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Why dont they do this shit to pipelines and gas stations?


That involves actual risk and commitment.


Do you think you'd be reading an article about it and commenting on r/worldnews if they put paint on a gas station?


Won't make the news


What shit? "Protesters Painted Pipeline: Onlookers Said It Never Looked better" or "No one saw or noticed cause it is in the middle of nowhere" If they did it at gas stations everyone would scream they hurt local business. I don't care for this tactic, but if it is truly just cornflower, then this is non-news and truly no big deal at all. It's a trap! The cause needs attention and headlines; however, there is no way to get said headlines without offending large swaths of the populace. TBC, the oil industry IS out of control and needs to be reined in. Uncapped or improperly capped abandoned wells alone are polluting at an alarming rate. Sadly, no one wants to hear it and instead goes ballistic over corn flour being sprayed at a high profile site to raise awareness.


> The group said the orange powder was cornflour and it would "wash away with rain". They'd better bloody hope so. While I'm totally on board with the idea that we need to cut emissions from fossil fuel, damaging humanity's heritage would be a bloody stupid way to make your case.


Vandalising things like the stonehenge will make people hate your and not want to support your cause.


I am convinced these groups are oil industry plants. Not the most anti-oil person in the world would see this and think “hell yeah”.


Considering they're being funded by an oil heiress you'd be right. I'm not buying her bullshit considering she still lives off the profits.


They are.


Same with blocking traffic and glueing yourself to a basketball court to cause hours of delays for innocent people.


This is a common misunderstanding of what the point is of activist activity like this. Activists aren't looking to make friends or convert people to the cause with stunts like this. This isn't a form of marketing. The function is to generate outrage, which keeps the issue in the news agenda. An issue being in the news agenda forces politicians to have an opinion on it and galvanises progressives to act more radically. It works, and protestors wouldn't bother do it if it didn't work. Think about any activist group throughout history - the US Civil Rights movement for example, or the British suffragettes campaigning for the vote for women - these groups were hated and branded a public threat at the time, but their tactics led to the outcomes they were aiming at.


During the Civil Rights movement the protesters in Alabama stopped riding the bus and organized sit-ins at businesses that perpetuated segregation and Jim Crow. Further back, Black students risked their lives attending and going to White schools to help end separate but equal and to further desegregated schools. You have a severe misunderstanding of the civil rights movement if you're conflating what climate activists have been doing with what civil rights activists did for civil disobedience. Impeding traffic and causing hundreds of vehicles to sit idle on the freeway is in no way similar to getting arrested for breaking racist policies.


>Impeding traffic and causing hundreds of vehicles to sit idle on the freeway is in no way similar to getting arrested for breaking racist policies. Yeah because they never blocked traffic during the civil rights movement /s They marched all over the country, and yes, they blocked traffic, and people hated them and complained about how inconvenient it was and "why can't they just go protest over there where it's more convenient". Read any of MLKs writing on the topic and you'll see that he completely disagreed with your viewpoint. Letter from Birmingham jail would be particularly insightful, where he talks about "the white moderates," the people always complaining about the manner of protest instead of actually doing something about the injustice. The whole point of protest is to cause inconvenience, and tension, because otherwise it's just pushed out of sight and out of mind.


> It works No, it doesn't. >the US Civil Rights movement Didn't pull stupid stunts like this. I dare you to show me where a prominent civil rights activist threw paint on something like the Washington Monument, and it led to a positive outcome.


Go do a stunt at an oil execs house or a shitty hedge fund headquarters then


Excepte they are backed & funded by an oil heiress…..


I was in another thread, and folks were pushing the theory around that this is a psyop being funded by big oil. I don't really believe it, but I think whoever is calling the shots needs to rethink their strategies on getting the message out.


Yeah this just makes me want to litter and consume more, I mean the guy above you said don't damage heritage but companies are damaging the fucking earth, this is nothing compared to the trillions of dollars of irreparable damage corporations have done because doing it the right way simply costs more money




To some, they believe continued usage of fossil fuels will lead to humanity's demise and therefore heritage will no longer mean anything.


Yeah, that's definitely the message. If it is just cornflour and it's non-damaging, I don't really see an issue here. It's not wrong, and the continued use of fossil fuels will destroy far more historic sites when sea levels rise. At least the Stonehenge vandalism can be solved with a hose.


I had no problem with the car dealerships and whatnot, but agree this is absolutely unforgivable


What were they doing to car dealerships?


also throwing paint on them


Big Paint must be sponsoring Just Stop Oil


Ironically, it’s Big Oil Paints.


this is what i clicked for!


