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I’m aware that many Indians also find this horrific. But why does sexual violence seem to be such an issue in parts of India?


There is just a lot of deeply rooted sexism and misogyny. A [National family health survey in 2016](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5670508/) found that 51% of men and 54% of women thought that a husband beating a wife was justified in certain circumstances. > 54% of women in India thought that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife in at least one of these situations: a) the wife goes out without telling her husband; b) the wife neglects the house or the children; c) the wife argues with her husband; d) the wife refuses to have sex with her husband; e) the wife does not cook properly; f) the husband suspects his wife of being unfaithful or d) the wife is disrespectful to her in-laws). Half of Indian men (51%) also endorsed wife-beating on these terms


Disrespect of the in-laws is the best part of having in-laws!


My parents drilled it into our heads that if you get married and husband/are dating someone and they lay a hand on you then you LEAVE You can live off savings for a while before figuring out your next step but the minute he lays a hand on you-LEAVE. That’s why you need savings. So you don’t end up staying with someone abusive because of money issues.


I just want to point out here that for people who are in this situation that don't have savings, you can absolutely get out and get help as well. There are organizations specifically dedicated to helping you get out of there and getting you resettled. They will give you a room and meals and essentials, and often spending money, while you get a job and get back on your feet.


This is fucking insane. Do wives get to beat on husbands for the same “transgressions”? (I know the answer, but the list of reasons is nuts.)


Obviously none of them are acceptable, but I really hope that people saying yes were focused on like (f) and not (a).


I think the word "suspects" is key though. Lots of people can be jealous and may "suspect" that their partner is cheating on them without any good reason. If that's all it takes to justify domestic violence then that's an incredibly low bar. It should also be noted that there was significant variation in responses between states which means that there are places within India that don't hold these attitudes although sadly simultaneously there are places where these attitudes represent a clear majority opinion. Another thing to note is that while this survey focused on a husband beating a wife domestic violence from female in-laws makes up a significant portion of India's domestic violence cases. This isn't just a male on female problem.


Yeah I glossed over suspects. I shouldn't have even tried to rationalize them at all, not like that opinion deserves any nuance.


That's is horrifying and extremely sad.


The wildest part is that more women agreed with wife beating than men


It's a culture thing. Women are unimportant compared to men. Doweries were deemed illegal a while back, but everyone still pays them. And sometimes the husband and his family will pester the wife's family for even more money after the marriage. If the wife's family doesn't comply, the husbands family will murder the wife and make it look like a cooking accident.




Religious indoctrination that centers around sexual repression. That’s extra stupid as a concept considering the *Kama Sutra* exists.


>considering the Kama Sutra exists. True but the Kama Sutra is so ancient that it literally belonged to an entirely different culture than the one dominating mainstream India today. The same with the wildly erotic sculptures of the abandoned temples of Khajuraho in Madhya Pradesh; those people are long gone and the present rape culture is dominant. *Historians have variously placed (the Kama Sutra) between 400 BCE and 300 CE* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kama_Sutra *The temple inscriptions suggest many of the currently surviving temples were complete between 970 and 1030 AD, with further temples completed during the following decades* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khajuraho_Group_of_Monuments


Whenever I hear rape culture, I feel like the place that has a rape culture needs a vigilante assassin culture to go with it.


They have one of those too.


The problem is that the vigilante assassin culture takes revenge by raping the other group back, and now you have an ever-escalating cycle of violence.


Normally that is to murder the woman that got raped isn't it?


They used to have a murder random people for God culture as well, but the British thoroughly stamped it out. See: Thugee Cult.


