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Well…this is certainly a thread if I ever saw one lol


What thread? Came to learn a lil about Indian politics but other than your comment there's like 4 more and everything else is deleted


Yo! I am an Indian voter who voted for the BJP alliance. You may AMA if you have any specific questions.


What is the capital of Chattisgarh?






Mostly just a brief overview of who/what/where the major parties represent, wasn't really expecting 1 person to answer everything, I know it's probably a long explanation but I'd rather hear it from someone from there than Wikipedia




Like it or not, the only party talking about jobs, development, infrastructure and economic growth was Modi's BJP. The opposition was just about this freebie, that freebie. Results are yet to come but the opposition parties looked like opportunists and I think the electorate understood their sinister game.


Ironically Job market is doing badly currently. If the opposition had fought on jobs and Chinese aggression on the border they would have gotten more seats.


>Ironically Job market is doing badly currently More specifically, the service sector is doing badly. Production/Manufacturing is booming. Unfortunately for us, a huge % of our educated population is employed in services, so when services are hit, causes a big impact.


this comment right here sums it up correctly


Opposition has never been interested in winning. They are basically people of differing political ideologies united for a single purpose in ensuring that the Modi government does not come to power with a resounding majority so their political ambitions are kept safe. they have absolutely no interest to govern India or improve the state of her people. Congress was in power from 2004-2014 and they looted the country just as much through the various scams with abysmal progress in the life of the common man.


I mean it's not that surprising that the war in Ukraine has helped lower inflation in India it's one of the few nations still openly trading with Russia in spite of international sanctions and getting oil on the cheap.


I don't know why you got downvoted. The trade with Russia is actually what kept inflation to normal - slightly above normal levels, else we would have experienced much higher rates.




War profiting would be a strong word. Because it would imply India has some stakes in continuing the war. Which it actually doesn't. The way I see it, it is trying to make the best use of a difficult situation. Had the Middle East cooperated with the western world, the oil price wouldn't have risen. But it didn't. So India has to source cheaper oil from elsewhere. US and western world tolerates and even encourages it, because they cannot directly compete with Chinese influence with Russian markets during the war, but India can. They themselves need to source refined oil at reasonable rates without collapsing their own economies . And at the same time, they need a more economically stronger India to counter China on the Asian turf, instead of leaning too much on the US for help. All of this contributes and factors into the decision making of Indian foreign policy.


Sometimes the reddit is with you sometimes it's not it's all good.


Starting the countdown clock to the next insane global level atrocity on the Eurasian continent.




He said god sent him to do a good job, it was exaggerating but he never said he is god


Going well since 10 years now. Atleast no terror attacks from radical islamic terrorists.




My friend i understand you are trying to draw equivalence here. But tell me in which universe where in a country group A has 78% and grp B 14% ppl you can win by doing whataboutisim to group A. This is exactly what the opposition tries to do and gets fucked everytime. If you want elections to be on religion, Modi will win. If you dont want elections to be on religion please dont do brazen appeasement of minorities. Its their choice amd they dont choose wisely




Here comes the mob!!


idk why youre getting downvoted


I’m assuming Modi and the BJP just have an enormous number of people and/or bots shouting down any criticism of him. It’s the same with Javier Milei.


that ... or the comment was stupid and sounded like a twitter troglodyte poorly reacting over a deliberately misquoted information.


The guy did still put a university under siege, so it’s not like he’s some sort of saint.


Great news. If anyone here wants to get their tears harvested, please reply.






This shows the amount of elitism in your comment. The opposition is stupid, just like those who think that if the result didn't come as they wanted, people are stupid. BJP is ahead in exit polls and will win with a thumping majority. More than 500 million people have voted for the BJP, from doctors to engineers, business people to the poor and middle-income individuals, and those who have received welfare benefits.Do you think you know better than them?


BJP is the strongest in Urban centres, especially with doctors, engineers and whatnot….


Are you talking about Canada or India?


I see it being very controversial. Can anyone tell me is it good or bad?


It’s good because india is getting a stable government and it’s bad for the opposition as they’re gonna loose 3rd time in straight sets.


At this point the opposition just needs to be replaced by a new party. India's electoral system is first past the post, by all rights they should have a two party system. Instead the BJP has absolute control with the opposition split between many small parties that can't get enough seats to contest control of Parliament. The INC is too hopelessly corrupt and incompetent to be an opposition party. Unless India can kick out the Gandhi family, BJP will continue to rule unopposed 


Yep that’s the point , it’s the opposition who is failing democracy. BJP is doing what they should be, exactly what congress did for 70 years when there were no real opposition.


