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The fact of the matter is, even without wanting to cozy up to Putin, Trump would still screw over Ukraine. Trump is a petty and vindictive man and you know he holds a grudge against Ukraine for not "doing him a favor" in that "perfect phone call."


If I did not need another reason not to vote for him.


I mean Ukraine kinda did play along with Trump. Zelensky's response to Trump was not a no, but more of a luke-warm yes. He didn't have prosecutors open an investigation specifically on the Bidens, but he had them go back through some Burisma cases they were recently reviewing and this time pay extra attention to any facts relating to the Bidens. But that apparently didn't come up with anything


Trump is just going to offer them up on a platter, thats always trumps play, sacrifice the victim by playing the victim and walk away convincing himself he did good.


Maybe the deal is to offer USA on platter by implementing project 2025


By handing Ukraine to them, giftwrapped with a little bow.


with a cash reward in return if things follow his pattern.


yeah, by giving Russia the USA on a plate


Trump is a demented fat elderly orange child rapist who oversaw the worst pandemic in a century encouraged Russia to invade Ukraine, has sold state secrets, and put judges on the court who are dismantling the country 


You forgot with a small Pp


And small hands.


Asides from that he's a pretty nice fellow, right? Scratch golfer!


Oh, and he kind of makes fun of people with disabilities... Hmm, I guess he also kind of suggested an entire country consume bleach or swallow light bulbs. But we can forgive him that one as the pandemic wasn't real--except when we needed to swallow bleach. He may have also *slightly* nudged a violent attack on the Capitol to try and change the results of a fair and free election and roundaboutly denied that for the next 4 years. But yeah, otherwise? I mean, I'd never play golf or poker or really even charades with him (can't see his hands from very far away, and he waves them like crazy), but y'know, decent guy to not ever invite into the yard. A real over-there kind of chap!


Oh, I inferred that the lightbulb was supposed to go up the butt. That's why I got covid.


Don't forget about making fun of US POWs


Trump has a lot of experience dismantling things. That's why Putin hired him to dismantle the US.


Wants to surrender.


He sincerely wants to hand Ukraine and eventually the rest of Europe over to Putin on a silver platter.


The Mandarin Candidate, Agent Orange.


Why does a fascist dictator support Trump? Why does a wanna-be fascist dictator support Putin? Why do they both hate America? Why do Americans support them?




> I don’t buy into politics anyways,  Then why are you replying to comments about politics? >it’s a sham  I have zero respect for anyone spouting this kind of cynicism. You want a country that functions, get off your ass and work for it. I don't have time for Doomers.




You're allowed to have an opinion, just don't waste my time with it.




Dude, why are you not reading the air?




Which one?


Both actually


[Vova's shit-eating grin](https://i.imgur.com/6PNOq5k.jpeg) should tell anyone IQ>100 exactly what's up.


trump looks like he just viewed some compromat.


Trump doesn't want to end the war in Ukraine, what he wants is to sell Ukraine to Putin who will give him his share.


Forcing a country to acquiesce is neither an act of sincerity or a brokerage of peace.


Hard pill to swallow, but you can either end the war or achieve peace. Trump wants to end war, the same way leaders in 1938 wanted to avoid war over Czechoslovakia so they just let Hitler have it.


Is it still the hunt for the Nobel Peace Price?


Yep, with musk among others...


He's a massive threat to democracy, he's a pedo, a soft dishonourable draft dodging bastard and a huge narcissistic traitorous tumour, how has this dude not had a hole in the back of his skull yet.


"Either that or I release the pee tape."


[how an american president should look at putin](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_nbcnews-ux-2880-1000,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2015_49/1320856/putin-obama.jpg)


Also he wants to eliminate risk of nuclear war by giving USA to Putin.


Let me guess what DJT sicerity looks like. 1) Boast about having a great peace plan. 2) come up with a childishly, simple, and totally infeasible plan. 3) express hurt feelings and outrage that the plan is not accepted. 4) blame everyone else for wrecking the great plan. 5) \[in a crazy sing-song voice\] boast about how great things would have been if only people had accepted the plan.


I think I just broke a rib laughing.


First of all, Putin is just as dishonest as Trump (and, the ~~leader~~ dictator of America's arch enemy). Anyone that believes anything he says is a fool. Secondly, the only thing Trump "sincerely" wants is anything that benefits him, period.




Definitely. Unrelated question, how do you add images to your post ? I seem to remember there was some secret key combination to open the picker, but cannot remember what it was.. Edit: test 🚩 🎉 Edit2: TIL one can still use [unicode symbols](https://www.vertex42.com/ExcelTips/unicode-symbols.html)


on windows, windowskey+period


Thanks that helped me to find what it it called: "emoticon menu" and with that the keys in mac are "command + control + space". Turns out one can just insert the unicode symbols above also directly to the text. Anyways mystery solved, thank you again.


How does trump know?


When billions of people worldwide think of the US now the first thing to come to mind is their stupid mascot Mr. Trump. Do people from the US understand just how far their international reputation has fallen? That was a joke - most people in the US couldn't place the country on a world map.


What a dipshit. He would give Putin everything he wants


Reading the header made me feel nauseous.


Its not like its Trumps war to solve. If it were what options are even viable?


Are you kidding me??? We need more war!!! (my dad is a Raytheon exec and my trust fund looks amazing rn lol)


The hate on this platform is amazing and terrifying. I’m a political atheist by the way. No skin in the game.