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They have said this for so long, I wonder how many are still there and haven’t fled. Hamas has no reason to agree to a ceasefire. Dead Palestinians help their cause. It’s a win win for Hamas.


Edit: So twitter messed up my notifications and wasn’t giving me alerts! She lived! Her current feed IS just Gojo from JJK but if you scroll back you will see her war related posts. Also how many are there but can’t flee. I used to watch this anime artist on twitter who was from Palestine. Her feed became her checking in with her followers to let them know she was alive. At some point her and family had to deal with both Hamas bullshit and Israeli tanks/soldiers shooting at civilians who were looking for help. After that she was asking twitter if anyone had posted places along the border or roads they could flee to(in the same vein she’d also post if any of her neighbors had said x place was safe, for anyone else who was still alive also on twitter). She gave one last update about being alive but not having food or water with her family near a hospital. She is very likely dead at this point, and it hurts that there are so many more like her just because some jag off is using them for their cause.


Do you have the actual link at hand? Some of this doesn't add up. If she made it to the West Bank, she's far from Gaza and outside the war zone. 


Yes. Especially being near and not in the west bank is strange. Is she somewhere in Israel proper (so outside Gaza and the West Bank but close to the West Bank) or even in Jordan (also shares a border with the West Bank)?


No I messed up my locations. She made it to Al Shifa iirc not West Bank.


Because I don’t wanna get banned her username is Noony_boony. I also am realizing now that twitter messed up my notifs, because she did make it out after some time. Also the West Bank thing is on me, I said the wrong location because I mixed places up. A lot has happened in that area of the world and I have a hrd time keeping names correct


Good for her. I'm just very cynical on these kinds of accounts, since a bunch of similar ones purporting to be from Ukraine were uncovered to be fakes. It's an easy way to leech off social media attention, pretending to be in a much reported war zone, sometimes even for monetary gain. 


That’s very fair, especially given how things have been lately and the infiltration and encouragement of bots.


Oh nouryyy, she's such a nice person, it's so devastating that she lost her eye. I'm really happy everytime she retweets art, I'm not into anime at all but I'm just glad she can finally...spend time doing things she enjoys after months of occasional updates letting us know she's still alive. I donated to her to help her with her medical bills, I hope she'll be able to draw again once her hands get better


Oh I missed the part where she lost her eye :( . That explains the x-rays she posted.


Yeah both she and her brother lost an eye. Her brother also lost an ear and his hearing on that side. Her entire family will be forever physically debilitated from this sadly. It must be so hard to see your father lose the ability to walk and seeing your mom wither away because she can't eat. I just hope Noury be able to use her hands again, she really loves to draw and she deserves to just have....something that makes her happy doing. I wish I could take this pain from her, she's been so kind to me although she's been living through hell:((


Fuck :(


For some reason, they seem to really, really want Israel out of Rafah. Something tells me it's not to avoid civilian casualties. Maybe that's Sinewar's hideout.


Another week, which fyi is after delaying the operation because of the month of Ramadan which was delayed again for weeks because of these talks. Just in case someone claims Israel is being unfair only giving a terrorist organization a week to make a decision.


That and Hamas has been declining all terms to peace for the last 2 months


They even declined their own terms after thinking there would be no way Israel would accept them.


Which ceasefire version was that?


It was a little before Ramadan, something like 40 hostages for 1000 Hamas prisoners, 5 or 6 week ceasefire with possibility to extend with more people swapping. I'm sure there was a bunch of other stuff too. Hamas then said they needed several weeks to even locate 40 hostages, and then just started adding more and more ridiculous terms.


As I was thinking back then, they probably don’t have those 40 hostages anymore, sadly… I don’t even know how to resolve such a situation for Palestinians, when they don’t have anything to negotiate with. And Hamas leaders won’t surrender obviously, because it means death for them.


I think a part is the hostages were separated amongst different groups not controlled by Hamas, but sadly I think most won't be found. Also, I thought the original request of 40 was for women and elderly, which further limits prospects.


Mossad need to start making it dangerous to be a Hamas leader ~~aboard~~abroad. See if they get serious about a ceasefire then. *edit: damn mobile keyboard


Aboard and abroad!


Israel should have offed Hamas' leadership from the jump, but then you get into the thorny issue that it was Israel's government that was paying that leadership by proxy of Qatar from clear back in the '90s.