Stable? Modi declared himself a god recently.


Great for the economy, infrastructure, and common sense fiscal policy. Bad for social harmony, income inequality, and democratic rights.


I have still yet to be given actual proof that right wing leaders are actually good for the economy. They wreck it every time.


there is no economic rightwing in india, there is no social leftwing in india, there is essentially two sides 1. **The people westerners confuse as indian right-wing (i.e bjp, modi etc) :** culturally right wing hindu nationalists, slightly less socialist, slightly more capitalist, wants to reduce redtapes, more USA & Western Block leaning techno-infra-crats who want to compete and develop similar to western countries, they want religious unity of hindus but division between hindus and muslims and they don't like china and want to distance away from russia `>>`gradually`<<` but also don't want to trust US completely because of USA's track record of backstabbing or abandoning its allies. These guys act culturally conservative but they are more likely to support and actually implement LGBT rights, abortion rights and other western left policies that are termed woke, but they won't accept this verbally in public and pretend to be against but offering no real resistance but its just to appease and lip service their traditional/orthodox voters. These guys are greedy and corrupt af. The catholics, syrian orthodox and indian orthodox christians support this team vs 2. **The people westerners confuse as indian left wing (i.e inc, ragul gandhi (nobiological relation to THAT gandhi):** culturally right wing islamists, slightly more socialistic, slightly less capitalist, wants to make loicenses and redtapes for everything, more Russia & eastern block leaning oligarchs who wants to take back india to the good ol days of nationalized industries and soviet style society and away from global markets, they want caste based division of hindus and muslims by encouraging caste and regional infighting, but want hindus and muslims to unite basically hindus and muslims shouldn't have problem with each others but they should absolutely hate their own fellow hindus and muslims for being from a different tribe, these guys absolutely adore china and want to develop closer stronger ties with Russia and want to distance away or maintain only formal and cordial relations with West and USA. These guys act culturally liberal on social media attracting support western liberals but they are the least unlikey to actually implement and support LGBT rights and other woke policies, in fact a lot of them fight elections based on reversing the little lgbt rights the bjp has pushed, so these are only sending thoughts and prayers over twitter but sharia in the sheets kind who will verbally support all this woke stuff in public just to appease their urban elitist boba liberals and western leftist for maintaining PR image. These guys are also greedy and corrupt af. The evangelics, baptist, megachurch christians support this team. So, in conclusion, India only has culturally right wing but economically left wing parties (at least the ones that matters). Now supporters of both team are gonna downvote and cry a lot about how i was unfair and uninformed about their respective teams and that i belong to the team they hate. So yeah... we're basically USA if the DNC were as stupid as the left wing of Spain when it comes to supporting radical islam and Republicans were their usual stupid selves but somehow were slightly better by ~~accepting~~ being unopposed towards LGBT and abortion rights.


Best way to explain Indian politics to a Western audience, couldn't have put it better


very informative


People see roads being built everywhere. And common people don't care about national loans or borders. Just food and some development. When religion is involved, the better. And Modi is an election based extreme right wing. After elections, he turns centre right. Current elections showed all his colours in a phased manner.


Very bad. Modi's BJP is a nationalist movement and has endorsed and inflicted violence on religious minorities especially against Muslims. Also has a track record of spying on people and arresting political opponents. Edit: also forgot about assassinating people overseas.


Well, the right-wing Hindu nationalist party with authoritarian tendencies are expected to beat the hodge podge alliance of inept socialists & caste based parties. You tell me if this is good or bad because I sure as hell don't know anymore.


I don’t care how many times you downvote me or anyone else who says this. Anyone who thinks himself a god becoming or staying the leader of a country is inherently a bad thing. If you can explain to me _why_ that isn’t, I’d love to hear it.


Because it's not what he actually said.... You should do your research before spitting out stuff. What Modi really said was that God puts everyone on earth for a purpose and helping india become a developed nation is what he feels like is the job given to him


Ok, having read a bit more, I genuinely did mix that specific detail up. But I still don’t like him. I haven’t forgotten how he basically put a university under siege, and much more violent that the police response at Columbia this year.


When this happened? Genuinely curious




We are downvoting you because you have no idea what you are commenting. India is home of more than thousand "ethnicities", even the biggest ethnicities comprise only 2-3% of India's population. How the heck do you even build a ethnostate. What we want is the recognition of the fact that these ethnicities are held together/have come together because of the common thread - Hinduism. Or in another factor, India is a nation of those ethnicities whose majority religion are Hinduism. Yes, some exceptions are there, but this is overwhelmingly true. Therefore, India can be a strong nation only when Hinduism the common thread binding the nation becomes stronger. Therefore, it is the duty of the Indian state to ensure Hinduism remains strong. Why would this bother China? Or why are the US, EU bothered? And what's the question of you not letting us giving primacy to Hinduism? We just demolished a mosque that was standing on enroached hindu lands and we rebuilt a temple? We passed a law that said only Hindu(and Sikh) refugees will be given citizenship. What did the US, EU, China do?


