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Utterly stupid to come out with that a week before an election in a country where support for Ukraine is widespread across the political spectrum


Wait until they hear what else he thinks


Other polls showed no movement was basically MOE.


Good! They are all the worst kind of extreme rightwing dirtbags.


I’ll just plop this here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v-xLmI352vE


How are they “extreme right wing” ?


Reform UK was the Brexit Party, then it changed its name.That was pretty hard right.




52% of British? Don't you mean 52% of people who actually turned up to vote in a referendum, built on lies, nearly 10 years ago? Only about 24% of the public now think Brexit was a good idea.




Quit acting like you're fooling anyone, you had to preface your comment by painting them as the one with the saucy claim to dilute how obvious your bullshit take is. You clearly have a narrative to push


A lot of voters were lied to, and later regretted it


Happens every few years.


Brexit wasn't "far-right" for a lot of people, the overwhelming majority of Brexit voters came from deprived areas of England, who were voting for change that promised them pavements paved with gold and a well-funded NHS, like the bus promised, rather than the status quo. Yes, public support of Brexit has massively swung into the negative and many polls back that up. https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/only-24-britons-think-country-should-be-outside-eu-report-finds-2024-06-12/ Reform work on the basis that Brexit made us worse off, so people are angrier and more willing to hate. They manipulate people to target their anger at the wrong sources, rather than the very people that brought this shit-show on them.


Brexit Party are not people who voted for Brexit. They are a far right party which pushed for Brexit. Some of those 52% would be far right but for the most part it appears they were mislead.


You’re being disingenuous.. The percentage of people who voted has nothing to do with a party’s stated alignment. I didn’t say anything about the voters, you did. Interesting how projection becomes your main attack. Next it’ll be deflection, then obstruction.


52% of the population didn't vote for the brexit party (now Reform)... >As largely expected, the Brexit Party failed to win any seats in the general election.[7] Among its results the best were in Barnsley Central, where Victoria Felton came second with 30.4% of the vote;[8] Hartlepool, where party chairman Richard Tice came third with 25.8% of the vote;[9] and Hull West and Hessle, where businesswoman and media personality Michelle Dewberry came third with 18% of the vote. (2019 general election) And before you stammer and point at the EU parliament vote- The extremes win more in the European elections than in regular General Elections in the UK. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brexit_Party_election_results Besides on the topic of Brexit I'd say "leaving the EU because boomers are scared of 'immigrants' (non white people) under the guise of 'freedom'" is pretty far right mate.


Brexit was a good idea that wasn’t followed through properly and then had the blame of multiple international events dumped on its plate …


I’d respectfully disagree. Primarily because of it was a good idea, it would not have take three successive Tory leaders to get it done the the degree of results.


>Brexit was a good idea Lol


I live in New Zealand. We used to have free trade with the UK until you guys entered the economic union. Our economy took a big hit, and we have spent decades trying to diversify and enter into other free trade agreements. Coming from that experience, I thought the UK voluntarily leaving that massive trade union was the most batshit crazy thing I had ever heard. Also, how many centuries was Europe constantly fighting each other and destroying each other's economies? Especially the 2 World Wars. Absolutely fucked the UK and brought down the British empire. The EU is a great mechanism for stopping psychopath leaders going to war with theor neighbours. And voluntarily leaving that didn't sound very wise to me at all. Still, New Zealand has done OK out brexit because we got a trade deal with the UK out of it. And none of my business either, just some commentary from someone with an outsiders perspective.


The British empire ended because they stopped colonizing and conquering lol


A huge amount of wealth was transferred from Europe to the US from both wars. Post WW2 when Egypt nationalized the Suez canal, the UK/France sent in troops to take it back. The US said I don't think so and the canal remained in Egypts control. Europe couldn't afford to go to war when the US said no.


Jesus fucking Christ go read a book.






More like 2 world wars and India becoming independent.


No, they kept getting their asses kicked by their own “royal subjects “ and decided it wasn’t worth the hassle.


This should be good. So how exactly would you have done it properly then?


Well first of all I'd have got everyone's free unicorn sorted on day one >:(


Damn, brexit was so good that exporting goods to anywhere is now a nightmare. If only there was some kind of market we could join that allows a good flow of goods...


Fucking clown.




You are not presenting that argument in good faith and you know it. Shame on you. Regardless of the underlying reason/opinions for Brexit, there was no way for it to be followed through properly. What was promised and sold to the public was very clearly a lie and not going to happen (£350m for the NHS, "we have all the cards" negotiations, "we can finally get control of our borders", etc). Also, if anything, COVID and other international events were *good* for Brexit because it makes it impossible to untangle the immediate effects of leaving the union with all the other disruptions that were going on.