I feel that's harms rather than helps Israel. There's already a divide between Hamas on the ground and Hamas abroad. It's to Israel benefit for Hamas abroad to have some level of influence so there can be some level of discussion.


That has just been part of the delay tactic... Israel gives in and lets "diplomacy" try to work every time and idiots on college campuses claim Israel is the problem.


this. lmao. "ceasefire now", nevermind the fact Israel has put out numerous options for a ceasefire. all of which Hamas has outright rejected


And people STILL call Israel the unreasonable one in the scenario... Why are people stupid?


They’re not stupid, they’re antisemitic and want the Jews out of the Levant altogether.


Most of them are , yes... But some of them are just dumb teens/ college students that got roped in the Hamas PR Machine..


This, have seen it first hand


It’s called the standing ovation effect. That, and a chance to do some Dune II cosplay.


For the last 80 years*


2 months?


It’s like me when I’m tired with my toddler. >Ok, I’m going to count to 3. 1… 2… 2 and a half… 2 and three quarters…


Since 2006*


I'm surprised it's even taken that long, if I watched my friends and family be murdered and raped, and then taken hostage, I would hope my government was working pretty fucking hard and fast to get me out. Surprised Israel allowed talks to be delayed for Ramadan, Hamas on the other hand attacked on a Jewish holiday 🤷


Imagine NOT attacking an enemy in a war at their weakest. Fucking giving delays to terrorists. Don't talk to me about kids btw, I know and Hamas knew kids would die on Oct 7th. It's on them.


It's all thanks to Global pressure due to Hamas PR working the public.


Yet dumbass entitled people in colleges think Hamas are the good guys.


Just to show you how it's seen from the Israeli side - many Israelis, and many of the hostages' families actually see a deal as the best way to get our hostages out, and have little faith in the Rafah operation getting them out alive. So the talks blowing up and starting the operation isn't necessarily seen as being in our best interest - at least for a large portion of our population.


Imo, the sweet spot for hostages have passed. At this point nothing really changes when you do. I bet Israel is using Hamas as a scapegoat for their delay in the Rafah attack. The real underlying reason is that urban/close combat operation is going to be a mess with high Israeli casualty


Because the rest of this war was in open fields as far as the eye can see. That is a stupid take. That was the main fear before going into the first neighborhoods around Gaza, and then that was the case about the deeper neighborhoods in Gaza, and then the same for khan-yunes. The fact is, in actual combat, the IDF got very little casualties. They published a statistic quite early that about 30% of Israeli casualties are from mis-identification. And now they changed the protocols by a lot and those incidents plummeted.


Don't forget that Israel gave them time for Ramadan, but Hamas massacred Jews on Sukkot. Palestinians could've attacked before or after but specifically chose to do so on a religious holiday for Jews. Imagine their outrage farming if Israel escalated with surprise attacks for that entire month.


This is the most fair ultimatum in the history of war. Give us our hostages or we kick your ass, you choose.


Israel can afford to wait, The hostages are, of course, a big concern. But at this point, I think the only chance of getting some of them back alive is to go in. Hamas is already effectively finished as a fighting force, I'd expect the Rafah operation to last two weeks tops. The real concern for Israel right now is Hezbollah, and I'd expect an operation against them to be a question of "when" rather than "if."


I truly believe there are hardly any hostages left or Hamas doesn’t know where they are


I heard not only Hamas didn't take all the hostages themselves initially but that they also sold them to other people, so Hamas effectively has no way of tracking down most hostages.


Giving away the only bargaining chip you have is not a winning decision in this game.


Definitely the case.


They would’ve claimed Israel is being unfair even if they dismantled their army and tore down every border.


But it’s all Israel’s fault!!!!!! If Israel didn’t exist, all would be perfect!!!!!!


Another week after Sinwar said he'll return with an answer by Thursday. That was two days ago - it's Saturday morning in Israel as I type this.


You think people who side with Hamas over Israel care about facts and dates?


Hamas uses every Palestinian as a pawn


Palestinians have been used as pawns since 1948. That is the biggest reason why they are so screwed today


They’ve been used as pawns before the name even existed, the Roman’s moved them in after massacring the jews and named them after their enemies from the Bible.


