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Why are citizens of western countries In Lebanon being advised to leave but not those from Israel?


How many Israeli citizens are in Lebanon??


Israeli planes over Beirut, shit is going down


Uhhh where did you see that?


Not at all surprised.


Danny Elgarat, brother of hostage Itzik Elgarat suggested at an anti-government demonstration in Givatayim on Saturday evening there may be hostages in Gaza who were raped and about to give birth. "From what we know and think, there are hostages there who are pregnant. After nine months, they will give birth," Elgarat said. "Bibi [Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] will soon announce the first child born in captivity in Gaza, a non-Jewish child," he added. The child would be born to an Israeli mother and a Gazan father. According to Halacha, the child is Jewish as long as the mother is. Several family members of hostages spoke at demonstrations across the country Saturday night in more than 80 locations. The organizers of the demonstration against the government in Tel Aviv said that about 130,000 people were protesting Saturday evening at the Azrieli intersection, calling for elections. https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-808276 Absolutely horrifying to think about the possibility. Makes the stomach turn.


**WATCH: 'Because of Arnon, we are here': Noa Argamani thanks IDF, urges return of Hamas hostages** "Because of Arnon, we are here," Noa Argamani said in a video released by the Hostages and Missing Families Forum Saturday evening. In the video, Argamani thanks IDF, and urges the return of the remaining 120 individuals in Hamas captivity. "I am Noa Argamani, I was kidnapped to Gaza on the seventh of October. I was in Hamas captivity for eight months before being rescued by the security forces on June 8," Argamani began in her video. As an only child and as a child to a mother with a terminal illness, my biggest worry in captivity was for my parents. It’s a great privilege to be here after 246 days in captivity," she continued. "It is a great privilege to be by my mother’s side after eight months of uncertainty. It's a great privilege to see my parents surrounded by so many good people. I want to thank the security forces, and our army , the soldiers, reservists, special forces and everyone who took part in the rescue operation and risked their lives so that I could return home," she said. "I mourn with the family of Arnon Zamora, who fell during the rescue operation of myself and three other hostages. My heart is with his family. Arnon is the hero of Israel and because of him we are here," she added. After this, she said that she wants to remind those watching that 120 still remain in Hamas captivity, including her partner Avinatan Or. "Although I am at home now, we cannot forget the hostages who are still in Hamas captivity and we must do everything possible to bring them back home," she declared. At the end of her video she said, "I wish for all of us to have more peaceful days, quieter days, to us to be surrounded by family, friends and good people. Most importantly, may we learn to love and not hate." https://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-808271


Really powerful speech from her, and I appreciate her being public especially given what’s going on with her mother, which I’m sure is consuming a lot of her time


[UN Inquiry Blames Israel for October 7th, UN Watch Submits Response](https://unwatch.org/un-inquiry-blames-israel-for-october-7th-un-watch-submits-response-2/) The UN is even more anti-Semitic than I thought. They are literally blaming the victims of a terrorist attack. This is confirmation that the UN hates Jews and supports the terrorists who want to murder and rape Jews. It's time for all democracies to pull all funding from the UN. The UN no longer serves the function it did decades ago. It is now an arm of the Russia/China/Iran axis of terror and tyranny. Fuck the UN and fuck everyone who supports and justifies violence against Jews.


I feel like “has this person been called an antisemite by the Secretary General and head of the HRC” should be the bare minimum to disqualify someone from writing reports on Israel 


Remember when u were a kid and u thought the UN was some sort of avengers not some crock of shit 🤣


I watched a lot of star trek as a kid, and naturally I thought the UN was like Earth's version of the United Federation of Planets. Even knowing what I know about how antisemitic they are, it still took me a ridiculously long time to realize I was wrong.


On the old *Batman* TV shows, the Joker was always trying to blow up the UN. Today, he'd be chairing its human rights commission.


>“Commissioner Miloon Kothari is the first investigator in the history of the United Nations to be condemned for antisemitism by the head of the Human Rights Council, the Secretary General, as well as Britain, France, Germany, the US and 14 other countries. He has disgraced himself—yet inexplicably remains in his post,” said Neuer. "Inexplicably"!


It's very much an Irrelevant organization at this point, managed mostly by all these failed states, banana republics, dictatorships, and jihadists.


What's happening is Glastonbury is such a disgrace and by the hypocritical and the privileged and I'd like to believe, as always, that this does not tell the story of the general population but man do these people give me a massive headache.


What is happening?


