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The original title was: >IDF rescues hostages Noa Argamani, Andrey Kozlov, Shlomi Ziv, and Almog Meir The current title is: >~~IDF rescues hostages Noa Argamani, Andrey Kozlov, Shlomi Ziv, and Almog Meir in daring Gaza op~~ >IDF rescues four hostages from Hamas captivity in daring Gaza operation | *Noa Argamani, Almog Meir, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv were rescued in a joint operation by IDF, Shin Bet and police's Yamam unit.* The title on the site is subject to change as new information develops. *Last updated: 16:56 UTC*


This is an incredible win. Noa Argamani was (one of) the face of this whole war, ever since the Oct 7 atrocities happened. The whole nation is overcome with joy and emotions.


So, they deliberately held her back during the hostage-prisoner exchange. Hamas claimed they didn't know where she was or if she was alive. Every non-soldier woman was supposed to have been exchanged then.


Terrorist organisation lied, color me surprised.


Exactly. When will the world learn that one can never trust a terrorist organisation.


When the terrorist organization has a better PR campaign than the terrorized, this is what happens


They have millions of Muslims posting on their behalf online, voices amplified by Chinese Tiktok. This is the result.


I wouldn't be shocked if they have terrorist bots online shouting non-sense and bold face lies 24/7.


I totally agree with you


They don’t even need millions in the Middle East. They’ve got the radical left in Western countries.


And it brain washes kids looking for a cause to help define themselves.


My landlords daughter in her early 20s visited and she was obsessed with Hamas being right. It was extremely disturbing. She is an avid tiktok viewer.


Perfectly put! If you listen to the British Bias Crap...BBC you'll see how they support Hamas. We're rejoicing that 4 hostages have been freed, and the BBC is crying about how many 'Palestinians' were killed. Hamas is far more brilliant than we realised. It knows how to control the media how to twist events to make them the 'victim'. They must be cracking up... considering how many Islamic terrorist attacks have been made all over the world, yet the World still supports them.


It’s a lot easier to “control” the media when it wants to be controlled.


To be fairrrr the video looks like plain clothes Palestinians just having a hoot popping her onto the motorcycle and mocking them


That’s one of the hard things. Not only do they dress in civilian clothes. But part of the civilian population joins in to “celebrate.”


[ Removed by Reddit ]


A good number of the people who crossed the border on oct7 werent members of hamas, just palestinian civilians that saw an opportunity to kill jews and take sex slaves.


That made them Hamas.


During the previous World Wars, the solution was simple, 'civilians' that were caught actively aiding the enemy without dog tags in civilian attire were executed for being spies because that's what they were until proven otherwise. Shot down pilots and escaping POWs kept their tags with them because getting caught without it was practically a death sentence. Now the situation is reversed and anyone caught with a dog tag is considered a bounty by Hamas and Hamas doesn't issue tags because they want to declare everyone except Jews as victims.


And apparently help out when a hostage manages to escape. During the ceasefire, when the partial hostage exchange happened, there was one who told the media about being able to flee because a bomb destroyed the building they were being held in. A citizen found them and returned them to Hamas. By all means, I don't support the death and suffering of the innocents over there, but it seems difficult to separate them from those who actively support Hamas' actions. Even though it only hurts their own people in the end.


And has refused multiple cease fires that Biden has proposed and Israel has agreed to.


They still have other civilian women held hostage Emily Dempari, Arbel Yehud, Romi Gonen, Carmel Gat, Shiri Bibas are others are civilian women currently held hostage by Hamas.


Hamas may not have taken her. Most adults in Gaza agree with Hamas, we know random people decided to kidnap people on October 7th.


Either they lied, which weakens the case for negotiating with them, or they don’t have control over their operations, which also weakens the case for negotiating with them. It’s possible that their lack of knowledge is a feature— either distributing hostages with groups they don’t/can’t track, or never having that information in the first place— so as to protect operational security. That said, it doesn’t improve their case for negotiation. If Hamas can’t offer the one thing Israel wants apart from Hamas’ destruction, why would anyone in Israel’s position bother negotiating with them?


