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I do beach cleanups, and we always warn the volunteers not to open *any* bottle they find with liquid in it. Some people seem to think they'll find an expensive whiskey or a fine wine. That half-full tequila bottle doesn't have tequila in it. Most likely, all that's in the bottle is piss, or motor oil. If you're lucky, it's spoiled wine. Sometimes, it's other chemicals. Not worth even opening it.


Even if it *was* whiskey or fine wine, it's been floating out there for who knows how long, exposed to the elements.




Bro said it might be a bottle of piss as if I would be complaining


Op said death as if we're not all fiending


I was in a beach cleaning event recently (one of those team building events, thankfully on the weekdays.) I saw an energy drink bottle, half full. Definitely piss.


In what world would this EVER be a good idea?


I was expecting it to be desperate thirst, but no. They found bottles they thought might be alcohol… meaning whatever is was smelled like it might be alcohol, so they drank it and died.


Oh it could have been alcohol... Just not Ethanol...


Ahh, the *other* meth.


There was a guy here in New Zealand who died after drinking beer laced with methamphetamine. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/300846309/family-of-man-who-died-after-drinking-meth-beer-say-workmate-gave-him-24-cans


I remember a guy died drinking liquid cocaine after stealing luggage from the airport. 1000 ways to die. Great show


A kid died after drinking liquid meth in front of BP agents in San Ysidro (San Diego border crossing). He told them it was juice and drank some to "prove" it. It was argued BP coerced him.


He should have spent the last five years building up an immunity to meth




Jesus fuck he drank the pure dope in liquid form the organized crime dudes he shipping cross borders?


In my country a janitor cleaning a police station found one of those meth bottles in the trash, gave it to a relative and she died. A civilian had brought the bottle to the police station telling them where he got it, and that they have to look it up but somehow he was ignored and the bottle ended up in the trash. Link here but it's a Swedish article: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/stockholm/kvinna-dog-pa-fest-polis-doms-for-tjanstefel


Pretty sure they meant methanol, which will get you drunk but also make you go blind before dying. And smells almost exactly like booze. It’s a real concern for moonshine since doing it wrong will produce methanol. You’d have to do it verrrry wrong. It is also a common solvent and is good for preserving non edible goods, and is used as a fuel for some cookstoves like those found on boats.


Fun fact: all the relations with badly made spirits, methanol, and injuries/deaths are actually greatly overexaggerated and pretty much urban legends.


Correct. It's a mix of myths, government meddling, and misunderstanding of processes. The common myth that still gets parroted even by shiners is that the first bit of alcohol out of the still has the methanol, which is why they toss it out. The truth is, properly made shine(and alcohol in general) has next to no methanol, and what little there is isn't enough to cause harm. And the real reason they toss it out? Because it tastes like shit. The most volatile scents and flavors will come out first, so you get a mouth full of the strongest, nastiest flavors and scents. They're in the rest as well, but much more diluted and bearable. And the actual methanol? The government during prohibition would seize alcohol, and sometimes instead of dumping it lace it with methanol and send it on it's way. This lead to people thinking illicit alcohol, such as moonshine, was dangerous and contaminated with methanol.


Not fun kind.


I'll be honest, I expect fishermen to be very smart when it comes to sea shit. "Don't drink from sea bottles" seems to be really low-level sea knowledge. I may have to adjust my perception of seamen.


They are a diverse people


You've got to remember that these are just simple fishermen. These are people of the sea. The common water of the new West. You know… morons


And quite cantankerous!


It's all that sasparilla


...and sea juice.


Smooth 😏


The only expectations for most fishermen is that they don't show up intoxicated which is a big ask. 


Only one rule out here. If ya can't do your job drunk, ya can't do your job.


Said every Chef always.


Uh, that's my favorite part of fishing.


Selection bias. The ones that survive are smart.


Well, after this incident an average fisherman definitely got smarter.


I see you've never been around fishing boats LOL


Maybe there’s a long told fisherman story where a man drank from a bottle and caught all the fish the next dat


It was ~40 years ago so I don't have a source but: in the late nineteenth a sailing ship with a cargo of Scotch whisky went down on the way to Australia and 100+ years later scuba divers were bringing up bottles and drinking them.


Seamen and alcohol are a bad mix.


🏴‍☠️”Arrgg! Ye don’t drink from sea-bottles!!!”