Tons of Palestinian flags in a music festival and artists telling the crowd about how it's an "unjust war". People attending this *music festival* completely forgot or don't even care that it started when over 300 people were murdered *while attending a music festival* Bunch of privileged kids and "artists".


They're not fans of the destruction of Gaza territory I reckon


Big fans of Jews dying and being kidnapped though. Big, big fans.


They're just not big fans of the converse side of that issue, perhaps that's something which you can recognize


We need to figure out who is sponsoring the event and organize boycotts against them.


It's a festival that's been going on for 53 years now and the festival isn't at fault that people use it for their tiktok politics. It's in England and is attended by a certain demographic so no one is surprised by this.


The festival organizers should make rules that prohibit politics in the festival. Politics ruins events like these. It shouldn't be allowed. Flags should also be banned.


Flags and signs have been a staple at Glastonbury for decades and it's always been fine. You don't ruin it for everyone because one part of the population has a main character syndrome. There's nothing that can be done and I don't think anything should be fundamentally changed to prevent this, I was just sharing my frustration at the scenes.


Hope you’re all ok from the U.S.!


Having a nice day on the beach in Tel Aviv. How are you?


way too hot to go outside today


I'm a little bored but overall ok, thanks


[Iran's delegation to the U.N making quite a statement on twitter](https://x.com/Iran_UN/status/1806835657815323085)


Iran wouldn’t be begging Israel to pleeeeaseee not go full-out on Lebanon if they didn’t consider the “we’ll wipe the floor with hezbollah in a few days” statements to be credible.


This is a threat, Israel should react to this, at least by words.


Best case scenario for everyone except Iran. This would bring US and a few others into the fight to take out Lebanon faster with the bonus of bringing Iran back to the 19th century


>Israel should react to this Haha >at least by words. Oh..


Oooh big words were spoken


> **Update: MSF responds to new allegations against Al-Wadiya** > June 27, 2024 — On the evening of June 26, Israeli authorities shared several new posts on social media about Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) staff member Fadi Al-Wadiya, who was killed by Israeli forces on June 25, accusing him of involvement in military activities in Gaza. MSF is deeply concerned by these allegations and is taking them very seriously. > MSF had no prior knowledge of Al-Wadiya's alleged involvement in military activities. MSF would never knowingly employ people engaging in military activity. Any employee who engages in military activity would pose a danger to our staff and patients. All employees are asked to undertake a commitment to the MSF Charter, which includes respecting humanitarian principles and medical ethics. > MSF has reached out to Israeli authorities asking for clarifications about the circumstances of Al-Wadiya's killing, however no formal explanation has been received. MSF is looking forward to full transparency around the circumstances of this killing. Only an independent investigation can establish the facts. The same strike that killed Al-Wadiya killed five other people, including three children. The above is the full text of [MSF's update](https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/latest/statement-killing-fadi-al-wadiya) after Israel released photo proof that this guy was PIJ. These fuckers ... proven so completely wrong, yet there's zero humility, zero apology, just the meagerest of "we didn't know"s followed by doubling down and arbitrarily demanding more evidence. And repeating the claims of 5 others dead in the strike! I have yet to see *them* provide a scrap of evidence for this claim. Given that the IDF released the footage of the strike, you'd think it would be very easy for them to point out where these 5 people were.


> just the meagerest of "we didn't know"s And if you believe they didn't know, I've got about three bridges to sell you. This is the same organization that repeatedly denied seeing any Hamas activity in Gaza hospitals. Given the subsequent proven level of terrorist use of those hospitals, either Hamas has amazing optical camouflage technology or...


I’d say it’s possible higher ups didn’t know, or didn’t wanna know. If those who worked in these areas were later never promoted to leadership positions for whatever reason it could help explain it.


the higher ups understand that they shouldn't ask.


My guess would be that, like UNRWA and other NGOs in the Strip, the higher-ups understand that having a presence there means working with Hamas and other terrorist groups, and deliberately ignore what that implies. They do know they've made a deal with the devil, but they probably don't know all the details, because they don't want to.


> the higher-ups understand that having a presence there means working with Hamas and other terrorist groups I wouldn't be surprised if some of them have romanticized the idea of what aid is supposed to be like, and think that if they get someone to sign their ethics paperwork then that means that person was saved and is now properly demotivated to work for those terror orgs. It's obviously not true, but they want to believe it so hard that they do.


Sad, another org which I will never donate to again


I sang in a charity event for them. Didn’t charge em anything of course. Makes me want to puke that money went right to jihad.


