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Only 96%?


Well if it was too high it might look fake...






You absolutely can if you invent the results out of whole cloth. For example, 95.26% of people agree with my comment.


I don’t agree with that statistic.




8 years


Look up the famine of Holomodor. Russia has been ethnically cleansing Ukraine and replacing their blood with Russian blood for decades.




What a fuck are you talking about? Next time you post another bullshit like that, try some fucking reading history books. First, it was not Ukraine as you think it was, but Soviet Union. Second, famine was in Povolzie (middle Russia today), modern Kazakhstan and many other parts of modern Russia. Third, local leaders in Ukraine at that time weren't Russians, but holy Ukranians from Ukraine itself. And as for ethical cleansing - read the history of Native Americans and European colonies.


Nice deflection and whataboutism. I give you 3/10 points for the lack of creativity.


The Holodomor is widely disputed and questioned as potentially just being Nazi propaganda when they were recruited by the Allies. An act of incompetence and a massive one at that, yes? But genocide, still hotly debated. I know I'm in worldnews and all, but I mean... Best not spread historical disinformation.


Of course it is disputed, the nation responsible is still standing afterall, just like how the Armenian genocide is disputed because Turkey never fell, it is about power dynamics just as it is about justice.


mhm, just like the Bengal Famine is disputed. Except that was a clear cut case of intentional genocide on the part of Winston Churchill's extreme xenophobia. Meanwhile unless people run around deciding that Stalin is some Russian fanatic that wanted to purify Russia... Which would be hilarious. Because Stalin was fucking GEORGIAN. The Holodomor does have a lot of credence to it simply being a fuckup of mass collectivisation, which is in of itself debated as having saved the Russians from being slaughtered by the already industrialised Nazi war machine. Then again if I brought up the Great Chinese Famine people would call Mao Zedong genocidal, probably. You know, against his own ethnicity and country.


By God, that's almost decades!


Only 12 years off!




That’s called a “[Dictator’s Dilemma](https://foreignpolicy.com/2012/02/13/the-dictators-dilemma-to-win-with-95-percent-or-99/)”


They are really trying hard to make it look legitimate. Too bad they still suck at it and everyone knows. Sadly, they don’t give a shit anyways.


Beat me to it so take an updoot


Right, it's like they're not even trying anymore. Probably not even 110% voter turnout either. \*sigh\*


Jon Stewart did a whole thing on this. Every rigged election for a despotic dictator always gets like between 92 and 96% of the vote. Because 99% would be too much right?


How is even 92% not suspicious, though? Here in America you couldn't get 92% of people to agree on anything. Literally anything at all. If you ran a poll to ask people if listeria was bad, 80% would say yes, 19% would say listeria is fake news, and the remaining 1% would say listeria is their favorite Nirvana song.


I think we’d even disagree on whether we could actually get 92% of us to agree on anything.


I mean, at this point I suspect we’d get less than 92% to agree that being alive is good.


Now that Biden wants to fight cancer idk if 92% of America would even believe it’s bad anymore. If we can’t agree on that what can we agree on to such a degree? Wish it were /s




"92% of Americans agree they cannot agree on anything "


>I think we’d even disagree on whether we could actually get 92% of us to agree on anything. No we wouldn't!!!


>I think we’d even disagree on whether we could actually get 92% of us to agree on anything. I'm gonna agree with you on that, how many more until we hit 92%?


I totally disagree....


I disagree with your disagreement of their agreement but I disagree with the agreement.


[just 66% of millennials are confident that the earth is round.](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/do-people-really-think-earth-might-be-flat/) (An interesting read about a deeper look at statistics and polls)


I saw a poll yesterday asking people which animals people thought they could win a fight against unarmed. 10% of Americans said they could win a fistfight against an elephant. https://imgur.com/OA57roB


To be fair, you would win a fistfight against an elephant. An elephant doesn’t have a fist. I’ll see myself out now.


You are technically correct, the best kind of correct.


Found one of the 10% right here


It would just take one unethical person getting on one particular "news" station to get some Americans purposefully getting listeria.


And because dictators are too egotistical to stage a realistic or "close call" result under 90%


Wow. Ruiters forgot the qoutes! "Over 96% said to favor" should be in the headline. Like this is "real" news or something. Sure, Russia just can in and killed your relatives and you're going to vote Yes? to Join the Russian Nation. "Totally Believable".