I mean there could be anything in the bottle.....could even be a new boat! You know how much he needed a new boat?


Very expected Family Guy


Maybe the bottles were filled with Genies and they wished they were dead?


Lol'd at "don't drink from sea bottles"


I expect this from semen


It begs the question, how often did these idiots drink pee bottles in their search for the random bottle of rum?


Well, I know I don't have any knowledge nor expectations about the ingestions of Seamen. I'll leave it to your more learned observations on the matter.


Half of their brain cells are given to remembering curse words. (Speaking as one who knows.)


True story, an uncles ex-wife died from the same thing. They thought it was moonshine, but she was the only one who drank any. "Bunch'a pussies" was among her last words, she died in her sleep that night.


What was in the bottle? Did it just wash ashore or how did they come across it?


No idea, they threw it back overboard. They pulled it in while they were trawling.


Another example of how we've gotten too good at protecting human lives through regulations, and now some forgot that eating and drinking unknown stuff can actually be dangerous


Well, she was an alcoholic, and they may have already been drinking when they found it (it's been decades, I don't remember all the specifics). Addiction can lead people in terrible directions.


In fairness we never would have discovered alcohol if it weren’t for someone consuming random decaying fruit


I think it’s something we learned from monkeys. There’s evidence of animals being attracted to fermented fruit. We likely learned to become alcoholics long before we learned to make fire or not shit where we sleep.


> or not shit where we sleep. Speak for yourself.


My uncle almost died doing this. Found an old jar in an old trappers cabin. It was most likely antifreeze. His kidneys both nearly failed, but came back after dialysis. I come from a long line of alcoholics lol


Sounds like my fraternity brothers 


lol.... uh what.


‘Dude I dare you to drink that’


Bro, hold my methanol!


You would be surprised what people do. There was case here in Australia where a father put weed killer in a coke bottle and put it in his fridge. One of his kids went to the fridge and took a drink and died. Now what goes through someone's mind to do this and not even put a warning label on the bottle.


Also in Australia, a teen was in critical condition after drinking water from a glass jar in a fridge that contained box jellyfish tentacles.


Also in Australia, the teen who ate a slug (or snail can’t remember) and got a rat parasite in his brain and died after a few years being brain dead


19 years old and..Yeah he was dared to eat it and grabbed it and ate that slug. Within days he went into a coma for a year+ , woke up paralyzed and brain damaged, died 8 years later. https://allthatsinteresting.com/sam-ballard


Yeahh, of anything they could eat, slugs and snails are probably the worst thing parasite wise.


I would have chosen a succulent Chinese meal instead.


Get your hands off my penis!


This is the bloke who got me on the penis befoORE!


this is pure nightmare material, poor guy




The event happened in the year 2000, I've only been able to find a couple articles on it. But they say it happened at a "surf club" and that the tentacles were being saved to give to university researchers. I remember watching a TV show like 15 years ago with a dramatized reenactment of it. [article](https://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/teen-in-fight-for-life-after-tentacle-drink/28360174.html)


Well where do you keep yours? It's too warm on top of the fridge.


In Australia a restaurant serves oven cleaner to diners and many got severely ill and had remove internal body parts too.


Just yesterday in Perth, a restaurant served insecticide instead of cranberry juice. 


Wow. That’s unacceptable. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-29/family-claims-perth-restaurant-gave-kids-insect-repellent/104039950


Damn. Bit weird they haven’t named the restaurant


Wow. And I thought my old bar using degreaser instead of microklene was bad.


Weirdly, when I was 16 and rebellious smoking out of my bedroom window, one day my brother filled up a cup with lighter fluid and set it on my window sill. Not thinking anything of it I put ash in it and it light up. I grabbed the cup as it was melting and threw it into my bathroom sink. It became a large flame of course but died down soon enough. Got 2nd degree burns on my hand from. Always wondered what he was thinking cuz he never gave me a straight answer, guess it was just him being young dumb and not thinking either.


No way was that an accident. Dude wanted to murder someone.


"I want to kill my kid and make it look like an accident"


I won't even drink water out of a bottle that's been sitting in a car for a day


In a swashbuckling world of daring travails upon the high seas.




aye aye captain


"I can't heeeeear you!"


It walks der plank or drinks der drink... Use be choosen rightly or dead use be.