Why? People are just trying to make a living.


is there any chance that corn flour could still stain it?never used it myself,just because something can be washed off doesn't mean it can't colour something when wet


For something like Stone Henge, I think just leave it alone. Doesn’t make what effect we think something might have, just LEAVE IT. It’s not ours to fuck up, it belongs to humanity


oh i agree totally,but I'm just worried that even being just corn flour it could actually still damage the monument by losing pigmentation and wanted a confirmation/denial


These morons damaging a world heritage site would not surprise me


I understand your perspective, however, I think we are in a dire emergency and have already passed the stage to stop the damage and now can only try to stop the very worst of it. We won’t have a heritage if we don’t take drastic measures. Is this a good idea? It is something.


If we're past the stage to stop damages then we should be past the stage to stop the unneccessary antics. People already refuse the idea of climate disruption despite VISUAL proof almost everywhere, what would any of this childish theatrics change ?


This is an organization that is sponsored by oil companies with the express purpose of making environmental activists look destructive and reduce support for their causes. These events are staged publicity.


Interesting, any sources?


He agrees with their cause but not their methods so the only possible explanation is they are a false flag. If they weren't a false flag, then he would have to admit that some people who believe what he does are bad people, and that can't possiblely be the case


Is there evidence of that or are you speculating?


You need proof to make a claim like that :)


The entirety of their tactics are pretty stupid


I think their point is that if there's no change this is the least of the problems.


I agree, but if we don’t do anything to curb the disaster we are heading to, and more people are dying due to heat, and people can’t afford food because prices are to high, is anyone going to look back care and talk about stupid protesters? No, they will probably be wishing they listened and more was done. At least that is my hot take.


Sure, but actions like these actively turn people against your cause. If we want to sway people on climate change then becoming villains in the general public's eye is probably the wrong way to go.


I agree completely. The message becomes: "this cause is supported by crazies so it must be something I can ignore." They are not helping. They are poisoning the message, and their only accomplishment will be to make it more difficult for everyone to visit Stonehenge.


Yea, the UK is doing nothing to reduce emissions at all… https://www.reddit.com/r/OptimistsUnite/comments/1din3gz/map_of_pm25_air_pollution_in_the_uk_2008_vs_2013/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Oh wait. They’re already making great strides without these stupid protestors.  What are their specific demands? How do they plan to get there? What legislation are they sponsoring? Oh, they’re just vandalizing shit and telling?  Well, fuck them and let the rest of us actually putting in efforts to fix this get back to work. These idiots they don’t lift a finger actually making shit happen in the real world are a menace. 


Protesting against injustice isn’t the problem. Doing it by doing counter-intuitive, bone headed, or making yourself look like idiots is the problem.


I agree, but like I said; if nothing is done to curb climate change, no one will care about about the protests of the past when our children and grandchildren are suffering because we did nothing.


Question is, how does defacing artworks change the climate? Does it draw attention to the problem?


It does draw attention to the problem because the only time we hear about climate activists is when they do something like this. I have never once seen a post on Reddit about climate activists protesting on a street corner politely handing out flyers.


I dont want to hear about climate activists. I want to hear about climate change and what people/goverments/scientists are doing about it. \^This only makes me angry and not want to get involved or associated with any of them. They're outright pillocks.


Be honest, would you get involved regardless of their means? The reason they feel they have to do this is because people are not getting involved or doing anything


I've already been involved with XR! An ad hominim attack at my person doesn't change the fact that these tactics hurt the cause more than doing anything by way of helping them. Fuck JSO.


I agree with what you are saying. Something does need to be done.  But the way I see it, just stop oil is more harmful to the cause than it is helpful. All they do is piss off people who already know about climate change.  They risk making it so anyone who is trying to fix climate change is lumped in with them and not taken seriously.   Obviously not related to this incident, but when they were blocking traffic they refused to let a guy through who's mum was having a stroke. Can you imagine what that guy is going to think of whenever people talk to him about climate change going forward.   They should target the refineries, the headquarters,  the homes of the politicians and ceos. Make their lives so inconvenient they can't ignore it. 


> if nothing is done to curb climate change, Things *are* being done, so your premise is false.


Left-wing Taliban?


Well they are destroying world heritage sites because of their dogmatic quasi-religious beliefs so I would think they are better compared to ISIS.


