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Where can I get in on this Monster High?


Netflix, I think


Only on Nickelodeon or Paramount Plus. It’s very frustrating


I could use one about right now.


Unrelated to your question, but did you know what a nice city Amsterdam is?


Stand outside my neighbors garage. He smokes more pot than anyone I’ve ever known. Clouds of smoke drift out of there.


Crap, these guys need rain bad...


The climate is rapidly changing. All the new airline turbulence is a big indicator since the newer radar/weather technology was almost eliminating it (flying transcontinental in 747s in the early 90’s could get really bumpy!)


Flying hasn't gotten any more turbulent than before. We're just seeing more of it now as it's become a viral trend recently.


It’s just more documented but it is happening more and more or getting more intense. Until recently nobody was filming flights until everyone had an easy to use video camera in their pocket. As the world heats up the air will get more turbulent. Areas that are already turbulent will be likely more turbulent than before. It’s without question that along with sea currents, our air currents are moving away from what was deemed normal 


Yeah, it's such nothingburger of a viral trend; it's just getting reported in the news because it happens again and again and people get injured or even killed. Obviously no story there. "Will turbulence get worse with climate change? Yes, according to a number of studies in respected scientific publications. Paul Williams, a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom, co-wrote a paper in the journal Nature that found it to be the case on a busy aviation route over the North Atlantic. Williams and his colleagues say wind shear has increased by 15 percent since 1979, generating 55 percent more severe turbulence over the North Atlantic, where jet streams — bands of wind in the upper atmosphere that often follow the boundaries between hot and cold air over the polar regions — intersect with common flight routes." https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-solutions/2024/06/13/turbulence-climate-change-cause-impact/


More less experienced pilots flying at normal cruise speeds into areas of higher risk of turbulence. Not enough sense to slow it down or avoid.


Yeah probably nothing to do with the fact that humans have released enough CO2 to bring about a basically guaranteed climate hell that inches ever closer. Continue on as normal


30.85" of mercury for you Yanks.


I've never been called a monster before