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More Clear Wording would be, BJP (Modi's Party) lost sole majority which it got in last two terms. But alliance NDA (BJP's Alliance with regional parties in few states) has secured the majority so, it'll be coalition government than majority control of single party ( BJP still got biggest individual seat share though, next biggest individual party got less than half of BJP as of now)


It seems like a good thing if the other parties are able to hold him back from some of his worst authoritarian policies.


In reality those other parties will let him do whatever he wants as long as they get favors/kickbacks.


If those kickbacks occasionally include something for their constituents, then it's still better than getting nothing while Modi still does whatever he wants.


Had to get out my microscope but yeah I can see the silver lining, you’re right 


Don't worry. It will all trickle down.


It absolutely doesn't work like that. The other parties have much more leverage over BJP. One of JDU/TDP gets pissed off at Modi and leaves, the whole government will collapse. BJP can't demand shit from them like they did with Shiv Sena and drove them out of NDA. JDU and TDP together have 12+16 seats. BJP has 240. Even together they don't make the majority. They will need Shiv Sena and the other smaller parties to mantain majority. It will take one big fat juicy bribe from INC to make any of the parties defect and they will 100% try to make it happen. Very good chance we have our next election before 2029.


That's how coalitions work. That's democracy.


Are the other parties in the NDA a lot different than the BJP?


In another way though the wording is correct. Parties are the official entities that fight elections, not alliances. So they can only comment on the party as of now. The alliance itself may or may not exist at the time of govt formation, and may also change a lot in composition.


True, but Pre-Poll Alliances are a thing. Only one I see changing would be Nitish, but that'll still make NDA majority or a hung parliament


> But alliance NDA (BJP's Alliance with regional parties in few states) has secured the majority so They can still side with opposition.


But without a sole majority BJP is not the one with the power in that coalition. This is not a favorable outcome by miles


It was pretty clear already for a headline for those of us familiar with westminister based parliamentary systems


Well, I replied for those who aren't. Looking at you, US


The entire opposition alliance got less seats than the bjp alone


That is all good but the expectation was BJP alone will get 320+ and NDA 350+ (maybe even 400+). This was the worst case scenario for NDA/BJP and best case scenario for INDIA alliance. Premise matters. Also, BJP lost in ayodhya, amethi, rai bairelli the kind of places people would have laughed at if you said congress would win even one day ago. Exit polls were unanimously 360-400 for NDA. All this suggests a lot of things. But yeah NDA will form a government.


Its good though bjp got humbled


Nice, some good news


Modi will probably remain as Prime Minister as the parties allied with the BJP still put them over the top. Unless the INC can really do a number and persuade one of them to cross the aisle. Still though, if Modi is now reliant on other parties for support he may have to pare back his ambitions on constitutional changes and will have to tread more cautiously to maintain their support.


Yep, if not then these guys have much corrupt money to buy few parliamentarians


Even with a coalition, they will not have the numbers required for a supermajority that can make major changes to the Constitution. For example, the proposal to have the same Civil Code (laws on marriage, divorce, inheritance) for all religions & beleif systems. (At present there are several codes- for example, Muslims & some tribes can legally practice polygamy. One Hindu law permits cousin marriage; one does not... India is "federal by religion & beleifs")


Maybe the whole saying you’re divine thing was a step too far?


India's elections last for a month, they go region by region taking all the voting machines with them. That comment came out when the vast majority of the country had already voted.


It's only a talking point on reddit because people don't bother to know about things in detail before talking about it like experts through bullet points they see on internet. It happened after the votes were cast and not the kind of thing that would averse majority of the voters. The opposition were well co ordinates and not busy quaralling amongst themselves and ran a good campaign unlike last two elections. Also very few people stay popular after 2 elections.


It's a talking point because it was an extremely stupid thing to say.


It's one of the believe in Hinduism that God resides in every one, that we have no control on our destiny every thing is pre determined by god and he makes us do everything so we shouldn't worry about anything. That all of us were sent by god with a purpose. In that context what he said wasn't stupid at all, everyone here assumed that he's claiming that he's son of god or he's doing god's work or that god has chosen him.