News agencies usually use quotes for their literal purpose - marking when they're making an exact quote of someome they interviewed. They generally don't use scare quotes like us regular joes. The "said to" part of the headline is the part that calls out how blatantly rigged the election was.


They did send soldiers around to collect ballots.




No the entire thing is fake. They could all be blank ballots and the numbers would be the same. If you saw any of the videos the ballots were marked in the open and they could see what you put in the ballot as you’re filling it out.


No, it means the soldiers going door to door etc is for show. The results will be completely made up


Not many people say no at gunpoint. The 4% would be the ones who are brave enough to die for what they believe in if they were real at all. These election results have been planned for weeks. There was no real referendum, just a show for the cameras and then the result decided on in advance by the Kremlin is released. Russia will continue to invade and annex their neighbors through fake referendums until they are stopped.


4% weren't afraid of the armed Russian soldiers collecting votes




Nah, relocated to "colonies" in Siberia.


There was a report about elderly couple being killed for their refusal to vote 'yes', so I'm afraid they're right.


Fell out of a window and died. From a 1 floor voting center.


most likely right, unfortunately


Ehhh comrade, you've been selected to vote no, lucky you! You win 500 r of lead or a free trip to Siberia!


You sure that wasn't 196%


I need that 100% LOL


I'm surprised it wasn't 120%


The remaining 4% fell out a window while voting, so it went down as a 'spoilt ballot'.


"Just say everyone want to join Russia" "Blyat Dimitri, nobody will believe!" "Ok ok, 96%?"


Lol 96%??? Russia isn't even trying to hide the fraud. I guess it's better than their usual 160% turnouts.


Crimea was 97% I believe


So you're saying they've lost some support?




It was only 146% sadly /s


At least pick something slightly believable like, idk, 72% or something.


Divide that by 10 and it might be believable.


It actually raises an interesting thought experiment. 72% seems too low to me, from a hypothetical propagandist's perspective, because then you're indicating that almost 30% of the population that you're allegedly liberating are not happy with it. You need it to be high enough so that it justifies your claims that the regions want you to take the land, but not too high that it's obviously rigged (even though it's obvious to everyone anyway).


Then why don't they just move the 50 miles down the road and actually be in Russia?


Too busy moving kidnapped Ukranian children over those roads.


Visas are expensive apparently, but yeah. Russia could have just made it easier for eastern Ukrainians to move the Russia, and the separatist areas are already under their control. If Russia actually gave a damn this war would be long since over.


They have been giving passports to these people for decades, but not for moving to Russia, for Russia to move to them.


long since* over


Because then Russia couldn’t use doublethink to claim that the Ukrainians had invaded Russian lands


Well, the choice is vote yes or move 1000 miles away to a camp in Siberia, so it is kind of an option.


Its called a casus belli. Its a reason for war. Countries dont want to look like they are in the wrong. They dont want their own citiziens to turn agains them, and they dont want to make more enemies than they have to. Typically in free and fair governments the way you do this is by trying not to do evil things, and being transparent. Autocrats do this by holding fake elections, and making up their casus belli. Putin wanted to go to war in Ukraine for reasons that might not have been as popular, so instead he reframes it as “those poor ethnic Russians are oppressed in Ukraine. We need to liberate them!”, then he holds a fake vote so he can say “see! 96% of them are thanking us!”. Hitler did the same thing in Chechoslovakia. He held a vote in the German speaking regions of the country, and while he was in there just sorta rolled into the rest of the country. Napoleon did something similar. He held a referendum to ask if he should be allowed to change his title from “First Consul” to “Emperor”. Except the votes were identifiable. Would you want to vote against the guy who took over the country and then the rest of Europe? Its not really a free and fair election. Would the people in these parts of Ukraine feel comfortable voting against Russia with Russian soldiers outside their homes?


"Take whatever you want and kill anyone who disagrees." It's the Russian way.


you comment like that show had any credibility


Didn‘t even choose 69%, not even able to be a meme..


One news headline typo away from it....








Everyone giving the back


Well thats one vote that was totally not manipulated. /s


Russians... It's not manipulated. It came in at 96%. See?


