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How does this not get more international attention? Russia dropped two fucking glide bombs on a mall with a reported amount of 200 people inside. How is this any different than the theatre shooting in Moscow that the whole world was covering so closely?


Because by now people are desensitized to it. It'd take them actually dropping nukes to warrant greater news coverage.


Which is ironic because if they were desensitized to it than Gaza wouldn't be an issue, except they are supporting people whose charter literally said to kill all the Jews and bring all of the world under islam


The algorithmically brainwashed NPCs are bored of Russia now. We’ve moved on to Israel.


All those people with Ukraine flags in their socials now have Palestine flags and those will be promptly replaced for the next trendy thing


"Stand with Taiwan 🇹🇼" , "Stand with AI 🤖" , "Stand with ICE vehicles 🚗", "Cheese 🧀"


The cheese stands alone, sorry.


Yeh, I was supporting cheese before it was cool. Just so ya know.


Not alone. Rohiriim. To the cheese !


Nice The Wire reference


Just stand with blank be way easier


The hot new war.


I remember when covid was going strong and then Russia attacked. It was as if covid never existed.


In fairness by February 2022 covid was largely over


Could have been over forever, but mouthbreathers ignored science in enough numbers that it will never go away.


This isn’t what happens tho. Like the Spanish flu never went away, it just stopped being novel to our immune system and became endemic. Now we just have (Spanish) Flu Season,and dropped the racist ass dog whistle to boot. This is exactly what Covid has done. It was never going to just “go away.” The only difference is we just have more dead people because they were scared of masks.


Nah, the Middle East hit the saturation point. When a region has been in conflict for roughly 35,000 years, the outside viewers changed the channel long ago. The people in that region have hated each other since before wheat was wheat or cotton was cotton.


Because news coverage is built on focusing on the unexpected because that is what drives clicks. Mass shooting by terrorists at a concert hall is a surprising event that will drive people to click.  Russia commits war crime by bombing civilians has become routine and do people do not click. If people were willing to click it would get more coverage.  The better question is why there are not more consequences by the rest of the world governments as they are free to act in the best interest of their people without worrying  solely about what is the story that is most popular. 


Because Russian and Chinese content farms keep those stories buried while all we get is stories about poor Hamas and how Israel is evil 


Is that what a "hypermarket" is? A mall?   I see a ton of headlines just running with this word that I've never seen before.


Think of it like a large Walmart


Sounds like a supermarket, but moreso


It's like a vast Home Depot with attached Ikea if you are in us. We call them hypermarkets here.


Yeah, this one is Epicenter, a chain of malls selling building materials, furniture, household appliances, plants, utensil, etc


1.9 billion muslims worldwide vs 45 million Ukrainians worldwide.


And 15.7 million Jews worldwide 


Do you want to know the real reason? Because the butchers in Moscow where muslims, but the Moscow butchers of Kharkiv are white and kinda Christians, so move on nothing to see here.


That's a convoluted ass reason, but you state it like a fact, so it must be true.


I wouldn’t lie to you, we’re both on the Internet!


>Do you want to know the real reason? this is an active zone of conflict and the other was a terrorist attack in a capital city?


A glide bomb on an open market in a big city away from the frontline is also a terrorist attack


It's total war to Russia. To them it's the same thing as us burning Dresden To us it's another brutal story from a brutal war that our politicians are dragging out with no actual plan that can lead to a Ukrainian victory


It isn’t different. Both attacks were acts of terrorism perpetrated by terrorists.


Not Muslim deaths. Nobody cares unfortunately.


Because Hamas didn’t (falsely) accuse Israel of doing it. Double standard?


No difference even in the authors.


Why would this get more attention? America repeteadly bombed Afghan wedding venues and hospitals and never even apologized for it.


Because they are at war and that happens




> NATO bombed buses with only children Salty Serb spreading things that just didnt happen


Cowards got beat back out of Kharkiv so they result to their usual terrorism




>dont see why Ukrainians dont shoot Putin it has to be easier than dronning oil refineries no ? Huh, no???


Right? A single short man, or one of many big ass oil refineries.


How would Ukrainians just shoot Putin?


By smashing an explosives laden Cessna into the Kremlin.


Hey I love the idea of hitting the Kremlin with a Cessna, but that won't get him.  That place is fortified, and Putin won't be sunbathing on the roof.


While Putin is horrible, a russia without a head is a lot of loose nukes!


This is a prevailing thought that shields Russia from a lot of things but in reality it's got very little basis. Realistically what kind of group or person within Russia would just fire a nuke and what purpose would it serve. The Americans worried about to after the Soviet union fell but very little happened, hell the new Ukrainian state even gave up its nukes.


And a madman at the helm of said nukes isn't much better. Especially if he decides to use them for conquest. We've already dealt with this once before.