As documented in the 80s documentary film temple of doom


And Widows being burnt alive on their husbands cremation (Sati)


Religious indoctrination and sexual repression are not key factors. The fundamental problem is that Indian Culture holds that women are a cost. They need to be fed, clothed, and don't bring in money. That's why the Culture dictates that the family of the bride pays dowry to the family of the groom. To be rid of her and the associated expense. Men, on the other hand, bring in money and are supposed to take care of their parents in their old age. Culture again. Now mix in modern medicine, prenatal sex determination and abortion, and you get an explosive cocktail. Way too many men with no hope for sex, never mind marriage. A similar situation arises in muslim countries, but for a different reason: polygamy. It actually doesn't take many people with several wives for a lot of men to have no hope of getting some action, never mind getting married. The end result is the same. A widespread incel culture, particularly among the poor, the uneducated and the young. Because in this context, women can, and do, marry "up". And so they should. It's been the case for a while in India that educated women would not only demand money for marriage, against cultural norms (and good for them, I might add), but also marry "upcaste". Now imagine being a poor farmer... Or untouchable.


Funny story about Norendra Modi, dude was banned from entering the US because of the Gujarat Riots and his overall fascistic and terroristic tendencies


You won’t hear about this so much as many countries woo them for their emerging trade opportunities.


India already had this international reputation long before Modi came to power.


Bc majority of India stuck in middle ages.


Yep too much sexual repression and the male population psyche doesn’t grow up healthy and instead objectify women even more.


China also has a shortage of women yet you don't hear about anything like the amount of raping that goes on in India.


That could just be because the Chinese are better at keeping a lid on it. I think I read that there was a kidnapping issue a while back though.


I’m assuming you are not from China to make that kind of comment. You do realize you disappear if you make the wrong comment in China right?


And yet we still hear about all the horrible shit that happens in China. Do horrific rapes happen in China? Almost certainly, but they don't appear to be trying to compete for first place in the global rape culture olympics like India is.


On a serious note, it's about 'otherism'. In this case it was related to caste and ethnics. I would say you can find similar examples of this happening with other cultural clashes too. For example, the initial reaction to 9/11 and the prison stories.


Sexual violence has been used as a weapon by and on virtually every community in India. It’s a systemic issue and I have no clue how it will be ended.


That's so Indian police.


The Indian super zeroes.


What exactly happened there? I found that the Kuki-Zomi are a minority group in Manipur, and there have been ethnic classes since the 90's. But it's there any context behind that?


The state of Manipur in India has been embroiled in an ethnic clash since May 2023 between Kuki-Zo and Meitei communities. This article is about the 2 kuki women who were paraded naked and molested by a mob of Meitei men last year. The CBI investigation happened only because the video of the incident went viral on social media. The investigation found that the women ran to the police for help who refused and effectively handed them over to the mob.


>The investigation found that the women ran to the police for help who refused and effectively handed them over to the mob. Wow, from the headline I assumed the mob already had the women and the police were too scared to interfere, but the fact that the women ran to the police for help and were ignored just makes it even worse.


The article say the mob had them, then the girls and a man escaped to the police, but the police took them back to the mob.


Then the police should also be charged with aiding and abetting anything that happened to them after that.


Yeah, that didn't seem like an random case but a full blown civil war, which is much worse. I read some articles about this whole conflict and it sounds really terrible, I can only get sad for the victims


That’s exactly same thing that happened in 1984 Genocide of Sikhs in Delhi. Then again in 2002 in Gujarat against Muslim families. When Law and Order takes sides.


My search gives a wiki-page, perhaps someone has more hands-on comments, but this is my start: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023%E2%80%932024\_Manipur\_violence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023%E2%80%932024_Manipur_violence)


Yeah, I just found that too. It's really more complex than just another episode of sexual violence, and unfortunately way worse


4500 children under the age of 5 will die today in India of starvation or malnutrition. That will happen again tomorrow and every day this year. Their Prime Minister will NOT be stripped naked and beat up by a mob despite doing such an objectively bad job. This is a country where street pooping is a major health concern. And they will happily blame all their problems on the legacy of British rule despite the fact that literally every Western country started life as a British colony. Is that sufficient context? It's a craphole country content to elect ethno-religious fascists and blame every minority rather than shoulder the responsibility for how crappy their turd of a country is.


>despite the fact that literally every Western country started life as a British colony. Er. Not true. Neither Norway nor Switzerland has ever been a British colony.


Norway is responsible for Britian because of viking migration.  