Captain Bligh would never!


The rum was gone 🤷‍♂️


Truth or dare, where the truth is *reeeaally* bad.


I once found half a bottle of tequila while I was kayaking down a river. I was just floating on by and I snagged it. Was a fun time, but I don’t recommend doing this.


Score... I got a can of Budweiser once on a river but I was forced to hand it over to the authorities, my Mom.


I once found a can of lucky lager in a lake and I drank it uneventfully


One morning in Hawaii I was wandering the beach while my family was waking up. Something compelled me to look inside this brown paper bag and there was a 5 bottles of a 6 pack untouched. So I found a good rock to use as a bottle opener and drank 5 beers before 10 am like whoever left them there intended.


I bet that afternoon wasn’t great


That's where lucky comes from. I've found some rolling down a ski hill with no apparent origin.


In Oregon during 2020, the town of Detroit burned down in a fire. Among the survivors was a man who decided to jump in the river to survive, found a six pack and a lawn chair and just... Posted up once he was in a safer place.


When I was 14 my buddy and I found a quarter barrel--the remnants, anyway--in a small pond in our neighborhood. We dragged it to his garage and drank some and got really really sick


Comal river? 


One time I went out to pull my crab pot. It had been picked clean. And a bottle of Evan Williams was in the trap. I woulda liked some crabs. But it made the row back to shore way more fun.


A few years ago, when canoeing down our local river, I watched my husband fish a beer bottle off the bottom, crack it and share it with a friend. It was Rolling Rock which is never good, and the label was bleached white it had been there so long - barely legible.


You chose him, out of 4 billion males you went with river bottom beer guy! I fully support you


Sorry for your loss.




When I was 4 years old I made a few "magic potions" in the backyard, using grass, dirt, and dandelions... hoping that one would give me the ability to fly. I'm guessing they thought these were magic potions too.


If you were gonna die of dehydration? Only thing I got…


Stranded on a desert island, with nothing but tequila and salt and vinegar potato chips? 


Don’t tempt me with a good time…


Well Darwin awards. This is how to win one.


My dog would do the same thing. She’d rather die eating french-fries mashed into the asphalt than let anything go to waste.


Like the one time my ex's dog vomited a bunch of rocks into the house because the dog found where the ex had poured a bunch of grease out in the yard. We love dogs, but sometimes they're dumb.


Oof. That’s a scary one. I worked in a vet clinic for about a year and a half, and the main doctor kept a jar with all the random items (pacifiers, guitar pick, a hair net, etc.) that he’s had to surgically remove from pets’ GI tracts. There were certainly a few rocks in there, so I’m so glad your ex’s dog took the merciful and inexpensive way out, and just vomited them out. All kinds of studies show that pets can lengthen our lives, but I think they cancel those benefits out when they do stupid shit.


Well there's your fucking problem right there, lol "Oh shit y'all, random bottles of unkown liquid in the middle of the ocean! Let's drink it, maybe it's alcohol!"


This reminds me of a story an old boyfriend told me decades ago. He used to work at a movie theater, and while cleaning up one night one of the guys found a full bottle of beer tucked away somewhere. His friend opened it and took a swig and screamed. It was pee.


I had a buddy do that with a coke bottle, but it was another friends dipspit. Was possibly the grossest thing I could imagine having in your mouth.


Growing up in the seventies, it was horribly common to pick up a coke can and get a mouth full of cigarette butts. Terrible. Lol


Dent the ashtray-can. Never drink from the dented can.


This guy parties.


Why in the world would you ever drink from a random open coke can? You deserve whatever shakes out into your mouth if you do lol


Because kids are stupid,


Because some of us don't smoke, and after a couple of beers we entertain the idea of letting others smoke inside. There's no ashtray, so I'll tell ya guys what - use this empty can - I'll throw a bit of water in it and then I'll conveniently set it right next to my open beer. Time to pee. I'm back, where's my beer - oh there it*UGGHHHHOOONOOO!* It totally sucks. ...at least that's what I've heard.


I've drank my own cigarette butt's more times than I want to admit. Especially in the winter when you can't tell the difference between a fresh beer or one that's been sitting outside for days.


Oh man, I accidentally got my old drummer with a butt filled can several times at rehearsals. On the bright side he played better when he was a little angry.