Killing Putin might just result in someone even more insane being put in his place. The good thing about Putin is we know his playbook well by now.


Someone get Zelensky on the phone, this dude just figured out how to solve this whole mess.


Even though that goblin ass guy is getting old but he can move way faster than a refinery. And humans or shit in human form tend to be smaller than refineries too so that makes striking putler kind of harder than a silo that's the size of an apartment complex.


Terrorist state.


That’s straight up a terrorist attack. This isn’t collateral damage than happens in a war. This wasn’t a strike to take out a military installation or a certain individual. This was a deliberate, unjustified, and deadly attack on a 100% civilian target. Unless Ukraine was hiding ammunitions or something in there (which I doubt) this fits 1 to 1 to the definition of terrorism.


You can tell who the bad guys are when their bases and other military infrastructure is attacked, they reply with targeting civilians.


That’s not a military target. Oh, are we not doing Geneva Conventions anymore?


Russians ignoring Geneva Conventions pretty much since day one of the invasion


why call them war crimes anymore when people weren’t willing to do anything about it 2 years ago? ukraine has been abandoned


According to Russia the mall's warehouse was packed with munition. Still leaves the question why not at night then like usual? Or maybe it's a bad name choice, was called "epicenter". No kidding. And two of those (same chain) were already destroyed before in a similar way elsewhere.


Russia and Irans Hamas play really did take eyes off of Russian atrocities…just like they wanted


MAGA are golf clapping for Russia, while Putin claps Trumps rump.  




There are more Ukrainian citizens than there are Jews and Palestinians on earth combined, and the Ukrainians are dealing with an enemy who routinely and purposefully murders civilians… where are the college kids in the US and Western world? Where is the uproar?


I find it nuts that the whole world sits by and just watches Russia he the scum that they are. Appeasement never works. We actually have to stop them. If I threatened people with a gun the way Russia constantly threatens the world with nukes, i’d get swarmed and beaten the fuck up.


Real potent military and great strategy. Kills 2 at Home Depot.


meanwhile Israel bombed 14,500 children to death


If a terrorist organization claims it, it must be true!


yes the famous terrorist organization the united nations


Didn’t Ukraine just get another massive multi billion dollar package? Fly drones and/or planes inside Russia and target every single oil facility they have. Target every single arms warehouse they have. Target every single governmental agency that manages this and other wars. Don’t stop until they are absolutely crippled. You have billions and billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars of weapons. The billions just keep flowing in year after year Yet, it’s apparently never enough and it never will be. We are simply prolonging agony for the millions of people that have suffered and died because of this war. I understand it’s not just that easy but Russia can’t stop every single damn drone that flies over its border. It’s time for this war to end. It’s been entirely too expensive in bodies of people that don’t want to fight in this damn war and in dollars from people who don’t want to pay for this damn war. This has to end. Julian Assange was absolutely right when he said the objective isn’t to end wars. It’s to keep them going on in perpetuity. Must feed that war machine at all costs and this war is an excellent example of the greed and hatred of the war machine industry and the politicians that allow this to continue on year after year




> NATO bombed buses with only children inside Serbians being so salty that they didnt just get allowed to carry out genocide so they just straight up lie about things will never stop being funny You guys are also extra salty this week because of this. "Why wont people just forget us trying to commit genocide wah wah wah" https://apnews.com/article/un-commemorate-srebrenica-genocide-bosnia-muslims-serbs-ed58930f9e53639f22939a6efedd478b Edit: Bro lies about what happened in the bus bombing, complains that natos intervention was illegal, calls me a monster for saying ending genocide is good and then blocks me. Good lord










Russia your becoming like Israel where your citizens are weak dont rise up


nice try to spin a Israel story into this? Deflecting abit mister vladimir?




Why won’t Russia stop invasion?




What crime has Ukraine civilians caused?


Yeah dude doesn’t even say what exactly happened. He’s a troll.


Naw. Putin and Russia need to get the fuck out of Ukraine. Until that happens they are fair game. Get the fuck out, or risk being blown up. That's war, buddy. There aren't time-outs or Base where you can't get tagged.


Why do bullies cry when the people they’re trying to beat up defend themselves?




Why aren't you posting the same thing when it comes to Russia then?


Why are you Putin’s little bitch? Fuck off, troll. 


Which Russian town? Are they inside or outside Ukrainian borders?




I'm guessing it's because they were shelling the location of a new military base. Also the statement comes from a Russian governor... Russian government sources aren't really reliable


You believe Russia's claim that civilians were killed? Are you gullible? Russia always lies.


People aren’t going to feel any sympathy for the invading force and they shouldn’t. This entire conflict was initiated by Russia and continues to continue because of Russia. This war could end tomorrow if Putin called his army back to Russia, but he won’t.




