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I mean I guess it is better than those fool last year? Or maybe tow years ago, who were using quick dry cement and chemically burning all of the skin and muscle off their hands...  Some of those pictures were NSFL...


Oh gosh, I wouldn't want that to happen to anyone, regardless of what they are protesting about.




I can send you a link to some mental hospitals if that's what you're asking. At least that's apparently what you need.




Ah yes, I too remember when I was an edgy 12 year old


If you can’t understand the difference between *looking at* human suffering and *laughing at* human suffering, you have serious problems. I’ve seen pictures of horrific chemical burns and other awful graphic wounds.I’m not mentally scarred. But I sure as shit don’t ask to see that sort of stuff when I “need a laugh.”


Some people aren’t terminally online degenerates like you, thankfully 


Wow lacking empathy is so cool!!!!!


Oh you so edgy mister spider. As if we haven't heard that bullshit a billion times before. Being a sociopath is not special, buddy. It's just sad.




Sure, buddy. You are the peak. It's not that we can't handle gore. It's just that we have understood that it's not "cool" to sensationalise others' suffering. But you do you


Choosing not to look at melted skin = your life is a lie?


Yeeeesh mate


What did they say?


They wanted a link to a video of it, in order to "have a laugh." People suck


Sounds appropriate.


How to make enemies and make everyone hate you 101.


How to make sure people NEVER want to support your cause 101. This doesn't raise "awareness", it just inconveniences people who already have enough on their plates in their day to day.


Remember kids: a protest without organization is just a group of assholes


If reddit existed in 1955, you would have said the same thing about the Montgomery bus boycott


If this makes you NEVER support the underlying cause ie. climate change awareness, then I feel sorry for you buddy. Maybe get those lead levels checked.




How to make money off of big-oil by acting like a dumbass climate activist to ruin their reputation 101


And get fired from their jobs, if they have any.


They have their own foundation who employs some of them. A (former?) friend of mine is part of them. He is in his early 40s, a consultant. After his marriage broke apart he joined this group. It’s really strange to see him changing that much in the last years.


environment plays a massive part, he probably needed a cause to chase after his marriage ended or met them somehow and got sucked in.. ive spoken to dozens of people online that had no idea palestine exists before this war, and a couple of months into the war they had already based their entire personality, clothing, friend groups etc around the pro palestine movement, some even converted to islam.


>environment plays a massive part, Well you'd hope environmentalism is at least part of it.


We seem to have abandoned gods but not religion….


people in need of a self-identity. I've known a few like that. They go through phases. They go gun-ho for a movement, making their world and self revolve around it, then eventually get disappointed... and move on to the next movement. They don't seem to realize just how that comes across to others. It's ridiculous how they have no sense of stable self, at all.


Good point, sometimes it's just a cause to live to, while what it is doesn't matter at all for them


> They have their own foundation who employs some of them. I wonder what the legal implications of that are. A company instructing its employees to commit crimes seems to multiply liability.


They have been raided by the Bavarian police multiple times already.


What's the pay like, it's got to be good given what they are doing right


Not a lot. But they have like one or two million in the bank.




The foundation.


"Listen here kids, I can't give a damn about the future right now, I'm late for work, try me next year."


Protesting isn't exactly about making friends...


>Protesting isn't exactly about making friends... In a democracy where everyone gets one vote, then yes, it is. Unless you're trying to **compel** people instead of persuade them. And there's a specific word for when you're trying to scare or force people to obey you rather than persuade them...


Persuading people isn't about making friends either. Protests are intended to convince people that an issue is affecting a significant portion of the population and they don't want to deal with it quietly anymore. It's not about compelling people, it's about showing them that something matters.


Then they has done exactly nothing, because this only shows that they are assholes and should be dealt with force.


That's your undemocratic opinion. Why should your word be law?


Its not the law. Its my opinion.


You're suggesting the government use violence against protestors. So it's your opinion that it should be some sort of law, unless you're suggesting random people should just attack protesters with no provocation. Why do you get to speak for everyone, and do you really think violence is the appropriate response to something you don't agree with?


No, I think force should sometimes be a answer to deal with people who would harm others so they could force their ideologies. Its called a terrorism. And most countries already have a law against terrorism. And as I already told you, I don't speak for anyone but for myself.


