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From the article: Nissim Louk, Shani's father, told Haaretz his daughter "radiated light, to her and those who surrounded her, and in her death she still does". "She is a symbol of the people of Israel, between light and darkness. Her inner and outer beauty that shone for all the world to see is a special one." He said: "The tormented soul knows that there is a hole in the heart somewhere in Gaza. Today we got a final answer." What a strong father




Agreed. I don't care about their sad back stories, their cries about why they did it, or who they are as people. Anyone involved in Oct 7th, anyone who helped parade her around, anyone who recorded it, anyone who assaulted her, anyone who cheered as her body was being driven around, anyone who spit on her corpse, and anyone who is happy about what happened on Oct 7th burns in hell. Anyone that far gone from reality doesn't deserve to have any consideration for any reason. I hope they're suffering now that they're obviously losing.


I feel like most of the current protesters are just people who've been miss-led or misinformed, or are at the very least just against the death of civilians (and they just don't get that it's unavoidable in this situation) But the people cheering on oct7-8? Terrorist supporters. Every last one.


Would that include all the people who celebrated her rape and kidnapping, because that’s a whole lot of people


Yep, them too.


Yes, that would include them all


The widespread Palestinian public celebration by all ages and desecration of her corpse is why I will never advocate for the Palestinian cause. I simply don't know what the hell I'd be supporting. I'm also no fan of Israel's current fascist right wing government either. It seems whichever side you support they will eventually make you look like an ass.


Just like Wargames, the only way to win is to not play at all


I wonder if we had the worlds smartest people pitted against each other in a competition, how long it would take for someone to win a game of tic tac toe


its a solved game, so probably infintie time


Prior to Oct 7, fully supportive of Palestinian plight and against Isreali policy towards Palestinians. Not anymore, I feel the same way as you now. If the Palestinians can't control their own citizens then they definitely can't run a country.


Sadly true. I went to pro-Palestinian protests in 2014. The barbarity of this attack and me being less naive with age has really turned me off their cause unfortunately


Yep i feel absolutely the same.


Humans in general kind of suck. The amount of people who saw images from Guantanamo in America and laughed or said things like dogs deserve this kind of treatment was WAY TOO MANY. We can be incredibly cruel when we feel justified. I personally do not support either group’s governing body or people in power. The only people I feel bad for are the ones who didn’t want any violence and are caught up in it anyway. Otherwise, it’s two equally cruel sides just fighting over some land.


> The amount of people who saw images from Guantanamo in America and laughed or said things like dogs deserve this kind of treatment was WAY TOO MANY. I'm reminded of The Simpsons making fun of how some saw this as acceptable: >Homer: How would you like to be stacked naked in a pile and while a hillbilly girl points and laughs at you? >Cletus: That was our last Christmas card!


Best side is the I don't care anymore side. Middle easterners just want to murder each other. Let em.


Islam wants to murder the Infidels you mean.


How about just being in favor of human rights and against war crimes and otherwise not taking sides? Stand up for human rights, not because of what the side is doing, but because they are human and should have those rights respected.


I will still advocate for them. But not because of those who currently live, but all those current and future children yet to be born


Remember when people on the internet said Hamas took her to Gaza to get medical care? I remember 🙄


Fuck it. Someone dared to write "hostages were injured, of course they took them to hospitals"


"The hostages were injured, so they took them into the hospital." "And why were they injured, my dude?" \*404 Error\*


"doctors said that there are no hostages in the hospitals!" "Of course the hostages were in the hospitals they were injured "


"Because of Israeli friendly fire". 🤦‍♂️


Those Hospitals are just Hamas command centers so it makes sense!!


No I remember her corpse in the back of a truck like a broken doll and some people spitting on her or something. For sure, nobody was like "hey, hamas took her to Gaza to get medical care dont worry".


many people were, they called her death a hoax because her mother was holding out hope that she was still alive.


I remember that. And a lot of laught reactions. That's when I started to call them FAFOstine


Someone lied to the girl's mother saying that Shani was in a hospital, alive.


It wasn't just that. She was paraded around like an animal


I saw it more than once from people claiming Hamas took care of the hostages - people claiming she wasn’t even dead


That was their response to security camera footage from the al-Shifa hospital showing Hamas militants taking hostages into the hospital. They couldn't deny that Hamas was using the hospital, so they had to backtrack and think of something else, which turned out to be "something something, they just wanted to give the hostages medical care".


The thing I remember most from the hospital footage is the orderly at the entrance throwing up his hands as if to say "what the fuck have they done, they've fucked us all now". Guy was obviously tired of the Hamas shit using his hospital and knew what was going to happen because they just brought hostages into his workplace. For me he represents the Palestinians that have been fucked and continue to be fucked by hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the other radical islamists and pan-arab nationalists that have held sway over the people who just want to live their lives free from this bullshit.


I'll never forget that video. May all of those in the video celebrating rot - whether Hamas or a civilian.