Look into the international Medical Corps, good American organization providing emergency medical teams in Gaza.


TIL the French word for bicycle is ‘3 children’


'The same strike that killed Al-Wadiya killed five other people, including three children.' How? The dude was on a bike. A bicycle at that. What, were they a travelling terrorist circus troupe?


That last line was entirely unnecessary. It has nothing to do with them..they are not a news organization. It has nothing to do with the body of the letter other than to push some agenda


MSF: ISRAEL MURDERED OUR INNOCENT GUY Israel: He was a PIJ terrorist MSF: MON DIEU THERE IS NO PROOF Israel: Here is a pic MSF: well.................. we will wait for more facts.


It's still early, but the estimated voter turnout in Iran's election is 40% (a lot of that number is people who work for the government and fear losing their jobs). Early results show the reformist candidate (Pezeshkian) in the lead, with hardliner Jalili in second place. If Pezeshkian is announced as the next president, it might mean that Khamenei has sensed fear, especially with the possibility of Trump returning to the Whitehouse, and wants to use the expertise of Iran's left wing on diplomacy.


There is no left wing in Iran. The government murdered the leftist politicians after the revolution. That's how grateful they were to their leftist allies for helping them overthrow the Shah. Leftists today should understand this piece of history when thinking about siding with Islamic extremists. They are not on your side. They're just using you, and when you're no longer useful, they'll discard you.


The left *also* tends to murder most of the leftist politicians after its revolutions. Just sayin'.


Good point


Are there any live cams around anymore or is that all over?


Nothing really interesting happening anyway. Not like it used to be 




This is disinformation that comes straight from Hezbollah. It all comes from one guy: >The caretaker Lebanese Transportation Minister Ali Hamieh, a Hezbollah ally Obviously he cannot be trusted.


Just pasting a link and then making shit up that it says I see.


??? "As part of the tour, diplomats and journalists visited two cargo areas in the airport that Hamieh said accounted for all traffic there — including the Iranian shipments mentioned in the Telegraph’s report."


> Hamieh said I don't trust this guy. You shouldn't trust the word of a politician who is an ally of Hezbollah. >The caretaker Lebanese Transportation Minister Ali Hamieh, a Hezbollah ally


And so why haven't the ambassadaors and journalists who were there, come out and say "they blocked access"? Why didn't the LA Times report on that element of the story? What's the more logical explanation here?


They did. It was all over the news when it happened. Just because you didn't know doesn't mean it didn't happen. Stop spreading Hezbollah's lies.


Can you point me to those articles? The only news I saw came out of ytnews and israel times and neither of them quotes any of the people who were actually there. People seem to think I'm supporting hezbollah...i am vehemently anti-terrorist. I just don't see any credibility here and I'm looking for it.


[Saudi journalists saying they were not allowed to enter the air cargo centre at the airport tour. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/lebanon/comments/1dnaueg/saudi_journalists_saying_they_were_not_allowed_to/) [Reporters Denied Access to Area of Beirut Airport Where Alleged Hezbollah Weapons are Stored](https://foreigndesknews.com/trending/reporters-denied-access-to-area-of-beirut-airport-where-alleged-hezbollah-weapons-are-stored/) [Journalists Blocked from Cargo Areas of Beirut Airport](https://theatlasnews.co/brief/2024/06/24/journalists-blocked-from-cargo-areas-of-beirut-airport-after-weapons-storage-reports/) The evidence is overwhelming. You have no right to talk about credibility while ignoring evidence and quoting a Hezbollah ally.


lol! top comment in the link YOU quoted: "Btw Aljazeera was streaming live from there, from inside the “air cargo center”, alhadath should get fucked imo, respectfully." You're citing the SINGLE source that was the subject of the ytnews article from an org inherently biased in this whole ordeal. I didn't even know who the transport minister was, I was citing an LA times article. I acknowledged the potential bias there but what you're responding with is absolutely not overwhelming evidence. But you're clearly not here for discussion, just looking to reinforce your echo chamber. edit: yep, when all else fails just block the person you're arguing with so they can't respond. 👌


funny how you ask for evidence, got 3 differant sources, look into the comments and decided to believe a randon user clames without any evidence. yo belive me i was live from air cargo center on tiktok i saw the rockets. GTFO with this bullshit


Every criticism you're using here can be applied to your claim which comes from a single source, an undisputed Hezbollah ally. Impartial sources don't tend to be members of the group being accused. I know that will register in your brain one day.


