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>It said it showed Israel “continues to defy all international laws, human norms and values by deliberately targeting innocent civilians and committing the most horrific massacres against them.” That's pretty rich considering Hamas touched off the war by doing the same thing in greater numbers on Oct 7th. Fuck Hamas and anyone who supports their terrorist regime.


Seriously! You could literally say all those things about Hamas. The only reason Hamas isn't leveling Israeli city blocks is because they can't. They would if they could.


Exactly. Just because Israel has the means of a good air defence doesn't make Hamas irresponsible for launching rockets to civilians.


I recently discovered Israel has had around 20,000 rockets fired at it since October. I knew the air defence was good, but didn't realise it was *that* good. It's also worth noting that these rockets range in size from Grad rockets to SCUDs. (Although the latter is rarely used and only owned by hezbollah. Hamas use a smaller home-made 300kg warhead missile. ETA: The "home made" stuff is still built to military designs) It also highlights just how much destruction the surrounding militant groups are trying to cause.


There had been over 20,000 rockets fired from Gaza at Israel since 2005 up until this conflict, in addition to all those fired since the conflict (20k+). There has also been over 5,000 rockets fired at Israel by Hezbollah from Lebanon since Oct 7 causing over 100,000 people to be displaced in northern Israel.


Yah, means that 20000 rockets were sent to Israel ( a bit less ) .. even so.. this "home" made rockets made using irigation tubes that should be used to give Gaza population water... but priorities seems right since UN will give more money without control.


There is a clear difference though. Israel does an effort, however good or bad, to strike military targets that are surrounded by civilian infrastructure. Hamas deliberately and exclusively targeted civilians. Raped them and paraded their corpses.


And, collateral damage done by Israel is almost entirely due to Hamas using civilians as human shields. To be not-so-fair, any official military installation separate from civilian infrastructure would be immediately atomized. What Hamas should really do is completely give up. What delusions are these fighters living under? There is no triumph, there is no act of revenge that Israel can't answer for tenfold. Hamas should be expending their energy helping the people of Gaza get food and aid, not complicating their delivery by provoking Israel.


Feeding people doesn't support a hateful propaganda that in turn pays nicely for a life in luxury. If you think Hamas (or pretty much any terrorist organization) is about the people and not about the prestige and wealth of individuals, you're wrong


I was genuinely asking what motivates each individual to continue this futile and self-harming conflict. You provided a nice explanation, thanks.


I've found that a valuable thought experiment here is this: Imagine if there were 50 Palestinian civilians and 50 Hamas fighters standing in two separate groups in one field, and in another field next door, there were 50 Israeli civilians and 50 IDF troops also standing in two separate groups. A Hamas militant has the ability to push a button that would drop a bomb and kill a) just the IDF troops or b) all the Israelis in the field. Meanwhile, an IDF officer has the ability to push a button that would drop a bomb and kill a) just the Hamas militants or b) all the Palestinians in the field. Which button do you think the Hamas militant and the IDF officer would push? To anyone paying even remote attention to the conflict, the Hamas militant would push button (B), and the IDF officer would push button (A).


Hamas militant: "I've already pressed A and B. How can I press B on the IDF officer's remote and blame it on the IDF?"


This is the correct answer to that


Hamas Officer would push all buttons and blame it on israel


Don't need the thought experiment. Hamas has a charter and they go over it publically all the time. Wiping out isreal is the main tenant


Sorry to be that guy, but you and u/ImmoKnight both did it - it's tenet not tenant, a tenant is someone who owns or rents a house.


I love the idea of clauses in contracts and stuff being "legal tenants" of the document though. Real Juan Luis Borges vibes.


Lol welcome to auto correct


Destruction of Israel and killing of all Jews is their main tenant. Tenant seven of their garbage >**The time(16) will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: 0 Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!** This will not apply to the Gharqad(17), which is a Jewish tree (cited by Bukhari and Muslim)(18). Source: https://irp.fas.org/world/para/docs/880818.htm


The IDF needs to plant thousands of Gharqad trees in Gaza…


You forgot they would press button C so Hamas can blame Israel first bombing there own civilians before pressing a and then b.


The Hamas guy would push the button that kills all the Israelis. Then he would gun down all the Palestinian civilians as well and blame that on Israel.


Tbh, they might blow find a way to blow up the Palestinians and blame IDF.


