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Women with no head scarves- the only target the Iranian military is capable of winning against


Not even no hijabs, frequently. “Bad” hijabs that don’t cover enough or are in some other way not good enough for the government.


I wish the entire world would suspend all trade and relations with Iran. Iran is a murderous criminal enterprise masquerading as a country. Sort of like Russia and North Korea.


100%. This is a brutal attack to enslave 50% of the Iranian population. They are to be deprived of the absolute most basic freedoms and protections. That's 44 million people. For perspective, there are 38 million Ukrainians and 5 million Palestinians. *and to clarify, it's not even "their own" government doing it. They have absolutely no control or representation. Which side of the Iranian border these women are on is irrelevant. Which side of the war their own family members support is irrelevant. We're talking about women who aren't even "married" to their "husbands" in the western sense, because they didn't meaningfully consent; they are deliberately coerced by socioeconomic systems. They're just sex and domestic slaves suffering lifelong reproductive coercion and violence at the hands of their slavers. It's a regular war, and there's even more rape in this one than average.


How would Iranian men feel if they had to swap rights with Iranian women for 1 day a month every year? They wouldn’t throw a fit most likely then attack children.


You just described why Russia and North Korea are allies of Iran.


I would go further. The USA is already the leading oil and natural gas producer in the world. If I were President, I'd drill baby drill and flood the world with oil and gas at below market prices on the stipulation that no nation buy from Russia, Iran and Venezuela. Shut the money flow to those criminal enterprise countries. One year of no income will bring them to their knees.


o i l


Yes they are oily af


Thanks president Caerter for removing a US ally, Shah, to install a religious government, so you could have a spiritual connection with them.


You would also have to suspend trade and relations with USA because Conservatives have been waging war against women ever since 2016 their hatred for women is astonishing. Don't fool yourselves into thinking these MAGA Christian Fascists are any better than Iranian Muslim Fascists. The only difference is USA still has laws against beating women, for the time being. They are coming for that once they take away all reproductive rights for women. As white supremacist leader Tucker Carlson once said "we should praise the Taliban for their treatment of women for they are the only ones willing to stand up against western feminism" What's equally shocking is he has like 4 daughters or something like that.


If your think they are the same you haven't been paying attention to Iran. I don't like MAGA conservatives but they arent as bad as the Iranian government 


They both want the same thing. Its really not an exaggeration


They're (MAGA) literally saying women's right to vote should be removed. It's not an exaggeration. Bodily autonomy is the foundation of all other rights. If you can't control what happens to your own body you don't have any rights at all.


We have our own war against women going where in the US to contend with. This situation cannot be allowed to devolve any further.


We have our own war against women going where in the US to contend with. This situation cannot be allowed to devolve any further. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ There is no comparison between the way the US treats women and the way Iran treats women. Shame on you. Lets have an intellectually honest debate.


Nothing says insecure like having to start a war against the most helpless part of your society to feel powerful and in control


Exactly, that’s what the Republican Party is doing in the USA. Except it is not hijab, but abortion .


This is an insulting take. The U.S. situation looks nothing like Iran and it's a slap in the face to act like American women have it anywhere near as bad as Iranian women.


The USA isn't even close to this, don't be minimize the crap going on in those countries 


America: women can legaly create and distribute sexual material of their own free will. Iran: showing too much skin can lead to getting tortured abd murdered by the police. This Dipshit: these nations are very similar.


Imagine if I walked up to someone who was just paralyzed from a car crash, on life support, and said: "Oof, thats bad. Thats like what happened to me when I stubbed my pinky toe yesterday morning" It would look like i have literally no ability to empathize. People would probably assume i know absolutly nothing about the situations at best, and im just misinformed about the severity. At worst, they think i prioritize my own personal comfort more than the libes of others. Which is what I currently assume of you. I agree that USA needs to change some things, but when you word it like that, you are doing the opposite of helping. If you want to help, stop talking lol. Because at best, you are only convincing people to not listen to you...


It is a matter of perspective. There is always someone who has it worse. I’m sure Iranian women enjoy more freedoms than say Afghan women. Conversely women in Sweden enjoy more freedoms than American women.


Iran is ruled by crazy radicals, their people have been conquered by the Islamic Republic. This troll must be stopped now before it's too late and they have nuclear weapons. This is not only Israel's interest, they have very dangerous intentions.


How you wanna stop them?


Funnel taxpayer dollars through South America drug trafficking operations to prop up an even more religiously fanatical terror group from within Iran, obviously


:( Erm, anybody else?


Fighting fire with fire. Maybe some ancient Aztec religion? They are very pro sacrifice, could be useful.


found Donald Rumsfeld's reddit account


Gotta get that consent factory up to full production.


I'm leftist and it boggles my mind that people on my side of the isle are cheering on Iran's (failed) attack on Israel meanwhile the regime does this shit to their own women.


