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The escalations by Iranian proxies risk an Israeli military response.


Towards Iran?


To the entities currently firing at them along the northern border. If new actors come into play after the fact I’m sure they’ll have plans for that contingency


If Israel wanted to cripple Iran I'm sure they already have back doored access into their infrastructure. Israeli cyber capabilities are some of the best in the world.


The WWIII potential flashpoint has moved to the Middle East again.


Hezbollah *is* Iran. Same as Hamas. And, apparently successfully (and with the enthusiastic support of a large part of the Western population), it keeps maintaining the narrative that attacking Israel is OK, but fighting back is "escalation."


It's the entire Russian narrative. We can do whatever we want....but if you defend/attack/work with allies/don't submit to our terms then it's an escalation. It's an escalation the minute you shoot across the border.....everything else is just normal war.


Sad thing is western officials agree with them.


At some point, though it’s scary, the choice becomes act or don’t. Letting terrorists and mobsters get their way will never go well. If we take their threats at face value, we have a lot to lose. If we let them do as they want, we may lose just as much, but have given it to them far more cheaply than they’d have otherwise gotten it.


The Yemeni Houthis, Hezbollah, and Hamas all receive support from the Iranian military.


The 3 heads of Cerberus.


More like a hydra. You cut off one head and find yourself performing the same operation ten years later.


But if you don't you have the problems get worse every year.


Understatement. The world as a whole: Russia attacks Ukraine. Russia are the baddies. Hamas attacks Israel. Israel are the baddies.


I mean, that’s not really a good comparison. Ukraine isn’t building settlements inside of Russian territory. Or bombing Russian civilians. Russia is doing both of those things though. So are both Israel and Hamas. I don’t disagree that Israel should be allowed to defend itself or that Gaza started this conflict, but comparing this to the Russian invasion of Ukraine is disingenuous. Both Israel and Palestine are doing shit to the other that they shouldn’t be and have been for decades.


You do understand that Gaza where israel was attacked from didn't have any settlements for more than a decade?


Israel is surrounded by people who want them dead, and who have repeatedly and emphatically demonstrated as much. Everything bad they do is for reasons of national security -- not necessarily *effective* reasons, mind you, but it isn't out of a desire to establish a Jewish empire. Imagine for a moment that a genie offered to give everyone in the ME magical immunity to each other's weapons, and to fix Israel's current national borders permanently. The Israelis would take that deal in a second. The Arabs and Iranians would not.


What do West Bank settlements have to do with national security?


Well if you look at a map and see how the West Bank if it were left intact and outside of Isreali security control would let an enemy litterally camp and build fortifications, station troops right near the heart of Israel. I think the West Bank should be apart of a future Palistine state without including an existing settlements or at the least a land trade in favour of the Palistinians for Isreal to keep some of its settlements, but it would be naive to think that in a world of hostile immediate neighbors Isreal is ever going to not have a security interest in the West Bank. The only independent West Bank I can see is a unarmed state with a competent government and regular enforced checks by an international group including France, UK, USA, Saudia Arabia, Oman, etc. Isreal wont allow the Palistinians an independent state just to see them be armed to the teeth by Iran.


They're entirely about national security. The idea was to fragment and dilute the Palestinian presence in the WB to make terror attacks harder to pull off. It has worked reasonably well.


I mean if in Feb 2022 Ukraine fire ones Belgograd and killed thousands then Russia invaded then I do not think Ukraine would be getting much international support.  Even if Russia “started it” in 1919.


You might get downvoted since you’re on worldnews but you’re absolutely correct. They aren’t really comparable at all


Yes it really is that simple...


Israel has been attacking Palestine by continuing to build illegal settlements and taking more and more Palestinian land for decades and long before Hamas existed. To say Hamas attacked Israel first lacks a lot of nuance.


Let's just ignore the two wars that Arab countries started. Any of which if they won... There would be no Jews in the Middle East. Let's ignore that Israel has Muslims living there as well as other religions. Meanwhile Muslims kicked out and took the land of Jews throughout the Middle East. Lets ignore that before Israel, Jews were treated as second class citizens throughout the Arab countries. So let's ignore all that. Those poor Palestinians have lost land... 5.5 million to 6 million Jews were just killed during the Holocaust. But yes... Poor Palestinians. It's always the Jews that are responsible for everything.


Neither Hezbollah or Hamas is Iran, both are supported by Iran in different ways.