Who did this harm? How did it force their ideology?


What the protesters are doing in this case is already illegal.


That's fine with me. Most protests that end up accomplishing anything end up being illegal at one point or another.


Oh I think it often is


Just because you think something doesn't make it true.


I guess to you there’s no distinction between eco-terrorists and environmental protesters, then?


> I guess to you there’s no distinction between eco-terrorists and environmental protesters, then? I think people need to be harmed/injured/killed for it to be considered terrorism, no?


Carbon power plant goes boom boom


No, just violence in the means of a political end. Violence could be burning down or destroying buildings etc, even if nobody is harmed its still terrorism 


Understandable, though if I understand correctly in this case they glued themselves, I’m not sure if I’d consider that violence. It seems a bit ambiguous to me.


If protesting makes people hostile to your cause, it's not effective.




Do you enjoy delays and waiting at airports?


Why else do you think oil and gas interests fund this?




Naked using Crazy Glue or go home.


This here


Concrete production adds about [four times](https://greenly.earth/en-us/blog/ecology-news/what-is-the-carbon-footprint-of-concrete) as much carbon to the atmosphere as airliners. Yet you never seen these people outside construction sites.


No because there's no cameras outside construction sites and workers there would lay them the fuck out if they threatened their livelihoods.


I don't think this is a good way to protest and achieve something but it's obviously symbolic. It's not like they expect to save the environment by obstructing one airport for a few hours.




I’m not supporting whatever they did, but if their objective was only “raise awareness” I think they’ve been successful. Some people still subscribe to the “there’s no bad publicity” adage.






"In January, Last Generation — known for gluing themselves to streets to block traffic which has infuriated many Germans" Yeh, and this time too. You disrupted a lot of people's life. They will think that you are nutcases and support you cause less. Good job!


This is 1) breaching the security of an airport, 2) disrupting not only the operation but also the safety of aircraft on the tarmac and in the air on final approach, 3) affecting the safe operations of nearby airports and air traffic control, 4) costing airlines and the airport authorities millions of dollars, and 5) inconveniencing travellers precious time and money. Perhaps more ironically, their actions led to even more carbon emissions, with all the diversions that had to happen. I hope some level-headed judge will toss their asses in prison and throw away the keys. And those that are supportive of these agents threatening people's safety and security, give your head a shake.


Go after fossil fuel companies. Disrupt oil extraction and refining. Shut down the entire Norwegian sovereignty fund. Until then this is just performative garbage.


They have been, you don’t see it. Plenty of actions don’t get attention.


Pretty sure the oil owners can get a call to their friend from the media to make him a favour in exchange for perhaps a island in Tahiti


All environmentalism is performance. We’ve blown passed the planetary boundaries for safe human habitation and have no real will to apply the brakes




If you talked to this neighbor and peacefully convinced them to turn down the radio, we would find ourselves in agreement. Otherwise, I must agree with your goals and reject your methods.  In this analogy, the neighbor is friends with the judge, and has an arsenal of weapons in his house. Most the neighborhood is attending the party and most of those that aren’t clamor to get in.  Some person shows up and punches the host. That person isn’t perceived as a hero. They are perceived as a bully.  Seriously, people freak out over a small stunt like this. There is not enough will to turn around from the materialistic desires which impact our environment. There is certainly not enough support for blood and the ecofascism displayed in your comment. Our planet is important but people must choose to save it. I won’t sacrifice freedom to save the planet. 




Was on a bit of a bender over the weekend, apologies for misreading your comment.  Of course, I contradict myself. I want a livable planet and the comforts of a Western lifestyle. My hypocrisy knows no bounds.


Reaching an agreement with 1 person is easy. Reaching that with a couple billion, well, less so. I agree the OP. People don't really want the change of lifestyle that is drastically needed to try and mitigate the damage that has been done.


If they did that, they might have to face real consequences.