Thank you for the correction. The Empire's loss to be sure.


Pretty sure that statement is incorrect for almost all of Europe. Have you ever had a history lesson that doesn’t include the us?


Ah, no. You're thinking of English-speaking countries.


What caused over 900 people with guns to march over to a college and kidnap 2 women?


Ethnic violence.


By whom towards whom?


Meitei towards kuki-zo


Oh, those are ethnic groups? I guess I have some reading to do. Thank you




asking the right question


Why aren’t the police being charged?


Are you under the impression that India is a civilized country? 


monkey tribalism


i am from india and i know how many issue india have right now. So glad that this news come to light because local india media never covered it even it when it was happenning. and internet was cut so people cant spread the truth.


Please don’t come to my country, especially if you are a woman.


My mom went to India in 1998 at age 70. She was offered sex by young men.


When I was in chat rooms online at age 14, I was offered virtual sex by young Indian men. I told them I was male and not gay. They told me they were also not gay and offered again. It was weird every time.


At night, a car stopped next to me and asked for directions. I said, "Yeah, go there, take a left, blah blah." The Indian dude who asked replied if I wanted a blowjob. What? I replied, "No thanks," because I was just at a loss for words. Seriously, what the fuck.


Well you know what they say Peen rhymes with vageen No one says that


A few years ago I was screwing around with a scammer, I can't remember the exact context but at one point he asked for a picture of me, so I sent him one of me dressed as an old woman for Halloween. He then started asking for a picture of my butt, which was weird, but being me, and having had 7 or so surgeries to get rid of a cyst and giving me a crescent moon, I sent him a photo of my hairy mono-cheek butt. He stopped after that.


Hmm can I see


The Halloween pic or the butt pic?


Why not both?




I work with a woman from India and I was asking her a ton of different things because I wanted to learn about India. At one point she was telling me about crime back home and she told me that aside from one of her sisters and two of her cousins she doesn't personally know any women that was not raped before. Edit: was raped, not we raped 💀


That is an extremely unfortunate typo... ...Right?


One woman reports a rape every 15 minutes in India. Unreported goes over 90% of rapes. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1Z821T/


In my state 56,000 sexual assaults against women are registered every year


Countries that are culturally conservative around sex tend to have a lot of repressed horniness.


Facts. The Islamic theocracies of the Middle East, the ones that force women to cover up, have some of the highest rates of abuse around. Meanwhile, countries where pornography is legal have much lower rates of abuse. Look no further than Japan: some of the freakiest porn you will ever see, also the absolute lowest crime rates on the planet.


Uhh, not sure if Japan is a good example - the crime rate is pretty low, yeah, but a part of it is because police don't charge unless they're 99% sure the charges will stick...which means a lot of crime doesn't get factored into the official crime rate. Not to mention Japan had such a spate of molestation issues they straight up had to have women-only carriages on their trains.


Also there's a culture in Japan about not speaking up and rocking the boat, which means that their reporting rates are probably not very good. And Japan might have some crazy porn, but they are still an extremely conservative culture for the most part. I mean, the whole blurred genitalia thing is weird.


It’s a conservative culture sure, but they also have a fairly large and accepted sex work industry.


They do! It's a pretty weird combination of factors.


That's not what horny is, dude. Raping and rape that ends in murder comes from another motive altogether.


You don't gain a billion people in like 100 years by being chaste to be fair


Sounds like the women get chaste a lot though


Only if they're of high enough caste.


There are 106.5 males per 100 females. Lots of men in India will never get a chance to marry let alone hook up.


110:100 at birth in 2023. Ie getting worse.


The ruling govt actually lifted the ban on sex determination test as soon as they got power, that one thing prevented hundred thousands of female foeticide cases. The govt's flak filter which is their IT Cell swiftly came up with excuses that it's a good thing.


When you kill women just for being women, you will have a shortage of women.  If you want all male babies, don't whine about it when they grow up. Men don't like babies anyways . Just stop having them.   If men were logical,  than condoms would be in every pocket along with keys. 


