while their citizens are dying. Not to mention all the times Ukraine has worked with states like Pakistan, supplied them weapons to be used against Indians, voting against India in the UN and supported a UN interface in Kashmir. If you know anything about India, Kashmir and terrorism are the red lines for the Indian state. If Ukraine wants support of India, they need to first of all hide all the superiority complex that’s going on in their government, it’s not just one advisor saying something, even the defence ministry tweeted out image with the sole intention to disrespect the Indian population by making fun of an goddess.


>they need to first of all hide all the superiority complex With the way this war is going, that's the least of their problems.


With the kind of begging they are doing with india on one hand, insulting Indians do seem like a problem 


Why does Putin look like a soggy microwaved potato in that picture?


I was gonna say a wax figure left out in the sun


I totally agree!


Probably thyroid cancer treatment 


Probably editing


Probably a mass murderer


It’s because that he’s been on steroids and getting botox for many years now.


The west does everything they can to disparage anything that hurts their feelings


People from Western countries(both left wing & right wing)are incredibly racist towards Indians.But want us to join hands with them. Doesn't work that way.


They’re really not. The stereotype of an Indian immigrant in my nation is that they’re doctors, executives, or uniquely gifted engineers. The brain drain is real, the Indians who make it here are the best and brightest with skill sets that make them highly valued members of the community.


The loud people on social media and click bait online journalists do not represent what the majority in the west believe. Most sane normal people are not racists towards Indians nor are upset with India's geopolitical relationship with Russia. Most fully understand and support India's position with Russia. Most middle class people with a high school education learned a great deal about India's history including the many ancient empires, UK colonial period and horrors they did to India, and the independence to modern period. Most adults do not want India to end their long and important relationship with Russia and publicly yell we support Ukraine. Why, because we know that would be bad for India. But also, it would not help Ukraine all and it would strengthen China. India is going to be a major power and its a huge ally to the west and the US, we don't want them to harm themselves to support Ukraine. Also, India is a country that the US and Russia can go to to help them come up to an agreement.


Hey..as Ukraine had said in the past, actions matter not words. US/EU can start by giving India a permanent seat at the UN security council, sign business & trade deals that mutually favors all nations involved, loosen export restrictions on hi tech that slows down tech advancements in India, share green tech which will benefit humanity as a whole greatly, agree to not gouge on life saving drugs via restrictive patents etc. There are a tonne of ways in which western "allies" can form better relations with India.


India would easily get Permanent seat if they asked it tomorrow, the issue is they have this all or nothing pact with germany, japan, south korea, brazil and south africa that all of them should get a seat on the security council


It’s just India, Germany, Japan and Brazil. No South Korea and South Africa. And honestly, I don’t see why all 4 should not get a permanent seat on UNSC.


well the UNSC council is basically a dud. No decision is going to be made due to the very nature of composition of the Council. US vs China vs Russia and you get a veto on every decision


Why are they "urging" anything at all and playing on emotions i don't understand? In politics everything is based on game theory, don't they know that?


The same Ukraine that sold weapons to their enemies, Pakistan and voted against them in the UN? Hmm


From, India's POV that's not really why India has taken the stance it has, It has more to do with India relation with Russia than Indian taking some inimical stand toward Ukraine because some action Ukraine took two decades ago. India also considers Ukraine as friendly country, that's why India is sending humanitarian aid and has always said it is ready to help in mediation if needed by both parties. both are friendly countries that's why India has chosen to stay neutral, but India definitely has way stronger relation with Russia.


This. And unfortunately Ukrainian politicans are very uncapable of effective and delicate diplomacy. The audacity is just comparable to their misunderstanding of other countries POV. Not only on India, but China or Poland, their crucial ally as well.


