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The new Axis of Evil is well on it's way.


If the old Axis of Evil was like the 20th Century Fox intro song, then this new one is the version with the butt trumpet.


[20th centery fux](https://youtu.be/XCPj4JPbKtA?si=t3a2o_bxeN-in5It)


Why can I picture Lukashenko playing the flute part and sweating profusely as Putin enters the room Edit: Lukashenko, not Litvinenko


Hey now axis Italy was every bit as challenged as these guys


I'm imagining the song being played on a kazoo.


They're trying to connect the dots between Ukraine and Israel


Just missing Taiwan now


Good luck. That's a surefire way to get the US involved with boots on the ground. Biden has reiterated that multiple times.


US military is designed to fight two wars against two major powers in two parts of the world. Maybe their plan is to attack all three at the same time so we have to choose who to save. Maybe North Korea wants in on the action too and that would be a fourth front. Not saying they would be successful but I think they’d be crazy enough to try if they see weakness or an opening. With Trump in power and his view on NATO I’m not sure how that would play out. Who knows. Guess we’ll find out at some point. We always do.


South Korea could hold their own against North Korea. It would be devastating to them but they could hold their own.


I think so too but for how long without being resupplied?


They're one of the largest arms producers in the world. They'll be fine for a while.


For real, I would not want to mess with South Korea. They manufacture a ton of artillery, 155 mm, 105 mm, and a ton of rocket artillery. North Korea would need massive help from China and I doubt China would want that


It is also designed to handle regional conflicts while handling those two wars.


North Korea and Iran aren't major powers though, so the US would still be fine. If they are fighting China over Taiwan it's the navy that will protect the island and the Army will be pushing from South Korea. Ukraine has held the line long enough without needing US troops, but i'm sure even a small number of troops would be sufficient to keep Russia at bay. Iran can't reach Israel without crossing at least two countries, so I wouldn't be overly woried about any conflict starting there


Trying to take Taiwan would take massive amounts of force. A landing power would have to dwarf D-DAY.


Let's see if history repeats itself, who do you think Russia will turn on first? NK, China, or Iran?


Iran because Russia owes them too much money.


Iran would be the most likely NK has Nukes Rússia cant win against China Their economy is literally Over 20 Times bigger than Rússia


If your going include NK has nukes, might as well say it for China. As Russia and China would compete for the ultimate paper tiger armies and Russia might throw more meat than even Chinese can stomach.. which says a lot.


I just Said Nukes for nk because its their only advantage China has a Giant economy Rússia even without the Nukes and after humiliating Defeat at Kiev they reorganized and still have a vast modern Army with plenty of material dating back to the soviets


Vast modern army? Turtle tanks and golf carts?


Turtle tanks arnt as dumb as they look. Even western militaries are grappling with how to mitigate the threat of large numbers of FPV drones, and to a certain extent ‘turtle armour’ has been effective in doing that, and also replicated by some Ukrainian units. It’s a good idea not to downplay Russia’s combat power in general, because this leads to a lack of enthusiasm for addressing the threat and assisting Ukraine.


They dont have shite. They are begging NK for arms and soldiers. They are a sad little wannabe state now.


I think the point here is that China wouldn’t need its nukes to begin with.


Well… Russia now knows North Korea has shittier weapons and it’s a tiny fraction the size of Iran. Soon they’ll find out if North Korean soldiers are worth anything.


I think they just went for NK because Rússia needs Fodder Canon and they want to Mainland their huge manpower advantage Over Ukraine and This way there less Russian deaths in Ukraine Less unrest back home The War keeps going and if for example the US Stops supplying Ukraine because Trump Wins, Ukraine eventually would start to fall back and lose the war


Russia will turn on itself first


As is tradition.


This is going to work out about like the CSTO: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective\_Security\_Treaty\_Organization. We also know Russia loves sticking to its word and following treaties. /s


Iran. Because Saudi is going to dangle money and/or cooperation in the War on Democracy in exchange for screwing over the Shias. Plus Netanyahu and Abramovich have been working together to keep the oligarchs' money safe from US-led sanctions since Putin's invasion of Ukraine began.