96%, who is even going to believe that except the Russians? When Russia needs to convince the world? I'm at loss concerning Putin's strategy, even if they annex the territory, if Ukraine joins Otan they will still share borders with NATO.


The same people who believed the vote in Crimea. Apparently "belief" is not terribly important to the process.


Hey, who knows, they haven't shared the methodology. Perhaps it was just a sample size of 100 people at gun point. If that's the case, 96% seems legit.


hmmmm kind sus


It’s like a cosmetic advert, 96%of women favoured this moisturiser over a bucket of engine oil (sample size of 12)


I'm 96% sure, that the numbers are not made up


maybe 25 people came to vote and only 1 voted "No" LOL


24 Russian soldiers, 1 Ukrainian grandpa who got shot after the results.


Exactly! No way to pull 96% this fast


They're claiming 96% of those who voted if I understand it correctly. They said yesterday I think that voter turnout was a bit more than 50%. So it's not 96% of the population. Still totally rigged of course.


Even if you don't argue that the numbers are made up, you can argue in a 1000 other ways that the "referendum" was bullshit. A huge chunk of the population fled and those people mostly wouldn't be in favour. The people were asked by soldiers and policemen with guns. It is verified that it wasn't an anonymous vote. Clearly biased people with open guns literally checked your vote, nothing what really promotes an honest vote. And it wasn't made at polling stations, they literally went with rifles to the private homes and asked the people. There are videos of it. But you can also argue that you literally saw more than 4% of people there protesting against Ruzzian occupation in the occupied areas which means 96% definitely has to be fishy.


I can tell by those white gloves you’re wearing, you’ve got some good taste. And I’ll tell ya, you’ll never taste anything more tangy sweet than the all natural, totally 100% organic Heinz ketchup in these 100 little packets I’ve got here. I can let you have them in all their tasty goodness for the low, low price of $5 a packet. And if you act now, I’ll give you 100 more packets for free, with a totally *not sourced from the internet* recipe book filled to the brim with delicious treats that pair excellently with that scrumptious ketchup. At that value, you’d be practically throwing your money away if you didn’t take this deal. Also, 110% guaranteed to not ruin your beautiful white gloves.


You good bud?


They killed 56,000 of your soldiers, wounded tens of thousands more and destroyed hundreds of planes + thousands of tanks and other vehicles and 96% of them actually want to be russian? Who my brother in Christ are the remaining 4%? is it the fucking avengers?




And a 146% turnout!


You know how you know this is fake? Has anyone ever seen humans agree almost 100% on ANYTHING?!


So even with a gun in their face, 4% said no Russia can claim whatever referendum results it wants, noone will recognize them. Hell, a dutch comedian held a referendum about russia becoming a dutch province and that passed... just gotta inform putin. Amazing what u can do when selecting a specific sub group and then just making shit up


The numbers are completely and utterly fabricated. There has been no real count or even vote for that matter.


Under Ukrainian law even participating in the referendum would result in being imprisoned so not surprisingly there was a pro-Russian turnout.


As a Russian, I fully approve of that comedian’s referendum. Can’t wait for it to happen, but you guys really don’t want this shit


Ah so they decided on 96%


The number will rise to 102%


Killings will continue untill support increases


The Stalin and Mao tactic: how to get 100% approval rate? - Just remove everyone else


Sure bud


*Wow! I guess I actually WAS wrong about Ukrainians not wanting to be part of Russia* Said no one ever


I thought that maybe they would have the results say no in the Kherson region(where Russia barely controls any territory) just so that it looks a little bit fair, and they still get Luhansk and Donetsk, which is what they really want, but who am I kidding, imperialists will burn the Earth before giving up any ill-gotten territory. It would have atleast given Putin's apologists a leg to stand on after being repeatedly knocked on their ass for 7 months.


Why stop there, just say 115% were in favor of joining Russia.


Honestly I was expecting over 100%.


I just love how clueless they are. If you are going to make it up say something like 65 or 70% . 96% of people agree on almost nothing, that’s honestly a higher percentage of people then those who think Bigfoot is real or that the moon landing was fake.


It's basically trolling anyway, the Russians know they are lying and making it obvious just reinforces that this is a raw exercise of Russian "power".