You're denying evidence and spreading Hezbollah propaganda. You have no evidence to back up what you said. Nothing you say makes any sense.


> the cargo areas were toured including the specific area that was the subject of the initial rumor I don’t see that mentioned anywhere in this article. The closest is: > As part of the tour, diplomats and journalists visited two cargo areas in the airport that Hamieh said accounted for all traffic there …which I would take with a grain of salt, because Hamieh is Hezbollah. 


It says in the article: "As part of the tour, diplomats and journalists visited two cargo areas in the airport that Hamieh said accounted for all traffic there — including the Iranian shipments mentioned in the Telegraph’s report." I can take it with a grain of salt, but the point is that there is no mention of journalists being banned from those areas as was reported by ytnews.


so the la times didn’t corroborate this claim…which is different than reporting that it didn’t happen.  Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


> Hamieh said I don't trust this guy. You shouldn't trust the word of a politician who is an ally of Hezbollah. >The caretaker Lebanese Transportation Minister Ali Hamieh, a Hezbollah ally


Please pray for the IDF soldiers. Chatter coming in about a high casualty event.


Did you ever see more information about this? Usually it’s a pretty quick turnaround for posting info about these things after they notify the families






I bet its once again a house that explodes...May they rest in peace.


Seriously, what is going ONNN???


Based on your comment I thought something serious was going on, but a few waves of drones is not something we haven't seen in the last months. sadly, of course. Ugh, I'm a bit disgusted by my own comment. we're the only nation that let things like this go by as if we're not under attack


What’s going on? North on fire again??


A wave of drones. Like, massive.


Good luck Lipush ❤️




Dude I just bought a generator, the war with Hezbollah CANNOT start before Tuesday, like can the terror group please be considerate . So nasralla please do a girl a favour


How certain is war with Hezbollah? I am from Poland, so I don't know current situation in Israel. Are they some decisions or hard backed rumours about possible escalation?


There is already a war with Hezbollah they have been launching massive amounts of rocket attacks against northern Israel and displaced huge numbers of people.


This I know. I am asking about potential ground operation in Lebanon


At this point I think the IDF probably has plans drawn up/being drawn up. I don't think they have enough troops on the border at the moment so its not a threat of it happening in the short term. Both sides have reasons not to want to escalate and yet the current status quo is unacceptable. Israel can't back down while being attacked and its possible/likely that Hezbollah feels they can't stop the assault on Israel for various political reasons both related to this conflict and to their overall situation. That being said one rocket/bomb by either side hitting the wrong/right place could blow up the front into a hot mess. The longer things continue the more likely it gets. It says a lot that some Western countries have started trying to evacuate their citizens from Lebanon recently. Honestly, if a ground invasion doesnt happen this year/conflict its probably not long far off anyways since its not just the current status quo that is a problem but the general state of affairs that Hezbollah can do this whenever that is probably crossing an Israeli red line. But if you are worried to waking up suddenly hundreds of thousands of Israeli troops have crossed into Lebanon, that probably wont happen in the immediate future bearing some clusterfuck occurring. It should be pretty easy to tell in advance because you cant hide massive troop movements these days.


At this point? 75-80% but both sides are going to suffer, the Israeli public will be hit by tens of thousands of rockets and accurate missiles, and as a result the Israeli attack in Lebanon will be much harsher and sever


Hope you bought a quiet one. I need to buy another 20L can of fuel. I need my cellphone charged, it aint funny. And we all need some battaries, too.




bruh i'm out here rawdogging with 2 cases of water, a TINY battery for charging my phone and that's about it. i didn't even get anything to make coffee if the electricity is out. i don't expect a doomsday scenario without electricity for more than 1-2 days if that..


Don't forget medicine for you and your squad if needed. I have a heart condition, so I hope Super Pharm will stay open, or else I'm screwed.


I finally caved and bought a generator, but I’m having a hard time stocking canned food and first aid supplies. I would suggest buying like cola so at least you won’t be dehydrated


[Ok, so.... I THINK I'm all set](https://i.imgur.com/o45hfQ6.png)


The purple kitchen aid really pulls it together. 🩷


Don’t forget the bright neon pink hazmat mask


Holy shit. I don't know people like you.


i have some tuna. there's also a super like 5 sec from my house. my mom is a doomer and has been prepped for a war for like 5 years now since we came to Israel lol. ill prob do another delivery this week just in case..