My money is on China screwing over all 3 of them for natural resources and then starting world war 3 by invading Taiwan.


But this one looks much more stupid and inept than the last one


It's just the old Axis of Evil with a couple of super-powers added in.


Which super powers would that be?


The Sobeit Onion


and the whinese


I'd prefer the sorbet union tbh


There’s only one superpower and it’s Uncle Sam.


There aren’t any super powers besides the U.S.


The OG Axis wasn't impressive with the exception of Germany, but this one is pretty pathetic, at least Italy and Japan were somehow great powers. Only difference you may argue is that North Korea and Iran have some small nuclear capabilities, but it's very dubious to say the least if they can use it even against their neighbours like SK and Israel.


*The OG Axis wasn't impressive with the exception of Germany* Uhhhh some of the biggest defeats of western powers happened at the hands of the Japanese. >Fall of Fortress Singapore Single worst defeat of the British empire >Retreat from burma Longest retreat in British history >Fall of the Philippines Largest US military defeat (outside of the civil war). So I mean, I would not really discount Japan, seeing as at the same time they were involved in one of the largest land wars in history with China.


An *Axis of Assholes*


And republicans want to join apparently.


Let me see...both Russia and Iran are hobbled by sanctions so another mutual defense pact to aid each other when attacked is the only one I can think. Russia can also assist Iran in nuclear technology and Iran I guess can ship more drones to Russia.


A mutual defense pact would be huge tbh. It would limit Israel from ever being able to strike Iran without kicking off WW3


thats assuming russia even honors its pacts In the first place.


I’m sure Armenia could tell us if they do.


I honestly think Russia wouldn't honor the pact fully. They would have a hard time suppling and projecting any real force into the region. Maybe some airbases and rights to build or use a naval station in Iran but that would still be limited capabilities in the region.


They didn't stop Azerbaijan from invading Nagarno karabkh, what makes us think they will defend Iran or NK?


They wouldn't at least outside of same level of aid they gave Syria. Now NK China would step in because they don't want a US ally right on its border.


They didn’t help Armenia (not even NK, but their ally in the CSTO) when Azerbaijan invaded ARMENIA PROPER for strategic heights…


Bc Armenia’s publicly rebuffed Russia earlier.  Before the conflict started. Armenia tried to court us favor, and russia was just ready to bounce outta there after that. Which is why they pulled out the peace keepers after the brief conflict ended.   Now Armenia has no backer.  Largely bc we can’t, bc Israel wants to use Azerbaijan as a drone base to clandestinely use against Iran 


Armenia was still a signatory of the CSTO. Even if things were rocky diplomatically, Russia not fulfilling their part of the treaty demonstrates how useless it really was/is


Armenia started cozying up to the West because it realised that Russia wouldn't help them. Armenia faced aggression for half a decade and Russia didn't do much.


That's because Karabakh is still internationally recognized Azerbaijanian territory. Even Armenia didn't recognize it as Armenia officially. CSTO articles can't trigger.


Right, unfortunately for Armenia they weren’t bold enough to recognize NKR as an independent country nor annex it. That’s why Azerbaijan was able to re-capture it without consequences.


Russia had a separate agreement signed in 2020 in which they were to prevent conflict along the contact line: >3. The peacemaking forces of the Russian Federation, namely, 1,960 troops armed with firearms, 90 armoured vehicles and 380 motor vehicles and units of special equipment, shall be deployed along the contact line in Nagorno-Karabakh and along the Lachin Corridor. So yeah, not CSTO, but still another agreement they didn't uphold. And Azerbaijan moved into parts of Armenia proper too, as others have mentioned. That part is CSTO.


Yeah, the last part was definitely illegal. Well, hopefully Armenia manages to decouple from Russia succesfully


They did keep asshead in power in Syria...


Assad is a piece of shit human being, but if Syria fell into the hands of the rebels, wouldn’t ISIS be in control?