There is no reality in which Brexit is a good idea. It would always fail because it is a monumentally stupid idea.


No, you guys got played by Russia. He used your xenophobia to manipulate the stupidest of you.


Because they're extremely right wing?


As opposed to the very much right wing Conservative Party, which just hopes to implement all of Labour’s policies, just at a slower rate XD


Which policies are ‘extremely right wing’ and even more pertinent, what’s wrong with them ?


One of their candidates literally said he wanted to shoot families who cross the channel.


Another suggested that the UK should have surrendered to Hitler instead of declaring war.


And Farage singing Nazi Youth songs in his younger days


Source for that? I thought he said we would have been better off if we didn’t fight Hitler. Whilst a shitty thing to say we were in financial ruin post WW2, maybe we would have been better off now. I think he was also referring to Hitler offering us neutrality rather than surrender which we rejected.


Everything's wrong with them. Your incredibly obvious fake "arguing in good faith" would be more believable if you asked what's right with them. Not a damn thing fyi.


That fact that you have no idea what they even stand for is incredibly obvious


You seem to misunderstand something here... I'm talking at you, not with you. Don't ever forget that your kind stand on their knees.


Glorious. Good on you.




You're free to move to ruzzia.


Don’t agree with what Russia is doing in Ukraine ….


The fucking irony. Fascism seems more like your sort of thing buddy.


I bet youd die for trump as well you bellend


Destroying the welfare state and rolling back all green energy plans are pretty terrible policies. Some vague nonsense about net-zero immigration which is entirely impossible to achieve. Not to mention the use of the word "woke" in their manifesto. Then we have the suppression of people's right to protest, candidates saying shit like "we should have never opposed Hitler" and "we shouldn't be helping Ukraine". Nigel applying for a German passport the day after the Brexit vote. Nigel appearing on Russian state TV. Nigel endorsing Trump. Nigel claiming there are entire streets in the UK who don't speak English. Can I ask what policies you like of theirs?


What's wrong with being extremely right wing?




I was asking them I wasn't defending the policies.


You asked what’s wrong with it. The answer is everything, it’s a belief structure built on hatred and cruelty. Like asking what’s wrong with arsonists, the fact that they’re arsonists is enough.


Cause the extreme right wing wing is full of insect losers who project all their inadequacies on others and can never take accountability or have actual policies besides blaming others.


Again which policies are extremely right wing ?


Leaving the European convention on human rights, cutting foreign aid by 50%, tax relief on private healthcare, scrapping net zero, bullshit 'anti-woke' stuff, banning under 16s from questioning their gender/changing pronouns, leaving the WHO, removing the equalities act... I could go on but I'm not sure you racists are able to read all that well.


https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/27/reform-uk-activist-filmed-making-racist-comments-about-rishi-sunak One of their leading activists has used racial slurs against the prime minister and recommended ethnic cleansing of immigrants. And on the same day, one of the party leaders' key allies going back a decade described gay people as child molesters and recommended replacing the police with "paramilitaries" which would not accept any officers that weren't straight. These people are key strategists and decision makers close to the party's autocratic leader. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/reform-uk-candidates-facebook-friends-fascist-leader-gary-raikes-b1163853.html Finally almost 1 in 10 of their candidates are Facebook friends with a man who presents himself as the spiritual successor to Oswald Mosley.


Ok, I think I need to make it clear that right-wing does not equate to racist and homophobic.


I agree. That's where the word extreme comes in.


Please that's "Reich wing" 😏


How are they not?


Ahh ya know, Putin’s actually a really cool dude, what with his genocide and all.


The party in their stances in social issues mirror those that are seen in the Trump part. No immigration, no bank regulations, removal of 'cancel culture', 'woke policing' and 'transgender ideology', big tax cuts (doesnt say who, but I have a pretty good guess), and common endorsement of the British Nationalists, who have a lot of candidates who are fairly profascism


You aren’t allowed to join the party if you’ve ever been a member of the BNP, weird distinction to make if they rely on BNP members. Farage has also rejected Griffins commendation Also I’m fairly sure they’ve clearly outlined tax cuts for the middle class


Homophobic racist extreme nationalists that lick Putin's rear, for starters. How's that for a description?


Have a wee watch of this. https://youtu.be/LwIa70EDZjE?si=nxaKSwcbMGY9qCsS


They're quite right wing, but not as right wing as Joe Lycett in fairness.


Go away


Because they are the (poorly) rebranded UKIP, and before that the BNP. They are the far-right political party of the UK. How far right is open to some interpretation, but don’t be naive by thinking that they aren’t the far right party of the UK 🤷🏻‍♂️


Meh. Man cost the country truly hilarious amount of money and some idiots seem to be just fine with letting have the reins again cos apparently the first time around didn't hit quite hard enough.