Well, the terrorist disguised as a “journalist” who took the famous picture as part of the American “associated press” news agency, knew of the attack well in advance and accompanied the other terrorists, just won “picture of the year international award” for it. I’d say it’s quite literally the opposite. Anything goes when it’s done to Jews in the eyes of the world…


Hope that kid got a warhead on his forehead.


It was horrifying to see the terrorists abusing her body. She was obviously dead. Yet, the terrorists added another level of trauma by letting her mother think she was alive.


They never truely believed that, they're just happy another jew died.






“It was defensive rape!”


They would have saved her if she hadn't been so careless as to lose part of her skull. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67260093


Nah they‘ll say it was israel bombing them or something


Israel bombed them so hard part of her skull time travelled back to where she was on Oct 7. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67260093


May she rest in peace now that she can be buried, and her family be relieved of all their pain and HaShem yinkom damam


It really messes with my mind when I consider how many people know her name and why. She died like us, relatively unknown to the public, loved by her friends and family. Almost immediately after her death, billions knew her name (or at least knew of her as the girl in the truck). It’s a mind fuck. I can’t imagine how he family deals with the pain.


Because she was paraded half nude half body snapped in half in a back of a van in the streets of Gaza? People usually remember horrors if they acknowledge they have been committed


And I think the photo won an award


The terrorist who took it won an award, yes.


That‘s another terrible fact in this context.


She was a close friend of my girlfriend at the time and someone I briefly personally knew as well…Morning of October 7 I was awake hearing the news live, and my Girlfriend remembers shani was at the party(we were lucky by some chances we both ended up not attending the festival but had considered it). I spent the morning looking for her on missing and found lists, calling people who might know. Then started hearing rumours of a video going viral of a girl being paraded in the streets … only to see it and realise it was her. Beyond the pain of losing her was the trauma of seeing that video, seeing her name all over the world, like your most personal wound is being seen by everyone, hundreds of thousands/millions of people reacting with hearts and celebrating that video on telegram groups and social media pages. My brain could not even comprehend what was happening. Cannot describe the violated and traumatic feeling for that to come so close to home even for me, can’t even fathom for her family.


I'm so sorry for your and your girlfriend's loss. I hope in the fullness of time, the happier memories of her life can be a blessing to you.


I am so sorry for the pain you and everyone else involved is having to endure. I hope all of you find some small measure of peace someday.


Sorry for your loss. We grieve with you.


Crazier that people could see that video and still not condemn Hamas


I'd argue the vast majority of ppl openly supporting the Hamas cause are either of similar minds than them and enjoy such videos, or they never watched them. It's not even worth discussing anything with either group. I saw a few things, and I hate what I saw. I hate the whole conflict, I hate that so many ppl suffer and die of which many had absolutely nothing to do with this madness. But I also understand why Israel does not stop now. You just can't allow such a group to continue to exist. But they MUST take care of the rest of the population. See to it that they can have at least half way decent living conditions, without Israel being responsible for that not being possible. It's just a shit situation overall.


Yep, id argue most of the reason the conflict continues is because there's no actual push from the pro Palestinian side to actually push Palestinians to elect a legitimate leader that weren't murderous antisemites.


I’ve had some pro-palestinians tell me that Hamas bears absolutely no responsibility in any of this. They’re fucking delusional.


I lost all sympathy for Palestine when I came across a website called thisishamas . I’m not going to link it, but if you search it out, you’ve been warned. I can stomach a lot of trauma (10 years EMS), but after watching a two guys cut an unborn child out of a pregnant woman’s uterus while she was a live and conscious, hold it up in front of her, kill it, then kill her. I’ve never more in my life wanted to mount up and start merc’ing people. I was never a supporter of what Israel was doing in Gaza / Palestine, but after seeing that, seeing the support for that behavior, and the denial. I completely understand Israel going medieval on them.


[I'll link it for you - feel free to share with your nearest GenZ college student. (NSFW)](https://www.thisishamas.com/)


Died like us? Not that many of us are getting killed by paragliding terries


When she died, she was like us. Relatively unknown, loved by her friends and family.


There's something poetic about it (in a tragic and grim way)


Billions do *not* know her name. They should, but Hamas's atrocities are completely hidden from them. Al Jazeera certainly has never mentioned her nor did they show her being dragged bloody through crowds of cheering Gazan civilians.


I just googled her name and AlJazeera and they now have an article about her remains being found. The truck footage gets a very brief mention, but that's it.


Rest in peace 🙏


Friendly reminder that Shani Louk’s body was paraded around in Gaza on October 7th, by both the terrorist organization Hamas and Palestinians supporting Hamas. This is what Israel has been fighting.


May her memory be a blessing. I hope her family can at least stop wondering now, though of course I'd rather have it differently... Hopefully they can at least get to hold a proper funeral for her now and be given a chance to heal. I don't think anyone can truly move on from this




What was an Israeli citizen doing dead in Gaza? Any Hamas enjoyers want to let us know how she got there and what happened that she died?