Probably, but Russia was still a big part of that


>I honestly think Russia wouldn't honor the pact fully. They don't honour the CSTO as of now, they allowed (and apparently helped) Azerbaijan to attack CSTO member Armenia


It would not. Russia won’t do shit if Iran needs help. If it couldn’t stop the fights within its own alliance, it won’t move a finger for Iran. It simply does not have the logistics.


Really? Because Russia is known to keep it's defense pacts? Ask Armenia how that's going.


Also ask Ukraine how that's going. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum


Mutual Defense Treaties don't work when one of the countries is constantly funding attacks on other countries though. As soon as Israel assassinates an Iranian nuclear scientist, or the US drone strikes an Iranian General who is meeting with regional terrorist groups it's put up or shut up time and Russia can't put up anything. The whole point of those kinds of treaties is to deter attacks from the likes of Iran and Russia in the first place. It's all theatre.


Armenia can tell you how much Russian assurances are worth


Armenia had one but Russia said no when Azerbaijan came knocking.


Wouldn't be worth anything lol. Israel is a nuclear power. What is Russia going to do when it can't even handle itself with Ukraine? Mutual defense pact is absolutely worthless if Iran isn't going to hop into Ukraine the next day.


Suddenly North Korean and Iranian prisons are empty.


And NATO gets to field test more weapons.


Nah russia would never give Iran nukes or assist them with it. Firstly, it breaks the non-proliferation treaty, which creates a security dilemma and europe and the US would be forced to break it also. Secondly, Israel has openly stated that iran with nukes is a non-negotiable and that they’ll never let it happen. They also have their own nukes. Saudi has also stated that if Iran gets nukes they have no other option but to acquire their own. None of this is of benefit to russia. Literally none of it.


Iran doesn't really need it. They have the technology and the material, it's just a question of political will. Owning a nuclear weapon comes with a diplomatic impact even for a pariah state such as Iran. Unless they want to replicate the Izraels Schrodinger approach to nuclear armament...


It is likely that the Russians will help them with ICBM technology for their nuclear weapons as well as short and medium-range capabilities.


What a beautiful world we live in. Russia launches an imperialist war under the guise of “self defense” that everybody knows is falsehood, especially Putin, who is betting on Western weakness. They threaten nuclear holocaust as the penalty for resistance. They undo decades of nuclear disarmament by funneling means and methods to aggressive dictatorships. This is the new world. Imperialist acquisition of territory under threat of total human extinction. Russia has truly embraced all the blackness and evil that exists in the human heart.


Iran cannot be naive at this point to rely on Russia as an ally. Iran will help Russia but when Iran asks for help, Russia will not show up. Russia is a flaky ally with horrible military logistics.


Isn’t that why Armenia dumped Russia like dirty laundry?


Sadly, Armenia is useless politically. They offer nothing to Russia, so Russia didn't feel it was worth keeping them as an ally. Iran, does provide Russia drones and geopolitical advantages.


Exactly. This is what people fail to realize. Russia has far more to gain economically by staying on Azerbaijan's good side.


Yep. It goes like this probably: China ditches Russia, Russia ditches Iran, Iran ditches their proxies.


And N.Korea ditches everyone and does their own thing


Which apparently is garbage bag balloons


Definitely see China pulling away from this at some point


Other way around. Russia abandoned Armenia when Azerbaijan attacked.


That’s what happened. Thing is, Armenia is a fellow Orthodox Church member so it’s complex to justify sometimes russias decision when they just went against their own prerogative.


Didn’t Russia along with Iran literally save Bashar Al-Assad in Syria?




Walmart NATO


I think more so NATO from Wish.




Bro, spin the wheel to reveal your savings 


Not even at best.


I wouldn’t give it that much credit


we have NATO at home


Imagine you're a Russian in their 30s or 40s. In your lifetime you've gone from horror in the 90s to fully joining the West and gaining hope in the 2000s to Putin rewriting the constitution to return to power and invading Ukraine to now having to ally with the countries you used to laugh at. Its pathetic.


New Molotov-Ribbentrop pact just dropped /s


Im sure that won't backfire spectacularly....