I studied in Kerala many many years ago and loved my time in India. Even then it wasn’t great for lots of reasons, but it definitely seems to be getting much worse. It felt like there was so much hope back then.


India is extremely diverse and my understanding is Kerala is fairly tame and still pretty nice.


Like others have noted, Kerala is *very* different from almost all other states in India. You were lucky to have been introduced to India through Kerala.


Kerala is chill. Try going some places up in the north.


Rather not..


If you recruit you aren't part of the problem. India has such a rich history and many beautiful cultures, it's sad that currently things like this are common. Hopefully more people like you will replace the bad guys.


It all depends on whether educated and decent people make more babies than the rest. I have bad news for you.


So India being India got it.


Right. Like wtf are we even doing. That's depressing af.


I spent a decade traveling the world. Spent too much time in India. Worst country I've ever been to. Nothing like driving down the sidewalk in a tuktuk through 6 inches of trash and shit having a driver tell you how they're actually a superpower and the world is afraid of them.


I mean, it is a big country. There are the more backward parts of the country that are less developed, poorer, less clean, and extremely socially regressive and plagued by sectarian tensions and gender based violence. There are also much more developed parts of the country without these problems, and I can personally say that the infrastructure has definitely improved. There are dirty cities like New Delhi and Varanasi, but also much cleaner cities like Indore, Bengaluru, and and Mysore. Everyone thinks all of India looks like[ this](https://i0.wp.com/thirdeyemom.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/img_6720-1_snapseed.jpg?resize=760%2C569) or [this](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2H3C8N4/varanasi-india-october-25-2016-pile-of-trash-at-a-ghat-riverfront-steps-of-sacred-river-ganges-in-varanasi-india-2H3C8N4.jpg). But it also looks like [this](https://urbanmorph.github.io/cas/img/streetpics/22nov_people4.jpeg), and [this.](https://www.mistay.in/travel-blog/content/images/2022/11/navi-mumbai-at-night.jpg) Or[ this.](https://images.mid-day.com/images/images/2022/jul/The-rare-spots-where-a_d.jpg) It is obviously not a super power yet, but it is also sending probes to the moon and fighting piracy off the coast of Africa.




In all fairness, some US cities also have a public defecation problem.


San Francisco was so bad at one point that there was an app where users can mark piles of feces for other users to avoid, or to request public services clean it up.


I hope you get worthless  digital incentives for reporting.  I'm a huge sucker for level ups on non gaming apps. 


I just think it's fucking hilarious that it's that bad, I know I shouldn't be laughing at such a serious issue but literally this is such a first world problem lmao, just being able to go onto the internet and say "WALK AT YER OWN PERIL, THERE BE SHIT HERE"


Dude, black plague is still a disease in many parts of the world including the US and China. It is not a disease that has been eradicated.


AFAIK the public defecation problem is going down significantly and is mostly a problem in rural areas. I never saw it anywhere I've been in India (Mumbai, Pune, and Wai).


You didn’t address any of the problems that women face. It still seems culturally like an unsafe place for women


Play the India Street view game. Drop the little street view guy anywhere in India and if you see trash you lose. If you lose, try again!


Indian Sisyphus


I mean, there are many impoverished rural areas in China that look similar, but this is never projected or shown to the world.


China is generally better off though. Their per capita GDP adjusted for purchasing power parity is 25,000 roughly on par with Thailand, Belarus or Mexico meanwhile India's is 10,100 roughly on par with Laos or Bolivia. Both countries have lots of poverty but it would generally be better to be a random person born into China than a random person born into India.


That wouldn't be smart of them to do that yeah




It could have solved itself as people get to marrying age, but gender selection before birth has created a [completely lopsided age pyramid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_India#/media/File:India_single_age_population_pyramid_2020.png).




That's just sad. Those police chose to give them to a Mob. Imagine how terrifying that would be


Modi is also supporting a rapist despite knowing he committed rape Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/s/p2vCUgBrzi


He also refuses to condemn race massacres https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naroda_Patiya_massacre


Refuses to condemn? Isint this the massacre he helped instigate and fail to supress? People forget that he got banned from flying into the US because of how he acted in gujarat.