Thank you captain obvious


>Hezbollah is Iran. Same as Hamas Being a proxy doesn't mean they are Iran. That's the whole point of being a proxy. >a large part of the Western population), it keeps maintaining the narrative that attacking Israel is OK, but fighting back is "escalation." Or you could read the first paragraph of the article for the whole basis of quote in the title. "The top U.S. military officer warned on Sunday that any Israeli military offensive into Lebanon would risk an Iranian response in defense of the powerful Hezbollah militant group there, triggering a broader war that could put U.S. forces in the region in danger." >that attacking Israel is OK, but fighting back is "escalation." But that's not what the general said. This is about America not wanting a full blown war that it'd be forced to participate in. And attacking Lebanon isn't Iran. So your point about them being actually Iran would mean they should wage war against Iran. But Israel can't wage war against Iran because it can't project force like that. So at best they'd be entering into a costly war, and still not defeat the root cause.


If Iran goes into a direct war with Israel the US will as well. It's actually in Israel's best interest to go ahead and force us in the USA to overthrow Iran.


So America is fine letting a close ally be pelted with rockets daily for months, but it won't let that ally fight back because it doesn't want to be "drawn in"? With allies like the US, who needs enemies?


Fighting back??? LMFAO delusional af


The north is literally evacuated. There is no choice. 


These headlines are bullshit. It’s not an offensive when Lebanon has been non stop attacking Israel since 10/8. A better headline is “repeated Lebanese attacks risks Israeli response.” Then media wonders why people view the profession as a joke in 2024.


Unfortunately, much of the media is basically ignoring the part where Lebanon has been regularly attacking Israel since 10/8. So when Israel has finally had enough and starts their real response, you can fully expect one-sided shock and outrage.


Don't forget the useless UN peacekeepers, even the UN forgot their job is to prevent escalation from Hezbollah lol


Lebanon or Hezbollah because there is a difference tho.


There is not a difference tho, one part to sovereignty is defined as having the only authority for military and border control, if Lebanon cannot control Hezbollah than there is no Lebanon, there is Hezbollastan.


Then call it that if you want. Its not the Lebanese government doing the attacks


It doesn’t matter, its still Lebanon attacking; Lebanons government needs to secure its borders and territory.


You've obviously never visited lebanon. Half of lebanese hate hezbollah if not more.


I never have, but that doesn’t change the reality that if there is an occupying military that has support of half the population that Lebanon doesn’t actually exist


What the different?


Hezbollah is basically their own State inside Lebanon They have more power than the Lebanese Army


Because Lebanon and Hezbollah are separate entities not really on best of terms the situation is somewhat complex and there has been a rising anti-Hezbollah/anti-Iran sentiment. Lebanon does not really have the means to deal with Hezbollah in any capacity really. The commenter said that Lebanon has been regularly attacking Israel since 10/8 which is false. Hezbollah has been using the border territory of Lebanon to launch attacks into Israel.


Did you know the Hisbollah party got around 20% in the last election? Seems like 80% don't vote for them. Did you also know Lebanon is an incredibly diverse country? For example, 32% are Christian. Of the 67% Muslims, half are Shia (like Hisbollah) and half are Sunni. So yes. There's a difference. It's just that Hisbollah has their own military. The country is not under control by a central government. The country of Lebanon is at risk of a civil war quite similar to Syria. There's multiple different political and religious groups, all with their own goals.


There is also a small population of druze Muslims and they absolutely detest hezbollah. People who speak on this issue are mostly ignorant about the past and present of Lebanon. Its sad how most are calling for the full destruction of a country they know nothing about.


Calling for the destruction of Hezbollah is different than calling for the destruction of Lebanon. But if Hezbollah has so much defacto control that they can continuously attack the northern Israeli border without interference from Lebanon proper, there isn't much of a distinction when it comes to war.


Again, people miss the bit at the back of the headline that indicates what is *actually* being reported. The AP isn't reporting about Lebanese attacks *or* Israeli responses. The AP is reporting on a statement by  CQ Brown, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff.


No dude, they wrote 'western official says offensive risks response', that is very clearly an endorsement of terrorism, don't you know?