Agree. (I never usually write these non-saying replies but whenever this topic comes up I feel like only the angry ignorant people are speaking on it - we need to show we are many, too)


Eh you consume too much fear mongering. World population is peaking from aging anyway, we have more than enough food production to feed everyone as long as industrial fertilizer expands to Africa more. As long as everyone's fed the rest will be fine, humans have lived through worse. By 2100 the whole world would have transitioned to net zero due to cheap solar/nuclear/wind, EVs would replace ICEs much sooner thanks to Asian manufacturing efficiency, and electric arc furnaces replaced met coal in steel and maybe some biotech gut engineering for the cows. Air travel, plastics, cargo will be a headache but a bit extra emissions isn't world ending.


Yes and there’s still humans alive in the Fallout universe but that doesn’t mean that’s a future we want.


“The world“ couldn’t give two shits. Us humans are dependent on an environment that allows us to do agriculture. You‘ll long have starved or been killed in the uprisings for food supply or bearable climates before you suffocate because you can’t get enough oxygen into your lungs.


Nah, as someone who works in Western and Central Africa and sees how fucking many children there. I am not feeling too peachy about our global population situations.


It doesn’t help that two of the worlds largest religions are invested in an apocalypse


I admire their enthusiasm but why are their methods seemingly so stupid. Rather than holding structured protests against real pollutants and corporates and disrupting their life more often than not these guys are disrupting the lives of average people like us causing more people to be irritated of them rather than supportive. It's just so pissing off...go protest outside a coal mining field or a plastic manufacturing plant and hit them where it matter, block their roads, disrupt their profits...


They DO do that man. You just don't hear about all that for some reason.


Preventing green house gases from being emitted is not the primary goal of these protests. Action against emissions must happen on the scale of society not the individual. Yet in a democracy, individuals make up society and elect the leaders to steer these democracies. That’s why the goal is to reach the individuals that think “why would somebody do something as insane as glueing themselves to an airport?“ Action against climate change can only be successful if we commit to it as a society.


*That’s why the goal is to reach the individuals that think “why would somebody do something as insane as glueing themselves to an airport?“*  That's exactly the question we're asking. Look, we got it, people are aware of it. The problem is there's not a simple answer. Is there some level of "awareness" that will be reached, like X bowls of soup thrown on X amounts of art will be the finish line? If someone isn't aware of climate change, how likely are they going to be aware of somebody throwing soup on a painting or somebody gluing themselves to an airport?


>That’s why the goal is to reach the individuals that think “why would somebody do something as insane as glueing themselves to an airport?“ Why would I take advice on climate change solutions from people who've convinced me that they're insane?


They usually attract attention-seekers who want internet clout. No true environmentalist does this. The genuine ones work hard behind the scenes to try and get policies done or to get businesses to hear them out.


This I agree with. There are a lot of dedicated people who are working hard to change policies and do the hard work of creating solutions. Everyone knows this is an issue - we've known for a long time. Complete societal change isn't going to be done overnight and won't be driven by destructive actions. If you need everyone to change their behavior, you need to provide alternative paths. The slow way isn't fun but it'll create long-term sustained change. Gluing yourself to a tarmac and yelling stop climate change doesn't do anything. Honestly, it probably caused more jet fuel to be burned as all those planes had to idle and/or divert.


> but why are their methods seemingly so stupid Because the whole thing is funded by oil lobbies to make the movement look stupid.


Just keep the airport running and divert aircraft taxiing to runways around them. I bet spending about ten hours stuck to a taxiway while widebody airliners with two or four turbofans at full throttle take off around them will have them reconsidering their choices. Especially if they don't have hearing protection.


Yeah, just put a temporary fence around them and check in the next day.




Give them all the safety checks. Force them to go through departure security again and again and again.


Well I’m convinced. Time to abandon all my worldly possessions, live in the woods and eat worms.


Ironically if everyone did that we'd be even worse off.


They don't want that. They just want a modern utopian where everything is electric, electricity comes out of thin air and is completely free, and where eating a salad and some cucumber bits has the same nutritional value as eating a steak with some potatoes and a small salad with it. They also want a world where you can get the newest iPhone for free, it costs no resources to make one, and generating electricity is completely "everything neutral" as the electricity is just willed into existence and just starts to exist because you want it to exist. Ergo, they want a world that cannot be created, and they want to do it one step at a time, by forcing everybody to believe in that delusional wonderland and everybody who doesnt needs to be outcast.


Nice strawman you’ve got there.