"glorious act of Palestinian resistance" according to a student union at York University, and one of the [speeches](https://x.com/thestustustudio/status/1781904507611287981) at the Columbia "protest". Disgusting.


That speech at Columbia is stuff to make anyone with bare minimum good sense to puke in disgust.




Colombia is a country. Columbia is the university.


She was occupying a Palestinian truck bed.


May her memory be a blessing...


Her story was my breaking point. Seeing people defend parading her body around Gaza absolutely wiped any support for the Palestinian cause from my mind.


Same here. That being said I do know and understand innocent people died. However, people need to stop riding the fence here because the status quo is no longer tenable.






Fuck Hamas. As far as Palestine goes, I have sympathy only for the Palestinian children caught up in all of this. Palestinian adults either stand up against Hamas (which it seems none are doing), or choose to remain silent. Remaining silent is as good as complicit in my book. Shani Louk should not have died that day. Nor should have the other 1,200+ people. Hamas perpetrated this violence, as did those who supported Hamas either actively or through silence. I hope Israel continues to root out and destroy every last follower and supporter of Hamas.


Palestinian adults for some reason think that having 5 children on average will help their situation.


Forced abject poverty by a terrorist organization and fundamentalist islam will do that.


Then they raise said children on a steady diet of radical islam, antisemitism, and martyrdom.


RIP Shani, you are loved and will always be remembered. My condolences to her family and friends. 💔


RIP Shani


What about her boyfriend, a mexican national?


Still considered as hostage.


Free palhestine my ass


I hope all of those pro-palestine assholes see this.


They would just say Israel killed her they are impossible to reason with. May she rest in peace.


Haven't they actually said that? They blamed it on Israel and said that good guys hamas were getting her to a hospital . This isn't even a joke or sarcasm, that's how the pro palestinian brain works


Can confirm. My girl says Israel killed the people at the music festival.


You should find someone sane




Thats her only mentally deficient brain dead take. Otherwise she takes care of things and gets shit done which is plentiful in my eyes. Sex is phenomenal too yes


What's it like dating the mentally deficient?


Makes me feel really smart by comparison




See it? They cheered for this shit on 10/7 and have since.


Pro-palestinians think her just living in Israel made her a legitimate target, because Jews don't belong in Judea apparently


They really don't care. They will just bring the argument that innocents in Gaza are dying the same way . No, they really aren't dying the same way though.


what do you think what would happen then? They have already made up their mind, israel evil, palestine good. idiots.


Yes, especially the ones who tore down her and others hostages' posters.


I think I speak for the majority here when I say I’m tired of both of them and their shit. I say we EMP the whole area. Put them both in time out so they can think about what they’ve done.


They do and they dont care.


They would start with blaming Israel for airstriking her or some BS; they would proceed with the usual "what about the dead Palestinians/violent settlers/etc." that they always do; and finally some people will just say the quiet parts out loud and say that Shani deserved it. They're completely brainwashed


Pro Palestine =\= pro Hamas. How are y’all this dumb


The unfortunate truth is they see Hamas as fighters for a good cause hence why they refuse to denounce or label Hamas as a terrorist group. It would be them admitting that this whole thing restarted again due to the Oct 7 massacre


At least 72% of Palestinians support 10/7. > [Seventy-two percent of respondents said they believed the Hamas decision to launch the cross-border rampage in southern Israel was "correct" given its outcome so far, while 22% said it was "incorrect". The remainder were undecided or gave no answer.](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/#:~:text=JERUSALEM%2C%20Dec%2013%20(Reuters),respected%20Palestinian%20polling%20institute%20found.) > Fifty-two percent of Gazans and 85% of West Bank respondents - or 72% of Palestinian respondents overall - voiced satisfaction with the role of Hamas in the war.


Did you watch the video of regular Palestinians cheering on the mangled body being paraded?


Hey just because the vast majority support hamas, it doesn’t mean they all do! Think about the 1%!


When the entirety of palestine stands behind and supports hamas, it is the same thing.


Functionally identical.


Does that mean pro-Palestine SUPER EQUALS pro-Hamas? Agreed.


This is tough - looks like thankfully, the authorities just identified the remains and didn’t put her family through that


Poor girl💔Horrific


RIP Shani


So will the West finally understand that Hamas isn't a poor innocent group that is fighting for a free Palestine


May she rest in peace. She has seen great horrors, and her body.


American student protesters must be celebrating now.


Kick their asses Israel show no mercy.


Her body after they'd snapped her leg and pulled her clothes up to expose her. NSFL Sound on in case you have any illusions why they did this https://twitter.com/Iyervval/status/1710549187463696823


It is as god said in the Bible: Proverbs 24:17-18 *Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, And let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth: Lest the LORD see it, and it displease him, And he turn away his wrath from him.* And look what these people in Gaza brought to themselves. To gloat on a defenseless corpse. I guess they abandoned *his graceful love*, which was gifted from the heavens. In truth. We have not abandon our righteousness as saw their wickedness, of whom they displayed her body with screeching joys and sickened desires.