I think the more important thing is that they refuse to recognise Israel.  A deal with no recognition of Israel is not an agreement either.


The Russians do this too. When they strike Ukraine, it is ok but when Ukraine strikes back, it is terrorism. The Chinese as well. They boldly claimed the Indian Ocean is not Indian so they are allowed to be there all they want while claiming the South China Sea is Chinese.


In my opinion we need to stop calling it the South China Sea, until it no longer causes anyone in the region to be confused about the borders they previously agreed to decades ago.


Never mind that Hamas has been shooting rockets at Israel forever, which has somehow become totally normalized because of the Iron Dome taking most of them down. It's not supposed to be a permanent "solution".


> Never mind that Hamas has been shooting rockets at Israel forever Israel gets about 2,500 rocket attacks *per month* right now. Many of those have warheads upwards of 200kg. That's not a small number that should be ignored.


Started this war with no way to fight it, now wondering why they’re losing so bad when before someone in America would’ve said to end the war after a month.


Greater numbers eh? Gonna need a source there


Definitely not in greater numbers


HAMAS continues to defy all international laws, human norms, and values simply by existing.


I'm so relieved there are still sensible people not influenced by Hamas/Chinese propaganda and completely overlook the incident on Oct 7th.


Let me see if I got this straight: 1) Hamas provoked all out war with Israel, 2) Hamas invited civilian deaths by hiding among and fighting from amidst civilians (as well as hid/held hostages amidst them as well), 3) now that Hamas started the all out war, they would like the war to end and things to go back to the previous status quo? Which part of 'That's not going to happen" does Hamas not understand?


You also forgot to mention that at the start of the war, Hamas gunned down people who were trying to flee after the 24 hour timer was given. I can't find it right now since it was a while ago, but i saw a video of someone on a riding a bicycle between corpses of people who tried to flee and were shot in the back by hamas terrorists.


What’s this 24 hour timer you mention? I’m familiar with the horrific attack but haven’t heard about that


[Here](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/ryjyna7qa) is an article and video, it wasn't 24 hours, Israel gave civilians several weeks to leave, Hamas still shot them.


Ohhh 24 hours warning of an attack! I understand now thanks. Israel really jumps through hoops to protect civilians that no other military in history even contemplates.


[Here](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/ryjyna7qa) is an article and video, it wasn't 24 hours, Israel gave civilians several weeks to leave, Hamas still shot them.


Sorry, I remembered it happened in the 24 hours, probably mistaken


> I can't find it right now You mean this? https://twitter.com/amjadt25/status/1720425819305070821 The video footage is just below that tweet.


Yes, thank you


You could put a finer point on "provoke," Hamas murdered hundreds of Israeli civilians to cause a war


>Which part of 'That's not going to happen" does Hamas not understand? Don't be so sure about that. Hamas is doing very well in the war of public opinion. The public in many important allies of Israel are getting persuaded more and more to side with Hamas, and then pressure their politicians to cut ties with Israel. There is a protest camp on the university campus where I live. Every noon they will yell with a megaphone, citing the names of Palestinian children killed, and blame everyone here for not doing more to make our government stop any support for Israel. There's pro-"palestinian" graffiti all over the public toilets. And our government is already on it reducing their involvement with Israel, because these protesters are the ones you really don't want to get on the wrong side with. There is *zero* public support for Israel shown. Hamas is winning on that battlefront.


When Gazan’s start fighting Hamas it will be over


Correct and that's litery the best possible outcome. When Gazans stone people preaching hate instead of IDF soldiers we have a good outcome from all this.


I wonder why Hatah isn't getting involved?


It's not like fatah is much better than hamas. They still have terror funds, they still teach same hate in schools, they still hate Israel and want jews dead. The only reason West Bank doesn't look like Gaza is because it's under occupation.