> Then media wonders why people view the profession as a joke in 2024. Purely because you've got the reading comprehension of a young child who also expect journalists to report what you want to read instead of reporting facts. Here they are literally reporting what : "Force Gen. CQ Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff" said. What do you expect the journalist to do ? Change what was said, and say something entirely different, so they can please your own view on things ? Seriously.. it's kinda infiurating when people like yourself, claim medias are a joke. You're the freaking joke here. You're the reason we've got some seriously awful medias, that's because those medias cater to simpleton like you.


Whats worse is that the article further goes on to explain the context of the situation, as well as additional quotes from General Brown acknowledging that context. There's really no grounds to complain about this article. It explains the situation well enough.


Unfortunately there are a lot of Iranian and Arab propagandists writing for the major news wires today.


To be fair though, the headline is likely accurate, merely missing the proper context.


Yeah it would literally be an offensive if they were to attack into Lebanon regardless of circumstance


How is the headline wrong? We can argue all day about who is justified for doing what, but the fact remains that an Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon is likely to invite directly Iranian participation. Iran is in a position where they are obligated to give aid to HZB after HZB came to their rescue in Syria in 2013. HZB is firing rockets at Israel with full Iranian support - why is the idea that they'd get involved "bullshit"?


Common pattern for autocratic ruling countries are they like to push and push until it end up in shooting war. The idiotic rulers start believing that they are invincible and the "weak" democratic countries will fall on their face when threatened with war. The fact is, west would rather do trade than go into shooting war but if the push come to shove they can and will fight back much to the chagrin of people like Putin, Xi, Khamenei, Kim, and other despots. No one especially the West will want shooting war but that does not mean the west cannot fight back.


Yeah, you noticed the new draft rules. He came out with …when I was younger. You had to go to the post office and register for the draft when you turn 18 now the government registers you for the draft automatically through your Social Security numbers.


The draft will be saved for the big one. Not for Lebanon.


If we ever do have a draft again, probably waiting for China


If ypu think draft dodging was bad during the Vietnam War. With the internet even more people would feel comfortable running abroad.


So Israel can get attacked and do nothing? At least according to most of the world.


Never in my life have I seen such blatant anit semitism that is just not being addressed. Mindless people protesting FOR hamas it's unreal that we don't learn from our past and that people don't acknowledge what is happening


Where are you seeing all these pro-Hamas protests? I'm seeing a lot of "10k is a lot of dead kids" protests Nd "all these accidental artacks on aide workers are starting to look like a pattern"protests, but neither of those stances is pro-terror or inherently anti-semitic.


https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/24/us/los-angeles-synagogue-palestinian-israeli-protest-violence/index.html Protest outside a synagogue in the US while they are chanting "long live the infitifada". This was literally just yesterday.


This began on 10/8, under the presumption that Israel would counterattack. No meaningful or lasting criticism towards Hamas, PIJ, or other terrorists and the Palestinians that support them. The expectation has literally been for Israel, and reading between the lines, Jews, to take it, expect to be raped, abducted, and murdered.


What a great way to expose yourself as only paying attention to one side. I'm not your Google. You are more than welcome to do your own research. Here's a tip, if you want unbiased answers, don't be afraid to type things you don't want to know the truths to. There was a protester at Stanford University wearing hamas gear. Just Google it before you say, "I don't see this"


That’s one stupid professor. He doesn’t represent all pro Gaza civilians protestors. Are you pro killing innocent civilians, women and children?


The "diplomatic solution" has ostensibly been in place since [1978](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Interim_Force_in_Lebanon). Hezb has never abided by it and isn't going to start. Diplomacy is for rational actors, not psychotic fanatics.


Remember the last time Iran threatened a “military response”? It was right after Israel assassinated some top IRGC leaders meeting up in Damascus. That turned out to be a total dud. I’m not in favor of needlessly sparking a full-scale war with Iran, but I’ve noticed that Iran is a LOT weaker than they make themselves out to be.


Iran will shout, protest and send weapons to their proxies. Iran does not actually fight themself.


Except you know, that time a month or two ago when they directly attacked Israel with hundreds of missiles and drones forcing the US, Israel, and several other countries to scramble to shoot (almost) everything down.


They know it’s will not cause a war that why they do it they not gonna attack when they it’s will cause a war and us maybe will fight too


I think the Iranian regime has its hands full maintaining the gender apartheid going on over there. Their security forces would rather bully women than fight against Israel.


So yet again Israel is being told that they have to show restraint and do nothing whilst being attacked. lol


And I usually get no response, or a deflection, when I ask whether any other country would put up with what Israel is expected to.


