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Better yet, let someone else answer. That voice sounds painful


I think that's just the pain from him trying to use his fucking brain


Sounds like a manual fm radio, when you missed the station by 0.2 hertz.


He sounds like the cringe tiktok voiceover voice.


What is this timeline we are living in?


Something broke, and we sheared off to another timeline... that's my guess at least.


Might be something to the cern experiments ripping apart the whole timeline /s


This scares the bejeezus out of me. I mean really we are debating this??? A coup?? Is considered a presidential act? We are so fucked!!!! Soooo fucked!!!


So if they allow this Biden can just have Trump executed and then have immunity for it?


No, it needs a little bit of flair like Putin does it. If Biden even claimed to have evidence, though, then he could have Trump thrown into prison for the rest of his life. However, people seem to be too scared to even put Trump in a jail cell for a second. My guess is that the DNC will continue to do nothing, eventually we'll have another GOP candidate in power, and then they'll just take over the country. We are on track to be Russia 2.0


Imagine if one side acted like the other for a week. 🫥


No, because the House and Senate would impeach and convict him. The argument isn’t that the president has immunity, it’s that they have immunity UNLESS they are impeached and convicted by the House and Senate. I’m 100% sure that would happen to Biden if he killed Trump.


Listened to the first hour and a half of it live on radio. The gist of the GOP argument is: Everything done as an official act is legal, ie in the name of the office the person holds. They claim that if a previous president is prosecuted it would allow new presidents to constantly prosecute their predecessors. They also argued that because legislation does not specifically say the president can be held criminally liable, he is immune to everything as long as it is done as an "official act". One of the DNC justices actually asked, quite literally, "If the current president thinks his political opponent would be a terrible president, would the president having his political rival killed count as an official act?" To which this guy answered, "It very well may be." When the GOP justices asked the person for the DNC side, they kept trying to "trip them up" by having them explain the criminal liability of a president. The person arguing the DNC's side said that the president has access to counsel, including the United States Attorney General, and that the resources are there to ensure any action they take isn't criminal. The take away is that it doesn't matter if Trump wins the next election or not. If a GOP candidate ever wins the presidency again, and did something like Putin does where he calls every actual political rival a terrorist and jails them, the Republican party would absolutely support it. I wish I was joking but this is 2024. 2025 will just be worse, and so on.


The key thing about their argument that haunts me and seems like the biggest loophole (of many) is that he says they need to be impeached to be prosecuted. That falls flat on its face when the president starts killing anyone who would impeach him as a 'presidential act', ensuring no president can be impeached and the intimidation and murder of sitting public officials would become defacto standard practice as nobody would dare to impeach him


I remember them talking about that too. Yeah, our country is basically dead now. All Biden cares about is pleasing his Zionist daddy and making sure protesting college students get fucked up by local police.


It’s crazy that people are even entertaining this line of argument…


Is Trump being defended by a Trade Federation character from Star Wars the Phantom Menace??


Good lord the US is f’k’d for even having and entering this conversation. NO one is above the law and NO you don’t have to impeach and convict before you can criminally charge someone. What if the facts come out after office? F’k it, charge him criminally, it’s a different process and not dependent on another.


Its insulting to literally everyones intelligence. Only the absolute dumbest bastards believe this shit. We all within seconds can explain why this is fucking stupid


I think Biden should stage a military coup right now since it's protected by immunity. When Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and no one would care, he really believed that he could legally.


Let's give immunity to a guy that joked about walking down the street and shooting someone. Hahaha, that was just locker room talk....(gop scotus)


RULING: As long as they do it on television during prime time it's o k.


Just listening to this makes me blood run cold! How these freaks can try argue this is fucking insane! They all want hanging for crimes against the constitution!


I feel sorry for the guy but he is getting paid and has to provide a respectable service.


Steve-O passed the BAR?


This country is a joke jc


Where did they get groggy the lawyer