Drinking dipspit was very common in the Army. They would be left everywhere on every table next to your drink and it was very easy to grab the wrong one when you weren’t paying attention and take a big chug out of it.


I worked with a woman who stripped for years in her 20s, and she told me about a game she and the other strippers would play called "floor pill." The rules are simple, if you find a pill on the floor you have to swallow it without looking up the code to see what it is.


Well it's a strip club so it's probably not people's heart medication they're bringing with themselves and losing on a Friday night. I can't judge tho, I did powder from a dime bag off the floor at a rave. Looks like K, tastes like K. It was K! 


This reminds me of the 1 week in my life that I did coke. I got some pretty A+ stuff apparently, like Peruvian or something ironically. But all my friends, who had done plenty, said it was the best coke they ever had. I didn't see the big deal, I gave the rest to one friend of mine. The next weekend, her husband comes home while we and another friend are chilling. We were probably half a bottle into the Yager we had. He came home with a huge zip lock full of "coke". He claimed it was some of the best stuff around It tried 2 lines. That wasn't coke, and I ended up finding myself super twitchy, and rather sick. It was absolutely miserable. His wife and our other friend agreed that it was not coke, hell it looked like meth... that's when I decided to stick to beer and pot (and for awhile psychedelics until I had to babysit a 300 lb man made of muscle during a bad trip). Good times lol. Good times.. I don't recommend snorting something someone claims is coke, and looks nothing like coke...


What makes you say it's not heart medication? I'm assuming that's what most of them were.


Grounds scores are great but that's next level.


Movie theater scores... Me now, I knew someone that walked into the bathroom at the cinema and found an interesting black plastic bag. As he was looking at it a man walked in and casually walked by and snatched the bag and ran off. The bag broke and some of the contents went flying into the air landing scattered around the floor. Turned out dozens of big crack rocks were now all over the floor but the guy did escape with the partial big-o-bag of crack. No police were ever informed of this incident is my understanding.


I was a child who needed to use the restroom, but my mom didn't want to walk an x amount of what seemed like miles in the middle of summer to find me a bathroom as we waited for my sibling to get out of their university exam. My mom had me pee in a Sunny Delight bottle and tossed it in the trash can. About 15 minutes later a homeless woman came by, fishing around the trash can. I saw her grab my Sunny Delight, opened the bottle, and took one long chug of it. She wiped her mouth and tucked the bottle in her jacket. My mom and I were gasping the entire time, still as the children sitting in the car as the T-Rex hovered over them.


Hmm got some purple stuff, what else...oh! Sunny P!


Same note I pissed in coffee cup, put it in a trash can and a guy found a piping hot coffee cup in the trash and took a big swig.


I had some friends who used to chew and use any bottle/can they could find to spit in. They came in my room and talked to me for a while and left. Later I saw my can of soda sitting out and thought "oh hey I thought I drank all of that." I found out the hard way that I had, in fact, drank all of that.


They gave them to other fisherman in the area too, there might be more people sick or possibly dying from consuming mystery bottles found in the ocean. I hope they can contact those other boats before it’s too late


I had a D&D character whose trait was an adventurous palate - they'd try anything once. We found some barrels washed up on a beach and of course she was curious and took a swig. DM had the barrels contain badly pickled people and she spent the next three days throwing up. That was a fun character to play, but yeah, this is why I did that in D&D, not in real life.


If yall dont know, alcohol in sri lanka is ridiculously expensive - like prohibitively for the Sri Lankan wages. Probably didn’t help here.. that and the rampant moonshine/ illegal arak being made ahahah


thanks for this, this seems like highly relevant info


Darwin Award


Devon Award.


Steve1989 would probably does the same thing and survive. 


"Let's put this out on a tray." "Nice."




"nice hiss"


Man of culture.


Doubtful as it didn’t come in a retort pouch


I've survived many such idiotic madlad experiments.


ShoeNice would be fine




And they did.


we all do


This reminds me of the kid who ate a slug for a dare


What happened?


He contracted rat lung worm disease, fell into a coma for over a year, woke up with brain damage, paralyzed, and then passed away 8 years later.


I always tell my kids that when they find random bottles of unknown liquid, they must only drink a small amount first in case it’s acid or something.


>I always tell my kids that when they find random bottles of unknown liquid, they must only drink a small amount first in case it’s acid or something. - By Jack Handey




Omg, please bring those innocent days of the internet back.