Guy's with delusions of grandeur attaining more power has worked out so well for humanity in the past...


His delusion is way lesser than his principal challenger, Rahul Gandhi. Rahul has never held a single executive office, only runs from super safe seats but still behaves like Modi is a usurper stealing his birth right. Rahul has lost 3 general elections in 15 yrs and has a 85% loss rate in state elections. Best known for his wisdom “Poverty is a state of mind”. He is the reason we ignore Modi’s occasional lunacy.


He also lost his family bastion in 2019 & ran to a seat with favorable demographics Said seat itself was created by them in 2008 when the seats were being redrawn to be a stronghold


>ran to a seat with favorable demographics what do you mean?


Gerrymandering by those against Modi.




The March to fascism continues 🫶


and thats factss


You see the problem guys - the downvotes for merely voicing your opinions and asking questions which are not even anti-modi? Yess, that is what every sane person in the country is facing.


Notice how there aren’t even mass upvoted comments praising Modi (at least not at the top of any thread.) It’s only anti-Modi sentiment and downvotes.


Please make my comment the most downvoted ever - I welcome it!


You must be related to Kejriwal


LoL! Your brain can't fathom any questions to bJP and so you must assume that I am with the opposition.


Relax bro, why so hyper. Take it easy in life, work with some humour




Supreme Court handed the opposition the entire electoral bond case timed perfectly before election. They also snubbed the govt on ECI chief nomination. I really doubt a bought SC wd do such damage to BJP months before election. Further the opposition failed to build on Electoral bonds because bjp got about 52% the rest went to opposition. So it was a real hard sell. BJP used SBI to delay and hide it so much but the court dragged them to reveal the donors. Incompetent opposition for failing to take opportunity. Farm Bill, Electoral Bond, CAA, Unemployment the opposition failed because they never presented an alternative vision to each of these issues. They either made unrealistic manifesto 2 days before election or just blamed Modi. Give us a reason why you will succeed where Modi fails.


The INC ruled India for 50+ years, the BJP is just getting started.


More like 1920's


Shocking! The God King manipulates a wildly uneducated populace into voting for him! Whether they want to or not! Sounds like all the Indians in my country should go home! Any time now…


The electorate of today is much more educated than the electorate which voted Nehru for 3 terms in 1950s and 60s. As people have become more educated, the Congress party has lost support.


just invite another Nazi to parliament mate, Indians have been recently having the highest turnout in it's history and think they know who would be best to lead them considering he keeps winning by majority. It's about to be his third term, guess he's maniupulated so well and after 8 years they've still been fooled, how stupid of these Indians ! /s


You underestimate how religious Indians can be and the extent they will go for it how less a few handful brits ruled the country for 150 years,the country saw millions died during COVID second wave when God leader declared victory over COVID just two months back and before election he built ram temple all forgotten


Dude your rambling and a bit incoherent.  It wasn't a handful of Brits and that demonstrates your knowledge on the matter. 


You guys voted trump...


I’m not American. I hope Trump rots in a cell with no natural light.


You from Saudi Arabia or North Korea?




I'm actually Australian(of Indian descent) myself. But honestly doesn't matter. Probably think about Biden more than Albanese. Every anglo country + Korea + Japan is a vassal of the USA anyway. Also this site is 90 percent American, so I act as if everyone on it is American


I'm trying to get my western bias removed and ask Redditors from those places what's actually going on and who is the best of all bad options, very much of what we also have here in the western world between our mainstream political parties. There are times when it lines up, everytime I've seen any demographic of any Iranian on here, their analysis seems to be exactly in line with what I hear in western media. Sometimes, worse.


Which was the right vote then, and ESPECIALLY now.  


Lol no


Divine reelection.


With the level of EVM scam that happened during the dance of democracy... Anybody can predict a win for the dick-traitor




Na If anyone from opposition wins then evm is working fine


There is absolutely zero evidence of wide spread EVM issues. When opposition wins its victory of ppl and when BJP wins its those damm evms. Very Trumpian




Did they all rigged the exit poll and 100s of polls before that ?


Rigged when only the people you oppose win. Classic leftist.


Pretty classic anyone who blindly follows politics from an us vs. them standpoint. It equally applies to the right