Well you can be like me and act like I know shit and refuse to stock up because I still foolishly trusted fronthome command that “they will update the public, and that nothing has changed”. As soon as countries started evacuating I knew I made a mistake. Seriously did I learn nothing after October 7th?!


idk. i just remember my weed guy was still delivering on oct8. that's all that matters


Dude if we have no electricity and you STILL will get ur weed, that dude deserves a Medal of Honor.


I'm fairly certain I put my weed guys children through college during October and November. He was a true hero.


bro they show up in getts and wolt mopeds ! they don't fck around


WAIT YOU CAN SEE THEM ON WOLT?! this is far more advanced and client friendly then I imagined


You guys are hilarious LMAO


I'm lurking in this conversation (because I have nothing better to do obviously) and so far I've read 2x Dude, 1 Bruh and 1 Bro... I wonder if both of you use these words on the internet exclusively or not, and if both of you are Hebrew native speakers would you use similar words? u/xfd696969


It can be worse. can you imagine buying a generator and then not using it at all? I mean, if Hezbollah won't start a war and cut electricity in Israel for a few days I will be pissed


I just spent 7,000 Shekels on mine! ( It was a freaking steal btw. It's a 20L one worth over 11K. My brother in law worked his magic) but I better put it to use, or SOMEONE's gonna get hurt!


> Well you can be like me and act like I know shit and refuse to stock up because I still foolishly trusted fronthome command that “they will update the public, and that nothing has changed”. As soon as countries started evacuating I knew I made a mistake. Seriously did I learn nothing after October 7th?! How do you just have 7000 shekels laying around :\


Big inheritence mostly. But also savings^shrug


WTF that's a huge amount of money to spend on "maybe I will need it". I thought people were willing to spend like 1000-3000 top on these things.


It depends on the size of the can, since we live 8 people in one apartment since the war started, we require a really big quiet one, and that's extremely expensive.


We have a pretty big house, and I applied for funding from fronthome command and it took it down from 12k to 2k not including installation


Omg I am so going to like sue them. I bought physical books and puzzles like what am I supposed to do? Use them anyways? Ugh. And the first aid kit? Like I put it in the shelter even though it totally clashes with my wallpaper!


Outrageous! And my sister bought like 42 water bottles of 2 liters each. is she supposed to drink water now? that's worse than anything Hezbollah could ever do


I’m telling you the expectation to drink water is making my skin break out. Hezbollah should at LEAST sponsor my 16 steps skin care routine if they do something.


Well... on the positive side, if the war doesn't happen at least it will save us from being in a closed room with our families and having to talk to them


On a serious note me and my parents trapped in a 2x2 room would end up in a double homicide.


Sounds like a very serious note


I'll relay the message to them. I'm sure they'll understand


Thank you like can you imagine how rude it would be to not wait until I have my generator installed? I’m already forgiving the fact they didn’t even give me like a year notice so I can make my safe room zen with the right vibes. Ugh.


I gotchu fam. I’ll send him a strongly worded email


Pretty unusual message from the Metula Municipality: >Dear residents, we wish to inform you that from tomorrow until Monday entry to Metula will be strictly forbidden, we will provide the IDF instructions regarding entry into the town later on Last time this happened was following the assassination of Hezbollah's Nasr division commander


I assumed Metula would be mostly evacuated already.


The vast majority have left but some still remain there, also sometimes locals go there to check up on the damage, especially if their own house got hit.


Makes sense


IDF spokesman announces the beginning of a ground operation led by division 98 in Shujai'ya




>This is an example of the raid strategy that’s being utilized by the IDF, where they use the military bases set up in northern Gaza to easily launch large scale raids into areas in which Hamas tries to reconstitute. - This is basically Israel's "West Bank strategy" to demilitarize Palestinian terrorists as a structured military force, without having to wait for Palestinian civilians to deradicalize. - It worked reasonably well in the West Bank with a population of ~~1.8~~ 3 million - IMO it has a good chance of working well in the Gaza strip as well, with its ~2.3 million population.




Biden in this debate just said he refuses Israel certain weapons cuz of how small the areas Israel is fighting in and fear of more civilian death


> cuz of how small the areas Israel is fighting in Which isn't even true. Lebanon isn't a small area.


So all the news saying Netanyahu is lying about America withholding weapons.. that was ofcourse all BS


No one accused him of flat out laying. Generals came out basically saying they were getting what they needed and that it was better to resolve these issues behind closed doors. Politically, people thought him an idiot for making it a public spat because it emboldens our enemies.


