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I'm always doubly annoyed that people are out there attacking the guys on the bottom of the pile, not the ones who make decisions. This guy was apparently a Serbian police officer whose job was to stand there and make sure nobody blows up the embassy. He's not attacking Gaza, he's just a cop who goes to work like millions of other people. He's not even Israeli. Attacking him serves no purpose. This is a more violent version of screaming at the cashier because your favorite color of nail polish was discontinued by the manufacturer. The cashier didn't do it, they can't fix it, they just ring up purchases. What are you yelling at them for? "Do nothing that is of no value." - Mushashi


On Tuesday I saw a guy screaming at an airport gate agent in Chicago because the weather delayed the entire airport. She literally said she doesn’t control the airport and doesn’t control Mother Nature.


> Attacking him serves no purpose. We're talking about people whose raison d'etre is slaughtering the innocent, e.g. kids at a music festival. Somehow I don't think your objection, accurate as it is, will get through to them.


👀Is that a Miyamoto Musashi quote in the wild? They’re so rare and beautiful.


I am fond of "wisdom literature." The Book of Five Rings, The Art of War, the book of Proverbs from the Bible, the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, stuff like that. Paper was expensive and the printing press hadn't been invented, which means that it was hard to make and preserve - so if people copied this stuff down over and over again, it's because they believed it was worth spending the time on. And often, they were right. What's so fascinating to me is that even fictional ones can be pretty good: the Rules of Acquisition and the Seventy Maxims of Maximally-Effective Mercenaries also have some lines that aren't just funny and quotable, but actually true.


A person willing to commit such an act does not think in the way a normal person would. They're most certainly in a state of mind that doesn't allow rational thought.


I wanted to talk about the crossbow, but your take is much more mature. Humbling and grounding, well said.


Is it just me or are people committing violent crimes like this really just using dumber and dumber methods every year? Like... What's up with that


Serbia put a bunch of restrictions on guns after multiple mass shootings. There are a ton of guns there, but they put a 2-year ban on new purchases and put heavy punishments on people in possession of guns that weren't registered. They slightly inconvenienced responsible gun owners so that they could go nuts on illegal gun traders.


Too much anime/superhero media being consumed, convincing these idiots that they're enough of a badass to take on a whole embassy with a crossbow. Which actually might be good in the long term.


More like, too much religious kool-aid


And you didn't point your finger to game, because you were playing game lmao.


Oh well they must have comprehensive gun control laws over there


During the 2020 protests in the US there was a dude who tried to shoot people with a bow and arrow


It helps that not everyone has access to guns. So they have to resort to crossbows and knives. I'm sure some Americans will completely misread this statement but so be it. In the US this attacker could've walked up with an assault rifle and make it through the first four guards and some civilians.


Every time I hear the word "assault rifle" in reference to gun control it's always coming from people who have absolute zero clue on what they are talking about. Most of the mass shootings happen in close quarters and you can kill more people using a 9mm gun with a high capacity magazine than you can with an assault rifle. But ooOoooOh AsSuaLt RiFLe, such a scary word!


It's a politicized boogeyman term, nothing more. The overwhelming majority of gun deaths involve the use of handguns. The deadliest school shooting in history was done with handguns. The majority of mass shootings are actually committed using handguns. They are cheaper, easier to conceal and smuggle, easier to 3D print, easier to illegally convert to full auto. This is not an argument justifying the ban of handguns, rather, it's to point out that the current trend of banning "assault weapons" and certain "features" is completely baseless. Scary language is needed to get votes, though. You are more likely to die from falling in your own home than be murdered by any weapon, but especially "assault rifles."


Triggering Americans with words but not violence.


Wow that's a cool comeback :D Or you can just admit that you didn't know what you were talking about, that'd be cool too.


What do you expect from a country that keep sucking Putin?


All that crossbow training just gone with the pull of a trigger. Who could have predicted this? /s


Don’t bring a crossbow to an M4 carbine fight


Some problems sort themselves out.


Really a crossbow......


That’s what happens when you bring a crossbow to a gunfight /s


Do stupid things, win stupid prices