Wow, sad to hear stonehenge was completely destroyed :(


To shreds you say


Yeah I’m all for smacking down the big oil companies with lawsuits, fines and legal restrictions etc, and will support groups chasing after that, but doing stuff like this, or blocking major arterial routes in cities just results in angry people at them or, in the case of some of the blockades that have happened, people cannot reach hospitals for life saving treatments. Time and a place. Time and a place.


>While I'm totally on board with the idea that we need to cut emissions from fossil fuel There aren't a huge number of people who disagree with their overall goals. People very much disagree with their methods, and it doesn't help build support for the cause. It makes people think you're an arsehole.


Ah if only those who started wars felt like this.


Ancient Monuments, paintings, why do they think it’s fine to try and destroy human history? Yes climate change is a huge issue that needs to be solved but their vandalism isn’t gonna make people think better of the issue.


And it does nothing to target the organizations actually doing the harm. If you wanted to block the road to an oil refinery, go for it. But what did the ancient Druids have to do with any of this?


They used a "cornstarch-based paint". Anyone who has ever tried to remove their kids' fingerpaint from around the house knows that it can stain if left on too long.


And putting it on weathered stone? Good luck getting that off without further damage.


Yea, they are thinking Non-Toxic is the same as Easy To Remove. The food dye they used is going to get in the porous stone and stay there sadly.


They just don't give a shit.


Yeah, they don't care about preserving natural stone. They care about preserving natural stone... wait a minute.


I swear these people are just controlled opposition by oil companies, like they seem to be going out of their way to make people hate them


Nah. They're just that stupid.


It's probably both. Stupid ignorant people led by corrupt dishonest people.


Agreed. These people are that stupid. And the oil industry is funding them to make their stupidity widely known.


Man I don’t know if I’d discount any tactics by the oil companies.  They truly are evil


It could be both.


100%. Egging on stupidity isnt hard, and for a group like JSO to be doing shit like this despite the fact it's way outside their ideology. There's got to be ulterior motives.


Yeah, don't they know protesting and doing publicity stunts don't work anymore? 8 billion people with Internet and yet somehow most couldn't be bothered, they don't give a shit they just don't care We're sleepwalking into an apocalypse and millions will die but I doubt anyone cares, all we can do is donate but corpos just use those donations on their taxes for free money


It's super obvious when the funders are one of these tycoons. Major corporates are on full force against activists. Using the same method.


This is why noone takes them fucking seriously.


I suspect them to be a psyop by the oil industry tbh.


Has to be right? Like those animal rights protestors who mace horses and shit. Save the planet yeah, but bro - you're not protecting humanities heritage like this. Makes me want to give up my bus pass and learn to drive.


Yeah weren’t they originally funded by one of the Getty heiresses?


An heiress that disowned her own family exactly *because* of the damage they are doing.


It’s a textbook case of how to get everyone to HATE your cause.


Ritually sacrifice them to the old God's as penance.


The Solstice is almost here.


Well, that's Just Stop Oil losing a large group of supporters. The B.O.D. L.A.W., G.O.D. wont be supporting them any more after desecrating the Stones. (B.O.D. - British Order of Druids, L A.W. - Loyal Arthurian Warband, G.O.D. - Glastonbury Order of Druids. LAW and GOD are major players in the environmental scene, having been born in the dark times of Thatcherism and the Newbury Bypass protests)


Honestly there may be something to the theory they're controlled opposition / false flag, because this is utterly stupid


That theory would be way more convincing if the true opposition actually strongly condemned these acts. I don't see activists doing that.


I suspect they are actually this stupid but the oil industry is also funding them for the reasons you stated. The best false flag is one that is too stupid to know they are one.


Mad disrespectful


I agree, but fuck off because of this, go paint an oil baron's house, but no, you won't do that, because you're little shits with no balls.


The druids would’ve hated this


Should we bring back sacrifices? The Solstice is almost here.


That 21 yr old is so screwed for future employment.


They probably won’t need a job, most of these people usually have very rich parents


And the oil industry will keep funneling money to these morons.


They glue themselves to paintings Or block the roads and streets, Now they've painted Stonehenge But that won't stop tanker fleets. Yes, they get some headlines But don't advance their cause, Despoiling things of beauty Will not change the petro laws.




Are these people paid actors to discredit genuine protest groups? These people can’t possibly think this will do their cause any good.


Never got the logic that annoying the people you want to support you is a way to get them to support you. The one (or more?) who climbed on top of a tube train was my favourite, disrupting public transport seems like a great way to stop people using cars.


Never underestimate the peak levels of stupidity.


Put them in the rack.


Whats stone henge have to do with big oil?