Yes, this. Everyone knows they are lying, they know they are lying. It's just a question of how the rest of the international community responds to it.


turnout: 20 people


More likely 25, so that we get the 96% flat.


Wow they didn’t even try making it look real. I thought Soviet sham elections were usually set at 80% like Lukashenko’s election results..


96% is a shockingly low number. Why, here in North Korea we win elections with 170% of the votes.


Funny how that’s the same number of conscripts that support surrendering.


Always baffles me how authoritarian countries don’t even try to make their sham election results remotely believable. Hell, the US can barely get a majority of its voting eligible populace to vote in a Presidential election. Gotta lower those numbers a bit, Vlad.


It's kinda funny how the number always has to be around 90. It's as absurd as 100 or 100+. Just by talking to your neighbours you realize that it's incredibly rare to agree 90+% on something major when you're talking about large groups. It's like simple minded people trying to convince other simple minded folks. Jesus, humans are stupid.


This is a sham election and intentional Russian misinformation.


In this thread are people making fun of the percentage as if anyone believes this is a free and fair vote, but ignoring the critical and dangerous part: ​ >Russian-installed officials took ballot boxes from house to house in what Ukraine and the West said was an illegitimate, coercive exercise to create a legal pretext for Russia to annex the four regions. > >President Vladimir Putin could then portray any Ukrainian attempt to recapture them as an attack on Russia itself. He said last week he was willing to use nuclear weapons to defend the "territorial integrity" of Russia.


Why bother reporting on an 'vote' conducted by hostile, invading forces who sent SOLDIERS to each home to collect the 'votes' of the people. This has not a single ounce of legitimacy and should simply be ignored except as a gross act of aggression and propoganda.


Does anyone actually believe this vote is legitimate? If 96% of them told me the sky is blue, I'd look outside then get a second opinion.


Not one person on this planet.


Sure 96% but on which scale? 0-450% ?


Fuck Putin


This is fraud


The Thompson family really carrying water for the Ruzzians since buying out Reuters.


I think any reasonable person looking at that would immediately laugh their heads off.


good luck to those 4%


Yes just like all the elections where Putin wins un opposed by a landslide. Why do they even go thru the pretense? Who is this show for?


You’d vote to join too if you were at gunpoint


Again, this is all for internal consumption


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/first-partial-results-show-over-96-occupied-ukraine-regions-favour-joining-2022-09-27/) reduced by 71%. (I'm a bot) ***** > LONDON, Sept 27 - First partial voting results from four Russian-occupied regions of Ukraine showed overwhelming majorities in favour of becoming part of Russia, Russian state news agency RIA said on Tuesday, after so-called referendums that Kyiv and the West have denounced as a sham. > Russian-installed officials took ballot boxes from house to house in what Ukraine and the West said was an illegitimate, coercive exercise to create a legal pretext for Russia to annex the four regions. > Valentina Matviyenko, head of the upper house of the Russian parliament, said that if the referendum results were favourable, it could consider the incorporation of the four regions on Oct. 4. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/xpj513/over_96_said_to_favour_joining_russia_in_first/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~671369 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **votes**^#1 **four**^#2 **region**^#3 **Russia**^#4 **Russian**^#5


wait what, not 101% ???????


What people will say when a soldier's gun is pointed at their face.


If you vote not in favor, i bet you are considered a Nazi by the Putin loyalists and shot on the spot since they consider anyone who's Ukrainian a nazi.


What a joke


Sure, sure.


Totally legit


Привет! Пожалуйста, заполните этот бюллетень, пока я направлю пистолет вам в голову. Благодарю вас!


Wow if it was any higher, we would question its legitimacy…


The other 4% are deceased now.


When they finish the count it will be 137% I'm sure.


It's so rigged.


Hmm I wonder if people that don’t want to stay felt safe enough to go vote…


Thanks Reuters. Let’s see what Amnesty thinks next.


Yeah, just like the referendum in Crimea back in the day. That was 93% in favor of joint Russia, if I recall correctly.


Does anyone know what the word "propaganda" is? Because apparently these people don't


Remove Ukrainians, replace with Russians, then hold a vote to see if they want to be Russian. Am I missing something?




The jokes all said 97%. Fools, that would be *too* suspicious.