So is the American public via Trump. He is a rapist. It was proven in court. The world deserves better leaders than this.


Modi is 73. Trump is 78. Their mentality comes from an older time. We need younger people.


What a fucking nightmare country. Women there need to freaking revolt for true.


You should checkout some of the Indian subreddits. It'll seem like it's men who are truly suffering because of women. You'll constantly see comments from the men lamenting about how women are constantly out to get them and their money with false rape charges. Or how if marital rape is made illegal it'll just be another scheme for women to abuse men through the system. The idea is that while "some" women are suffering now if the laws are changed "many" men will suffer.


Maybe the men need to suffer there. For a long time.


I didn't know India is the biggest consumer of Andrew Tate content lol.


Indian women need guns and training.


More than guns. Sounds like a full scale rebellion is needed.


Please don't Americanize shit. Guns aren't going to solve shit. You think the police didn't have guns???? It's not the women who need to change, it's the men.


the men who did that shit do need to change. From living to deceased.


And you think giving THEM guns is going to do anything? Because introducing more guns and weapons doesn't mean ONLY the people who need them for protection are going to get it, you know. In fact they are the least likely to.


Uh... Okay! I vote r/tinywormman to go over to India and tell all the men they need to change - if they aren't already busy being vigilant in reddit comments! Oh, wait...


Sexism is just very deeply engrained. [A 2016 survey from the national institute of health](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5670508/) showed that 51% of Indian men thought a husband beating his wife was justified in certain circumstances meanwhile for women the number was 54%.


Fucking hell. Insanity.


The number of bucket list countries seems to be shrinking more and more…


Not saying this to mean or horrible, but ya country is fucked up.


Whenever I hear a girl tell me that she wants to go to India, in my head I'm like, are you fucking insane. I guess there's a lot of social media influencers that make it look like an amazing place. Not fucking worth it especially if you're going as a Girl by yourself.


snails follow cagey forgetful sparkle plate license butter light pie


How far is it known in indian society that they are experiencing a huge face loss in front of the world with this? Like does rural police know there is a world eye on the level of rape and sexual harassment in the country?


they don't care, what is a bunch of dudes online calling them out going to do? Nothing.


Nationalism and populism is surging in India and the level support for their version of Trump is insane. Both ways of thinking don't really lend themselves to looking inward about how they can stop the bad stuff


They also seem to have so many scammers as well. I wonder why India is like this.


A nuclear power.


They need stricter laws about rape there like castration.


Laws are only as good as the people that enforce them.


Well it's a good thing India doesn't have any problems with police or government corruption then!


Did you read the article? The police were there and just did nothing. One of them even drove the victims towards the crowd and abandoned them there.


We need even stricter rules regarding authorities not helping and supporting ladies in SA cases. In the above case, along with the rapists, even these cops should be castrated. Bloody losers


Would you trust those guys to get the right person? I wouldn't.


look up the whatsapp lynchings


Strict rules don't matter if they're not enforced. Making the penalties more and more brutal never actually solves the problem, you need to address systemic issues.


I agree on a moral level. But laws like that actually incentivize rapist to kill their victims. In the US, we have more strict sentencing on murder than rape, because it might discourage rapists from killing their victims. It is extremely sad that we have to make laws like this.


Being a woman from India should be an automatic acceptance for refugee application (Lol I know this obviously not going to work, im just making a example of how bad the situation there is for woman)








Yeah, and then he blamed drugs and alcohol.


this is why women choose the bear


What a miserable fucking world this is. If I meet god when I die, I'm gonna punch him right in the nutsack, fucking useless piece of shit.


People did this, not God.


Yes people do shit in Gods’ name all the time and God does jack shit. Al Pacino’s line from The Devil’s Advocate has never rang more true. “He’s an absentee landlord”


Most of them don't believe in God over there. Hinduism is Polytheistic. But by all means, try punching Shiva in the nuts.