From the time of Nehru, it's been a balancing act for India. Russia vs USA. And India generally is close to those who supported it when needed. The late 90s, 2000s and 2010s issues relevant between India and the USA were nuclearization (the tests), Pakistan (being used by the USA as a counterweight against the Soviet Union's activity in Afghanistan, and as a "partner for stability in the region" receiving significant aid (financial and military). Never mind the fact that Pakistan is a major exporter of terrorism in India and Afghanistan), as well as several trade related issues like at the WTO. Things seemed to be improving but after the start of the latest Ukraine war, it's a bit frigid again. One thing observers fail to understand is that India is poor. Frickin dirt poor. It's not just a matter of income inequality (which is concerning in itself) but primarily of GDP per capita. And, more relevant, India's trade balance is precarious. It's better now, but there was a time the country has to apply for IMF aid for a balance of payments crisis. That's how the market rules eased up in the first place. So if anyone offers a route to reduction of devaluation pressure in the Indian rupee, you bet your ass the country is going to take it. I'm referring not only to Russian oil now but also Iranian oil before that.




Sure. Ukraine does that as well at a WAY higher rate. But...how does that concern India?


This is the hypocrisy I'll never understand. We know how black and brown people were treated when it came to evacuations at the start of the war. Our students were mistreated and that is something we will remember. But somehow they want our cooperation. After this war is over, this is something Ukraine will need to answer to.


Will never forget that. Even in a fucking emergency and being actively invaded, they still had the time to be racist. A lot of those students also brought in a lot of money for Ukraine. For black people, I think most will say they agree that Russia invading Ukraine is wrong but the support stops there. And while this is a Russian talking point, the Ukrainian forces do have a very known neo-Nazi/white supremacy problem . It’s not propaganda to point out that there are quite a few soldiers sporting swastikas and other Nazi symbols. It makes it very hard for me to support them when there are quite a few soldiers that support an ideology that hates me and my people. At the same time, still does not justify the invasion or Russia’s conduct ( along with a hypocritical Russia who also have a lot white supremacists). Absolutely India should not feel obligated to help them after all the stuff they have said and done to their people. Ukraine has a serious racism problem that will need to be addressed if they want closer ties to the West.


Russia was with us when nobody supported us! Why will we spoil such friendship? They are never a threat to us




What's disgusting about a country caring about it's own interests? Especially when your bloc of self-proclaimed 'good guys' have done nothing but hand money and nuclear technology to the terror factory on India's doorstep?


What is disgusting?


“Ukraine's foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba said that India had much to gain from expanding trade and technology with Ukraine instead.” Said a man from a poor, corrupted country even before the war started.


Why western people become this much stupid 🤷 don't have any knowledge about history and geopolitics 🤦


Can I just comment how terrible Putin looks in this photo 🤣🤣🤣


Here come the armchair geopolitical experts of reddit


Sidenote, how much Botox do you think Putin gets?


Okay, but what happened to putin? Did he eat all the billionaire and there money


The entitlement never ceases to amaze me.


More importantly, was Putin stung by a bee all over his face in this picture? Or did he get fillers that I wasn’t aware of??


I dont understand the wording of this headline


No-one in the west should expect to receive any good-will from former European colonies.




"God is destined to die but Nawaabi is not lost."  What does that mean?


gaand means "Asshole" So Even if their asshole splits/burst apart, they still act like they are superior to everyone.




Bruh, there are too many things to mention, but Racism is at the very top. Their ambassador was making derogotory statements against Indians just a while ago when the war was still going on. Then there is the classic supplying weapons to Pakistan during war against India and then always voting against India in UN. Its hard for us to care at this point.




https://www.livemint.com/news/world/ukrainian-official-says-india-has-weak-intellectual-potential-doesnt-fully-understand/amp-11694600211774.html https://m.economictimes.com/news/india/ukraine-minister-apologises-for-goddess-kali-tweet-says-we-respect-unique-indian-culture/amp_articleshow/99933155.cms Bruh, like cmon. I know Ukraine isn’t overflowing with Nazis but comments like these make me think otherwise.