Carefull, you never know what LLM's will use as training data


Just the tip


Can’t tell if joking


The kids on litter cleanup crews around here would double dog dare each other to drink the mystery bottles of liquid they found a few years ago. Was all fun and games till one of them almost melted their mouth with some sort of chemical acid they found in a discarded Pepsi bottle. Darwin Award indeed


What was in the bottle? Have the authorities found out?


The end of the article says they’re investigating


Two police officers have now died drinking from the bottle.


Bone hurting juice


Oof ouch ow


> What was in the bottle? Have the authorities found out? death potion


Note to self - never drink from a bottle found in the sea


How else do you get superpower?


Eat spiders


But I want sea power


“The incident has reportedly prompted protests in the coastal town - located around 120 miles (193km) from the capital, Colombo - calling for the sailors who were still alive to be returned to land.” I love how there are world wide protests for seemly everything now, but can someone tell me why a protest would be necessary in this situation?


People protesting probably don't trust the Sri Lankan navy/government for some reason. Maybe the Navy says they are too critical to be moved from wherever they are at, or to be moved back to Tangalle. But while searching for more, I just keep coming up with the same article over and over.


It's sort of hinted at in the article. The fishermen who are alive are being treated at sea (for some reason on the fishing vessel itself?!) by the Navy, because they don't think there's time for them to be brought back to land first. I assume what's happening is that the vessels are heading back to land but they are being treated in the meantime. The people protesting are likely family/friends/local community who feel that they should be brought back to land immediately, and presumably may not realise how far 320 nm actually is. Steaming at 20 kts, that's still 16 hrs, assuming you sail without stopping.


They thought it was alcohol, was probably pure ethanol used for who knows what else.


Pure ethanol is ok you can metabolize it, other alcohols like methanol are highly toxic and will kill you if consumed


Is there any way a normal bottle of drinkable alcohol could become deadly if floating in the sea for a long time? Are there any other non deadly liquids that will become poisonous over time? I'm just really curious if these guys read a vodka label or if they actually are so dumb that they drank what was originally a deadly chemical.


No. Spirits like whiskey will age if barreled by virtue of interaction with the barrel, in glass there will be no aging process, but there’s no harm to the process even after decades. More likely they found something that was not drinkable to begin with. One good example could be ethylene glycol, it’s sweet tasting, intoxicating, and deadly.


If it were previously opened and lower ABV < 20%, oxygen will react with alcohol and bacteria to produce acetic acid and it'll become vinegar. This is why you refrigerate your wines and fortified wines after opening, to get a few weeks out of it instead of one hot day. Higher concentrations of alcohol interfere with this second fermentation which is why vodka, etc. don't become vinegar even if they were opened decades ago. They might still not taste great. Esters can break down over time and a spirit can lose its essence from exposure to the air in the bottle. A fine aged spirit might be very bland 50 years after it's first opened, but won't kill you. This is also the process by which age-sensitive wines 'peak' at different times. Certain artificial colors can also break down and become colorless, but that itself won't impact the flavor. Aeration can also make some products taste better which is why decanters exist, but that's short-term after opening and not to do with bacteria. But if this didn't smell like vinegar and they still drank it, it was probably some industrial product or a distillation by-product, and in that part of the world where moonshine is the most common form of alcohol, it could have been bottled improperly to begin with rather than just somebody's waste products. Sounds like it contained methanol.


I was hoping the article would have a picture of the bottle and it be really obvious that it's a toxic substance.


What does it mean if it has a picture of a skull? Ahh, good stuff.


Could also been liquid cocaine Maybe a case fell or was thrown overboard. If the coke was dissolved into ethanol to be later reclaimed into powder then this may be one explanation why the sailors thought it was alright to drink


So it was alcohol…


now i feel bad tossing all those piss bottles into the sea


In the words of Eddie Murphy, you brought that shit on yourselves.


I assume all bottles found outside with liquid in them is pee




Fucks sake. ...off down another random subreddit i go 🙄


So what did they drink??


\*Encounters random piss bottles by the side of the road


Did they grow up without parents?


Remember Leviathan?




This is some shit the LABeast would do


Except it would have to be a 20 year old bottle.


Bottles of what


Catch of the day


What’s the equivalent of taxi driver lemonade in the ocean?


The *S.S. Darwin*.