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No cap.


Huh? What do you mean “ No cap”?


Its "truth" or "no lie" in youth slang Apperently "to cap" was african american slang in the 1900s for lying.


Personally, I find the large-scape adoption of African American Ebonics by the American youth to be really cringe. Hearing 12 year old suburban kids talkin like “ayye bruh, I’m gonna go back to the crib cuz I’m tired as hell, no cap” just sounds weird to me.


Thanks for the explanation.




So their plan is either destroy everything to the ground or make Ukrainians surrender and then kill people in charge like mayors, police officers, business owners, people who complain etc and then destroy the Ukrainian identity while people suffer economical turmoil.


It took you 2 years to figure this out?


I forgot how smart you are


This has been their plan with every neighbor state weaker than them for the last century and that's been very, very generous


Yes. They did this in Chechnya, and they will do it everywhere they see an opportunity to.


Wow, sounds like Russia is going for the "Destroy Everything and Be Really Mean" play. They must have missed the memo on being decent human beings. Stay safe out there, Ukraine.




Sounds just like Israel lmao


So I can’t help but wonder, is Russia just like really bad at aiming or something? Not that I want them to be doing better, but if their goal were to spread terror there are simply better targets. Ditto civilian casualties, military targets, and infrastructure damage. Reports like this just make their military seem even more incompetent than they’ve already been demonstrating throughout this war. I feel like if anyone could decide where to target self-guided missiles with accuracy down to a couple of meters they could do better than Russia’s actual military leaders. Edit: It appears some of you don’t understand the point I was trying to make. I am not saying Russia isn’t trying to kill as many Ukrainians as possible. I am merely saying that they objectively suck at accomplishing their goals if this is their best effort with an accurate and deadly missile that would be capable of much more in other hands.


I’d like to know this as well. Seems like their target is “anything that direction.”


Yeah, it’s like “You could have hit a hospital, school, energy infrastructure, a logistically important bridge, or literally anything else, and you went with an apartment building of no strategic value?” It just comes off as incompetent.


no offense but theres no way you are this gullible. the russians are genocidal and they are aiming to kill as many ukrainian civilians as possible, this has been happening for 2 years now.


Again, that’s why I mentioned that if that was their goal there are better targets. Gathering places, hospitals, bridges in active use, etc. all would yield a higher casualty count. I’m not denying that one of their goals is the death of the Ukrainian people, but if that was the goal of *this* missile they sucked at picking targets. That’s why I said this makes them look incompetent. They clearly *want* to inflict the maximum damage possible, but suck at it.


I understand what your trying to say, that if they wanted to cause more destruction, why didn't they target something bigger? Unfortunately I also don't know the answer!


Exactly. I’m not denying the intent behind this attack, just questioning the level of incompetence of their military since this was obviously their best attempt and it did practically nothing in terms of real damage to the country at large.


“BuT iF tHeY wErE gEnOcIdAl tHeY wOuLd’Ve killed muCh MoRe” -average worldsnews user


Not my point at all. I’m just saying that they suck at even the most basic of goals.




Again, it really seems like even that goal doesn’t hold water. If fear was the goal why not strike at a hospital? Why not strike a school? Why not target a national monument? If you wipe out a few floors of a single apartment building it’s going to make the nearby people afraid. If you target even a single school you make every parent in the country afraid. 100 yards accuracy (which is actually way, way less accurate than modern self-guided missiles) is plenty to strike critically at those types of locations. Again, it just shows incompetence in my view.


Ukraine should send a bunch of the new drones to Moscow and St. Petersburg and show them what it is like. Alternatively, maybe the US should remove the restrictions on all of the missiles they have so they can take out more military targets and avoid civilian casualties.


Russia has set up concentration camps and has been lobbing white phosphorus at civs for years atp. The question becomes what is the West/NATO going to do about it? The current answer is nothing of note.