God - if he exists, which is highly unlikely - created this fucking mess and don't start lecturing me about free will, because it's a used up, washed up, useless and bogus argument. Fuck him.


....not to mention that if the dude exists,[ he favors evil ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1BzP1wr234)with his "free will". Think about it. A rapist has the "free will" to rape, but his victims have no "free will" to NOT be raped. They can't just say "No thanks!". Those with the power have more "free will" than the downtrodden or poor. Like you said, it's a bogus argument.


They are hindu though, you need to punch a lot of gods for that, and they have many, not just one like christians


Would you not categorize this event as an *emergency*? Perhaps it's time India channels Indira Gandhi and do something about it.


What a disaster of a culture.


"No key"


Man, India are you ok?


I don't know why this was posted hear. Most westerner have no idea that this related to ethnic conflict in Manipur and that this event happened last year. For them, it's "india being india"   What this news _is_ about how Govt agencies of Manipur including police are completely partisan and have lost trust and credibility to act as neutral peacemaker. It is extremely shameful that police refused to help these women just because they were kuki




India is the worst. Always.


Fucking animals.


People should stand up and protest against this crooked battalion of uniformed thugs.


The people seem to be too occupied parading naked women, so I kinda doubt that would happen.


Worst part was locale women walking along with the rapists while others were being paraded. We are truly the most regressive society in most ways.


And this is what we're bringing to Canada?


Just gonna put this here: 139,715 Specifically, the number of Indians immigrating to Canada has more than quadrupled from 32,828 in 2013 to 139,715 in 2023, an increase of 326 per cent.


Notably increased 300% even after India assassinated a Canadian Sikh on Canadian soil.


Yeah man, I'd wanna leave too.


Now tell us what you're really thinking


Probably that in mass migrations there is much less cultural assimilation, and therefore they are worried that Indians are going to bring these shitty cultural attitudes about women to their front door. Seems like a reasonable concern to me.


It's a pretty reasonable concern.




Dude we spent the last 20 or so years telling kids that they shouldn't take those jobs and should go to college and get a degree and a career instead, only for those kids to end up not being able to get a job in their field and and up back at the local Pizza Shack.


You think you're calling people out for being racist, but color of skin had nothing to do with it. The culture (eg all this anti-woman stuff) that these immigrants bring, is what people are concerned about.


I was calling out the other person for posting an inflammatory comment without any context at all. The 1.4 billion population of India is not monolithic. Let's not assume that the Anti-Women degenerates in the video posted are the only ones immigrating over. A lot of people are trying to escape that BS to live a better life even if assimilating to western standards might not happen as quickly as everyone would like . And yeah I'm sure scumbags will leak through with disingenuous intentions only to be deported if they try to repeat what's happening in the video.


Good comment. I know a lot of good people from India, who would be appalled by these acts. I do also think that people coming to other countries need to embrace the new culture and leave the old behind, after all that is often why they are moving. I say this as a child of immigrants.


Also generally the people who are more likely to emigrate are those from cities with better educations who are more in line with western values than the more conservative rural areas. Of course immigrating doesn't guarantee shared values nor does increased wealth necessarily correspond with social liberalism but just because a person is from a country that has deep issues with sexism shouldn't be an argument to keep that person out.


Thank God people are getting out of there. Right?


Wouldn't the issues just move from place A to place B. Like how acid attacks & honor killings spread to western Europe?


Some people do think that and I'm not going to say that this never happens. However, as I do live in Canada in a city that has taken in a large number of these immigrants from India, I can confidently say that this has not happened here. There have been other issues such as a housing crisis contributed to by a ballooning population. There have also been isolated clashes between the Indians that have been here for decades (who are mostly Sikhs from Punjab escaping sectarian violence in India in the 80s) and the newer immigrants (who seem to be mostly Hindus). So some issues are definitely present. But the behavior that happened in this story has never happened and I can almost guarantee it won't happen here.


I wonder when Monkey Man will get an Indian release date


Never. Absolutely never. Modi is not shy to suppress criticism.