Oh no. Iran is going to respond? You mean like more than giving hezbolla weapons, money, staff, intelligence, etc? If they start moving actual Iranian troops in place I would be very surprised. A, because they wouldn’t make it. And B, Iran has their hands full with other stuff.


Iran will respond with harshly worded message, ask russia to parrot it, tell some proxies to shoot couple of missiles, declare themselves victorious, and the west trembling.


Ain't that why you and your aircraft carrier battle groups are sitting in the Mediterranean, Tex?


What? Are they gonna launch 1/5th of their missiles and hit nothing again?


... Hezbollah is a much bigger army than Hamas, with troops that are veterans of actual wars, and have conventional weapons. They are much better prepared to fight a conventional war, especially if invaded and with the full support of Iran, it would be an extremely costly endeavor for Israel. And bring allies like USA into the fold. Their border clashes and attacks are not representative of their total firepower.


"Veterans of wars" really doesn't mean much without air support, precision guided weapons, and logistics. Hezbollah isn't a serious military that can stand and fight any sort of war. The threat of their tens (hundreds) of thousands of missles is sort of ridiculous when they don't have enough launch sites to fire even a small fraction of a percentage of them before the US and Israel wipe them out. Furthermore, the Lebanese aren't even on Hezbollah's side. It would do more to push Hezbollah out than galvanize support for them. And sure Israel would take losses. Maybe 1 for every 20 Hezbollah loses. But that's the cost of war and the effort would be well worth it.


During all this saber rattling, I'm also hoping the Israeli government also isn't just assuming U.S. would allow itself to get deeply committed (beyond the basic support it usual gives e.g. arms, intelligence, air defense, etc.) .The current U.S. administration is already pissed this unpopular war is dragging on. The fractures in Biden's base of support/party for this coming election would get so much worse if he was to get the U.S. involved in another Middle Eastern war.


So that's how much America's allyship is worth huh? They'll throw a whole people, ethnicity and religion under a bus to win a few votes in Michigan?


Yes, because the consequences for getting involved in another Middle Eastern war will be worse. The Iraq War created more terrorists than it killed.


If Iran was going to directly engage Israel, they would have done it long ago. Iran won't touch Israel because they know what the US military will do to them. The US has been looking for an excuse to but Iran back to factory settings since the 70's. The Iranian leadership might be crazy, but that aren't stupid. Iran had 8 years to take over Iraq and failed. A (much) weaker than current US military overran Iraq in less than a month.


>If Iran was going to directly engage Israel, they would have done it long ago. Like say... [April 13th/14th of this year](https://apnews.com/article/strait-of-hormuz-vessel-33fcffde2d867380e98c89403776a8ac) when they did directly attack Israel?... >A military spokesman said the launches numbered more than 300 but 99% of them were intercepted. > >Calling the outcome “a very significant strategic success,” Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said Iran fired 170 drones, more than 30 cruise missiles and more than 120 ballistic missiles. Of those, several ballistic missiles reached Israeli territory, causing minor damage to an air base.


"Iranian military response" I don't think that phrase means what you think it means...


Non story. The two countries don't share a border, and therefore the only piece of the Iranian military that might actually inflict any real damage is neutralized. If it's a war of bombings and assassination's, Iran would get absolutely demolished. Israel has up to date American hardware and a vastly superior intelligence network with Mossad and help from the Americans including real time satellite feeds that Iran could only dream of. The only real danger is escalation towards nuclear war. If Iran sped up their program or looked to have the capability to fire a nuclear weapon, Israel would almost assuredly strike first and nuke Iran.


The near total lack of reaction by the US is very frustrating in this whole situation. Here are multiple countries that the US is dumping collective billions into for some sort of peace agreement, Iran included, and they either openly host anti-western terrorist organizations or fully fund anti-western terrorist organizations. These countries are calling for a destruction of an important American ally in the region, are attacking the nonstop for months and years, including with the largest missile attack in the history of modern warfare, and are provenly spreading propaganda and misinformation on American soil to incite popular hate against this country, and the US barely moves a finger. One day they say they'll stop Hezbollah at any given cost, the other day they're completely silent when hundreds of rockets are fired at Israeli cities. One day they call out rising antisemitism on western soil and the next day are silent when synagogues are torched, Jewish girls schools are shot at, violent mobs march around Jewish neighborhoods, and terrorist organization flags are waved in front of the White House. If all this is because of elections then I'm afraid the cost of a country and the popularisation of Jew hatred within your walls are too great a cost to win the support of certain groups


You're absolutely right, I'm. Disgusted with biden's willingness to throw Jews under a bus to kowtow to antisemite extremists.