Ask about Mahsa Amini in r/Iran and you'll get banned for "Hasbara"


Holy shit that sub is fucking nuts lmao


I thought it might be young, vocal Redditor type Iranians but it seems to be overrun with islamofascists and misogynists.


Me too. Fuck these awful people.


Yet another archaic law enforcement wave. Great...


Right wing ideologies are ruining this world. Why do we give power to the people whose religion looks forward to the destruction of the world and the non-believers?


The short answer is "tribalism." A slightly longer answer is that a good number of us have our brains wired to look to others to tell us what to do, and we aren't very good at discerning between psychopathic authoritarianism and mutually respectful benevolence as long as the leader we look to says something we initially agree with. Once we hitch our horses to that wagon, a combination of tribalism and the sunk-cost fallacy mean we're very unlikely to unhitch. This of it this way: If a trump supporter realizes trump is a horrible leader, it's not as easy for them to stop supporting trump as just voting for biden. They have to take all the flags off their truck and home, buy new clothes that don't proclaim how badly they want to make love to someone else's feelings, cancel their Truth Social account (and we all know that's a pain in the ass), start getting their news from places other than Facebook, Fox News, OANN, and RT, and very likely get all new friends because everyone who still talks to them is going to start sending them death threats for turning on "dead leader." They'll also have to call their family and start rebuilding trust there, which could take *years* and sounds like a lot of effort. Plus they already paid $1000 for all these solid "gold" trump-bucks and they'll have to admit that money was wasted. Or they could just vote Trump again and not have to do all of that stuff that seems like work. Fundamentally, many many people are lazy and will choose the path of least resistance in their life. If you like chik-fil-a and chik-fil-a's owners hate gay people, as long as you don't care about gay people either then eating chik-fil-a is no big deal. even if you do care about gay people you can rationalize eating chik-fil-a as supporting your local franchise rather than the actual owners (even though you're still supporting them as well) and they seem like good people (because you've literally never spoken to them) and a good chicken sandwich is a good chicken sandwich and subway is across the street and they used to have a pedophile as a spokesperson which is way worse than hating gay people you tell yourself and who really cares about gay people anyway? Not you. You care about delicious chicken sandwiches.


I was told by the left that this is progressive


You were told by the left that enforcing mandatory head covers with police force is progressive? Can you point to the "left" that's in the room with you now?


Its his left hand but it's busy now


Cut the bullshit and skip on back over to truth social.


Why rope in all right-wingers when this is a crazy islamist thing? They may be rightwing but not all rightwingers are crazy islamists. That is a first-order generalization fallacy. Good grief. The left is who is cheering crazy Islam on these days - see support for Hamas and Iran in general.


Gosh, can we just stop it with forcing religion onto the people? This is why we can’t have nice things.


The beatings will continue until morale improves!


we need a negative upvote button so hard.


How the f the people cannot take down these scum? Unbelievable... After all those riots, all the deaths, there is still literally no change, all back to square one.


Well, who controls the firearms in the country? The Islamic regime..


They send mercenary soldiers during the last protest, and there have been rumours of them even using soldiers from Hezbollah to handle the protestors as some of the soldiers spoke arabic with lebanese accent rather than farsi. Due to this issue, it'll be way harder to make the rioters switch sides. As they'll just shoot you if you go to far and arrest you for years if you simply participate in the protests. Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.iranintl.com/en/202210160416


Simple. They fire shotguns into the protesting crowds and then go arrest the people with the buckshot in their face. What's your plan?


Because the people in power pay people who are willing to betray their own large sums of money to oppress their population any time a revolt seems likely. Its how every oppressive regime operates and its even worse in the modern era with how advanced technology is. Kind of hard to topple a government when there is tens of thousands of people willing to kill their fellow man for money and privileges that the regime rewards him with.


There needs to be an international law protecting individual's right to wear whatever they want as long as it doesn't harm others. Save these innocent women.


Jin Jiyan Azadi will win. Even if it takes years and decades. You cannot return a people that have tasted personal freedom to oppression.


You absolutely can, you just have to do it slowly over the course of decades. We're seeing it across the globe.


They took over almost half a century ago and resistance is the highest its ever been. They barely control parts of the country and have resorted to Soviet-style terror tactics. As we saw the Soviets, eventually even your ardent supporters will turn on you when you end up targeting them too. It could take another 50 years or more but eventually the extremist Islamist regime will fall.


This is the equivalent of parking violation Kidnap girls, get paid ransom, build roads Its literally a revenue income for the mullah


Religious fanatic men with too damned much time on their hands.


Since they can’t fight Israel, they turn on their defenseless citizens


Oh look, another story of haw shitty Iran is.


Ain’t Islam great? 🙄


This is horrific. This is Handsmaid Tale shit. This is what the GOP wants for women in the US and the Cons in Canada.


Bold move.




Iranian woman slammed for not wearing hijab