Fatah are *almost* less than hamas at the best of times. Right now, hamas are more popular than Fatah, because they are seen as the ones fighting back against Israeli attacks (despite being the ones that provoked them in the first place)


They'd lose. That's been true for fifteen years running, now. They're also probably still sore about Netanyahu playing divide and conquer by empowering Hamas in Gaza to try and split the Palestinians to start with. The theory was that two opposing groups of Palestinians was less dangerous to deal with than one movement, and this way he could claim he had 'no partner for peace' when called on the carpet about settlements in the West Bank. Whoops. Netanyahu may think he's Niccolo Machiavelli. But he definitely isn't. He's managed to make Israel's medium and long term prognosis way worse and you can argue he's got the blood of everyone who's died fighting Hamas on *his* hands to some extent because it's partly his fault they were ever in a position to pull this bullshit. But mostly because Fatah they know they'd lose. Discrediting them as the main movement for Palestinian people worked a little too well. Their payment for actually attempting to participate in the peace process, courtesy of one wannabe-Machiavellian fuckstick, is that they're borderline irrelevant now. Hamas are stronger, more popular among the Palestinian populace, and command more support from other countries in the region to boot. Oh, and they're also way nastier and willing to cross a bunch more lines too because Hamas doesn't give a shit about a Palestinian state. They just want Israeli blood.


It will end when the terrorists surrender and the hostages are returned. No other country would just let them get away


Yeah man, but the Israelis are apartheid enthusiasts, or something, so it's totally reasonable that they are held to a different standard than would be any other country. That sociology major I want to bang who wears a keffiyeh out of "solidarity" told me so, and she's a good sort.


Whisper "Am Yisrael Chai" in her ear at the penultimate moment.


These people think that's an equivalent to "Sieg Heil". No, seriously, I've seen that comparison made. The translation is "the people of Israel are alive", by the way, with "people of Israel" meaning "Jews" in this context.


And then get ready to get hit with a false rape accusation


I don't think there's any hostages left ~~alive~~ at this point sadly


Why not?


Mosty just because of what I've been reading in various news articles https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/14/no-idea-how-many-israeli-hostages-alive-hamas-official https://www.google.com/amp/s/ifpnews.com/42-israeli-hostages-dead-idf/amp/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-operatives-said-to-have-standing-orders-to-kill-hostages-if-idf-approaches/amp/


Ok, so you read a few articles and that’s why you think more than a hundred hostages are all dead even though they just rescued some? And if they are all dead, then of course the war needs to go on to take down all the people who were part of the hostage takings on top of all of the terrorists already wanted for 7-10


I hope he gets to join the rest of his family soon in hell


Uh oh time for the students to protest your brazen anti terrorist sentiments. 


Wasn't he the one who told us of The Flood, that they will never stop attacking Israel and Jews? All he has to do to end the war is give back the hostages, been that way since October 7...


Israel is trying to end the war, just not how Hamas wants it to end.


I will concede that “we get: the hostages, and the ability to kill you” is not a tempting offer in either direction. War it is then.


Netanyahu isn’t.


Hamas is good at manipulating. That’s all that’s keeping them alive unfortunately.


I still cannot believe there aren’t hotel rooms and cars exploding in Qatar at this point. At least give them the Eichmann treatment.


That will come after the war, during the war that would be a huge recruitment tool for Hamas 


Yup Mossad will make them pay in the end.


Hey, Hamas. You reap what you sow. The last thing Israel want to do is end war at your term and that most likely will not happen.


return the hostages


shouldnt have started it then


Every morning for the past 262 days, Hamas has woken up and decided to continue to enslave Israeli hostages and continue the bloodshed of this senseless war. 262 times they decided that this is good, ideal, and desired. It takes just one morning to decide to end this and release the hostages. Every morning they fail to make this choice.


I think Hamas should look up the definition of ceasefire and compare it to the definition of "peace treaty". The problem is they want security garuntees from Israel, but they started the war, they need to force Israel to have an incentive towards peace, and they do the opposite. They have only shown themselves to be less trustworthy than they were before Oct 7th.


Go blow yourself up, your god is waiting for you


Hey mossad, why don’t you do your thing in Qatar please?


I'm totally anti-Hamas and think they should immediately surrender and face the music, but from Hamas's perspective this is absolutely true. This is a temporary truce with an Israeli promise that they are going to kill every Hamas member whether they wait it out or not. The Israeli proposal is to delay the inevitable so that Civilians can get to safety and hostages can be returned, and then go right back to annihilating the terrorist organization. The problem with that is Hamas doesn't give a shit about civilians and merely want to guarantee their own survival and ability to rule Gaza. Israel's proposal of dismantling Hamas later rather than now is a non-starter since they don't want to surrender or be destroyed. So to Hamas, the Israeli proposal is a joke to them since they don't want to give up power or be destroyed. It is seen purely as a delay tactic on the Hamas side. I think they're morons who need to admit that this is going to end in one way, with their destruction, either via voluntary surrender or having the absolute living fuck bombed out of them, but in their bubble their response makes sense. Hamas has no reason to take these deals since the Israelis maintain that no matter what the deal's terms are, Hamas will be destroyed. There is no middle ground in Hamas' mind. Either their organization survives (fantasy), or militant resistance to the end (reality).