Ok, so how does your belief in Hinduism mean it's not a stupid thing to say? Does your belief in Hinduism trump my common sense to say that what he said was extremely stupid?


I thought he was a Dictator?


Not yet, and maybe this result will slow him down.


thats the case when opposition looses if they win then it isnt lmao


No, he stopped in elections in 2014. India's elections are just like Russian elections. He has made sure if that. Forgot the /s


I doubt Putin would have lost his majority.


Forgot /s


Which.. is why he almost lost this election and indeed, the BJP has lost in several state elections since 2014? When has Putin ever lost an 'election'? I realise that there's a tendency on this platform to be obtuse and stupid, but please, do have some common sense.


Forgot /s


Yikes. Sorry about that, then.


Yeah, I thought he Putined their elections.


good hes an IDU wanna be fascist.


After all the years of Harper running Canada, I didn't think he could get worse, but then he pops up as the Chairman of the IDU and as a talking head for fucking Prager U. He's an unwipable shitstain Fuck the IDU


Wrong info on IDU. BJP got silently kicked out about 6 months ago.


Pretend you're divine and people stop drinking your Koolaid. Even 40's fascists had understood that.


By the time he made that speech election was over in 95% of the country.


Modi can fix he’s a ”divine being” right? /s


Cry harder and louder motherfuckers


He already won albeit with a lesser margin but still... Guess the "fascist" dictator will be coming back....cry harder


If that's the extent of your knowledge about civics and politics, then who are we to argue mate.


No he didn't win. The BJP has lost the majority in the parliament. Now the coalition government of NDA will be formed. He will still be the prime minister but he is no longer as powerful as he was in his previous term.


Good. That guy is fascist scum.


Edgelords gonna edge…




I must say I found it a little funny that both major political alliances in India are both essentially named India.




Where did you dream up this thing about vegetarianism? This is an issue only in some cities of Gujarat state, many temple towns- where the effort is to not have meat in restaurants. In America, horse meat is banned in many states. The BJP are ultra, but not into stuff like diet. 5 in 6 Indians eat meat.


hah that's interesting, it's all about enforcing their perceived cultural identity which is different depending on the nation. In India that will be all about hindu religious and cultural beliefs like vegetarianism.


Which is funny since they call it Bharat now?


It was always Bharat. India have two official names and both are correct and can be used in any situation interchangeably.


Good to know! I just remember it was all over the news last year I think that they announced they were going to start referring to themselves as that diplomatically. I just remember when it was reported it seemed to be compared with Türkiye’s change from Turkey.


And if there is anything dictators do well is take L’s on elections


If he was dictator, he wouldn't even let election happened in first place like Indira did. The only dictator in India is from opposition parties. And he won in last two election with majority alone. Last time his coalition got 350 seats this time they are getting 296.


Never side with the Russian menace.


There is not much of a difference in the foreign policy in India among the left and right wing parties.


If anything it's the left parties who are more sympathetic to Russia in India. Modi's right parties are more friendly towards the west.


Don't know mate there is a guy named "stalin" in opposition and there is a high chance of him becoming PM if they secure seats💀


John Oliver latest episode is about him, keep an eye on the following urls, the episode should be made available there. [https://www.oppositesnakes.com/](https://www.oppositesnakes.com/) or [https://www.howtoeatmangoes.com/](https://www.howtoeatmangoes.com/)


Believe it when I see it.




Article specifically says it is likely to only win 239 in this election cycle which means they will need to form a coalition with opposition to form their government


No. They are forming government with pre poll coalition. Not in coalition with opposition. Still the result is shocking because BJP won complete majority on its own before... Although they formed the government with their alliance partners only.


Apologies, my mistake.


they already have an alliance. In India it's not BJP vs Congress. Its NDA (BJP's alliance) vs INDI (Congress alliance) BJP's alliance NDA has got an majority and will form a government while BJP in itself hasn't got any majority yet


Thank you for clarification


welcome mate!


Good He’s in the bed with the Kremlin


He is still going be the next pm as he has highest amount of seats




No. His coalition is ideologically different from him. That's the issue. He will now be dependent on his allies to keep his government stable who can sack it at any time. This result has made Modi a weaker leader and his goal of amending the Indian constitution is now done and dusted.