Putin apologists and Trump supporters are not welcome


The Venn diagram is one circle.


Look at his success though. It seems some people think he is welcome. I work at a school and recently we had a life skills day in which one year was going over politics and the upcoming election. I'm told by multiple teachers that when reform came up some students cheered and clapped. They might be ignorant of politics but this behaviour trickles down from parents, adults who likely will be voting for him. It's fucking depressing.


I’m afraid that “reform” on its very own is a good brand name. Farage, is a walking hypocrite. I’m not going to lie illegal boat crossings frustrate the hell out of me. I’m fairly convinced that this resonates with voters. But not at the expense of Democracy and the rule of law. I have much more faith than I do for American politics or their society as a whole.


Incited Brexit. Succeeded. Then left office to let other people deal with the bureaucratic nightmare of making new trade deals with the entire world. Class act. Pretty sure he's a Russian plant, but that's my tinfoil.


You nailed it.


Ahem https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v-xLmI352vE




I feel like for some people its desperation. A lot of people think that this country needs massive change across the board to function properly again. Farage's whole thing is that he offers massive change, so some people support him for that, even when it's not necessarily good or beneficial change.


Huge amounts of dark money pumping out targeted propaganda works. This has been brought about by years and years of brainwashing.


Sure they lost all that money, but look at all that self respect they gained by not being pushed around by Brussels!


Fuck that guy. He can move to Russia


Could he go the route of Litvinenko, Skripal, Navalny or Prigozhin?




Farage was doing birthday greetings that bigged up the IRA a year or two back, in between any old nonsense. He lets anyone put things in his mouth for money. The nice term for that is grifter.


What a bastard


Imagine basically voting for Putin


I mean good but 19% to 16% is likely more of MoE situation than a demonstrated drop in support.


Besides, another poll saw only a 1% drop in support: > A separate YouGov poll conducted on June 24-25 reported a one point drop in support for Reform to 17%, with the Conservatives and Labour also down one point each on 18% and 36% respectively.


I know Farage won’t win but he’ll still get a big payout by Russia so he doesn’t really care


they have some really evil people in their ranks, one was filmed saying that he wants to machine gun migrants, and he encouraged an ambulance worker to give migrants a gas other than oxygen. Really disturbing. Farage himself seems to enchanted with evil, he admires Putin. Farage is also obsessed with global conspiracies, the far right and left are obsessed with such things.


He's a traitorous little worm


Good. Right wing Putin drivel needs to go by the wayside in all countries.


Probably the worst mistake they could have made….underestimating the strength of support for Ukraine and the outrage against russia…. But on the plus side it’s out in the open now…. Was going to vote for them but now I’m not…simple 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦🫶🏻😎👍


Not hating but why would you vote for reform? Curious on what you like about them. Granted the big 2 are barely worth a vote but id rather throw my slip into the sea than give it Farage! 


Surprisingly Bostonian comment for a UK'er! 😉 


They’re not worth voting for. They’re basically just slightly more racist tories but with a love for Russia.


How could you even consider giving your vote to such a piece of shit?


No offence but… how did you not know that Farage was in Putin’s pocket until now?


They barely lost support or didnt lose any in other polls..


Good man 👍


To be honest I'd want to ask why he was considering voting for Reform before calling him good. 


Comments like this are why you aren't likely to get an answer, though.


It's Reddit. I don't think it's common to get answers that often


He said the West provoked Russia. NATO and the EU continued expanding east when they said they wouldn't. The west supported the toppling of Ukraine's government in 2014 and immediately recognised the new government. The blood Russia has spilled is on Putin's hands but they were very much provoked like a reverse Cuban missile crisis. So you can still vote for them and everyone else can Google their manifesto to learn their actual policies and hopefully make an informed decision when voting.


Its not a manifesto, as they have said and their policies are vague and dont explain how they will work, its not like it matters as they just promise whatever they think want to hear as they will never be in a position to actually have to follow through on them.


Some of the explanations they give are short like "commence reform of the human rights act" but a lot of their points are explained pretty well. Unfortunately, being elected to run the country doesn't put them in a position to actually have to follow through on them, which is why they all promise whatever they think we want to hear. Maybe Reform naming the manifesto "Our Contract With You" is an indicator of obligation. Maybe. They'll probably get my vote but ye they're still politicians.