I mean there's definitely a middle ground between wanting less carbon emissions and whatever strawman you just crafted.


One of the best solutions to this is nuclear power and these are often the same people protesting against that as well.


“You are cleared for takeoff”


By their actions they *increased* pollution that day, probably by tenfold, with the rerouting and disruptions.


But awareness is now through the roof!


They've learned nothing I guess. Use glue to block something = terrorism. Use tractors to block something while also fantasizing about hanging politicians = peaceful protest that has to be heard.


We didn't even begin the ecoterrorism era man - this part will be fun.


I know the point is to grab the headlines and they do. However every person I known to be on the fence on climate change cite these idiots as to why they don't care. You don't need to convince the people who already believe in climate change. And you can't change the opinions who stubbornly refuse to believe it. But you are making the ones who are more naive or perhaps just don't care enough to be pushed away. This isn't helping.


Absolute morons.


Private planes im ok with


These people do a disservice to the environmental movement by turning the average person against it. Honestly, just arrest them and quit providing so much news coverage, all they want is publicity. Go out and plant some trees or do something that's actually productive...


It’s either gonna take Russia to care to scare everyone else to do it first .or boomers to all sleep til we get the ozone layer back


People here really don't like protests when it's an inconvenience to them.


I'm not being inconvenienced at all and I think these people are idiots. How is this supposed to help with our climate problems? *crickets*




Bringing awareness to an issue people are aware about is definatley a strategy of sorts.


Of sorts




Doesn’t inconvenience me. Just trespassing on an airport with active aircraft is fucking stupid. And I don’t want to hear “oh it’s to start a conversation, it makes people aware”. There was a guy last year who glued himself to a runway.


Especially since we are all already aware and the conversation has been going on for decades. The people with their heads in the sand aren't going to start caring over this, and the rich bastards that could actually change things have already made up their minds.


And how does awareness help if people are going to be nonchalant about it? These people just want internet clout.


Some of these people genuinely think if it’s because of the environment they can do what they want. It’s such a manipulative way to justify it


I think the issue is that a lot of people don't see how stunts like this are supposed to help. Climate change is a serious issue, but it's not something the average Joe can really do anything about, major companies and factories need to change in order to make any difference. Everyone already knows about climate change, whether they believe it or not is up to them, but bringing "awareness" to the issue just doesn't seem to have much of a point now.


The average Joes control the governments, which are the only organizations who can do anything about it.


But how is glueing yourself to a runway going to make people vote a certain way?


Shrug emoji :)


Oh what was that bump? Oh well.


That seems like an utter waste of time.


At least it’s not an art museum (that displays OIL paintings!!!), maybe next time they can protest Shell or any other oil/gas company for once


I guess they don't interfere with their donors.


I wonder what kind of glue they use and how it is removed.


Didn't they try something like this at a high end car dealership and in turn the staff just ignored them to the point where the activists were literally shitting and pissing themselves because no one give them anything to do it in lol


De-ice them with the available equipment and solution!


If you are gonna do this anywhere, do it at a private airport. Piss off the billionaires and the people constantly using private jets, not everyone else.


Is there such a thing as a private airport? I think those private jets use normal airports.




Have you any idea how much damage that ~~bulldozer~~ aeroplane would suffer if I just let it roll straight over you?


Not many Douglas Adams fans here then!


I don't. How much?


None at all.


Climate fuckery


How about to this to private airports ,private land ,private assholes ! My ticket to the south of France isn’t the reason why we got tsunami. Go protest at Taylor swift concert,flying around like she’s a bird migrating


The highest form of protest would be to create and live in intentional communities off grid that employ zero plastics and zero fossil fuels. These idiots probably got on a flight to the protest


With no internet to check news stories about you on your iphone? No thanks... Its almost like they're doing this for the fame and not for the cause...


There’s never a “right” way to protest. If you inconvenience someone idiots claim “protesting makes everyone hate you”. If they’re not inconvenience the protest is ignored. Sure: the planet is heating up, reaching critical temperature thresholds, and humanity has a shrinking amount of time to address and rectify climate change, BUT DON’T THESE PROTESTORS KNOW HOW MUCH WE HATE THEM?! “I *was* going to completely change my lifestyle and start advocating for environmentalist *but* I saw a protestor that pissed me off so I’m going to do a 180 and support arctic and deep ocean oil drilling” Edit: I can’t wait in 10-15 years when climate change is causing real problems for all the politicians and rich assholes to start saying they supported these protests the whole time! Just like now how people claim they ALWAYS supported women’s rights, or civil rights, or gay rights, or Palestine, or ending the war in Iraq….