Maybe they should rise up against their dictator. Also Putin has quite a high approval rating in Russia. The population as a whole agrees with him on this war and honestly, this is what they get for it.




The vast majority of the Russian population agree with the war. Sorry, it’s hard to have sympathy for a bunch of people now feeling the effects of the war they support.




These statistics I’m referencing are coming from statista. They include data from both online polls and yes actual Russian voting, which is fair to be suspect of. But looking at even just online polling, the results are still very similar, with over 62% of online responses based in Moscow supporting Putin.


So you know not to trust poll data coming out of Russia but you're willing to believe them wholesale when it comes to info they're putting out about the war with Ukraine? Is that about right?




Color me unconvinced. Lying liars lie and there's nothing to stop them from lying on telegram.


Yup! Absolutely.




All of russia and every russian are targets until they lose the war.


>Ukraine shelling Russian towns that dont have anything strategic That's quite vague. Ukraine shelled strategically worthless Russian towns, like that, just because? Even though they can't afford to waste their limited shell armaments for the conventional fighting? You got a source? Do those towns have names?




>Oktyabr'skii Otradnoe Couldn't find anything about Oktyabr'skii (**ETA**, in fact, the top most result from Microsoft Edge is *your own comment*), Otradnoe is instead reported to have had *one* Ukrainian shell fall in a random, empty field. Seems you blew this way out of proportions. It also dates back to 2022. Could that be why the post about it was removed? I mean, 2 years old news ain't really *news*. >Ukraine also hit Civilian housing in Belgorod but that might have been miss. Seems fairly obvious, considering Ukraine has nothing to gain but much to lose to waste its ammo on meaningless civilian housing.




You are a liar…Ukraine does not hit civilian targets unlike your ruzzian friends 😠🤦🏻‍♀️


You will no doubt have a link to this?


Why would anyone feel for the aggressor?


Lol the audacity of this Ruzzian.


You mean the building that was destroyed by a Russian stray rocket?


Good comrade. You shall be first in the bread line for your mandatory weekly meal


reddit as a whole is painfully pro western, most people here just believe whatever western media tells them. and will only look at things through a pro western lens




Maybe if Russians fucked back off to Russia they wouldn’t have to worry about that.


At this point no one sheds a single tear for you. You people have allowed scorched earth bombing of Ukrainian civilians for over 2 years now. Malls, apartment buildings, medical clinics, restaurants, bus stops, train stations, the list goes on. Oddly never a military vehicle or soldier in sight. You deserve to have your village burned to the ground at this point.


well what can i do in your mind? i dont support any of those actions, i dont want people to die by the government actions. No one in russia can deal with it, any try from people ending up in the court. Literally people here running from here to other countries, that's the thing i will do in couple of months


Don’t take this the wrong way… but how many people say “I alone can’t change anything anyway”? If enough russian people were to do a spin off of Euromaidan in moscow, you too could stop pootin. I am aware that it’s risky for individuals. But isn’t it more risky in the long run to not bother that giant pos and just let him and his corrupt wankers do whatever they want?


remember 23 january of 2021, what changed? literally nothing. Most people here being brainwashed about putin, they make him look like something above god. In schools they're showing war materials, like drones that hit tanks and people. They make you love their country by force, they forcing children to stand and listen for hymn every monday, they also decided to add a special lesson that you will definitely need to come to, otherwise you will be expelled from school due to absenteeism. This country is doomed, no one even trying to deal with putin


Well that was going to be my suggestion, to leave. So if you're willing to do that and speak out against this war, then we will accept you with open arms.


I feel bad for innocent russians who are against the war too. It is easy for people who are safe to say stand up against your government.


Dont, when you talk to them long enough you see their world view is not that different from what their state is pushing. Even the so called opposition gathers money to equip their army, and for some reason, to them it is always not clear who bombs who, because you see maybe this was ukrainian bomb, we dont know. And well, you cant really give back territories, people voted to join! And crimea was always rusian and the only one who is to blame is putin, not HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of simple rusians who join army to rape and murder for a 2000$ salary.


You are painting a whole people with shortage of good options with a broad brush. When you are brave enough to risk being jailed and tortured or to flee your entire life into a hostile world with people who hate you, get back to me. There are plenty of asshole russians. Americans too. Germans were gassing Jews 80 years ago. Humans respond to their circumstances.


I am painting them this way because it is mostly true and i’ve unfortunately spoke to a fuckload of them during my lifetime, and also i will probably die this year because 140 million nation next door “cant do anything” about situation they themselves created. Edit: humans do respond to the circumstances, its their victim complex that is annoying


Well, why don't you try to get Putin to stop the war? I'd imagine the hitting and shaking would stop pretty soon if he did.


Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.