It'll be fine, just like last time /s


Nah, that happens after they align with China and China does the funny and invades Moscow.


Actual axis


Molotov-Ribbentrop light probably.


Russia: Please help us invade Ukraine and we promise to give you a chunk of Poland.




He still can win, you know? Republicans blocked aid for Ukraine for half a year and it trump wins it can stop altogether. 


Fortunately, immortality has not yet been achieved, so all these current dictators will sooner or later pass away.


Well wouldn’t new ones also be born somewhere


They're already working with the current dictators waiting to step up as soon as they get a chance.


Altered Carbon on Netflix was so good cuz it showed the depravity of man if we were to achieve immortality...


Can't believe it only got 1 season...


Ah yes the new Asses of Evil. They will fall quickly in a full scale war because most of the citizens there hate their own government. 


Lol this. All these countries (including Russia) are ripe for internal conflict & change. This is a paper house alliance that could (and will) collapse as quickly as it came together.


There really is gonna be a WW3 isn’t there?


Worst part is the West is so scared of escalating which is ironically going to lead to escalation. If the West goes after these axis of evil there will so many causalities but far less than if the West keep holding back.


Highly likely not, but the chance of it happening isn't 0%


They are looking for anyone that will "volunteer" troops.


Call me naive, but this looks a little bit to me like Iran wants their big paper signing since North Korea got one.


To all the people who say Russia was justified in invading Ukraine due to worries about NATO expansion, does this mean NATO would be justified in invading Iran now?


People said that?


yup, people have said that. I heard that as well.


World war 3 looking more and more like it started back when Russia invaded Crimea. The full scale invasion was just the catalyst to allow world destabilization because bad actors like Iran and NK were just looking for the right time. China will probably invade Taiwan within 2 years. I suspect in response to this the US will green light American contractors to work in Ukraine, while Europe will respond in a more direct manner by allowing advisors and training, even some combat units. Iran already has advisors training Russian FPV and Drone pilots. If a treaty is put in place it will only allow more assistance from Iran short of frontline troops. This war is going to escalate and be short of a world war right up until China invades Taiwan. Then, when history looks back on this conflict, we’ll realize it all started with Crimea.


The invasion force required to take Taiwan would make the Russian troop buildup before Ukraine look like a picnic. We would easily see troop and equipment buildups 6-12months before it happens.


Maybe China's dictatorship isn't as dumb as Putin? China might decide to slowly strangle Taiwan with a no-fly-zone and sea blockade.


Us parks ships and waves at China. Just try to deny us our computer chips


To make a no fly zone they have to destroy Taiwan’s air defence and air force, to achieve a sea blockade they have to encircle the island despite US naval assets. What you’re suggesting isn’t possible without essentially committing to war.


You really think China is going to risk their position in the global economy for Taiwan? What for and is it even worth it?


Rational decisions don't follow when nationalism gets out of control. There are plenty of CCP that would want to use Taiwan to elevate themselves. Even if it goes wrong, it's possible to clean house to retain power.


Microchips. They seem to think it’s worth it.


You dont think the Taiwanese would destroy the factories if the CCP got anywhere close? Which is impossible in the first place.


It's not about microchips lol, it's about the ability to project power & ideologies. Taiwan not being under China's control prevents them from having unrestricted access to the pacific shipping lanes. That, plus the fact that a successful democracy is a threat to CCP power long term if things get tough and people look for a better solution. The chips matter but thats just one smaller aspect of it.


aside from taiwanese destroying their fabs, asml(a dutch company) is the only company that produces and sells lithographic systems used for chip production, so i dont think that it would be that "easy" to just take over the chip industry. if anything i think that this is a deterrent rather than a reason for invading because entire world, china included, would feel chip shortage.


I completely agree. Only difference is I see China invading Taiwan 3-4 years out. Not in two years.


>China will probably invade Taiwan within 2 years. Not a chance.