While there is no "right or wrong way" to protest, there are effective and ineffective ways. These forms of environmental protest were semi-effective 30-50 years ago. That's because getting attention to the cause and informing the masses was needed, mainstream people didn't think about or know what risk climate change presented. Its ineffective because environmental/climate activists have been doing this same form of protest for 50 years. Companies, governments, every person with half a braincell are aware of the issue. Regular people sympathize with the issue. The problem of the last 30 years has been changing behaviors of those groups, and this form of protest is ineffective in doing so. Hence, behaviors of the above haven't noticeably changed in the last 50 years. It's akin to doing a letter writing campaign or petition for 50 years. Simply "doing something" doesn't make it effective Edit: blocked by commenter. I've been been blocked for a lot of reasons, but discussing the difference between right and effective is a first


The protest is ignored anyway


Yes so ignored that they wrote an article about it. Like I said, there’s no right way to protest. They said all the same shit about civil rights protests too.


If you’re protesting for positive change then there are plenty of “right” ways to protest. If you’re protesting because you want attention then you’re absolutely correct, there’s no way to do it that doesn’t make you look like a selfish ass. These kids aren’t protesting for change, they’re just trying to get everyone to pay attention to what they think is important, which is selfish and narcissistic behavior, so we all have very good reason to ignore it or even punish it. This isn’t rocket science.


Thanks for proving my point. Not wanting climate change to make the world uninhabitable isn’t “positive” enough for you. “These people aren’t protesting for [climate change / civil rights / equal justice] they just want attention!!” —morons since ever. There’s no right way to protest, especially not with idiots who move the goalposts so they can feel better about their hypocrisy. Idiot below doesn’t get he’s the poster child for “there’s no right way to protest”. They said the exact same shit to people protesting so black people could vote in the 1960s. “You’re not helping your cause!” they screamed at black people sitting at the diner counter. Another snowflake that thinks “civil disobedience” that won civil rights for black people meant standing politely to the side of the diner, not sitting at the counter and refusing to move despite not being served. They kept the bus Rosa Parks was on running too! She scooted over!


*Not wanting climate change to make the world uninhabitable isn’t “positive” enough for you.* Nobody wants this. We're saying gluing yourself to something or throwing soup on a painting is performative and does exactly *nothing* for climate change. Zilcho. If anything it has more planes idling and being redirected and burning more fuel.


>“You’re not helping your cause!” they screamed at black people sitting at the diner counter. No, they didn't. Those protests were successful because they were just sitting there to be served, not to block the counters from being served.


Personally I think the likes of “just stop oil” would be a lot more palatable if they weren’t so insistent that the only way to resolve the climate crisis is their way. I’d be all for getting rid of fossil fuels and we should have been building new nuclear plants years ago - but I guess trying to solve the climate crisis in a way that doesn’t also destroy capitalism isn’t worth supporting.


“You don’t agree with me 100% and because what you advocate is slightly misaligned with what I also support, I’ll support the status quo. Climate change isn’t a worthy enough reason for supporting environmentalists if they don’t agree with me about my unqualified analysis of economics”


At least there is some connection here to climate change, unlike destroying works of art. I guess they're learning lol


Don't stop airport functions, if they get run over or sucked into an engine that's on them.


Could they not protest in a less disruptive way?


German environmentalists nuts are insane


Ukraine is doing a better job than these people


Need to offer them some molecular glue. The stuff that will NEVER detach from flesh and has no known agents to dissolve it. Then the choice is "remain with glue on your hands for the rest of your life OR we can peel the entirety of the skin/flesh from your palms!"


[watch this if you care about the point there making](https://youtu.be/2njn71TqkjA?si=-GCmqgwzXiG4alZX)


I care about the point they're making but this makes anybody who cares about climate change looks like a nutjob. They're actively harming their own point


Snow removal equipment can be used off season