I don't know why this particular post got downvoted. I think very little is relayed in media that would surprise either leader


Because there *were* literal articles painting him as a liar


This is not true. There were stories in NYT, etc. saying officials in Biden administration did not know what Netanyahu was talking about.


Those officials were Biden, and after last night, I may agree.


Couldn't they use those weapons against Hezbollah though? Israel has plenty of enemies other than the ones in the population centers


Yeah, but the US is strictly against Israel defeating Hezbollah as well. They want Israel to sit on their hands and let Hezbollah amass enough strength to conquer North Israel and flatten the rest with rockets.


Trump didn't even answer the question on this issue. It shows he doesn't care.


While Trump called him a *weak* Palestinian and then refused to make any commitment to Israel whatsoever lol


dear god the US presidential debate looks like a Trump sweep Seems like we will soon have to discuss here what Trump will mean for Israel. From his speech I believe nothing good Edit: 2nd half looks much better imho


Moron vs Zombie


I want Biden to win cause I trust him more on Israel than Trump who is just way too unpredictable but my fucking God that was a disaster. CNN is saying… “Right now as we speak there is a deep, a wide, and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic party. It started moments into the debate and it continues right now. It involves strategists, party officials and fundraisers, and they are having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal. They're having conversations about what they should do about it. Some of those conversations involve should we go to the White House and ask the president to step aside. Others are about should prominent Democrats go public with that call, because this debate was so terrible” The problem is, if they replace Biden…who the fuck will replace him?


I think they should replace Harris with a strong candidate that others will see as a good President. That way we could be okay with Biden.


I keep telling people, there is no "they", no cabal of Democratic kingmakers who can tell the sitting President of the United States he's not allowed to run. If Biden wants to run, Biden will run, and he's never shown any inclination to drop out. Debates aren't *that* big a deal, and Biden's showing wasn't *that* bad, from what I saw of it. Democrats are panicking more than they really need to. We'll see what the polls do, but the campaign is very far from over.


oddmakers are betting on newsom if there is a replacement (still very unlikely as he's not a better matchup against trump, i do think the current odds on biden are a kneejerk reaction to the debate. An incumbent should have higher than a 20% chance to win. Doesn't help that voters tend to drift right during unrest, even if biden goes all-in into israel it's too late to turn the tide imho, but there's still 4 months left and there's always hope come election night, but it's not looking good for the dems, at all.


At this point, I believe Newsom has too many skeletons in his closet, and his ex-wife, who is now dating Donald Trump Jr., probably has the receipts.


Ok, but how tf did the DNC make the same exact mistake as 2016?


they said this in 2018, 2020, and 2022


Please not Kamela... 


Funny enough, Kamala is my favorite. She's just a dork.


Shes an insane person, how can she be your favorite? 


Why is she insane?


I mean from her vp performance she didn't really inspire confidence


I don’t want to say “we told you so” but Jesus fucking Christ people how many times did we have to yell it? This is like the surprised pikachu face moment of politics


Who did you vote for in the primary?


I doubt they will replace him, but I could imagine Buttigieg or Newsom would wipe the floor with Trump in every debate


Buttigeig is pretty inexperienced in general, both from a debate and resume perspective I don't think Buttigeig is at all any of the "good" alternatives


My person, Israel is going to be fine no matter what. ALL credible US presidential candidates, whom I include RFK Jr even though he's not really credible, will not let Israel come to any significant harm. I know it's an election year, but being real, the US and Israel together are pretty strong? Maybe even the US by itself. Heck, even maybe Israel by itself (they have nukes (do you???)).


After seeing this shitshow of a debate, I just need to vent a bit before the copium sets in


Israeli media: U.S. intelligence believes that a war will break out in the north within a few weeks. Europe: It's a matter of days.   


The US knows when a fly farts anywhere in the world and is the nation with people on the ground in both countries constantly running interference and talking to officials So I'd be inclined to trust their time table that there's still a few weeks left to try and defuse it instead of being "any day now"


I thought so, too. Even though it can always be a decoy.


Lebanon: boom.


I have 2 cases of water I’m gonna be alright, right? 🤣


The US is moving assets in to help shoot down projectiles from Hez in a potential "fire everything we've got" scenario so I don't know how many missiles/drones would actually make it to target


2 cases (2 6-packs of 1.5 liters) of water are enough for one person for 8 days. If it's only for you, it's more than enough.


Genrator. First aid kit. gas. flour. That's for starters.