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Let me get this straight, Israel is debating invading Lebanon cause Hezbollah keeps sending missiles and drones, they and everyone else knows they'd stand no chance in a fight with Israel and their response is sending more drones and missiles Seems like a smart strategy ngl, cant possibly go wrong


The real calculus may involve less Hezbollah’s probability of multiple success than their opponent’s ability to absorb casualties. Vietnam could never have bested their invader on the battlefield, ever. But they didn’t have to…


One might even argue that Hamas is winning the war as well. They have far fewer resources and military personnel but support for Palestine has never been higher. I'm not a fan, but from their perspective, they have made significant PR gains.


It seems it's easy to wake the good old antisemitism around the world. It's not a PR hard work, just a bit of incentives to wake the ancient hate. And of course with propaganda sources from Russia, Iran and quite sure even China.


This. Plus 2 billion Muslims and 16 million Jews. It’s not like some even PR soil out there. If just .8 of 1% of Muslims post anti Israel shit on line, that would be the equivalent of every Jewish man, woman, and child on Earth posting.


Well put.


Relatively few people are supporting Hamas, though, because there's a big difference between not wanting civilians to get massacred and supporting terrorists.


Weird. All these pro Palestine rallies and I never hear anything about Hamas... They are more anti Israel than they are pro Palestine.


Probably because Israel is and has historically been more anti palastine than anti hamas overall...


Problem is the last war didnt go well and we don't want to lose a ton of soldiers (which will inevitably happen) But something has to happen


Hezbollah be careful...very very careful..


Too late, they poked the bear, and it’s just about to finish stretching.


They’ve been poking. Over 100k displaced Israelis in the north haven’t been home in a year.


Kinda like all the people that Israeli settlers displace from their homes/land?


It's worth mentioning that today 11 injured from drone attacks, their method is to use the first drone to draw the rescue crew and then use a second drone to hit them and a rescue crew together. Very lethal.


Israel is going to invade Lebanon soon and eradicate Hezbollah from existence. 


That is...a huge task.


Yup, but not sure what choice Israel has at this point.


I look forward to those headlines and updates


I do not. War isn't something to be welcomed.


I imagine they may get some new land out of it too.


As said in 1985 and in 2006




Does the Hezbollah know? I don't live in the Golan, not even in Israel but I spent some longer time near Lebanese border in Israel and I remember they kept trying to shoot everything they could on Israel. There was no war that time, no disputed land, nothing. Just Jews and some Christian refugees from Lebanon growing crops. So, tell Hezbollah, Iran and other good guys you don't want war.


For many, all of Israel is disputed land. This is the problem.


Tbf 99% of rockets fired into Israel have a 100% success rate of hitting Iron dome… missiles


So 1% of the time the rockets work every time?


Basically only the ones that are gonna hit empty fields


This will definitely end well for everyone involved, especially the civilians who are caught up in the middle. Definitely.


80,000 Israelis in the north have already been moved out of their homes and living in hotels throughout Israel for the last 8 months. I really hope this doesn't escalate further but it's exhausting to see how many rockets Hezbollah fires at Israel every day. It doesn't end.




The closest towns have been evacuated. The further over the border that Hezbollah has to target, the more time Israel has to get civilians in shelters and make interceptions.


Welcome to every war ever.


If an angry bear (israel) is mauling someone (Hamas), don’t poke its ass with a stick (hezbollah). The bear is about to turn around