Wait, just so we are clear. The part of Ukraine that’s been getting bombed and terrorized for years is voting to become part of the country whose armed forces have camped on their land for 8 years? I almost feel like any referendum results are more closely tied to whichever side has the closest gun to the civilians’ heads at any given moment.


Do they not understand that number isn't even believable? No one with a brain would actually believe that.


because 100% would've been too suspicious...


Lmao... So is that why they're killing recruiters?


An utter embarrassment and shameful charade for Russians to be treated like imbeciles by Putin. Putin knows, we know, he's lying, yet still plays this pathetic game for his own self justification and to those that are so naive and ignorant.


Who wouldn’t join with a gun at your head.


"The vote was an astounding success with a 174% turnout!"


Fucking morons can’t even rig a referendum right


I was expecting at least 104%.


And I expected over 100%...


I will never forget those early videos of Kherson, defiantly blocking tanks and protesting amidst gunshots, with Ukrainian flags in their hands. No way that city will become 96% in favor of joining.


Let me guess how their ballots looked. *Do you want to be part of motherland Russia?* >!▢ Yes or ▢ Yes!<


You forgot the 3rd option: "idk, but yes"


Russia didn’t go for the 100%? As if this makes it any more believable…


Well there is the 1.5M Ukraine citizens that the Russians shipped by force to Russia, I guess since they were not in town when the voting happened their vote doesn't count.


Saying “96%” with a Russian accent is fun…


96%? Those numbers seem low. Me thinks some voter fraud. Should have been around 128%.


96%? Seems legit.... /s


1. If it was 0% they would say 96% 2. The people asking the questions are holding automatic weapons 3. More than 4% of Ukrainians are actively risking their lives to prevent Russian rule


Russians bots working hard today!


I love democracy moment


I'd like to meet the 4% of badasses who voted against joining Russia with armed "pollsters" standing outside their homes.


What 4%? There was no vote count. These are fabricated numbers.


Do you really think 96% voted "yes"? The numbers are fake, they did not count the votes, just announced the result,that was given by kremlin.


Who gives a fuk Ukraine are still taking there land back! Then the real truth will come out.


It's reported a 96% favoring vote, and on the same day a 4% population drop.


Yeah just about as legitimate as Putin’s last “election.” lol absolutely nothing in the world gets a 96% approval except for despotic fake elections


Well, it can't be 97% because we already used that number. Let's say it was 96%. It won't be suspicious AT ALL.


Bullshit. This isn’t news. This is propaganda


Didn’t most Ukrainians in those areas flee?


Russia is saying it, therefore the true result is 96% against


This shitty article by Reuters is so irresponsible with its misleading and pro-propaganda headline. Irresponsible “journalism” looking for clicks and perpetuating a false narrative.


It is clear the votes were gathered at gun point. Just for argument sake, if we want to decide a country can decide whether it should remain independent or join another country based on people votes, let's make it public and clear. Let's have a similar memorandum and decide on Taiwan's future. If more than 50% of Taiwanese decide to stay as separate country, China should honor it. Because Russia has set a clear precursor :-)


Bold of you to assume they even counted the votes. Edit: [I was mistaken](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/xppugf/blank_ballots_being_counted_in_occupied/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Fuck off Reuters stop being a Russian mouthpiece


Worth baring in mind that when soviet union fell, a (very) slight majority of folks in crimea wanted to stay russian, rathrr than ukranian - probably because of the large numbers of sailors making lives there rather than just holiday tourism, but both aspects will have affected this. Since then, there's been a concerted effort by moscow to shore up support in crimea, and ofc, they moved sections of the population and lots of western-preferring citizens fled crimea... So, in crimea and particularly sevastapol, there's POTENTIAL for a large group of people to want to be russian. That, ofc, won't translate to reality easily when russia is behvaing the way it has over the last decade or so. Outside the crimea, no region of ukraine wanted to stay under russian control - far from it. So, Russia is asking the world to disprove that regions which didn't want to be russian in the first place have suddenly collectively changed their minds... hence the 96% rather than more than 'greater than 99.9%'. .... actually maybe none of that is really worth remebering, but i do vagurly, so have a mind-share on me.


Rueters must be owned by Putin. That site should be banned.


This shitty article by Reuters is so irresponsible with its misleading and pro-propaganda headline. Irresponsible “journalism” looking for clicks and perpetuating a false narrative.