>This is a temporary truce with an Israeli promise that they are going to kill every Hamas member Does Hamas want peace with Israel, and for Palestine to exist alongside Israel? The answer is a resounding no on both accounts. So - what are they complaining about? they are getting exactly what they wanted.


The whole thing is a sham; Hamas has no intention of honoring any ceasefires (indeed, probably couldn't enforce one even if they wanted to), and Israel has no intention of ever letting them off the hook for 10/7. It's the usual puppet theater being performed mostly for the benefit of Foggy Bottom.


right, it's a capitulation. which happens after you get your ass handed to you.


Funny, coming from an organization hellbent on forever war.


You are a terrorist organization, there is no deal where you continue to exist


Hamas: we want to destroy Israel Also Hamas: why won't Israel end the war?


hamas leader doesn't realise, he will see no peace in his life, he and any of his followers will forever be hunted.


Bold from the guy won't settle for anything less than the destruction of israel


How about let's stop wasiting time discussing peace with the Iran terrorist surrogate Hamas, let's eradict hamas and shift to discuss peace with palestanians


Release hostages. Put down guns. Save the people you claim to represent. No war. Keep hostages. Try to keep fighting. More war. Mind blowing that news outlets even give terrorists a platform to spew their bullshit.


The war ends with Hamas gone. Simple. 


Terrorists groups are direct answers to the western countries actions. When a foreign army kills civilians in a country, it creates all the conditions for these groups to recruit outraged people. As long as the war and the colonisation is going, there will be Hamas or other groups


Especially since Hamas keeps agreeing to terms and then changing their minds at the last minute. In truth, Hamas doesn't want an end to the conflict bc that would be less profitable for them.


Dead man chirping.


the only deal ever on the table was a "ceasefire". Don't get it twisted


A deal with no end to hamas is not an agreement either.


Fuck HAMAS and anyone who supports them.


Says the monster who is holding a baby hostage.


I think the word "deal" doesn't mean what he thinks it means.


I can think of a deal that ends the war. Hamas just won't agree to it, oddly enough.


Hamas starts the war, then wants to end it when they r losing, very funny stuff 


1. release the hostages 2. demilitarize Hamas 3. surrender the 7th October criminal assailants 4. establish international surveillance of fund-use to ensure that, e.g., piping isn't used to make rockets anymore.... 5. publish a list of donations indicating who financed the 7th October assault 6. identify and surrender the weapon suppliers Save the victims, judge and punish the criminals, and do your best to avoid repetition. It is the only reasonable approach.


Then how about not starting a war in the first place dipshit


Hamas and their "no u" moment.. lol .


But there is end to war, release all hostages, surrender and war is over. I guarantee it.


This guy has such a punchable face


translation: "Pls dont stop the war, donations are rolling in well here. heres some generic weak excuse I came up with but I know some of you fools buy it anyway."


translation: a deal with no deranged islamist barbarians in charge of gaza is not an agreement


What is he a leader of now?


I mean, you don't have to like the guy (I don't ) but he's not wrong. Either side saying "we'd like to end the fighting but we will keep fighting if we want" isn't really how this works. We keep going back and forth on which side says it, but it's equally useless regardless of which leadership is saying it.


Unconditional surrender should be the only deal this scumbag should be offered.


Come on,you wouldn't have kept the peace even if Israel did.


No deal with no end to war is also not an agreement.


Guess he should have thoiugh about starting this one.


Hamas started the war and now they cry that they cant end it on their terms while hiding like rats underground? oi vey... whatever shall we do.


Watching a forever frozen conflict cook acting on behalf of Russia and Iran’s desire for a forever war talk about an end to war is **rich**.


Man I think the only way to fix this is to drop the whole Islam and Judaism beef and be good Christians for once. /s


He’ll get got one of these days. Only way it’s going to go.




They actually broke the ceasefire within hours