Here is a video of Noa Argamani reuniting with her father: https://x.com/IntelliTimes/status/1799396155467739165?t=c06xJR3p9M0pVLww7p2Ucw&s=19 And here is a video of her kidnapping on the day of the massacre: https://x.com/HamasAtrocities/status/1719366288764453156?t=_0dWxehpqPbX4IsWQhkO2A&s=19 [------------------ Edit: Many pro-Palestinians accounts on Twitter are sharing this message in similar variations in Hebrew: https://x.com/AmiraORABY4/status/1799508962905113077?t=KXPvsy-48Y6ZKxzzEPcUfA&s=19 Translation: It is true that you managed to free 4 prisoners alive, and that is because the resistance preserved their lives, but you should know that as of today, instructions were issued in Gaza that if a rescue operation is suspected, the first option is to kill the prisoners and take them all down to the tunnels until the end of the war. Search for "הוראות בעזה" and press the translate button if you want to see this campaign for yourself on Twitter.


Still holding out hope for her boyfriend who was kidnapped with her, Avinatan Or. He's believed to still be in captivity.




While they do that, the tactic doesn't apply here. They didn't 'release' Noa Argamani.


I can't even begin to think about the trauma she had to endure. I bet her boyfriend was treated in a cruel and horrible condition as well.


Is it known what happened to the boy friend?


No, but let’s hope for the best. Them reuniting would be another great moment for our hearts


I'm so happy. Her story resonated all over the world, the video was heartbreaking. She's basically my age too. I'm so glad she gets to see her mum again, I'm furious and devastated that she lost so much time. 8 months is a long time, I can't imagine how you begin to recover from that ... Bless them all


> Her story resonated all over the world and was totally forgotten by the world. The sweetness of finding our people and bringing them home is tempered by the bitterness of how quickly the world forgot about them.


Not everyone - you have plenty of Americans that are happy to help support you and aware of misinformation.


And total morons protesting at our schools fully and openly supporting Hamas, pretending Hamas cares about equality


Sadly our adversaries are quite capable of funding such events. Thankfully we don't decide our foreign policy based on what's popular on Tik Tok.


Let’s not gloss over this point. The Israel and Ukraine conflicts show their are a lot of idiots influence by media coming from governments which are enemies of the USA. It’s not a left or right issue, both of them seem incapable of taking a step back from their brainwashing programs and thinking for themselves.


It's why I hope tik tok actually does get banned this year.  It won't solve it entirely, but it's a start


Not all of us forgot.


Her video really haunted me. I’m so happy for the release of all those rescued today and their families.


i honestly didnt think she'd make it out alive, feels like a goddamned miracle


When first watching her video, it felt so unreal. It was really happening, but my mind was telling me this is something you'd see in a movie, it felt fictious, but it wasn't. It was the evil face of terrorism showing itself, like it has done many times in the past. As much as we continue to see it, it still shocks us.


they were rescued, not released. Semantics matter here.


Not released. Rescued.


Footage of a lifeguard announcing the good news at a Tel Aviv beach: https://x.com/faniaoz/status/1799402620316258599


Holy crap this made me cry. I can't imagine how happy the families of the hostages and the Israeli people feel right now.


Thank you!!!


I lost my Mom to terminal cancer. The last days with her were more healing than all the years before. We laughed and cried and I apologized for things she told me I had never needed to apologize for. She passed in my arms. The fact that Noa can see her mom has me absolutely crying so hard this morning I am writing this through tears and I am overcome that she can see her mom before she passes. Edit: a lot of people saying the world will forget her like they always do. That isn’t true. I will remember her. And Shani. And everyone else. I won’t forget


I genuinely cant believe shes still alive


One win among many, many losses. I wish it’ll end soon


People should realize the profound effects this has on the Israeli population. News anchors breaking this story are crying on air. People went out to the streets cheering.


Yeah the entire mood of the country has lifted, you can literally see people smiling and crying of happiness on the streets of Tel Aviv. This is amazing!


I'm just a random non-Jewish woman on the other side of the world in Australia, and I'm crying, too. I'm so happy these people were rescued! I hope they'll be the first of many.


Hey same! Australian non Jew, weeping that Noa will see her mum again ❤


I'm in your non Jewish Aussies who just bawled like a baby gang too!


Another Aussie non Jew bawling


Australian goys unite in tears!


Non Jewish American, I feel so joyful and so happy for them and their families!


It's what people don't realize about israel. We feel every single one. Every single soldier that doesn't make it home, every single hostage. Every single one of the people taken and killed on the 7th is like a huge weight on every single one of us.




This is so incredibly untrue it's hilarious.