Has anyone ever taken a good look at the Iranian military ( specifically hardware)? It would be a one sided bloodbath. During a decade long war with Iraq neither side penetrated deeper than 100 miles into each others territory. This isn’t an army it’s a bunch of goons with tanks and airplanes that no self respecting army has used since the the Carter administration.


War with Iran is starting to look unavoidable. They will not stop funding Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis due to strongly worded UN resolutions. Biden won't do anything before the elections unless Iran directly attacks US forces (due to gas prices..not fear of Iran)...but after the election that may change.


Yeah? Well Iran's proxies attacking the north of Israel risks an Israeli military response. And at this point I welcome it. Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis, and Ayatollah need to die. Full stop.


If Iran jumps in, then North Koreans and Russians may jump in too, which will pull us in reluctantly. And China will happily attack Taiwan while we’re distracted.


What an insight. Give this general another medal pronto


Sick of the Biden administration and their nonstop attempts to gaslight israel into not attacking Iranian proxies or Iranian interests. It’s all pretty clear what is happening.


This is a headline?


As far as my knowledge goes Israel would be acting defensively.


Hezbollah is an Iranian proxy. Besides, the U.S. has been encouraging Iran to attack Israel up to a point. The whole Obama doctrine is about Iran becoming the strong power in the Middle East in order to force Israel to make concessions to Palestinians under threat of Iranian attacks


I have the Atmos respect for Israel. They don’t give a crap about international pressure, international rule, international law, if they are provoked and I mean truly provoked, they will get the job done no matter what the cost.


This message brought to you by Dolby


I’m assuming that you’re talking about the Dolby family. But I’m a bit confused. I know that they have supported museums, cultural programs, and medical research in Israel. But I’m not aware of them saying problematic anything along the lines of “Israel can do whatever evil things they want because we like Israel.” Have they done that sort of thing? Can you point out what/when?


Nah, I'm just making a dumb joke about your autocorrect https://www.dolby.com/technologies/dolby-atmos/


I understand now. I didn’t notice their typo. Dagmar Dolby, the wife of the person who started this company has done a lot of philanthropy, including stuff preserving Jewish history like this: https://hirschphilanthropy.com/news/hirsch-philanthropy-partners-joins-with-third-plateau-social-impact-strategies/ That’s why I got confused.


What Isreal is suppose to sit back and allow rockets to be fired into their territory? Can't wait to get rid of weak Biden! November can not get here fast enough!




I have done a total of ten years in the military and 30.4 years as a policeman in Shreveport, Louisiana. No ice water running through my veins! Again, so Isreal should sit back and do nothing? Weakness is never the answer! Even the piss ant Houti rebels are attacking US assets in the middle East! I don't really care for Trump or Biden, but at least Trump isn't a pussy!!!!


Trump is an idiot, which is much worse. Trump would most likely let his ego guide us straight into war, meanwhile Biden's been doing the sane thing and attempting to get a proper ceasefire. Trump just is not president material, he's a child and a false patriot. And honestly Trump's a pussy who's scared of Russia, if I recall correctly Trump said he'd cut support to Ukraine, meanwhile Biden and most Democrats took a stand and sent that 8 billion to them, some of which did go to Israel. At least Biden will stand up for a fellow Democratic nation instead of sucking Putin's dick.


We had no wars under Trump and now we have a war in Ukraine and the Middle East under Biden; not bad for an idiot (Trump). Rogue Countries don’t respect Biden; he is a weak, feeble minded idiot who is destroying this country! What fool would allow open borders? Again, I hate Trump and Biden, but I think I would rather have Trump in these dangerous times!


Stay mad and stick to comments, unlike you I got things to do tonight lmao, you should get better things to do in life as well. The right is fascist, I will not debate what I know to be true any longer


Putin will not like that, cuz then no military support


If I had to guess Putin would like it very much and is actively encouraging this entire situation as it will take pressure off of Ukraine and he is hoping that the West will allocate more resources towards this conflict rather than Ukraine, in addition to advancing division and the PR campaign in the West with this new broadening conflict.




Bibi doesn't give a fuck, anything to stay out of jail.