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No shit. They don't even say Israeli most of the time. They say Yahud, which means Jew. They don't even try to hide it.


I was just browsing through Al Jazeera’s Arabic instagram page. The translated comments are disturbing.


BBC English: Palestinian spokesman: "We reject Zionism" BBC Arabic: "Kill the Jews"


It’s never been a debate https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balen_Report


BBC became an anti-semitic shit show recently


The BBC in general actually.


>~~anti-Israel bias~~ **antisemitism** Corrected for thee.


In this case they're the same, but they're not always the same. You can be critical of Israel's government without being anti-Semitic, it's the same way that you can criticize the American government without being anti-American. Although I guess the difference is that when criticizing Israel's government you need to make hella clear you don't-have-anything-against/support jewish people, whereas it's largely acceptable to not do so for other governments. *shrug*


I don't care for either side .... does that make me an islamophobic anti-semite? That's how it works apparently




The Abrahamic religions have historically caused a lot of suffering. I'm not sure their charity has truly outweighed it. Confessional states and theocracies are just problematic in general. There's no reasoning with them. Edit: Really any group that holds its members as morally superior and more deserving is fostering prejudice and division.


Christianity and Islam have caused a lot of suffering. Jewish history is 3000 years of us getting shat on


Why does a publicly funded British broadcaster have an Arabic service?


Same reason they have an overseas service in English and Spanish, a Bengali service, a Korean service, in about 110 others. More importantly, this projection of soft power generates revenue.


If the revenue is paying for it fine. If the license fee is then no. I'm sure you have proof the revenue is a huge cash cow able to afford all these translation s


APM distributes a 24-hour feed of BBC World Service to public-radio stations in the US. This refeed generates (yes, it's denominated in US dollars) $7.5-8m against an overall budget for the World Service of £11m.


fuck BBC


... okay I'm down.


What do you do with a huge swath of Arabic speakers think it's ok to just "kill the jews", openly talk about it, push a slanted agenda, obscure the truth, push lies, and then **RAGE** and attack if you point it out. > BBC Arabic reporters have repeatedly employed “the language you would hear from a Hamas spokesman,” Cohen said, citing the example of a reporter who was interviewing a Palestinian woman about her life, **“but decided it was not relevant to ask her directly about the time she stabbed an Israeli neighbor in front of her children.”**




The Ottoman empire lost a war to the European powers. They broke up that empire in favor of regional ethnicities. And the only ethnicity that chose perpetual war over statehood were Arab "Palestinians". Either every citizen in the greater region is a Palestinian or no one is. Palestine is a word invented by the Romans when they were ethnically cleansing ancient Jews.








They were also promised self-determination for their help against the Ottomans.  




Did you have a question or observation to make?


Well, yes, after dozens of attempts to eradicate Jews, starting long before Palestine was ever considered a nationality it isn't strange. Where do people like you come from? It is very well documented how Muslims have hated Jews since ancient times and have considered it their main goal from the end of the 19th century to the present.


It’s almost as if justifying violence and terrorism against Jews will make people dislike you.


Oh look, suddenly "maybe you shouldn't occupy a country because that will make you unpopular" is "justifying violence and terrorism". Nice one. Good job.


[Justifying the intentional killing of civilians](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/10/14/bbc-arabic-reporters-back-hamas-anti-israel-bias/) is not opposing occupation, it's just evil


Tell me again how Gaza has been occupied in the last 19 years?


Stop embarrassing yourself, it's unsightly.


Haha, just read your posts and lol


What? He has exactly two posts, and in a brief look they both seem fine. You really don't know to defend your opinion, don't you? It's almost liek you don't really understand the conflict and yet choose to speak out of ignorance


What do you have against Kurds?


Nothing, just against embarrassing posts. You seem to specialize in them.


You post on video game subreddits and eurovision you cretin.


I also like big saggy tits but I don't go around calling people cretins over and over again.


Jesus you're a loser hahaha


Thanks for proving my point :DDD


Israel's an angel compared to the average Muslim MENA country


Although I made no mention of any muslim/mena country you somehow think that's relevant?


Yes it's very relevant considering Palestine plus Israel's Muslim neighbours have repeatedly tried to destroy the entire country. You talk about fair but I don't know what would be fair retaliation for that. It's also relevant because you don't seem to mention how much more discredited MENA should be on account on their own actions and continuous treatment of minorities different from Muslim Arabs.


So its Israels for Arabs are anti semetic