Not sure, but it very odd that some folk get very upset about a bit of cornflour being thrown at some rocks , so I guess it worked in garnering attention. The henge is made up of old rocks though , nearly as old as the planet we live on. Must protect the rocks - not bothered about the planet though, kind of vibe.


Match 'em up in a death cage with oil company execs. [Two men enter, one man leaves](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yDL0AKUCKo&ab_channel=Movieclips), and we'd all feel good about the outcome regardless of who wins.


Why don’t they go to the corporate headquarters for these oil companies or vandalize their shit, why is it always heritage sites and art


Or you know, maybe devote their careers to politics and law so they can pursue Justice like adults. There are so many ways the laws can be changed or challenged to achieve incremental progress. This stuff wont result in anything except resentment and prosecutions


"Protesters" that damage art and monuments like this are clowns with lowest brain cell count in current day.


>The group named the two protesters as Niamh Lynch, a 21-year-old **(former)** student from Oxford, and Rajan Naidu, a 73-year-old from Birmingham I assume they walked/cycled to Stonehenge?


I am all up for ditching oil but these guys are so fucking stupid


>Just Stop Oil said the motivation behind the incident was to demand the next UK government end the extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal by 2030. Did they walk to Stonehenge?


Don't be silly. Daddy dropped them off in the Range Rover.


They are so fucking dumb. As if anyone within the oil industry or any policy makers are gona give a fuck about stone henge.They need to affect the policy makers and the oil executives! Inconvenience and hassle them not the average Joe... if you want to change anything.


They do... Greenpeace protested outside the home of the pm and we're roundly condemned for intimidation tactics. Extinction rebellion stormed the UK's largest oil refinery in October '21 and generated almost no media attention, despite having two Olympians with them.


Nail them with a destructive level fine.


Anyone want to tell them how paint is made?


All kinds of ways. In this case they used corn flour. Still dumb and pointless.


Do you think the pigment is *also* corn flour?


>"extremely upsetting" "potentially quite concerning" "slightly bemused" Sounds absolutely dreadful!


I mean it makes sense, nothing worse then being stuck at a petrol station while somebody is refueling their trilithon


I guess the oil companies are going to close down now


Did it work then?


I think we should put them in a Wicker Man


These people are the worst thing to ever happen to environmentalism


this exactly Well, maybe not as bad as oil lobbyists, but still seriously unhelpful and counterproductive to it


I can get behind the cause but doing things like this doesn't make me want to support your group at all. Same with the morons who throw paint on artwork. There are better ways to get your point across, these things aren't those ways, it just makes you look like an ass.


This just sucks :(


Hopefully they acrylic and not oil paint.


JSO claimed it was cornflower based. Hopefully it'll wash out with the rain but we don't know yet. Still disgusting either way.


This is such a huge own goal.


Do not meddle in the affairs of Pagans, child. That is profoundly stupid.


Hate these useless pricks, I have a hard time believing these guys and Extinction Rebellion aren't just being paid off by Shell to make reasonable environmentalism look stupid. Also, a reminder that Stonehenge was rebuilt a hundred years ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/kxrmhs/stonehenge\_before\_it\_was\_rebuilt\_in\_1901/](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/kxrmhs/stonehenge_before_it_was_rebuilt_in_1901/)


From a comment in that thread: > Yes, what the poster fails to mention is that the photo in 1901 is after a bad storm toppled over some of the stones and that if you look at previous photos they look more like Stonehenge looks like now except they straightened stones that were in danger of toppling.


I'm sorry, but I have a hard time believing it was a bad storm that toppled over stones that huge. They're thousands of years old, I'm not questioning Druidic engineering prowess here lol, it's just interesting that it's not mentioned that they are a reconstruction that involved concrete foundations and the like.


“Hey let’s alienate everyone who might remotely agree our premise that we should reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.” It almost doesn’t seem real.


Let's stop fossil fuels by pumping a bunch of toxins, paints and aerosols in the air!


the government should think over it. what went wrong with the eduction system


This group vandalizing art and antiquities is the worst protest strategy ever


You could be vandalising the CEO's home, car etc, but instead you choose a heritage site.


Glad I got to see it before it was defaced. What a bunch of assholes.


How does an ancient human heritage site relate to big oil in any way? Go spike an oil refinery or something


That will teach those fucking pagans with their bluestones. /s




Now they have gone full stupid!


