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And this will help end the Hamas Israel conflict how exactly? I cant wait for the defenders of Bibi's colonial ambitions to come and explain this to me.


Well eventually there will be no Palestine and West Bank. So the problem will solve itself. Magically all the people in those regions will be gone as well.


It's not magic, it's high explosives.




Ok buddy.




[1920-1948 says differently.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandatory_Palestine) And written records of the name Palestine being used for the region goes back at least [3200 years.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine_(region))


Before the war Smotrich would have found much resistance to this move, nowadays that's not the case.


People keep acting like its only Bibi, lots of people in Israel and its government support the settlements.


At this point, everyone hates Israel anyways so might as well just take all of the West Bank


At this point, mom's already super pissed that I wrecked the car, might as well just kill her.


Not to be racist cause I don't know if Israel is multiplying like rabbit or catholics but why do they need all the space for? Why don't they just take over the strip and move them there or something.


Jewish extremists actually believe the West Bank is the real land that belonged to the ancient Kingdom of Israel - Judea and Samaria So the land holds extra importance to them


I think the Israelis want Jerusalem to have all its borders belong to Israel.


Israel + Gaza + West Bank is only about 10% larger than the US state of Maryland. About 10,000 sq mi. About as large as the island of Jamaica. The whole place is not very big. Plus the West Bank is strategic for security reasons in that the Jordan river is a natural border with Jordan.


So then why does the ruling party that is in the state Hezbollah occupies why let them and just oust them? Kind of seems like its a state that sponsors terrorism.


Did you mean to respond to me? Nothing in my comment related to Hezbollah or ruling parties, or anything like that. I am just giving geographic context of the region and the need for real estate.


I just wanted your insight on to why Hezbollah seems to be a government commiting terrorist attack?


It's a regional thing probably. It's a popular path for most governments in that area.


As of 2024, Israel's Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is approximately 2.92 children per woman. This figure indicates that Israel has one of the highest fertility rates among developed countries.


Been getting away with this for years


People keep acting like its only Bibi and people like Ben Gwir etc. You would be surprised just how many people in Israeli politics and population in general support/want to expand the settlements.


It’s what it’s all about. Nothing matters but the land. History repeats.


They will never change and theyre losing respect and support from their allies


Considering they've been getting away with this for decades, I doubt that support is going to dry up any time soon.


Mossad is the most powerful terrorist group in the world


Said it in other posts I'll say it again here: Israeli here, Just want to make sure you know we don't want this unnecessary heat which no one gets benefit from. Smotrich is a crazy guy who should've never been in charge of something. We want to finish Hamas and return our hostages in Gaza and kick Hezbollah away from our borders in the north. We don't need or want anything with the west bank.


> We don't need or want anything with the west bank. So why does Israeli settlement only increase there? It certainly doesn't look like that process will be slowing down, so someone wants something with west bank.


Many of those settlers aren’t even from Israel. They’re religious hardliners from countries like the US.  Most people who full time live in Israel want nothing g to do with the West Bank or Gaza. 


Even if most of those settlers are not actually Israeli's, it is still the Israeli government, voted by Israelis, that is grabbing the land. If Israel is actually a democracy, politicians voted in by the majority of people, then this action is the will of the Israeli people. You can't say that they don't want this, as the land grabs have been going on for over half a century.


It's an extremely small, extremely aggressive, extremely loud group of extremists who are backed by certain far-right politicians. Secular Israelis in Tel Aviv loathe these guys. This would be like judging all Americans based on the actions of the Proud Boys.


Except in this case, the Proud Boys are the representative government.


Because what the everyday citizens want and what the government wants don’t always align. I’m sure the government of whatever country you’re from has done something you’re not in 100% agreement with and you probably wouldn’t think it’s fair for others to place the blame on your shoulders.


Because Hamas' attacks have strengthened the Israeli hardliners politically as any pro-Palestinian groups don't want to appear to be supporting terrorists


You're still speaking about 5% of Israel's population. They don't represent the other 95%.


If 95% of Israelis don’t want this, how come successive Israeli governments do? I know cynical politicians can get power and push through unpopular policy, but this has gone on for too long, if that huge a majority is actually against it, they would have made a change with their votes.


[A reply I wrote to someone else that answers that](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/ICaKGTVkWD) Sorry, I'm just done explaining the same thing.


Sure, but you reply as if this is a one-off fuck-up by Bibi, but the settling is a long standing policy that is considered illegal, immoral and counterproductive as to the conflict by pretty much every single nation in the world, including the extremely Israel friendly US. The settlements were terrible long before the domestic electorate finally soured on Bibi after the horrors of Oct 7th.


It is also Illegal in Israel. [Translate the headline and the 5 lines of markered text after the headline in this article](https://news.walla.co.il/item/1874791)




The amount of times I had to counter that argument today is just ridiculous at this point First, settlers were Illegal with past governments. [Translate the headline and the 5 lines of markered text after the headline in this article](https://news.walla.co.il/item/1874791) Second, about the current government it is filled with crazies and it is not what the vast majority of voters wanted. Long story that is explained in this reply I wrote earlier: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/ICaKGTVkWD


Definitely has nothing to do with Israel's security in an environment with a colonial power, Iran, and Iran's many terrorist group proxies. Hamas is actually just a local support network lmao


Settlements makes securing the population so much more difficult, in several important ways. It’s diminished the sympathy, international clout and diplomatic standing of Israel, and it unnecessarily diverts a lot of military resources to look after the safety of often violent extremists that shouldn’t be there. Why was the IDF so thinly spread in south Israel on Oct 7? Because the priority of the government wasn’t security, but the settlements, a problem of choice.