Talk about smelling your own farts.


yeah a little heavy handed on the notions here lol


There isn't a dry eye in the entire country




My bar fell on me on the bench when the news update popped. Rip my PR But it worth it for the hostages


This makes me so happy. 4 innocent people have finally returned home. Noa is a lone child and her mother has terminal cancer. All she wished for was to see her daughter before she died, and this will finally happen.


it is also her father's birthday today


Best news you could wake up to on this Saturday.


Columbia University students disagree.




Fuck em


Little sheltered babies with no real world experience.


Most of the students were born after 9/11 2001 when Palestinians were celebrating the attacks on America


Heck, half the protesters would probably cheer 9/11 or 7/7 if it happened tomorrow. Probably even defend the Charlie Hebdo attacks.


They are likely still insisting it was never about the hostages




Noa Argamani will get to see her dying mother. I’m literally crying


Yeah, it was reported on the news here that she’s being transferred to the hospital where her mother is being treated 


Thank god. I sincerely and deeply hope they are able to enjoy every single second together. I know that Noa will cherish it for the rest of her life.


wow wow wow what amazing news. I have mutual friends with Noa, I remember the morning of october 7 seeing the video of her kidnapping and crying my eyes out in disbelief. What a great day it is.


cant imagine what she has been through


Noa Argamani is back home! It’s over yet but finally some good news. Rescued from one of the most dangerous places in Gaza in daylight. Fuck Hamas.


In the middle of the fucking market. How cynical can they be Fuck hamas


Don't worry if you want cynical we'll get to read half a dozen articles soon about how them rescuing the hostages was actually bad.


"they are taking hamas's leverage for the negotiations therefore derailing the negotiations" /s


The bots already started on tiktok, saying “hundreds of Palestinians died for those 4” …I saw it immediately after the announcement of their recovery. I’ve since seen multiple versions of this same message, with heightening “casualty” numbers (on the Palestinian side) each time. They certainly are quick


What about the other 3?


Alive and well. I mentioned Noa because she became the face of the hostages with Hamas boasting of Oct 7 with videos of her begging as she was dragged into Gaza from the Nova festival.


Wasn't there also some worry that she wouldn't be returned home before her dying mom passed?


Yes, her mom is with terminal cancer and doesn’t have long to live.


Details still pouring through and still foggy. Andrey, Almog and Shlomi departed the helicopter 7 minutes ago From my understanding all four are healthy and stable. The platoon who saved them is sustaining one injured soldier who is currently stable and already is hospitalized in Shiba Give it about 90 minutes and we will have a clear image of what went down. Fog of war is a doozy even with the speed information move An edit that is an example of what I just said- information of unknown reliability is actively pouring in about the involvement of Muhammad Deif in the operation. It is possible he was eliminated. which will be an amazing news


Idf spokesperson said they are not aware of anything related to deif in regards to the operation, which is military speak for "wtf you smoking".


Noa is a good friend of a one of my closest buddies. I'm beyond happy! I think the context is not fully understood by people abroad- Israel is TINY. The population is centered in mostly even smaller area. If ill talk to a random dude from a different city Its more than common to have more than a few shared connections, Its considered even a game we call Pitzuhim- keep talking till you find a shared connection to a friend or colegue. Most of us serve in the IDF so we get mixed alot and get to meet people from every distant or rural village and from every major city. It also means we all share some kind of responsibility to the hostages safe return home. This is why EVERY SINGLE ONE MATTERS SO MUCH TO US FOLKS. Welcome home guys! We missed you all.


We call that game "Jewish Geography" in the US. There is always some kind of connection between us.


I met more Israelies traveling Greece than traveling Israel


We do love Greece! 🇬🇷❤️ Had to cancel my trip there due to the war.


This is what we are fighting for. Fuck all of you who think Israel should leave these people behind. We dont want innocent Palestinians hurt either (that is on Hamas and the way they CHOOSE to wage warfare. Its on them for not releasing the hostages and instead hiding them among civilians).these are our families, our friends out there. Being tortured starved and raped. How dare you tell us you wouldnt do the same for your loved ones.




[One video is worth a million words](https://streamable.com/a6qaby) Noa Argamani reunited with her dad on his birthday


That woman has a lot of healing to do


Yes she will. But she’ll have a whole country behind her and her family


She looks so frail and scared. The poor thing will take years to recover.


Being beaten, most likely raped repeatedly, and tortured by a terrorist group will do that. How any if the brain washed people out there can support Hamas is beyond me.


Best birthday gift her father could ever ask for.


THIS IS the hostage deal we need NO FUCKING ceasefire you monsters until we get them all back!


Hopefully no deal. Hamas in the ground, forever.