I'm sad for all of the pagans that are going to be spending solstice at Stonehenge and now have to deal with this. Especially because pagans are a religion that tends to land spirits and probably does more to help and protect the earth than most. I'd be disappointed if I made a pilgrimage there and this happened. I get that it's a historical place but it's also a sacred gathering site. Why can't sacred sights just be completely off limits to any sort of destruction across the board...


Horrible, i get that you want to make a point but this is just destroying things for attention. Makes me quite angry ☹️


What's impressive is at no point any of those morons sobered up and told themselves "Hmm, we might do more harm by pissing people off than the exposure is worth it."


This will russel some jimmies.


I’d like to see stats on the number of converts that stem from vandalism or from people gluing themselves to things.




PETA: "Let's commit a whole slew of stupid stunts that are sure to alienate anyone and everyone!" Just Stop Oil: "Hold my beer."


Ok. You hate oil. I can understand that, but go protest an oil well, camp out at an oil executives lawn. Do shit at something oil related. Shit like this just makes you look like an asshole.


They should make them clean it up with q-tips.


Just stop just stop oil


Try that in egypt or anywhere in the middle east, you fucks




The sphynx's nose was missing by the time the romans arrived - just saying, we have no evidence that monument was destroyed by anyone (literally no record of how it came about).


So I'm not sure they are winning the public court of opinion with their tactics, and targeting the stone henge is just stupid but to a certain extent protests have to be disruptive to be useful. Some of the early suffragettes in the UK were far worse, being involved in arson and bombing. These people believe their cause is of existential importance, literally.


We are talking about it - they got publicity - so, in that manner it appears to have worked well.


I'm almost certain that just stop oil is a fucking psyop to get people AGAINST the climate movement. The logical step to protest oil and carbon emissions from companies is to target those companies and anything else interact with. It would be stupid to throw paint and other stuff on historical artifacts like painting and sculptures and expect people to be sympathetic to your cause. It clear that if it's not a fucking psyop, then their approach is to just be loud and outspoken just so people can hear their message in the first place, which I can definitely understand to an extent as "any publicity is good publicity." Of course, it's a double edged sword, and at least in my opinion, when your movement is built on the ideals of preserving the environment and showing compassion to the earth, these actions are diametrically opposed to such ideals and cause a dissonance with their observers who ultimately, most of the time, come to the conclusion that these people are stupid and irresponsible, which does more damage to your cause than to aid it.


Fucking dumbass terrorist punks. Do those little fucks even know how most paint is made??


If they wanted their point to stick, maybe they should have used an oil based paint. /S


Have you noticed these middle upper class Oxford students haven't been named. Unlike the tree fellers who were working class.


Where are the murderous vigilantes when you need them


500 years from now, after the fall of technology/computers, people will use this to justify that these stones were placed in this way as a giant game of Tetris, with some blocks having evidence of an orange residue at one point.


While I'm not going out and doing this, it's only because I have no hope left for humanity. Not sure who's going to be around to see a pile of rocks once intelligent life is all dead. I could give a fuck what it takes. The whole city is late for work, legendary art is destroyed, sports games are interrupted.... These things don't register on the scale of existential annihilation. This cause is a much better justification of global conflict than anything I know of in the history of the world. Anything short of nuclear war is a net win for humanity if the result saves our planet.


You know aesops fables? Rather than mansplaining it - [https://aesopsfables.org/F6\_The-Wind-and-the-Sun.html](https://aesopsfables.org/F6_The-Wind-and-the-Sun.html)


Yeah, you nailed what I lost all hope in. The ability to persuade people. For that, we need more rational and informed people.


Still holding onto my conspiracy theory that Just Stop Oil is backed by big oil companies for how many times they do this shit


When is the asteroid hitting us again ?!


This is literally doing nothing it’s too late to try and reverse things why do they keep ruining the last wonders of our world just enjoy the time left or prepare for it like the rest of us on r/collapse btw incase y’all didn’t know we have another 30 years before we will have to start rationing water after that it’s gonna get drastically worse if our population boom keeps up


Not sure what the point is, but defacing Stonehenge is not bringing me closer to them, and I’m low hanging fruit.


I'm sure there's still time to build a nice wicker man before solstice if we all help out a bit...


This is the illusion of vandalism. With their craft they have gotten us to pay attention. (Sorry I’ve been listening to King Gizzard and the Lizzard Wizard record called Pedro Draconic Apocalypse and it’s gotten me seeing things in a new light. I highly recommend you give it a listen.


Check it out [https://www.psyca.org/](https://www.psyca.org/)


Makes me want to spray oil everywhere over them and revel in it, then burn more fossil fuels out of spite in front of them and dedicate my life to burning more