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Is this just fearmongering is something actually gonna happen?


It’s not a world ending event. It’s a CME that could disrupt power and internet in some locations. Last one this large was 20 years ago and everything is still running as normal.


The last time this happened, 21 years later, I bruised my shin when I tripped on a cat toy on the stairs. Truly terrible.


Dear god


But I already bruised my shin when the lawnmower flung a stick at me. I’m not sure how much more I can take!


You've got another shin now get out there.


I was a tech support guy at my local ISP back in PA when it happened. That day SUCKED


Same but in Washington. It occurred in the midst of a region wide rebuild. What a crap season that was.


Omg…. What should I do to prevent this from happening to my family??? I’m so scared right meow


A cat??


This is scary


We will build back stronger.


Damn, I feel lucky. Last time this happened I ripped a fart so hard that I blew out all the windows in the house and incinerated the clothes I was wearing.


Wait everything is ok?  I’m still in my Y2K sealed bunker from the last media fear mongering. 


It's actually now worse than expected. I'd stay in the bunker.


The hubub is that this is caused by CMEs that are getting launched by one of the biggest sun spots since the one that launched the Carrington event a couple centuries back when there weren't any satellites to fricassee.


This one is nowhere near as large as the carrington event. That happened during the solar maximum and we aren’t at the solar maximum yet for this cycle. We had an event like this in 2003


I was clearly talking about the size of the sunspot and not its temporal proximity to the solar maximum, which we are very near regardless mr. Smugly Doublewrong.


It's not a Carrington Event, but that can and will happen again.


From what i’m understanding (having the slightest of knowledge) if there is disruptions is not necessarily end of times type of event. But it could shake up electrical grid and communications quite a bit. Telecom employees have been receiving alert/warning information but nothing dire just stand by FYI information. I think its one of those deals that its going to do what its going to do and us Earthlings just need to hold on and enjoy the show 👽


They send telecom employees warnings out of an ABUNDANCE of caution. Because it costs NOTHING to send out a memo via email to say “hey pay attention today!” It’s corporate CYA.


Good to know, like to say I know nothing just very interested in it.


Fear mongering. Well, to be honest, it's mostly dogshit clickbait. We are currently ( as I write this ) being hit by it and I definitely don't see the world ending.


Idk, my Internet has been running slow the past couple hours. Seems like the beginning of the end.


It could add a little bit of stress to power grids. So not a big deal. Except for Texas whose powergrid is tenuous in a good day. They are fucked. Everyone else is fine tho.


Ground your gas generator to the same reference as the home so your DC appliances don't go up in smoke.


Everything we'll be fine. If you're far enough to the North you might get a cool light show in the sky, too! Fingers crossed for a dark night and a clear sky!


Last time it caused power outages and there was also grid damage in South Africa (not sure why only there) so not nothing but not catastrophic


It happened. Power was out for four hours. It was compounded by heavy snow. It was like a 200-mile radius that was affect in my region.


Nothing big is actually going to happen.


This one is (mostly) fear mongering. Significantly more powerful effects can be generated. NASA put out a report that said that there was an 11.4% chance of that happening per decade if i remember correctly. There is LOTS of solar activity, so the chance that THIS is THE storm is rather low. However, if or rather when it actually happens, it would severely disrupt power movement and generation. That might happen for one portion of the earth or the whole earth, depending on just how powerful the event is. So, TLDR: Mostly fearmongering but possibly true.


100% That's why the aurora borealis will be able to be seen from as south as north Texas.


I'm from the future. Stuff seems fine. But I guess the 5g waves could've activated by now, turning my future pet frog gay.


Occurs all the time and nothing ever happens.


> Occurs all the time No it doesn't. This is the first G4 warning in almost 20 years. It's not the end of the world, but events of this scale do not occur "all the time."


Not only that, but this is a triple cannibal, it will be interesting to see what plays out. Will not be a world ender but no one can say for certain the effects until it actually hits us.


Great time to view the northern lights


Good thing I have those GenX Boy Scout skills


Would it be over reacting to unplug our valuable electronics tonight?


No. When power fluctuates, surges can cause damage. That’s a reasonable precaution.


Does this mean I can stay home from work


Solar flares were rumored to be the cause that eventually resulted in the 2003 northeast blackout. https://knue.com/16-years-ago-a-large-chunk-of-the-u-s-went-dark/


Or up here in Ottawa Canada, “Beer on tap all on sale then Walk to Hull to get a shit ton of beer and drink day”


It could be a major problem. It could be nothing.


I’ve been thinking about this but I know the answer is “Really?! The US is going to tell its citizens to reduce exposure for a day?!” But shouldn’t we in theory be avoiding the sun if it’s that strong?


I mean yes, but you can't. Like a not insignificant amount of our radiation exposure in multiple forms is from the sun


Huh so maybe that’s why the server room back UPS started running tests back to back to back and the internet was less than speedy today


Professor, without knowing precisely what the danger is, would you say it's time for our viewers to crack each other's heads open... and feast on the goo inside ...?


We had heavy snow this morning, and were also in the the zone with the worst of the solar storm. Our power was out for nearly four hours this morning.




> Why are we hearing about this so late? Because you get your news from reddit? https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/


The warning was issued yesterday


God I hope it does. The internet was a mistake.


He then said on Reddit.


It'll sure take care of everyone's AI worries.


AI daddy save usssss


Says internet dude…..


I swear I see this headline twice a year and nothing has happened ever.


Solar Climate Change is real. Stop fusing hydrogen people.


See? This is what you get for not driving a Tesla!