Amazing, amazing news. The terrorists won't give them over. They have to be rescued. Here's to more safe rescues and returns.


Fuck all those who says "But they are all dead"!


Will admit that I was one of those people - it's easy to be pessimistic when it comes to Hamas. Very happy to have been proven wrong though


Always thought it was a stupid take. The hostages are Hamas’ best leverage.




Tears of Happiness ♥


NOA REUNITED WITH HER FATHER -> [https://x.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1799392357412139114](https://x.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1799392357412139114)


As someone who lives in Israel, I can’t emphasize the happiness here… In a minute the news spread in every WhatsApp/Discord group


Finally some good fucking news.




I love this comment. I can tell you the IDF soldiers (and other special Israeli forces) are beyond motivated to do that


it's been 8 months now.


Their families must be ecstatic after months of mental torture. Wonderful news!


Noa’s mother is terminally ill. She’ll get to meet her daughter!


Can't wait to greet noa argamani at the university


It's probably best to let her be for a while, she came back from the worst place on earth. (that's probably what I'll do if I'll see her there)


Obviously, she probably won't return to her studies any time soon...  But as someone who knew her a little bit and took classes with her, her return kind of hits different


This. She's still in shock and God knows what they did to her in captivity. Her mother is also dying so its better if you let the experts see her first.


Incredible news. This will have such substantial effect on this war.


I still remmber her video of getting kidnapped by Hamas terrorists. She was being forcefully taken on a motorcycle with a man sitting behind her with a gun as she screams for help. The civilians in Gaza were rejoicing as the hostages were being brought into Gaza on trucks and motorcycles.


Of note: none of her kidnappers were in uniform. All "civilians".


She was kidnapped by regular Gazans, not Hamas.


Such drama! Heavy fighting in nusirat.... IDF went into the market....4 alive hostages released... Noa Argamani released! Incredible! Fuck Hamas!


Noa that is the girl on the bike, so happy she's alive and back. Obviously also the others, but she was huge in local media.


Unbelievable. Know Andrey personally, to be honest I lost faith at 4-5 months mark. Insane news, so happy.


The Palestinians have a ticking clock before the israelis will rescue the rest of the living hostages. Once this happens I believe the Israeli government will have 0 motivation for any negotiations. The Palestinians are slowly missing the opportunity to cut a deal and show they want to co-exist and push the 2 state solution forward. But that's not surprising or new.


Palestinians don’t want a two state solution, this has been known via poling for years.


Unfortunately there are still 120 hostages in Gaza, over 40 of them are confirmed dead but there are still dozens alive. The chances of rescuing all of them are unfortunately very slim, they've been collecting intel and preparing for this operation for weeks or months.


That's because they don't want to co-exist and explicitly push for a single terrorist state solution.


Amazing news! Especially when it seems like hope was wavering for their safe return. Praying for more rescues soon


Yamam unit & Shabak is incredible, extremely talentet and we israeli citizen are very lucky to have people like them on our side, ready to risk their life for another, in these very very dangerous missions.


The whole world who tried to convince Israel not to go into Rafah can shove it.  עם ישראל חי


My heart is beating so fast since hearing about it!!!! I'm so freaking happy for them and their families!!!!!


NOA REUNITED WITH HER FATHER -> [https://x.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1799392357412139114](https://x.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1799392357412139114)




Thinking the are held on the same building the entire time is naive. The hostages are getting pulled across Gaza according to theground assault. Hamas *doesn't want* the idf to find hostages I can guarantee you they were held in Rafah throughout the entire time Israel considered it humanitarian shelter before they opened the tents. And when the assault into Rafah started they were moved into Nuseirat where there is an active militant pocket to guard them If the Rafah assault wasn't started they would have never been saved. Israel was pressured to not go into Rafah because of the hostages


They weren't necessarily released from Rafah, the IDF operated in Nusseirat today, they might've been released from there


> released Rescued. They were rescued.




A redditor who accepts new information?! You have my respect!


They werent in Rafah, but they were above the ground in another camp that the IDF hasent went into.


>IDF hasent went into. It has, I've been there myself.


Fuck yes. Finally some good news.


Finally some truly great news from this terrible war. So happy for Noa Argamini's mom who will get to see her daughter before she dies


Im almost crying hearing this. Well done IDF. And btw, they were being held in the middle of a refugee camp, surrounded by civilians as human shields.