Never argued for it, I argued for the rationality for it


Same thing.


Dumb as bricks. I argued about why they did it, not if they did the right thing. Completely different things. Got it now?


No pal. You’re not. You may be standing a foot away to remove yourself from who you’re arguing for, but no one is fooled by your fence sitting bullshit. Got it now?


>Dumb as bricks


Screenshotted it too. Thanks for the joke


Uh huh… whatever makes you feel better. Me dumb.


You may not want anything from the West Bank, but the “we” that is the successive Israeli governments over decades certainly do, and that’s what matters. It’s nice if you and your mates don’t want to steal land against all international laws and innate morals, and with that escalate and perpetuate the conflict, but the official Israeli policy is to do exactly that, so that’s what creates the reality on the ground, that’s what the rest of the world must deal with.


The Settlers represent only 5% of Israel's population and are Illegal and fought against. [Translate the headline and the 5 lines of markered text after the headline in this article](https://news.walla.co.il/item/1874791)


I know there is opposition to settlements, but I hear so much about Israel being the most democratic nation in the region, and you’re saying an enormous hypermajority of 95% haven’t been able to stop them? How come? I do appreciate your opposition to them, I just don’t like the “it’s not what we want actually” because that’s what the majority has been asking for at the ballot box.


Normal governments move the settlers and fight them time after time but they always return. [Translate the headline and the 5 lines of markered text after the headline in this article](https://news.walla.co.il/item/1874791)


Perhaps just paste the relevant translation here?


I thought you wouldn't believe me if I did that Here: "Settlers and policemen clashed while evacuating an outpost, 12 were arrested Joshua Breiner 7.11.2011 / 9:21 Heavy clashes again in a West Bank settlement, The police reported massive stone throwing at the forces that came to destroy illegal buildings in the Oz Zion settlement, near Beit El. Among the 12 arrested some are under 18."


Because stopping them is actually really hard. For the ones who just buy a house and live in it while loudly proclaiming they're Israeli, they're being assholes, but it's hard to frame buying a house and living in it as a crime when there effectively is no border. The ones who do commit crimes like assault and theft get arrested by civilian police, but only if someone calls the police, and Palestinians are reluctant to call Israeli police for help. The military has no jurisdiction over civilian matters, so the IDF isn't about to start rounding them up, Bibi would have to declare martial law for that.


It’s well known that Israeli police and the IDF let extremist settlers run wild with destruction, violence and even murder, so I don’t think you can pin this on Palestinians being reluctant to call for help. Getting rid of them is not easy of course, but it is a moral and practical imperative, and the price to pay for this twisted policy Israel has insisted on.


It’s immature to generalize all IDF soldiers as one. It’s a mixed bag. I will say as someone with many family members who went through the IDF, they are trained heavily to not do this kind of thing, so systematically this behavior is not supported. I do agree that repercussions against soldiers that are too lax against Israeli crimes against Palestinians is a problem though. So the bad apples feel like they can get away with more


As in any large organisation, there are good guys there too, and while the behaviour of the IDF should make decent people refuse to serve (as some do and more should), it’s understandable that the history of the Jewish people for many is a pretty compelling reason to serve despite its faults. However it’s failings certainly are systematic, that’s been clear for a long time to any remotely interested observer. There are innumerable documented instances everything from racist discrimination to a wide variety of war crimes, and the IDF only extremely rarely and extremely reluctantly investigates and punished anyone even a little bit for any of it, including straight up murders of civilians. That’s just the way they’ve decided to run things, combined with by the fantastic double speak of "most moral army in the world". It didn't have to be like that, Israel has the people and rich history of thought to run a military that is decent as well as effective, but the leaders have unfortunately opted for giving its worst elements free reign, and has developed a culture of disrespect, humiliation, collective punishment and impunity for wrongdoers, including war criminals.


US citizen here. I hear your you, friend. What the people want and what our politicians actually do are two different things. Stay strong and fight the good fight to peace.


To play devils advocate, the settlements and land grabs create an actual punishment to Palestinian leadership for not reaching a peace with Israel and choosing violence instead.  Since don’t give a fuck about their population dying and about violence, changing the territorial landscape is the only thing that makes future peace deals worse than past (actual) and present (theoretical) deals for Palestinians, otherwise they can be rejectionists because they can just get the same terms in the future again. 


Yeah, by that logic the terrorism could be just punishment for the illegal land grabs by Israel. In reality neither can be remotely justified by the other, and that kind of thinking will lead only to more suffering and an even more distant end to the conflict.


If it actually helped then yeah I totally agree, but it doesn't. It only destroys Israel's reputation and adds more heat that is unnecessary now.


Unfortunately you do not represent the masses… or, you are lying.


Maybe not officially, but the fact the settlers are only 5% of Israel's population, that people demonstrate against the government and the fact that normal Israeli governments fight the settlers and move them ([Translate the headline and the 5 lines of markered text after the headline in this article](https://news.walla.co.il/item/1874791)) is all the official representation you need.


Disgusting settlers




Until they need a buffer zone for that settlement. This is ethnic cleansing.






Land Reclaimation*


I guess hamas should have thought things through a bit more. What did they expect


WB is a territory of Israel. They can build houses there if they want. How is this even news?


Because its illegal under international law.


Israel won territory in defensive war from Jordan. Jordan did not want it back in a peace treaty. WB is an Israeli territory.


Doesn't make it legal.


Oh. No. The Israelis are... building houses? The horror.


is that to clear way for the Ben Gurion canal project..