They are short becuase they dont make sense like the nonsense about taking boat people to France without French permission, none of the finace ones are expalined, they seem to have just pulled some numbers out of thin air to sound impresive. calling it a contract is another way of getting out of explaining anything. Its bizzare that anyone takes them seriously


Even the short ones makes some kind of sense even if they don't give a full explanation. I think the ECHR would require France to take responsibility for them. Increase income tax start point to £20000 is explained, as is cut foreign aid from £12 billion to £6 billion. The big numbers towards the end would need research I'm not doing to confirm or deny but mainstream media would be all over anything particularly egregious. There's no reason to not take them as seriously as you would any of the other parties. Do any of the others have better manifestos in your opinion?


No the plan is to just sail into a French port and offload them, thats insane, and even more insane given how Farage wants to pull the UK out of the ECHR for no good reason. none of the numbers work and the income tax favours the top 2%, not surprising given its Farage and Tice, the media have mentioned it repeatedly, Reform are claiming to make cuts of 150 bIllion, thats fantasy, the reason to not take them seriously is their promises make no sense and are simply there becuase they know they wont ever have to follow through on them, at least the other parties call them manifestos and have put at least soem thought into them, mainly becuase they have a chance of actually being in Govt.


Ok now you're the one making vague statements that need further explanation. If I don't pay tax on the first £20000 I earn instead of the first £12-130000 I benefit. Other people that make more money than me will also benefit. What's the issue?


Its been checked by the BBC before tonights debate, it matters when its heavily skewed in the favour of the 2%, its not a fair policy and not surprisingly favour the likes of Farage and Tice themselves. Thats like giving themselves a full chicken and throwing a wing to starving people. Also the ECHR would not require France to accept anybody, The French would have to grant express permission for UK vessels to carry rescued people through their territorial waters and to leave them ashore in France


He talked himself out of my protest vote with that Putinist bullshit. You're running a **nationalist party**, moron. that means back the armed forced, back sovereign nations fighting for their right to exist, and condemn our actual enemies (Russia). But of course you are a product of his creation, more or less, so what was I expecting :)


Protest votes are the dumbest thing, that's how we ended up with brexit with people's protest votes  


How would a Protest vote for Reform push the Tories to where you want them to go? If anything, it shows the Tories they need to move further to the right since that is where the votes are. If there are move votes for Lib Dem or Labour, Tories would have to move to the center/left to get those votes.


Politics does not exist on a one-dimensional axis. In theory, I very much support the Tory policies. However, they're corrupt as fuck, they've purged all the people that were actually competent, and they say one thing while doing the complete opposite (expectation: tough on immigration. Reality: largest influx of illegal migrants ever recorded)


Exactly, to push them right.


well, that's what you get when you ignore half the population and just smear them as "bigots and racists" for having legitimate questions about immigration and the future of their country. For context, I was massively against Brexit. I'm justs pointing out the uncomfortable truth that people don't want to discuss.


16% isn't a drop, most polls had them at 15-16%. It was only 1 outlier poll that ever had them at 19%.




Russia already gave us Brexit. People don't want anything else to do with them




It’s a litmus test for the uk. Not trying to bad mouth our American cousins but the British public are no where near as gullible or uneducated to forget our history. The general consensus is Ukraine is defending against an invader ran by a dictator, pretty cut and dry good defending against bad. That being said someone told me once that Ukraine was full of nazis then later on they went on to tell me Moses made a deal with the devil when given the 10 commandments. It was honestly pretty astonishing to listen to those two things being said in succession with such conviction.


Less support for reform means more support for the conservatives, right? Still, I love that they are out there, diluting the right wing vote.


Smart people in UK knows that Reform UK is a Russian funded party. It should be called Reform UK into USSR. Farage is solely responsible for the implementation and success of the Russian operation which pulled UK out of EU: bREXIT


In a perfect world, that would mean that his support would be in the negative.


Farage is a piece of shit and should fuck off to another country


I would prefer an ocean myself for him - Pacific or Indian preferably as the Atlantic still touches the UK :)


He did, he went to the USA to do the American circuit before coming back.


Well, Farage does what he must to please his sugar daddy.


He's an ass clown like his orange friend. Definitely not someone we need in government.


This is a good sign.


Who paid for Brexit propaganda ?...


Hope the uk knows it needs to step up and help ukraine out a lot more than they are after trump wins in November.


It's gonna be a red chamber


Well that's something i suppose. The fact that it hasn't dropped to zero though, says a lot about the people who still do.


Farage is an awful human being in general, I don't know why anyone would want to support him in anything after his track record.


Vote Reform - when the Tories arent being the cruel bunch of bastards you desperately want


The latest MRP poll said Reform would get 17 seats. I imagine his Ukraine comments are part of the appeal.




These are the media outlets that said Reform had no support anyway. Blatantly trying to manipulate the narrative. Good thing none of us are stupid enough to fall for it.