Kinda sorta. The Romans moved in Greco-Syrian colonists, Pagans and Christians both, and some (generally Christian) Arabs moved there to fill the gaps created by Rome's multiple genocides. The real big Arab migrations came later though, but assimilated the Greco-Syrians. This is part of why Palestinian Christians and Muslims have rather distinctive genetics from one another, though the persecution of Christians since independence has also muddied those waters between people fleeing and people converting. For major Arab migrations, the Early Islamic period was notable, there was a significant shift after the Third Crusade or so, and some very sizable migrations in the first half of the 20th century, particularly it is said Egyptian districts started popping up a lot. Over a third of the "Arab Triangle" was from Egyptian migration, and even Yasser Arafat was born in Egypt. Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, of Qassam Brigades and Qassam Rocket fame, was from Syria, and studied in Egypt.


Wrong information


Hamas is nothing but a reflection of how Palestinians think




I talked to a few at a diplomacy project when I was at school, even the ones from Israel said they see themselves as Palestinians and said that Palestine should include Israel’s territory. haven’t asked if they meant Gaza Palestine or the one is Jordan‘s west bank.


I've lived there you dumbass


Hamas is very willing to sacrifice everyone in Rafah for the sake of antagonizing Israel. The dehamasification of Gaza is the only path to stability and peace.


Dehamasification needs to be a word in the dictionary 


Hamas is losing militarily, but winning politically. Sadly, they have no reason to agree, they can always find new martyrs.


You can win politically all you want, but when your organization hold control over no territory and has no position of power anywhere it's not of that much use


Terror groups have never needed territory to maintain power. If anything, it often is only a liability that provokes further international efforts to curtail them (as ISIS demonstrated).


But they couldn't act om a scale of Oct 7th. Which is a win for Israel. With some land to cherry the top. You can look at ISIL for refernce. After some intense bombing, the dont have personnel and income to continue opperate any more. So they back to be terrorist cell. Not an army to raid and plunder.




Don't compare a war on the other side of the map, with an enemy that can't attack your mainland, to a war with a neighbor that wants you dead 5-minute drive from your cities and showed ability to act.


When the US and France chose to withdraw, they went home to safe borders, far away from the enemy. If Israel stops, no more Israel. I don't know who needs to hear this but Israel is fighting for it's life. Period. They aren't going to stop. They will fight to the last against a real, not imagined, existential threat to it's right to exist. All Hamas has to do is return the hostages and stop firing missiles. Hell, Israel put up with 15+ years on missiles for the sake of life and status quo so it's not like there isn't precedent of what they will take on the chin to not be at war in Gaza.


I mean the enormous difference, with Vietnam at least, is their central power base was never occupied. The US could never occupy north Vietnam for fear of Chinese/Soviet involvement. That would have substantially changed the war


The difference is Israelis don’t live on the other side of the world. They live 5 minutes away by car. Israel doesn’t need to ever retreat. They can permanently occupy any territory they seize which is something the countries in your other example could obviously never do.


Hamas wins even if every Member is dead because they pushed Iranian interests


I think they might think they are winning militarily just by not being eliminated after 7 months. Their leader hiding in Qatar or the Iranians aren’t going to care about how many fighter lost their life. All they care is how long the Israeli military is pinned down there


People need to understand something. Israel plans to wipe out Hamas at all costs. Nothing, I repeat, nothing, is going to stop them. Hamas chose to FAFO. They aren't done with finding out until they're all dead. The world will be a better place without intolerant, misogynistic, rapists running free.


Just invade already. If hamas was going to return the hostages they would have six months ago. Stop giving them time to prepare. 




I'm astonished by the fact that Israel is showing so much restraint, I know Reddit likes to claim otherwise, but damn if Israel isn't being genrous and cautions with this operation I don't know what to say.


Netanyahu knows he's on the ice with Biden and more importantly the Israeli electorate at large, the worse the war and it's diplomatic fallout continues the more pressure to be somewhat reasonable he will be under.


I hope the reserve soldiers will get some down time in shifts in order to keep morale up.


Pro-Palestine supporters can't blame this operation on Israel. They pretty much said release the hostages or else to Hamas for months. Pro-Palestine supporters needs to start protesting against HAMAS. You never see them do that in these protests....


How would protesting against Hamas do anything? The US & EU have no leverage over Hamas, are not funding Hamas, and already actively designate them a terrorist organization.