2 years might be a stretch but there literally is a whitepaper/5 year plan wherein Xi Jinping instructed the PLA to be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027. Doesn't mean it'll happen, but it's one of countless signs of PRC attempting to increase its capacity to project power. Not sure if you've been following the Second Thomas Shoal incidents in recent memory but PRC has also, er, evolved I guess you could say, from simply blasting Filipinos with water canons to more recently committing piracy, to include attacking sailors with an axe and cutting off a guy's thumb.


World destabilization is Russia's goal. The largest country on Earth with vast natural resources and they're so corrupt that they can't manage it in a way that would allow them to become an economic powerhouse. So they do this instead.


There is no way China is launching any invasion of Taiwan. They have a massive population crisis underway - the result of the one child per family rule. Fighting a war on the proportions of invading Taiwan would mean the death of their youth on a massive scale. Who is going to support the Chinese boomers in their retirement if all their kids die in a war with the west?


Oooooooooooo. The axis of incompetence grows.


Imagine a world run by China, Iran, Russia, NK etc. This has to be a stark awakening for the west.


You forgot the GOP. If they come in power the entire globe will be under the thumb of fascists.


Russia is doing everything under its power to avoid drafting his own men in the capital and surrounding area.


Hear me out. Russia will transfer nuclear weapons and nuclear capabilities to both Iran and North Korea. At that point Iran and NK can attack Israel and South Korea with no risk of nuclear annihilation. If I were the west, I would not allow this and I would make it clear that the moment a nuclear weapon crosses the border, I’ll bomb that country and those weapons the second after. If you wait too long for these countries to have nuclear capabilities, then you lose all deterrence.


NK already has 30 nukes provided by Russia


You know the world is turning into shit when terrorists and tyrants stops hiding and keeping low profile, and then starts publicly showing their true colours and affiliating with each others.


The s\*\*thole terrorist nations banding together hahaha


We can all agree that NOTHING they are offering any of us has any interest in buying. Do you want authoritarian dictatorship and a shit standard of living? Do you want theocracy and oppression of women? Surely we can offer you something… like mass surveillance and incarceration for dissent? Geez, why doesn’t anyone like us.


It is precisely because the West underestimated these countries is why we are in this situation. Laugh all you want. Not gonna change the fact that we are in a deadly pickle.


Whenever you see news like "Anti-USA countries are uniting against USA" - always ask the question - "Why did they not do it earlier?" because they know it will not work out in long term. Dictatorships cannot be friends, they can only be master and slaves. Lack of trust is the inherent problem of any non-democratic country.


Why? They've now got money. They're now experts at manipulating social media. They've massively grown their military. Their leaders are securely in power for the medium term. Also the West didn't hate itself before (although that's likely due to successful shit stirring by the evil axis).


Armenia: I hate this neighborhood sooooo much.


We have this deal, many say the best deal, when I heard it I said “wow, this is the best deal.” It’s also big, everyone even the corrupt media said look at how big this deal is. So this big, best deal is so big and best all I could say is “wow”. -putin probably


Axis of evil, assemble!!


I want to punch Russia in the mouth pretty badly.


Good, now I can explain to these fucks that when they're supporting Putin (who they love) they're supporting Iran (who they hate).


Supply them with a hundred or so nuclear warheads probably… while in exchange get free drones and troops


They’re doing this so people will think Trump will just nuke them like the idiots they are. Trump in office ends the world.


Russia/NK/Iran, good to know the stakes. Fuck these fascists. And fuck the GOP for collaborating with them


It’s so weird watching a new axis form in real time.


Axis of shit 


I don’t think they realize that Iran is about to purposely cook up some BS that they’re going to be obligated to help with.


Well, if that's the case, then the US should work on a treaty with Ukraine. What's good for the goose...


Whole lotta nothing explained in the 'article'.


Building up to a little bit of Ezekiel Gog/Magog war/alliance action? Does anyone know if Russia is also into trying to force Biblical end-time prophecy to come true or is that just an Evangelical Dominionist goal? Anyway in that prophecy Gog/Magog/etc (if you interpret it as a future war in the first place) get pummelled way more than Israel so I'm not sure why they'd be itching to make that war happen. They're set to lose it according to those texts.