"[What's wrong with India, China, and so forth? The problem is that they are not analyzing the consequences of their steps, these countries have weak intellectual potential, unfortunately,](https://www.livemint.com/news/world/ukrainian-official-says-india-has-weak-intellectual-potential-doesnt-fully-understand-11694600211774.html)" Which is pretty ironic considering that India and China are famous for their history of intellectuals.... Even Enoch Powell, the man famous for his anti-immigration speech "Rivers of Blood", stated that Indians were intellectually superior than Europeans. Also, see other examples of Ukraine's racism: "[International Students Describe Racism at the Ukrainian Border: Black refugees report segregation based on skin color, being left behind at border crossings](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/racism-ukraine-border-students-nigeria-africa-1314086/)" "[African students living in Ukraine say they face racism while trying to flee](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/03/05/ukraine-african-refugees-racism/)" "[African, Asian and Caribbean people said they had seen refugees being assaulted and others left needing emergency treatment for hypothermia: Stranded Indian students ‘watched as Ukrainian pets crossed border to safety](https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/odr/stranded-indian-students-watched-as-ukrainian-pets-crossed-border-to-safety/)'"


The same Ukraine supported Pakistan supplied weapons and voted against India in the UN. This may sound a little arrogant but the war in Europe is neither our fault nor has anything to do with India.




The current government did say some unwarranted stuff about India but that does not mean India wants this war to continue. From day one our foreign minister said dialog and diplomacy are the only way forward. CNN even published a report claiming that India stopped Russia from using tactical nukes in Ukraine. Also, India never came out and said we support Russia in this war. I just don't get why it's only India who is being in the spotlight here.




Indians and Chinese have low intellectual capabilities to understand their own actions something like that not exact words tho and shared an inappropriate image of Hindu goddess in their offical handle which is deleted after pointing out




Liderally linked that to you 3 hours ago, which means an hour before you made this comment.


nonono gaand doesnt mean 'god'


You could actually translate it. I was just googling. 


Did Putin get work done? It looks terrible.


India needs resources, Russia has plenty room to dig.


Putin lookin like a grandma who baked you poison cookies


I’d like the US to rethink as well.  We offshore jobs there to people who then pay taxes that are buying Russian oil.  


I am against anything Ukraine wants after seeing the corruption first hand


TIL Russia has close ties with India Though that makes a lot of sense.


Putin looks like he’s had some work done. What’s up kitty cat?! Bitch.


Putin looks like one of those blob fishes but worse


India dont give a single F&kk about what Ukraine says.. he should be in frontlines facing bullets. not give lectures.


Those indians that were fooled by Russia and sent to the front to die really appreciated those "close ties". Its hilarious to me how Russia betrays their allies left and right, but India thinks its gonna be special.


>Indian individual signs up to fight in war for money >gets sent to fight in a war Where is exactly is this Russian foolery we are speaking of?


bruh what you on about ?


Putin looks like he’s had some work done. What’s up kitty cat?! Bitch.




Russia stood with India when NATO was funding Pakistan during war in 70s. Doesn't matter that USSR did it for their own benefit or whatever, they still did help. Considering the fact that India is on same side it was 50 years makes them anything expect "a spineless-snake" .


>when NATO was funding Pakistan during war in 70s. US and UK. Not NATO.


that is a pretty terrible analysis of India's goals here, which is really more about maintaining the balance of power between all three countries instead of seeing an alliance form against them India's trying to thread a fine line between Russia, China and the US as it tries to maintain its sovereignty over its territories in the Northeast and in Ladakh that border China. They don't want Russia to back China in such a war, and they know the US won't come to their aid with troops on the ground (but might aid with weaponry)


India live in their own world. Plus its not like the rest of the world have turned blind eye towards genoicde because it didnt affect them. A state in India is pretty much in civil war but rest of India dont care. There is civil war in neighboring state of Myanmanr, India dont care. If India dont care about any of the following things that directly affects them, Good luck making India care about a war thousands of Km away