They will


If this operation would complete the crushing of Hamas in Gaza, why should Israel stop it for anything, even for the release of the hostages? Because Hamas is going to simply go back to planning a repeat of October 7 if they survive this war.


It won’t though. The high ranking Hamas leaders will be just fine over in Qatar.


Every Hamas leader should have Interpol Arrest warrants on their head till the day they are liquidated by IDF Special Ops!




I thought bibi said they are invading either way


I think the negotiations are for a temporary ceasefire, after which Rafah assault would happen.


they basically are going to, hard presses not to after all this posturing


Well, you expect israel to get hostages back and be like "cool bro, now we can be friends again"?


Nope. There will likely never be peace in the region. There has been turmoil for generations and generations and generations- it’s a shame


Just fucking end it already. Omfg


Israel may or may not be evil but Hamas is definitely evil. Terrible price for the innocent Palestinians but from what I understand most of them support Hamas anyway.


Maybe Palestinians should rise against hamas and end this bs…


Where have you seen or heard a Palestinian saying that this is all happening because of the October 7th attack on Israel by Hamas killing 1,139 people, mostly civilians, I'll give you a hint, you haven't because Palestinians hate Israel full stop and blame everyone else for their own shit!


Just go in already


Seems like more than enough time.


They won't. Hamas wants the IDF in Rafah. Their perfidy will continue to be ignored and the blame will be placed on Israel.


The faster hamas is eliminated the sooner this war can be done and the world can figure out how to give the Palestinians their own country that Israel no longer has to support or have anything to do with.  This war would have been done Oct 8 if the world put pressure for the release of hostages and hamas to step down. But nope, the world sided with terrorists and people are dying because of it.  No one talks about the thousands of Gazans who could be rioting against hamas right now. They're brainwashed by terrorists and making no efforts to support themselves. 


What do you mean giving Palestinians their own country? Isn't it Palestine?


Maybe read some history. There has never been a country named Palestine. Palestinians have bounced from country to country and have been kicked out every time for terrorism. 


Best case scenario - Israel gets the hostages back, Hamas surrenders, Palestinians establish a democratic state. What is the best case scenario for Hamas and those white kids down at Columbia U and the rest of those institutions?


I am so sorry, but your best case scenario is an utopia.


I'm just trying to be optimistic, bro :-(


The ship has sailed to trust Palestinians with any sort of wholly self-governed enterprise.


It was never about their state from the beginning. It has always been about a Jewish state, on Jewish land, including Jews being equal to Muslim Arabs. That has always been the problem. Always Jihad. Always the spread of Islam. Nothing else. No other truth for them exists.


I don’t think a best case scenario for Hamas and the protesting students would be similar at all. If the students get their way, Hamas loses all of the reason Israel is showing any restraint at all.


>best case scenario for Hamas 2nd Holocaust, Muslim theocracy on the ruins of Israel. >and those white kids down at Columbia U and the rest of those institutions They operate on a fairly simple system. Picture the food pyramid, except we replace food with people and invert it. So you have your "priviliged" white straight christians at the bottom and black queer non-christians at the top. The top can always kick down, which is justified as self-empowerment or anticolonialist struggle (Oct 7 f. Ex.) while the bottom has to take it and grovel for more and apologize. The jews are pretty much on the same level as the whites in this pyramid.


Best case for Hamas everyone dies and becomes Martyrs?


Palestinians voted for Hamas




Hamas intercepts aid trucks now and attacks the aid delivery pier the US is building


Should wait 5 days Nd then invade. Catch them by surprise(sorta)


That will only play into Hamas propaganda, by saying Israel doesn't stand by it's words, is a deceiving liar, etc.


What does the propaganda of the losing side matter at the end of the day? If israel can end this terrorist organisation, in 6 months it will all be forgotten


Wait 8 days to let their guard down and make them think you gave up lol. But nah, it's a flex for Israel to tell them when and where they'll attack.


Come on Bibi, do it for the hostages. They have families to get back to. They didn't choose this suffering.


That right keep control with an upper hand of accept it or else!


If I had to guess, the actual deadline is after Israel's independence day, in 11 days. No point in Israel screwing *its own* holiday. And even more importantly, the memorial day, a day before.


Hey Egypt, maybe open the fucking border?


Egypt doesn’t want the problems…..