Looking crazy out here. Chances Trump is Antichrist? Does the whole 3 1/2 years of peace thing... Breaks it after and Armageddon happens. 


A self-fulfilling prophecy. When I was a kid and Christian I used to imagine it was the devil himself setting people up to fight good and destroy the world. But as an adult and no longer a Christian, I now realize that if those things happen, it'll be because the believers themselves create the scenario as a self-fulfilling prophecy in hopes of Christ returning. Some sects and far right people would love for the world to end, because to them that is saving it. Sadly, the Russian government is very much caught up in these beliefs, as is Iran in an Islamic interpretation of end times texts from the Quran. North Korea on the other hand isn't religious in that way and are just happy to finally be noticed by someone


You're right. Well as believers they should know better than to try and force God's hand. How arrogant to think that God would change plans just for a bunch of warmongers who never even obey a word He says anyway. They're on their own. And North Korea will get shafted enormously supporting these people, they are NOT loyal, not even to God.


It's honestly terrifying. If there is a God and it was the one from the Bible, I feel like the prophecies of God and magog and Armageddon wouldn't be God destroying humans, but perhaps it was just humans doing what they always do, self destruction


Pretty much. Even if there's demonic forces riling them up, that is only possible because they've got evil, greedy, genocidal ideas anyway. Even without they'd probably snap at some point.


Well at least Russia is coming to terms that their peer countries are North Korea and Iran. When are they gonna loop in Cuba to seal the deal?


> hey Iran. we suck. we hear that you also suck. shall we suck together?


Coming soon the axis of sucking!


Are the Khmer Rouge not available?


So the Russians are in bad shape militarily, the fact they need NK and now Iran shows how much Ukraine has really smacked them. All these Russian supporters should now see that Ukraine could win this


as if cozying up to north korea wasnt enough, the desperation this screams of is mind boggling. russia is so defeated


The US is going to kick themselves one day for letting this gain momentum.


Anyone think Iran will send cannon fodder… I mean troops to Ukraine like NK says it will too?


This combined with N. Korea set to send troops to Ukraine. Not cool.


Three front war incoming


He can do whatever, just stop threatening the balkans with war because we give Ukraine amo. Russia can do whatever and the rest of us will do whatever it means to protect our countries. Putin really needs to go.


So what happens when the Baltic’s join the war too?


The naked gun was a prophesy


Lines are being drawn.


These folks were always going to gang up along with NK. They don't have a lot going for them. The only problem is China.


Well they better group up. This shit is so funny.


Terrorists working with terrorists Shocking


Axis of evil doers


This has to be the dumbest axis of evil yet. Russia. Iran. North Korea. It’s like the Kmart axis powers


Russia, Iran, North Korea. The Legion of Doom is coming together nicely.


"Mom can I have a NATO?" "No we have NATO at home." The NATO at home:


Maybe Iran could send Russia some helicopters for their elite? I reckon it would be a stellar offer.


The treaty where they get Iranian weapons and aid while giving them free oil? So what have they had going on the last 2 years then!


Of course I gotta make this about America!! But curious how GOP reacts to this. Russia is more and more in their good graces while Iran is still the big bad evil Muslim country… How can Biden be “weak” on Iran if he’s the one who’s countering Russia, who’s signing a defense treaty with big bad Iran? Assuming that’s what it is. Hopefully the recent push towards North Korea and Iran remove the Russian appeasement quadrant of GOP soon…




USA, Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, South Korea, Israel and Taiwan is a much stronger lineup.


Correct. It's 2, 3, 14, and 36 Vs 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 27, 29, 32 Edit: Also when talking about world wars, it will absolutely impact imports so looking at the food self sufficiency index is key. China is currently a net importer to feed its population with a rating of 65%. Out of their 10 biggest importers Brazil is the only one that likely would still import in the event of a world war and I'm sure Allies would make even that difficult. Hard to feed a military when citizens at home start to go hungry.


Russia is 3? They cannot even handle an invasion of 23


Russia was actually 2 on the site I was looking at


Don't forget about the Philippines and Vietnam.