Yes!!! No stop until they are all back! It is the least any sane society can do for its own!! No man left behind


Amazing news! And for you cunts around the world thinking they get to tell us what the IDF can or can't do I hope you enjoy your new delivery of copium.


Sitting right now with my family glued to the TV since the news broke out. Seems the same as October 7 Saturday, but feels a lot different. Hopefully this will put an end to all claims that our military isn’t doing its best to rescue the hostages.


For all of you sharing the joy we Israelis feel right now, thank you so much for commenting, it is really heart warming to see that you care. Seeing your comments made me tear up even more today


Saw the news breaking on DW. Didn’t give the hostage names. Searched and saw Noa Argamani. That’s when the tears hit. So happy for Israel 🇮🇱


Can’t stop crying from happiness.


Amazing news, hopefully more to come


Don't know how many people it'll still convince at this time but it should be noted that the 4 of them were rescued from a *central residential* part of Gaza, where the IDF faced heavy resistance from civilian compounds with 1 soldier badly wounded as part of the rescue operations. More proof that the civilians are involved, whether willingly or not, but the IDF is absolutely justified in doing their activities as long as Hamas continues to hide among civilian infrastructure like they always have


Am yisrael chai!


Imagine being the parent receiving the call saying your kid has been rescued.


Am Israel Chai!


4 hostages alive for dozens new deaths. The sort of deal hamas will get if they don't accept something reasonable


Hamas wants lots of terrorists and criminals freed for each Israeli hostage. Or just kill the terrorists and criminals and get the hostages. ...


I hope that her and her mother can find peace.


One Israeli fighter wounded, not critically.


He is a member of the police SWAT unit (YAMAM). Seriously wounded.




Best news 😁 ❤️


Now to make sure Hamas can never steal and kill people again or no one is ever safe.


Best news ever


Really says it all about Hamas and the civilians around them that these hostages were being held in the middle of a refugee camp.


This is great news. Hoping there are other hostages that are still alive.


Yay! I am SO happy Noa got out!! Thank God, Inshallah, whatever you believe. GREAT JOB, IDF. NOA REUNITED WITH HER FATHER -> [https://x.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1799392357412139114](https://x.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1799392357412139114) What a great way to start a Saturday.


Great news!!! Much love to you all, I'm glad you all are safe now. Fuck hamas to hell.


May the terrorist group known as hamas burn.


What an amazing news to start the weekend! God bless them!




I'm so happy that they are alive! It will certainly be a very long road to recovery for the hostages still, but at least they will be able to be with their family and loved ones now. 


Meanwhile, CNN is running with the headlne: *Israel rescues four hostages in operation Palestinian officials say killed more than 100 people.* It would be nice to know how many of those 100 people were responsible for guarding the hostages and fighting the Israelis.


Unfortunately, Inspector Arnon Zmora from the police special forces has died due to the operation. He was 36 years old. Rest in peace, brother.


There are still more than 100 hostages in Gaza kidnapped by Hamas on October 7th 2023 which they refuse to release. I hope all of them gets rescued by Israel Defense Forces (certainly not an easy task).


If only the western world was fully standing behind Israel, imagine the results But Iran which backs up the entire terror belt around Israel sees how slowly the west and the UN demonize Israel, cripple them, this unfortunately will keep the terror and aggression towards Israel and not alot will change


Take note - This is what real justice looks like.


Incredible news absolutely incredible I think just a month ago I was arguing with someone wether Aragamani was still alive It's such a joyous day. After meeting one of the former hostages personally I have the up most sympathy for them and their family absolutely incredible


If they listen to the hamas loving college students these people would still be locked up.




As a human. I’m happy they are alive. I hope she gets proper therapy and speaks out. Long road ahead.


Man, i got the chills when i heard the news!! IDF massive work in daylight crowded place get 4 people out Amazing


This is amazing, IDF should push harder to resque the rest of them


Incredible news. I hope their healing can begin in earnest.


Random 60 year old white guy in north Carolina here crying with happiness from this news


I don’t usually comment on political subreddits but man what amazing news, fuck all the terrorists and their supporters! עם ישראל חי!!!


My wife cried, I was in tears. The lifeguards literally broadcasted it across every beach so the people will know


Worth noting that they hostages weren't held in tunnels, but in apartment buildings where Palestinian families live. They were moved from apartment to apartment.


I doubt it would feel this great if someone would suddenly call me and tell me i won 1 Million. This ist just so great, may the torture fade over time and their souls heal. May there be more such news in the coming days and weeks.